What Owen Wilson’s Pursed Lips Mean to Your Blog

What Owen Wilson’s Pursed Lips Mean to Your Blog

Reader Comments (11)

  1. Actually your post made complete sense to me so that is concerning to me. You actually did make a point about crossing the line into the “that’s too much for me – It might have been PERFECT with less. I need to rethink my writing style but either way – You nailed what Owen Wilson does to alot of women.

    Believe it or not, now when I wonder how I should write something for any of my blogs I will think of Owen Wilson and your roundabout way of saying “don’t cross the line – walk it.”

  2. don’t cross the line – walk it…

    Very well put Tammy. Maybe inspired by the late, great Johnny Cash?

    I may have to borrow that in the future. 🙂

  3. Dude, only you would draw a parallel between Owen Wilson’s pursed lips and blogging. Although, now that I think about it, he does do that an awful lot. I guess I never realized it was a “thing.”

    Copyblogger: where copy meets pop culture. Next, Char at 11!

  4. Here’s a question back for you…do you think that the premise of any news (good or bad) is PR in the print media holds for blogging? So if people are talking about pursed lips or bad blogging on a particular site, they’re still talking/referring…..

    Tammy Vitale, http://www.TamsOriginals.com

  5. The old is any press good press question? Well, given the example, Owen was getting press from the movie review and the fan site regardless.

    So the “bad” press from the pursed lips was extraneous to the publicity angle he had going already.

    Now, if some copywriting blog hack turns the pursed lips issue into the main focus of a post, just to see what would happen…


    I guess I’m just a pawn in the Owen Wilson publicity machine. 🙂

  6. Given that I don’t have the vaguest foggy (as my 10th grade Bio teacher used to say) _who_ Owen Wilson is (or why I should care), I’m afraid the point was rather lost on me.

    And what’s with the feathery wings?

  7. Hmmm… well, pop culture references will be lost on those that might not keep up with popular culture. Sorry about that.

    At least I didn’t use my Uncle Marvin as the subject. 🙂

    As for the wings, it was just the most ridiculous photo of Mr. Wilson I could find.

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