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    A Smart 8-Point Content Marketing Strategy From a Failed Television Writer

    A Smart 8-Point Content Marketing Strategy From a Failed Television Writer

    Reader Comments (28)

    1. Wow! What a Post! I enjoyed every bit of it!
      It is an inspiring post.One need to find,create and follow a blueprint if you want massive success only.

    2. Hi Kelton, you crafted this piece so well and it’s something for me to aspire to as I’m getting to grasps with my writing. I tend to have the ideas that I would like to put across but simplifying them for my audience without losing the punch is what I am afraid of.

      You made an excellent point about how Dan leapfrogged the Hollywood process and went out on his own, something I learned from Robert Ringer and one that I am also trying to apply to my business endeavors.

      I also like the way Dan has a writing structure that he uses and sticks to which has evidently worked extremely well for him, but would this writing process get a little monotonous after time?

      • I think this kind of underlying framework can be filled in so many different ways that it doesn’t get monotonous. *How* you fill in these questions makes all the difference. It’s not a formula, more like a structure.

        What gets monotonous, in my opinion, is putting a lot of work into writing that’s not finding an audience because it doesn’t resonate. But we’re all different. 🙂

      • Thank you Shola. I think Sonia is right, there are infinite permutations within such a powerful structure, and great storytelling is great storytelling. If you’re truly synced to the needs of your audience, finding a framework that works for them is what it’s all about. Remember, they are the hero of your story, no matter what that may be.

    3. Goes to show you that you don’t have to do it the way it’s always been done to make an impact. The best stories may follow the Hero’s Journey, but there are a million undiscovered ways to tell that tale what will connect you with your readers.

    4. Thanks, Kelton Reid.

      My challenge, now, is apply the 8-step algorithm to my technical how-to posts and articles. I’m looking forward to it.

      Also appreciate any suggestions.


    5. THAT WAS AWESOME!!! That’s a lesson in persistence and sticking to your guns. My only question if he didn’t have that Twitter platform, how would he keep engaging his audience? Also how do you earn that trust from the public so they keep following you? That really was an inspiring article and now I have to find Harmon and stay connected to him. I love good stories.

      • In 2003 Dan Harmon created a short film festival/website in LA called Channel 101, there’s a link to the site in the post. He was writing and producing DIY comedy web shorts from the beginning and letting the audience decide if it was funny or not. This gave him a platform to deliver his content.

    6. Sure is a great story to define a structure for your writing. What I am trying to remember is that every time I write there should be a call to action of some kind. You’re not always necessarily selling a product but you’re selling a concept or a personality or an action you want the reader to take … even if it’s just to share your concept with others.

      Weaving in the hero (the reader) to everything you write can certainly be a challenge and not always would he/she be a “hero” as such, but don’t we all see ourselves as some form of hero? So, I’m guessing this isn’t just about writing copy but pretty much about all blog posts?

      • When we talk about “copy” we are referring to the writing you do for your audience, which can take many forms, including, but not limited to, blog posts.

    7. As an aspiring screenwriter, I found this to be an extremely useful post. I know my half-hour TV sitcom and one hour dramaedy will keep people coming back for more. We need more ‘real’ shows on TV that inspire and tell a good story at the same time. Reality TV is getting old. It’s the same ol’ tired plot with different titles and characters.

    8. I think the best stories are the ones that come from followers and subscribers. If you ask them what they need and then tell them a story about how they can get it from your service or product, they will show up by the hundreds to obtain it.

    9. Wow! What a fantastic post! I always enjoy reading your blog!
      Very inspiring post. Every person need to find its own blueprint and follow it.

    10. This is really fascinating post Kelton! Very smart and inspiring points well-detailed! The story about Harmon is very really and so encouraging to a majority of writers in a big percentage and you really hit the nail on the head! We all need a mentor or a model to follow the draft. What matters is where we are targeting to and what makes us devote our goals on such. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to sharing more!

    11. I really enjoyed the storyline of Harmon. Sounds a very inspiring, encouraging and mentoring content! You need to follow in order for you to be followed in return! I also learn something new about being right to my resourceful plan and I think it is a helpful start of encouragement. Thanks for sharing Kelton, I found it helpful, keep up!

    12. Nice work! Love the exaltation of the Hero’s Journey in the context of business / innovation / marketing / entrepreneurship / startups and branding!

      You’ll enjoy the Hero’s Journey Mythology words and videos here:

      A vast demand exists for the classical ideals performed in the contemporary context–for honor, integrity, courage, and committment–on Wall Street and Main Street, in Hollywood and the Heartland, in Academia and Government. And thus opportunity abounds for entrepreneurs who keep the higher ideals above the bottom line–for humble heroes in all walks of life.
      The same classical values guiding the rising artistic renaissance will protect the artists’ intellectual property. The immortal ideals which guide the story of blockbuster books and movies such asThe Matrix, Lord of the Rings, Braveheart,The Chronicles of Narnia, and Star Wars, are the very same ideals underlying the United States Constitution. These classic ideals–which pervade Homer, Plato, Shakespeare, and the Bible–are the source of both epic story and property rights, of law and business, of academia and civilization.


    13. This is the first time I heard of his story. I feel bad on how they kept on shunning him for his supposed big break. But that goes to show that no one backs down from a challenge when they know that they the talent. I wonder how many more projects he has in mind. Wish him all the best.

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