Spark Your Next Breakthrough Copy Insight with Systematic Listening

Spark Your Next Breakthrough Copy Insight with Systematic Listening

Reader Comments (5)

  1. Thanks for the mention of my post… and I love this piece as a deep dive into the value of listening.

    Like you say, if you don’t go through a listening process, get to know your reader, and care about that reader… then all you’re doing is writing by numbers. You’re joining together a bunch of tips and techniques in the hope that the end result will approximate “copywriting’.

    Listening comes first. And listening and caring combined is best of all.

  2. I love this post! Number five is such a visceral way to connect with your audience. You could say that when writing gets lonely, it’s because you’ve forgotten for whom you’re writing. If you keep your audience top of mind, imagining them sitting across from you, then you’ll always have company. 🙂

  3. Nice post Sonia. I always tell our copywriters to empathise with their readers. Your points are really well written and I’ll be passing this blog on to our team. Thanks again!

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