I can’t believe I missed my anniversary. Not my wedding anniversary, of course — we know from stand-up comedians that men never forget those — but rather my anniversary as writer of the Copyblogger Weekly Wrap.
The first Wrap ran on March 27 of last year. With the exception of the time I got fired and replaced by Johnny Marr of the Smiths, I can now claim to have brought hundreds of thousands of people a small piece of inanity for a full year. Which is way up from my previous level of annual inanity.
So, like, happy anniversary or something. Where’s my cake?
Here’s what happened this week on Copyblogger:
5 Crippling Beliefs That Keep Writers Penniless and Mired in Mediocrity
“King of Mean” Jon Morrow is back with his latest post about why you probably suck, guaranteed to get more of that hate mail he likes so much. But you should pay attention to this one, even if it hurts, because… you know… the penniless/mediocrity thing. Also, I happen to know that it took Jon FOUR HOURS to write just the post title to this one, so the least you can do in light of that effort is to read it.
How to Consistently Attract High-Quality Traffic to Your Site
Copyblogger is throwing a webinar on Monday to tell you how to get more traffic — and not just any old traffic, either… and certainly not Steve Winwood’s psychedelic band “Traffic” — but good, quality traffic. Read this post to find out more about it, and about the other upcoming webinars in this series. By the way, have you ever noticed how weird of a word “traffic” is after you see it and read it a few times? Traffic. Traffic. See?
4 Ways to Keep Your Lifeless Blog from Boring Your Readers to Tears
I was so mad at Pamela Wilson for disparaging my blog in her intro. I mean, I’m just trying to blog here, and all of a sudden she’s on Copyblogger saying how boring I am. I told Charlie Gilkey about it, and he was like, “No way! I just read that and Pamela’s saying I’m boring!” Then I talked to like five other people, and they read it, and it turns out she was saying all of them were boring. She might be saying you’re boring too; read the post and see. (And then learn how to fix your dullness).
How to Create Online Content Like an Immortal Renaissance Artist
It’s times like these that I wonder what Donatello did to Matt Gartland to warrant being excluded from yet another copywriting post inspired by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This one is all about what you can learn from the Turtles and the Renaissance artists who totally ripped them off. Want to know how to be a compelling creator and/or lead a band of mutants? We’ve got you covered. Want to wear a purple mask, understand science, and wield a bo staff? Well, too bad, because that guy got left out in the cold.
The Art of Enchanting Online Marketing
In this episode of the Copyblogger podcast, Brian and Guy Kawasaki talk about enchantment and how to use it in your marketing, but I think all the talk of making people like you is just a clever way to disguise the fact that they’re actually enchanting people in the wizarding sense. Have you ever seen either Brian or Guy publicly declare, “I am not an evil wizard?” No? Well then, I rest my case.
This week’s cool links:
- Do You Have Silver Bullet Poisoning?: This post about great-sounding advice that never works out in practice took me back to the good old days with my werewolf brothers, fighting sparkly effeminate vampires for the affection of bored teenage goth girls.
- Hungry or guarded: There are two types of people and two mindsets out there – those who want what you’re offering or those who are wary or uninterested. Which are you targeting?
- 5 Scientifically Proven Ways to Get More Followers: This post comes with some cool charts and will tell you how to get more followers on Twitter. The one that just missed the cut was “#6: Be Lady Gaga.”
- Social Media for SEO vs. Customer Engagement: Which should you use in which scenario, in which proportions? The answer is as fascinating as the crazy apple/orange hybrid thing that appears on this post.
About the Author: Johnny B. Truant, who actually does know a thing or two about business, recently debuted his Bullet Sessions coaching — so bring out your questions (and also your dead).
Reader Comments (13)
Is enchanting your customers/readers better than delighting them, which was the goal a year or so ago? I’m curious to see what comes next in the thrill scale.
Same thing, different adjective. 😉
I prefer “seducing” my readers. Sounds so much more exciting. 😉
Congratulations Johnny, how wonderful for you. I’m new here at Copyblogger. I look forward to reading more of your articles.
Yep, I agree.. You have a very big motivational level. It’s very inspiring for me.
Keep it up!
Jon Morrow’s article is spellbinding. It’s an absolute success. He’s my favorite contemporary copywriter.
So here’s the question. If he was capable of sitting down and getting 120+ comments, why don’t we do that more often? Sure it takes a lot longer but why not?
That article has challenged me. From now on, I’m shipping pure cream or nothing at all.
Even if the headline takes four hours.
“From now on, I’m shipping pure cream or nothing at all.”
Now that’s how you write it!
See, a lazy guy like me would have just said “go big, or go home”, so now I need to steal this phrase 😉
Wait to you read my Problogger article. It’s going to be the equivalent of Apple’s 1984.
Jon definitely gets the results he does by working harder, thinking harder, rewriting harder, and just plain putting more into it. It’s all part of his Jon-Fu. 🙂
Hey there! You know me a rejection email Sonia, you know. 🙂
Before you do, please talk to JT. There’s more here than meets the eye.
Great wrap up for the week. Copyblogger is definitely becoming my favorite blog to read daily. I enjoyed all of the weekly posts, but my favorite would have to be the one written by Pamela. I learned a thing or two from it and even more on her blog. 😛
Nifty Mathew, welcome aboard. 🙂
I just starter to read copyblogger and its worderful. Thanks.
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