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    The Best of Copyblogger: 2016 Edition

    The Best of Copyblogger: 2016 Edition

    Reader Comments (6)

    1. The term Content Marketing is too easily confused with advertising.

      The difference is one builds an audience, and one borrows an audience. right?

      That’s why I prefer “Audience Development”, which is already a term used at some media companies.

      But hey, I’ll call myself a Content Marketer until jobs stop hiring me!

    2. I love your point about being bold and that your competitors are all chickens.

      Having your own unique voice is absolutely crucial today as we get pounded down with more content, more information, more media at a rate of speed that can break gravitational pull.

      The other part of that equation is that your voice has to be authentic. A hybrid, synthetic, genetically modified voice not only is obvious but it will repel readers in massive herds.

    3. So honoured to see two of my posts in such a distinguished list. I can go die happy now Sonia xx

      Looking forward to hearing about the new direction for 2017!

    4. Hey Sonia,

      During my blogging journey, I have read many articles which have their own quality. I am glad to see the list.

      I have read the article by Henneke. She is an amazing writer with variations in her thoughts.

      Thanks for sharing with us.


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