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    The Best of Copyblogger in 2007

    The Best of Copyblogger in 2007

    Reader Comments (67)

    1. Nice blog and nice design. I am a subscriber long time ago and I see your blog growing daily. BTW do you want to exchange links with me? Hahaha, just joaking.

      Kid Expert

    2. Thanks for this end of the year “wrap-up,” Brian. And also I want to thank you for all of your luscious and informationally-rich posts. I am in your “Teaching Sells” program and I am so excited to begin implementing the techniques. I wish everyone the best in their blogging career in ’08!

      Sincerely, Lucy

    3. Gotta love the best of … year lists 🙂

      I’m quite new to Copyblogger so this is a great page for people like me to start from.

      Thx for the list.

    4. This is great, it’s like a whole little blogging tutorial all wrapped up. You ought to create an ILE with it.


      I’m shocked and dismayed that you would try to go a year without using the word kerfluffle, though.

    5. Ah… smart move! The thing about blogging is the good posts tend to be hidden away after some time due to the constant updating.

      It’s good to bring them up for mention so that readers who have missed them can access them easily. I think I’ll just do that for my blog too. Thanks for the idea Brian!

    6. I enjoy reading copyblogger.com over a year now and learned a lot from it. The most recent example is your Best of 2007 list, I shamefully had to adapt/copyblog it and publish my own one. 😉

      Happy New Year!

    7. Hi Brian

      Looks you had a full 2007 😉
      Perhaps your post should be entered to the latest Middle Zone Musings Group writing project: What I learned from 2007? at my dear (turtle) friend Robert Hruzek blog?

      Looking forward to 2008 and more time to learn from/with Teaching Sells

      Karin H. (Keep It Simple Sweetheart, specially in business)

    8. It’s amazing how you manage to keep on writing such amazing content. Your blog is a goldmine for aspiring writers worldwide. Thanks for 2007, and looking forward to 2008!

    9. Great site. I’ve altered the way I write my headlines a bit based on some of the articles I’ve read here on Copyblogger.

      Your site is becoming a must-read. Keep it up.

    10. Thank you so MUCH for this round-up of articles. I’m fairly new to blogging, and you just presented me with a crash course of study. I love when I don’t have to re-invent the wheel! I’ve sold 35 books, but writing books and writing a blog are not the same thing, I’m finding! This one “best of 2007” post will be a real education.

      Kristi Holl

    11. Tks Brian for the genius idea of doing a best for 2007. just did mine, and it felt really good to review what was done for the entire 2007. hmm.. we should do it for our life too 😉

    12. Great goal you have achievement of 2007 I will do goal setting this coming new year, 2008.

      thanks a lot

      to your advance success 2008,
      Tracy ho

    13. Well, you’ve got the coolest readers around, only because you’re the coolest blogger in town. I always dreamed of being a writer and copyblogger is one huge resource which has got me back to writing.

      Thank you so much. Copyblogger is making a difference to our lives.

      Arif Vakil
      Bangalore, India

    14. Still my favourite blog Brian, but with a host of bloggers learning from you, it’s not that much of a longshot to number 2.

      Consider it a compliment!

    15. Wish you a very Happy & Prosperous New Year, Brian!
      I thank you for the comprehensive list of great posts from your enriching blog. I can’t thank you enough for the wealth of information you divulge to the benefit of all of us. I like to thank you and wish you and all the bloggers a prosperous and successful new year!

    16. Great article as always, I’ve read a lot of these posts but a few of them i have missed so look forward to catching up in 2008.

      Happy New year Brian and Fellow Copybloggers!

    17. Brian,

      Came across copyblogger this morning. happy to learn how social marketing works. looking forward to read more.

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