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    Attraction Content: The Foundation of a Smart Content Marketing Strategy

    Attraction Content: The Foundation of a Smart Content Marketing Strategy

    Reader Comments (19)

    1. One question about attraction content. I have two pieces of attraction content that are doing very well relative to the site as a whole. One receives over 2/3 of the total traffic on the site, ranks very well in search engines, and has been linked to by some popular and well respected sites in the industry. The other receives about 1/2 of the remaining traffic, ranks reasonably well in search engines, and recently picked up a very important link as a go to tool from one of the biggest players in the industry (and has been growing in popularity by leaps and bounds since).

      However, I’m having a lot of trouble getting people to explore beyond these two pieces of content. I’ve tried internal ads, I’ve tried recommended content types of internal links, I’ve tried newsletter sign up forms and. I know these two pages have to be the beginning of something very good but I can’t figure out how to get people to move on beyond these to explore the rest of the site, subscribe to the newsletter at a decent rate, or do anything else that would get me closer to a sale.

      This is a long way of saying how do I get people to move beyond this attraction content to become newsletter subscribers, explore the blog, or otherwise become regular visitors and/or potential customers? I feel like I’m missing a huge opportunity but I don’t know how to take advantage of it.

      • Hey Ryan, great question. Do you mind sharing the links to those two articles? Without seeing them, though, my hunch is that the articles are too broad, not focused on the right target. Kind of like the same problem we had with the grammar goofs inforgraphic. Conversion boils down to 3 things: the copy, the offer, the list (in other words, the audience). If the copy and offer is good but you are still not moving people down the funnel, then you are attracting the wrong type of people. That’s my hunch without seeing the actual articles. I’d love to look at them.

        • Hi Demian,

          Thank you for taking the time to respond and consider my dilemma.

          These are more tools than articles. Maybe that’s part of my issue?

          The big one is here: http://www.hillrunner.com/training/tmillchart.php

          The second one is here: http://calculators.hillrunner.com/raceconversion.php

          I’ve been mixing in Google ads with my internal ads at a 3:1 ratio. Maybe that’s a bad idea but I needed to find some way to monetize this. I probably also need a lot of work on the landing page but I’m not even getting clicks so the landing page isn’t even being seen.

          Again, I appreciate you taking some time to consider this.


          • Yep, you lack a good offer.

            Those are great tools and you are probably attracting the right audience, but what are you offering them to stick around?

            • Thank you for the thought. I’ve been thinking about an offer to extend for newsletter subscribers. I’ll have to focus my efforts in that direction. I should also play up what is offered within the services I advertise internally and play those up better.

              I never expected such a personalized response. I was just hoping for some good general guidelines. Thank you so much. I have some work to do!

              Also, thank you for this series. As you can tell, it definitely has me thinking.

    2. Thanks, again Demian! You’re my favorite. Did I just say that?

      Anyways, loving this series….it’s so helpful to break content down into it’s various types. Can’t wait for more.

      And thanks for the myriad examples!

    3. 15+ open tabs later (all stemming from this article), I realized that once again I’d fallen into the Copyblogger rabbit hole.

    4. Hi Demian,

      This series is great. Really helpful to break down what these four types of content are all about, and I appreciate your work here. Looking forward to the next three.

      This reminds me of a content piece I did a couple of years ago. BYOB was only 6 months old, and what I did was had a cartoon illustrated for a satirical look at the Red Bull slogan. [link to it is in my name for those interested.]

      The results played out pretty close to what you described. Traffic was particularly good from 9gag dot com. Didn’t convert much, although it did bring attention and who knows how many sales it lead to later on, after some folks saw the site and recalled it. Or subscribed to the newsletter.

      Today’s article is making me relook at Attraction content and consider your advice of maybe once or twice a month. I’m leaning toward once a month.

      Chief, you’ve over delivered again today…can you keep it up?

      Oh please. We all know the answer to that.

      Happy Tuesday,


      • Can I keep it up? Well, we have the rest of the week to see. Thanks for swinging by, chief.

    5. Hello Demian.

      Once again, you’ve blew my mind with this post by sharing the types of attraction contents.

      I really find it relevant, useful and educative.

      Thanks a lot.

      You are the man!

    6. Oh yes…

      That distinction and examples are good. Loved them.

      Attraction content is the fuel of new blogs. Without them, they won’t see the growth. Breaking down everything, I see attraction content as the most viable source of traffic and link’s.

      Stay awesome buddy.

    7. I feel like the value of “bad traffic” (meaning unrelated content) is decreasing pretty steeply since search engines appear to be prioritizing topical relevance more than link count.

      I suppose the next big challenge would be to figure out how to make traditionally boring topics into “attraction content”.

    8. Hi. Excellent series! I love it!

      I’m working with content marketing in videos and I publish a new tip every day. How many times you think i should publish attraction content per week?

      Tks a lot!

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