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    Seven Copywriting Tips for a Well-Staffed Business Website

    Seven Copywriting Tips for a Well-Staffed Business Website

    Reader Comments (29)

    1. Wow, you nailed this one. I don’t know how many times I have been in a store or online and couldn’t get any help. Helping readers and purchasers should be a priority to keep readers coming back for more.

    2. Every single one of those tips is an ace, but there isn’t one better than the first. A confident website is obvious from the moment it fills the screen. White space and vacuum of exclamation points are enough to make me linger.

    3. View your blog like an online store, not an online home.

      If you view your blog like an online home, it ends up being “you-centric”. If you view your blog as an online store, it ends up being “customer-centric.”

    4. HI this is an amazing article right on target for business people who have websites. I wondered how your teachingsells closed so early it’s because you maintained all these seven and I would like to add one more which you did and most of them missout which is Over delivering.

    5. I am in full agreement with the contact page being easy and simple.

      I find it down right irritating when a website makes it necessary to have a PhD in engineering just to figure out how to send off an e-mail.

      Dude, just give me your e-mail address and be done with it. Spare me the voodoo ritual.

    6. Great stuff! Of course I like #2, content nudist that I am, but #1 is probably my fave.

      I’ll add another one: don’t hide the damned cash register. If you have something to sell, make it incredibly easy for people to buy.

    7. I love the dress code tip. The copywriting twin of the pinstripe suit is a very short list of Approved Corporate Language for Marketing and Other Promotional Uses. Be real. Be relaxed. Write without fear. Don’t just get naked. Get naked and dance.

    8. @ Jim – Only if there’s good music playing, though.

      @ Sonia – Oh good one! Damn, now I’m all jealous you thought of that and I didn’t!

      @ Bamboo – If I can’t reach someone quickly or have to open yet another browser page, I’m gone. I hear you.

      @ Karanam – Well, that’s true, yes. But considering how many sites lack the basics, even getting all those would be a huge boost for some business owners. Brian sure teaches people right.

      @ Bucktown – That’s very perceptive. I like that one. I’m going to steal it, in fact 😉

      @ Writer Dad – Confidence counts a great deal. I can’t agree more.

      @ Gaje – That’s just the thing. I think many people miss that *repeat* business counts a great deal. It’s a sign that you’ve done a great job and that it’s worth coming back for more.

      @ XMAN – I think it doesn’t matter if people are net-savvy or not. I’m real techy, and that makes it easy for me to leave. Those who aren’t techy are just as quick to walk away. Consumers are consumers, no matter who they are, and responding to them with a well-staffed store counts.

      @ Janelle – Thanks!

    9. MGC – your website must be “meeting, greeting, and convincing people.”

      I’d like to add another point:

      The doorman to your website should give out maps which details where this website wants you to go and what it wants you to do.

    10. @ John – A doorman… My, my, you have a very classy store. 😉

      @ Sam/Uzukami – Thanks!

      @ Deb – If you’re on WordPress, there’s a contact form plugin that should solve all your worries. If that doesn’t work… why aren’t you emailing us, silly? We’ll help.

    11. I’d suggest reading Strunk and White’s “The Elements of Style” as well. It’s pretty much a writer’s bible, and shows so many ways that prose can be made more effective. I recommend that very highly indeed.

    12. I would always get rid of the dress code. Dress code scare people away from being on your staff. It actually would only make staff members crabby. I know it makes me crabby when I have to dress the same way every day.

    13. Definitely some good points. I will say though that on point #5 “Bring in the specialist ” that it isn’t always a bad thing to take a first run yourself. That way you can build a foundation of content from your point of expertise (that hopefully matches to the consumers need as well).
      That will save some upfront costs. Then, the professional copywriters can always go in and do some “clean up” writing. 🙂

    14. Out of all the articles I have read, this is probably one of the more Blah.. ones. I feel like I wasted my time reading it. I understand what you are trying to say, but I think you are writing just to write. Keep trying, because I think you have something. You can’t hit it out of the park everytime.

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