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    Landing Page Makeovers 2007-2009: Where Are They Now?

    Landing Page Makeovers 2007-2009: Where Are They Now?

    Reader Comments (19)

    1. Roberta… Thank you for this post… I really hope people take your point of testing and testing again… And once you think you’ve got something right, test it again… Everything from headlines, colors, text… you name it…

      I don’t think marketing is a place for a perfectionist; it would drive them crazy… 😉

    2. Great post, but the truth is, and I don’t know about others, but I always skip over landing pages and look for the latest content. I really don’t care what the company has to say.

      Mostly because they’re just pages trying to sell extra crap, or explaining about their company. But that’s just me, others might read them..just not my thing.

    3. Great tips Roberta. I think we all have to realize that it’s important to keep striving to improve – our sites, our skills, our messaging… It’s too bad more people didn’t respond. I would’ve like to see more of how your recommendations impacted these businesses.

    4. @Kyle, a landing page is normally designed to give the reader the information she needs when she’s ready to buy a product (or perhaps to make some other commitment, like sign up for a newsletter). Not to be confused with the home page.

    5. Thanks for the kind words all. Yes, that’s absolutely the idea, Linda, to help get ideas flowing and to show how my suggestions were fleshed out. I also wanted to show that sometimes my recommendations weren’t always taken for a variety of reasons.

      @Kyle – Sonia detailed the difference between a homepage – which sometimes IS the landing page (and almost always shouldn’t be) and a sale or lead generation page very neatly. But as a direct marketing gal, I happen to like selling stuff. 🙂

    6. Very informative and well worth the time to read. I especially liked the ‘Even small changes can make a difference’. I don’t think most people realise the impact of button statements. Look in the dictionary to see what ‘Submit’ actually means and then decide if you really want to use it. Maybe ‘Send’ is a better option.

    7. More sound advice here. So agree that you don’t need to do anything but of you do something that’s a start. Fixing spelling mistakes, removing annoying flashy things or sounds and adding more calls to action are all low (or no) budget changes which will make a difference.

    8. Thanks for the followups Roberta. They were very interesting. I’m always amazed at how sometimes the tiniest of tweaks can make such a difference in traffic and/or conversions – sometimes just a single word!

    9. Brilliant post. I’m going to start using these questions immediately. It’s critical for your readers to get engaged and I have had trouble hearing back from them. I get frequent comments through email, but not back at the blog. This will help a lot. Just a little grease to spark the conversation. I can see how this will start something

    10. Landing page may be very valuable for those in need. And for some people, including newbie would be a serious problem if they do not really understand about it.

    11. Brilliant post. I’m going to start using these questions immediately. It’s critical for your readers to get engaged and I have had trouble hearing back from them. I get frequent comments through email, but not back at the blog. This will help a lot. Just a little grease to spark the conversation. I can see how this will start something

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