In the beginning was authority.
From the earliest days of advertising, authority was one of the first strategies used to persuade the masses.
Then, a lot of us started using this internet thing to talk to one another. There was some speculation that authority was becoming an outdated concept. But it’s funny how these things work — deep psychological drivers don’t tend to disappear, although they do sometimes change shape.
Still, back on the Cluetrain (and a little before, if you hung out in the right places), we started to talk about something that seemed to be antithetical to authority. The voice of the small, the local, the personal.
A few decades later, bestselling author Brené Brown spoke about the power of vulnerability — and found a massive audience for her ideas.
So which path is wiser? Confident authority? Or “little guy” vulnerability?
Smart writers knew better than to fall for false dichotomies. For skillful writers, the combination of those two — authority and vulnerability — has become the most effective voice on the web.
Power and art
Copyblogger talks a lot about the importance of a strong writing voice. It’s one of the key things we look for when we’re evaluating applications for our Certified Content Marketer program.
Voice is the element of writing that makes it sound like a someone. It’s natural and conversational. It’s individual. It stands out. (Which is helpful in the ever-rising sea of junk content.)
Good copywriters and content marketers can handle multiple tones of voice. They can write more formally when it’s called for, without seeming stiff or stilted. They can write informally without devolving into triviality or unicorn vomit.
One of the most important voices to master right now is what I call empowered vulnerability. I’ll refrain from coining a hideous neologism to describe this (you’re welcome). I do like my colleague Jerod Morris’s similar concept, though — the non-hideous primility.
Empowered vulnerability doesn’t shy away from authority. It understands that people will always look for informed, confident voices.
But it also doesn’t shy away from revealing the personal, the fractured, and the imperfect.
A (newish) book on power and influence
On a flight to a conference last week, I read Dacher Keltner’s fascinating 2016 book The Power Paradox: How We Gain and Lose Influence. It describes some of the behavioral changes we can observe between the powerful and the powerless.
Keltner defines power as:
“The capacity to alter the state of others”
His view of power is pretty well summed up by my longtime favorite cheesy (but good) success quote:
“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”
– Zig Ziglar
Powerful people project confidence and authority; we all know that. And that often leads to more power. But it can come at a cost.
When people gain power, their social intelligence can begin to suffer. Keltner cites studies showing that those who attain power (even meaningless temporary power, like the kind you give grad students participating in psych experiments) can become prone to an increase in reckless behavior, a decrease in natural empathy, and, weirdly, increased rudeness such as worse table manners.
On the other side, any of us can observe that being powerless comes with a lot of disadvantages. It’s a significant cause of clinical depression, it takes a grave toll on health and life expectancy, and it can make it difficult to think strategically.
But Keltner makes a fascinating case: that one of the great potential gifts of powerlessness is empathy. (I highly recommend you pick up the book to get all the details — it’s a great read.)
Now, choosing to be powerless would probably be taking things too far. But choosing to accept and nurture our vulnerability — that’s a sweet spot.
Powerlessness is a static pain state. Vulnerability is acknowledging and working with the pain we all have, making it part of a journey to something healthier.
Empowered vulnerability is the conscious choice to embrace the best of both states, power and vulnerability. We all have both powerful moments and vulnerable moments. We can tap them both to become better people and better writers.
And the combination creates a blazingly potent voice that works beautifully in the content environment today.
Finding the balance
Getting the balance of these two right is what separates gifted writers from hacks.
A lot of less-experienced writers try to accomplish this pairing by dribbling casual language, internet slang, and dopey jokes around their content. Sometimes they overshare to the point of raising serious doubts about their competence.
Or, maybe worse, they humble-brag and expect to be praised for their humility.
A strong writer will choose a confident stance when giving advice that helps the audience — then temper that with a more modest approach when talking about the business or organization.
In other words, they’re confident when they’re giving advice to their audience, and vulnerable when they’re talking about themselves.
Vulnerability isn’t wimpiness. It doesn’t mean that you hold back when you have something important to say.
And confidence isn’t arrogance. It doesn’t mean that you have to go on and on about every accomplishment, even the ones you worked hard for.
The audience is (as usual) your compass. Choose the side of the empowered vulnerability coin that will benefit them in that moment.
Vulnerability and authority
Sometimes we worry that showing our imperfections or difficulties will undermine our authority.
But vulnerability can be a source of authority.
An empathy-deficient powerful voice suggests, “I always knew how to do this. I’m going to show you solutions that work for people who are naturally good at it.”
An empowered, vulnerable voice says, “I didn’t always know how to do this. It took a lot of time, effort, and support to figure it out. I’m going to show you solutions that can help you, even if you don’t think you can do it, either.”
Both voices are describing a solution. The solution itself might be equally valuable. (They might well be the exact same solution.)
But the vulnerable description creates a bond of empathy with the potential customer. The shared difficult experiences are a bridge — not only between the expert and the audience, but also between the audience and the solution.
Real authority doesn’t come from perfection or hyped-up confidence. It comes from your ability to help.
And that ability to help often comes from the mistakes, difficulties, and trials that you (or the organization you’re writing for) have faced and conquered.
Different kinds of vulnerability
There are all kinds of ways to introduce vulnerability into your writing voice.
Humor: Ann Handley’s writing and speaking are always marked by a delightful self-deprecating sense of humor. The more she teases herself, the more credibility and confidence she shows. She also beautifully demonstrates how to deliver beneficial advice with confidence.
Traumatic past: Lewis Howes — seemingly a poster child for effortless confidence, shared his personal story of abuse and survival — and revealed a power that came from a much deeper level.
Humility: Darren Rowse readily shares the stories, often very funny, that demonstrate his humble beginnings. We get the sense that he started from the same place we do — “If he can do it, I bet I can, too.”
Experimentation: Vulnerability isn’t always strictly about personal difficulty. Joanna Wiebe creates lots of great content around copywriting experiments she’s done — testing out potential mistakes so that her audience doesn’t have to. It’s much more persuasive than just telling her audience the best copy techniques to use.
An unexpected side benefit
One benefit to embracing vulnerability (the empowered kind) in your content strategy?
You can avoid one of the most dangerous poisons of power — what Keltner calls “stories of exceptionalism.”
The word I often use is entitlement.
Been hearing those recent stories about how brands might lose their access to free organic reach on Facebook? (You can swap out Google, LinkedIn, or any other giant platform.)
These stories rest on an assumption that brands have some kind of innate right to public attention.
It has nothing to do with whether or not it’s “right” for Facebook to do. Facebook makes decisions in its own business interests.
Or maybe it doesn’t. You don’t have the ability to make Facebook smarter.
If Facebook doesn’t think your business page is improving its bottom line, it’s going to make changes. And if you don’t like it, as Guy Kawasaki says, you can let them know where to send that refund check for free.
I get that it’s annoying. It’s irritating, and sometimes dangerous, to put a lot of work into something that flips around on us. But the outrage comes from the notion that we’re owed something by Facebook. We aren’t.
Success can have a nasty way of making us think that we’re somehow owed more success. And that one will bite us in the ass every time.
Reader Comments (11)
There are very few really good quality content writers out there.. as a digital marketer and SEO consultant in Canada I read a lot of newsletters and marketing-based articles every day. Sure they may have English mastered… but the UX is missing in most of it.
I can tell within 30 seconds if I’m losing interest….fyi
Thanks for the inclusion Sonia!
I sometimes find the vulnerability thing can be overdone, where writers almost whip up a sob story to make their rags-to-riches transformation more overt. You get it a lot in the PLF videos before a launch. For me, it feels disingenuous, like the fame-hungry hopefuls on TV reality shows who need a difficult background to qualify their ‘journey’.
But I like the idea you can tone that down a bit and turn it into a source of authority, along the lines of ‘I was like you, and I had to learn how to do this, but let me help you learn it faster’. It’s a way of using your learning process for good, rather than for attention!
Thanks LJ!
The tone you take is going to depend so much on your audience. So what works for one won’t work for another.
But there’s an old fiction writing maxim, “if you let the character cry, the reader won’t” that can hold true here. More experienced writers know to use a light touch.
If you read Jon Morrow’s story that he told here on Copyblogger about five years ago, it’s a complete gut punch, and part of that is his careful choices how he tells the story.
I think Jon’s post is so powerful because even though he’s telling you a difficult story, he’s so much in command of what he’s saying. The authority comes through loud and clear. I love Jon’s writing!
Any significant experience (particularly negative ones) generates its own “buzzwords”. If you’ve shared that experience, you begin to look for those words automatically- and reject the message if they’re not there. .
Second thing: If you’re needing help, do you look for help from someone who’s never had the problem? or from someone who went there, survived, and came back to tell you about it?
Thank you for showcasing how to strike the balance between vulnerability and authority, Sonia. It’s something I’ve been noodling on lately. It’s been easy to find examples of one or the other. As you said, gifted writers are able to blend the two and be flexible in the tone of voice. It’s something I’m working towards.
In my research, I’ve stepped in piles of “unicorn barf” out on the interwebs and that doesn’t feel right, neither does the I’m-perfect/power voice. Finding the intersection here feels like Goldilocks. Just right.
Just before reading this post, I was on Amazon looking for a book to bring to read on an upcoming trip. Now, that’s covered, too. I’ll take a look at the other links in this post for more on this personal top-of-mind topic. And, I’ll continue to write to build this muscle.
Hey Sonia!
What a great write up! 🙂
I’ve enjoyed reading your piece of written art very much. You make a lot of sense and give great and helpful tips to help a rookie writer like me become better at this “craft”. A craft that involves putting words, a voice, a personality, and tone, to them.
Crazy, right.
How words and the way you put them together, to convey a message, can be very powerful.
Thanks for a great read full of super helpful tips and insights!
Cheers! 😀
In a word – service. If you want to avoid being seen as a phony trend follower, this is the wrapper that will make you sincerely compassionate and powerfully helpful. There’s no substitute for being the strong person with a great heart. Never mind success, if you’re that person you’ll be fulfilled, happy, and well cared for.
I appreciate your comparison between vulnerability and powerlessness. It really hits home when I think about my audience and the end goal of moving them past their obstacles and roadblocks.
Without empathy for our own tender points, we miss the opportunity to make a connection that is authentic and genuine. Especially in terms of building rapport.
Also, there are so many types of authority. You listen to your doctor, but you wouldn’t want to invite them to your holiday party. You listen to your best friend, but you wouldn’t take their advice when you are trying to reinvent yourself.
I think this article really helped me discover that vulnerability colors the authority you have with your audience and that it should ultimately be in alignment with how you best serve your customers.
Nice detailed post, I think I have to improve my writing skills. Thanks.
Thanks for mentioning and recommending The Power Paradox: How We Gain and Lose Influence. I drive a lot and have been listening to this book. It is so thought provoking especially in light of all of the powerful people recently who are having to deal with incidents when they abused their power.
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