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    How to Embrace Your Quirkiness and Build a Profitable Business

    How to Embrace Your Quirkiness and Build a Profitable Business

    Reader Comments (26)

    1. Beautiful article, Pamela. True and definitely a must read for those who need to embrace their quirkiness, don’t know what to do with it or who still need to accept it. To find that unique voice is to (try) give life to what’s meant to be.

    2. Pamela– I love this post. It hits some of the main points writers, bloggers and content creators need to know.

      In particular, once you’re out of school you don’t have sit down and write your post from beginning to end. Have an outline and start where the energy is.

      The other point is that you have to write A LOT. I would also add consistently so that it’s a habit. It’s not a matter of waiting for inspiration but as Stephen King says getting up and going to work.

      Happy marketing,
      Heidi Cohen

      • Thanks, Heidi.

        Your comment, “you don’t have to sit down and write your post from beginning to end” is so important. Writing this way — from top to bottom — can feel like a drag. But tackling the part you’re most excited about writing first is a wonderful way to build momentum!

    3. Although I agree that it is important to stand out we shouldnt underestimate a simplier strategy.

      Find something that works and then improve relentlessly.

      It is not easy to be original and sometimes it is even impossible.


    4. Great post! This teaches business people to embrace who they are as a person. We should let our work compromise our personality but rather we should let our personality affect our work in a better way. Keep up the good work and I wish you all the best.-Chris Thompson

      • “Embracing who you are as a person” is step 1 and communicating that through your content is step 2. Glad you enjoyed it — thanks for stopping by.

    5. It takes so much more effort to hide who you are than to embrace it, warts and all.

      I also agree with Heidi on writing: “Have an outline and start where the energy is.” This will be the part that truly shines.

    6. Love, love, LOVE this – I swear, ever since I’ve embraced my quirkiness and started writing with my real voice, things have really shifted. My writing is better, I’m meeting amazing people, I’ve got wonderful like-minded clients… and I feel happy. I feel like me.

      • Readers can tell when the “real you” is coming through … no surprise that yours have responded. Thanks for sharing your success with this, Janine!

    7. I think it’s a mistake to not keep in mind who you are talking to when you show your quirkiness. There’s also ample writing in the fields of group communication re the importance of fitting in with the group you want to work with. On the other hand, writing in a manner that not only convinces the reader of your expertise but also displays your human warmth is always preferred.

      Let’s not forget that the world has never seen the powerful, deep-pocketed, and now largest market that is the Boomers. Are they techy? Of course they are. Computers came on the scene 34 or so years ago; the internet 20 years ago.

      About writing
      I told my university students that the rules and guidelines for grammar, syntax, punctuation, spelling, flow, sentence length, paragraph length and more existed for one reason and one reason only. That reason is to assure that what you mean from what you write is what is understood in the mind of the reader, a mind that sits down to read with filters and biases present.

      Misspelling, grammar and other errors distract readers, changing their focus to the technical aspect of writing rather than the content. A conversational style is far more fluid than expository writing but there is much to be learned from feature writing using journalistic style.

      All of this reminds me of the meme:

      Let’s eat, Grandpa.
      Let’s eat Grandpa.
      Correct punctuation can save lives!

    8. Love this post! Some very helpful tips that I hope to use in my blog and any other writing endeavour I embark on. Thanks!

    9. I love this post and here’s why: I love following blogs about WordPress and Online Marketing. Lot’s of good writers with lots of great advice. People who are really good at what they do. Most keep it to just business. You have NO idea what they do for fun. What their friends or family are like. What their life is like when they are not writing or promoting their blog posts, etc. So when someone actually does let us all get a glimpse into what the person’s life is like when not on the Internet, they become more interesting and someone you are more likely to follow because they are more likely to connect with you as a human being.
      Thanks again,
      Jupiter Jim

      • Thanks, Jim. I believe that the combination of speaking with authority but also with some personality helps make your website (and business) memorable. 🙂

    10. Pamela, yes, and sometimes it feels so ding-dang good just to let that quirkiness out! Many businesses, small and large, are finding that more conversational (and sometimes even goofy—Geico comes to mind) engagement with customers is so much more effective in keeping those customers around, and interested.

      I just wrote a blog post on how Warren Zevon was beloved by songwriters, and by his moderate but rabid fan base because he let his oddball personality and attitude fly in his weird, humorous, wacky songs. He’s been gone for years, but his work lives on, for the originality of its expression.

      • Well there you went and said “ding-dang,” Tom. It might be a first on the pages of Copyblogger. Quirkiness at its best. 😉

        Love the examples you shared: Zevon and Geico are both memorable in completely different ways. Long live quirkiness!

    11. Loved the piece Pamela
      It hits some of the main points writers, bloggers and content creators need to know.
      Great reminder that being unique is the best way that you can be heard.


    12. Great post! My Father was an ad guy (one of the Mad Men) back in the 1960s. He would always encourage his kids to be original and unique (especially at Hallowe’en when we just wanted the same boring store-bought costume so we could look like everybody else). Your message about being “unique” resonated with me. Thanks

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