6 Elements of a “Sticky” Pinterest Campaign

6 Elements of a “Sticky” Pinterest Campaign

Reader Comments (41)

  1. Sometimes in our attempts to be “outside of the box” and different we forget that there is nothing wrong with simple. Different doesn’t mean complicated. The best ideas don’t require a ton of explanation or support–they stand on their own two feet.

    • Agreed, Nick – the simplicity stickiness characteristic is one of my favorites. And one that I think is most often forgotten!

  2. Great analogy and the way you put it referring Limbaugh’s show.

    Pinterest can be used to produce great results and if there is an idea like in this article, then go for it and see if it takes off.

  3. Good reminder about sticky ideas! You don’t have to bang your head against the wall. Just keep your finger on the pulse of what folks are tuning into and you’ll have a couple of sticky ideas in no time.


    I haven’t dabbled in Pinterest mainly because I don’t many people who use it, and I know you have to be invited to use the site. This is an interesting concept about Pinterest. Of course, you could request an invite. But I haven’t done this because I’m a freelance writer and I’m still unsure if Pinterest could work for me.

  4. Excellent example of using the “Sticky Six” Beth.

    Like you say, it’s not always possible to check all six when applying them to a promo or copy assignment. But it really pays off if you can nail two or three.

    It’s a useful process to try and implement them at the planning stages of any project that needs to ‘stick’…

    Especially to close the gap between what *you* think should be included and what the reader needs to understand your point.

  5. Extremely informative and useful post. I always appreciate a case study.

    It seems like simple ideas can often come from thinking about what would be useful to yourself. “I wonder just how many advertisers *have* dumped Limbaugh?” Instead of making a list on a notepad, use a public venue like Pinterest where everyone can benefit from it!

    • Hi Kirsten – yeah, that is one of the reasons I liked this board. ThinkProgress also created a follow-up board that includes all the companies that are still advertising with Rush! Interesting to see all the businesses in one place like that.

  6. While I appreciate the concepta offered, I’m not amused by your example. Rush aside, thinkprogress was using these methods in an attempt to destroy an.individual they disagree with politically by coercing others not.to.do.business with him. And try to remember that Ms Fluke, a student at a $40,000 a.year law.school was whining before congress about how taxpayers should pay for hee $10 a month birth control pill. She was a useful shill, nothing more.

    • Hi Dave – thanks for your comment. Rush crossed a line, and the market responded. Organized consumer boycotts are a simple, effective way for ordinary citizens to share their values with advertisers.

      The Rush Limbaugh/Sandra Fluke debate is not about contraception. Health care is a human right and no one has the right to come between a doctor and his or her patient — not the government, not the Catholic Church, not Rush Limbaugh.

  7. Rush makes $64 million a year from his radio show. The controversy helped boost his ratings and made him a hero of the right again. While a hundred or so advertisers asked not to run spots during his show the first few weeks, most have now come back. The national advertisers (who put money directly into his pocket) have also been replaced with new ones. So how exactly was it a PR nightmare?

    • Hi Suzy, thanks for your comment. I do not believe the data supports your assertions. Cumulus Radio, for instance, lost millions in the first half of this year. A rep from Cumulus said that the losses from the Limbaugh’s advertisers bailing out accounted for nearly a third of their loss in revenue in the first and second quarters. And Cumulus is just a small fish in the radio industry pond — larger radio companies apparently lost much more. See for example:
      “Rush Limbaugh Ad Boycott Cost Cumulus Radio ‘Millions,’ CEO Says”

  8. Hi Beth, thanks for a great post. I have sent the link to your online course to a colleague. We really need to understand Pinterest for Business a bit more..

  9. This post is a great addendum to your book PINFLUENCE: The Complete Guide to Marketing Your Business with Pinterest, which I’m devouring! Like Amandah who commented above, I was dubious whether Pinterest would be helpful to me as a writer, but your book and posts like this prove unequivocably YES!

    • Hi Benji – I think Pinterest is totally worth it, because it’s sending a lot more referral traffic to my website than Twitter, YouTube, etc. I’m encouraging my clients to look at Pinterest as an important part of their overall social media strategy. It might be worth it to try it out and see how much traffic it sends to your website – it was a nice surprise for me, when I started using it!

    • I don’t think Pinterest is just for retail or product-based businesses. I’ve seen B2B companies, service providers, nonprofits, and lots of other kinds of companies doing really cool things on Pinterest. I would just think about the kinds of things that would appeal to your target audience, and start pinning that kind of content.

  10. Beth, when I read your definition of stickiness, I was immediately reminded of viral Internet memes. I think what makes them so ‘sticky’ is their ability to tap into a common human experience or feeling that is so simple, so banal, that most people never mention it – but when someone does put it into words, we experience collective comedic relief in discovering our shared humanity. What do you think: is there a connection between stickiness and memes?

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