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    3 Simple Models for Building an Audience with Storytelling

    3 Simple Models for Building an Audience with Storytelling

    Reader Comments (14)

    1. Hi Kelton, I loved this one – Keep your exclamation points under control. I have a few contributor and ghost writers that tend to use a lot of them and I’ve had to cut a few. I did it naturally not knowing my reasoning behind it but you clarified that for me here, thank you!
      I was happy to also read to “not go into great detail and skip the part that readers won’t read.” I tend to me a short and sweet writer but I do need to get better with telling stories. This post was very helpful. Thank you Kelton!

    2. This probably is the best article on Storytelling I’ve ever came across; excellent work, buddy!

      The only thing that keeps annoying me is this “said” thing; it’s such a weak verb that doesn’t transmit anything and I keep seeing writers such as R.R. Martin breaking this rule…

    3. Great post Kelton. As a copywriter and author, I know exactly how powerful storytelling can be. How it can alter lives and alter people’s perceptions. Thanks for sharing.

    4. Awesome post, Kelton! With all the talking about “movie studio model” and “TV producer model”, it got me wondering whether one could do storytelling just like a TV series on a blog… if you know what I mean 🙂

      Writing a movie’s story is difficult, writing a good series of stories is even more difficult. But if you do it well you can keep getting people back for more, which is really powerful.

      • Absolutely, I think the takeaway for the TV Studio model is the condensed algorithm for each chapter, remembering that your reader is the hero. Cheers –

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