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    Combine These 5 Research-Based Ingredients for Higher-Quality Content

    Combine These 5 Research-Based Ingredients for Higher-Quality Content

    Reader Comments (14)

    1. Hey Ronnell,

      A few things. First, where can I find more about you? I really enjoyed this article and I want to read more from what you have to say.

      Also, I thought that your application of this was good. On one of my websites, I have been really battling back and forth on whether I should spend time SEOing the directory (essentially where leads come from) or the blog (where I am building an audience and building links as well). I’ve gone back and forth in my mind but over time I think I forgot that the purpose of my content wasn’t necessarily to drive traffic, but rather to build trust. I appreciate the reminder.

    2. Hi Tim,

      We all come at this topic from different angles but for many of the same reasons: helps the search engines find and parse our content; establish relevance, trust, authority and customer love for our brands; grow traffic to our sites; and to sell more of our products and services.

      What’s key, however, is realizing there should not only be a goal for every piece of content you create, but there must also be a minimum threshold of quality to enhance the likelihood of reaching those goals.

      For example, if you hope to have a successful blog, establishing clear, consistent rules ensures that authors and audience members know what to expect. The same should apply to onsite content in general, where the first rule should be to find what you do well and focus your energies there, early on especially.

      Thanks for reading the post. You can also find me on Twitter @ronellsmith and Medium at https://medium.com/@ronellsmith.

    3. This blog post is straight on point. The web does not need any more valueless content. It is already saturated with too much content that even readers are finding it hard to even breath. What the web needs, is content that adds value.

      Content that is well researched and gives the reader value for his or her time.

      People do need to understand that the content they decide to create, they should have first hand knowledge about it and they should have a great command in it. Which is what I believe the author called Authority.

      Thanks for this post.

      • Thanks for reading the post, Mathenge.

        When I used to edit one of the most popular blogs in online marketing, one of the first things I would ask would-be bloggers pitching an idea for a post was “What qualifies you as an authority on this topic?”

        Many saw this as a way for me to shut them down, as I was only looking for a single answer–that they were an expert.

        In reality, there were at least two sufficient answers:

        – I work or have worked in the area and have expertise on the topic, or

        – I do not have expertise in this area, but I will seek out experts who are qualified to speak on this topic.

        We don’t have to be the experts; we simply need to know where to find them.

    4. Hi Ronell, thank you for this article.

      This article succinctly describes what I often thought to be high quality content (which was wrong). And then replace it with what high quality content really is. Often times, I’ve focus on unique, well-written as the qualities of good content. But without rendering value and solid action steps, I may have been missing the ingredient to trust and loyalty. Time to take a holistic review of creation process.

      • Hi Candis,

        Thanks for reading the post. Quality begins with the brand in mind. If not, it’s too easy to create something that’s of value to the audience but not to the brand.


    5. Really powerful article with a lot of helpful information for someone just starting out in this business. I always hate recreating the wheel when someone has already learned through trial and error. Thanks for sharing.
      -Jason (Life Blogger)

    6. Great post, Ronell.

      Accuracy is definitely non-negotiable for quality content. And to ensure accuracy, you need to go to the primary sources. The internet has made this easier than ever. But — ironically, I guess — Google often becomes a crutch instead of a tool.

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