Use This Content Marketing Checklist to Skyrocket Your Productivity

Use This Content Marketing Checklist to Skyrocket Your Productivity

Reader Comments (40)

  1. Awesome! I keep trying to create something like this and I keep getting stuck. Using a Calendar doesn’t help and it seems that most systems are too organized and too complicated. I love the simplicity of your list.

    • Yes, I love to keep things simple. I find that the simpler it is, the more I actually get done. When I try to overcomplicate things, that’s when I start to slow down my productivity. But if I just follow my list and use my timer, I always get it all done.

  2. Awesome list!

    It’s important for me to do the productive things first. Before I start with entertainment etc. If you start your day with procrastination, it’s easy to get stuck.

    • YES! My saying is “create before you consume.” It makes a big difference in your creativity and your productivity to not be inundated with emails and social media posts and stuff that I’ll be reactive to. When I do my writing/creating first, that’s when my day goes much better.

    • Dividing the pieces up really helps you to see what you’re working with and I think it gives you more ideas because you’re looking at each section individually, rather than all of it as a whole.

  3. Hi Jennifer,
    The first step can be super tough for me sometimes. The biggest factor is simply making that checklist – from there it’s all downhill!

    • Yeah, making the list might take you a little bit of time, but it will help you stay organized and get you creating more content. So definitely worth the time it takes to put it together.

  4. Hey Jennifer,

    To produce an effective content, you should always train your mind. Journalism can help.

    Building a strategy for generating a piece of the content on the daily basis would be great.

    You have mentioned some great points here. I am sure, people are going to implement.

    Thanks for sharing with us.

  5. I’ve been using the Productivity Schedule worksheet by Storyline for a little over a month and it’s crazy how useful it’s been.

    It has a space to jot down to-do tasks (so I can dump them onto a list and only tackle them when I’m thinking… “what should I be doing right now?”). It has three main sections for tasks with Hours and Minutes on it and small rest/reward line between each. I love it and totally recommend trying it out!

    You can find that here:

  6. Hi Jennifer, my favourite part was when you said “II try to keep my blog posts short and to the point. They’re usually less than 1,500 words, but some days I write more.”

    For normal people 1,500 words is a lot of words lol.

    That’s how I know you’re super human.

    Whenever, I set about to write a post, I get a migraine lol. I tend to write faster in the morning when I finish having a shower lol or when I am genuinely busy. That’s when I have to rush for a pad.


  7. I have a long-standing personal tradition of romancing overwhelm by spreading myself thin to the breaking point. What with self-managed web sites, blogging, research and archiving, outlining and creating (remember ‘yada, yada, yada’?) –Well, this old workhorse collapses at writing out the list.

    I am ‘rediscovering’ some of what I learned ‘back in the day,’ though. Kitchen timer resurfaced a few days ago, some of my old ‘flash fiction’ emerged from the crypts, and now I find this article in my email while I’m procrastinating because I can’t decide where to start!?! –Good thing I don’t ‘believe in’ coincidence!

    Only thing I see missing is creating merchandising bonuses to offer specials on, for purchasing the books. So far, I have a Sudoku puzzle T-Shirt and the ‘Tiberius’ line of bracelets and pendants. A few of the emails are mapped out but still need assembly, matching up text with free content and bonuses (not to mention an occasional CTA). I have no mailing list, so need a capture page — need I go on?

    Considering where I was a year ago, it makes me wonder where I will be, a year from now?… Thanks for being part of the inspiration for it, whatever it turns out to be!

  8. This is brilliant! I already turned my tedious and never-ending to-do list into a bullet journal that is simplified and streamlined. I’m still working out the kinks with that but found that I continually have trouble remembering the regular work I need to do for my own and work-related projects for content development and marketing.

    I’m definitely trying this out! 😀

  9. Great post Jennifer!
    The time intervals you listed seemed really short (25 mins for a blog post?) but after thinking about it more, those times are probably pretty realistic if you are focused and have clarity on what you’re trying to accomplish. Aside from the importance of having a checklist I definitely took away from this the benefit of developing the right mindset and creating a system that can help you maintain that state through your work.
    I also wrote “Create before you consume” on a notecard for reference!

    • Hey Tim–yeah, 25 minutes is probably short for most people, but I can usually write a blog post in that amount of time without a problem (and then I go back through and revise).

      I’d say the mindset and productivity system of following the checklist and using the timer is what makes the biggest difference.

  10. Thanks so much Jennifer, this is exactly what I was looking for to plan my content marketing!
    Although I’ve been creating content for many years, I never had a set guide about what or how much I was creating and sharing.
    It was a little all over the place…hit and miss!
    Now I have a new podcast show and realising I needed a better strategy for creating content, I still didn’t have a guide to follow…until now!
    Thanks you again. I’ve shared your article in my mastermind group!

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