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    For Whom the Blog Tips (It Tips For Thee)

    For Whom the Blog Tips (It Tips For Thee)

    Reader Comments (17)

    1. Ya beat me to it, Brian – I wanted to be the first blogtipper this month! Now it’s off to bed and in the morning I’ll digest these great links and tips of yours.

    2. Hey Yuri, good stuff. I actually meant something along the lines of a pretty substantial free pdf report that introduces the whole process of how to choose keywords, bidding, writing ads and landing pages… that kind of thing.

      Basically if you give away something that’s good enough to sell, you’ll get plenty of recognition for it. But of course it depends on what your goals are for your blog.

    3. Occasional!

      Those double ‘c’ words always give me trouble, I can’t count how many time I’ve misspelled recommended (shit, that’s not a double ‘c’ is it?), there goes that argument . . . That wasn’t scripted, though it certainly sounds like it now.

      Anyway, thanks so much for the kind words, I’m glad you enjoy the site.

    4. You nailed it Noah. And I hope you know I had to pick something that little to”tip” you on because I’m pretty much enjoying your blog just the way it is. 🙂

    5. Great job, Brian.

      The Link Leakers Admiration Society will be sending you an invite to their annual Cake Walk & Book Sale !

      That may have been one of the best uses of a poem fom 1624 that I’ve ever seen !

    6. The blogtippin’ headlines are getting more creative. Everyone puts their own flavor on it – very fun. I’m following the mayhem and will be posting later today on the best of what I’ve found via this meme.

      I second Mike’s motion – superb poetic touch there, Brian :).

      I blog alongside Brandon Hopkins at Know More Media, so I know the guy fairly well. I agree with your praise/tips for him. The other two, I didn’t actually know before, so I appreciate you taking the time to do this. It’s nice to get an initial sense of what to expect as I click the link to visit each blog.

      Philosophicalness time: I’ve been tempted several times to offer some sort of prize to a random blogtipper each month, or to the best blogtipper, or to the one with the most blogtippees who also blogtipped, etc. But each time I’ve just thought, I don’t want to muddy this water. It’s just so precious that people are doing this to benefit other people, and not just for themselves.

    7. keep it up man, you’re the best at what you do… and knowing what you read..well it’s nice.

      thanks for sharing.

      in more ways than 1

    8. Well, you can always link to my keyword research page and the one I mentioned above if you need to provide some info about choosing keywords and fixing the AdWords stuff.

      You, in turn, can write a post on how to best write a good landing page and an AdWords ad, I guess. It might make a good read and combination, overall.

      The goal of the blog is to attract the interested people, so far, and get someone to help with their site as a bonus. I can’t force myself putting up lesser quality stuff on my blog, really, though I did think that if people read all I have to say, they won’t need my services.

    9. Thanks for the Tip Brian. I will schedule a “link love” post for the near future. I have also decided to start including a “Further resources” type section to each of my posts so I can link out to some great blogs.

    10. Hey Rob. Yep, it’s amazing that the more you send people away, the more they value *you* as a resource. I think your “further resources” idea is a perfect way to add even more value to your great blog.

    11. Hi Brian, I’d heard about blog tipping but didn’t quite “get it” until seeing your examples above. Very helpful, thanks for this. By the way, I’m very selective about what blogs I read regularly, and yours is one of my favorites.

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