This article is part of our series on the 4 Essential Types of Content Every Marketing Strategy Needs. Make sure to get your special free bonus at the end of the article.
In a famous 1963 experiment at Yale University, psychologist Stanley Milgram learned that people’s duty to authority runs pretty dang deep.
Here’s how he conducted the study.
Two participants met and were placed in separate rooms. One participant was the “learner,” and one was the “teacher.” Unbeknownst to the “teacher,” the “learner” was an actor.
The teacher was instructed to ask the learner a question. If the learner got the question wrong, the teacher was directed to shock the student.
And here’s the disturbing part.
When a “researcher” wearing a grey lab coat told the teacher to keep shocking — even if the student was screaming, kicking, and begging for mercy from the adjacent room — the teacher would continue to shock 65 percent of the time. All the way up to 450 volts of electricity.
On the other hand, when there was no encouragement from the researcher, the teacher would quit delivering the shocks early on.
Keep in mind these were typical, healthy people — just like you and me — shocking the daylights out of strangers. Of course, no electrical shocks were actually given. But the teachers didn’t know that.
It seems our sense of duty to authority does run pretty dang deep.
Fortunately, we are content marketers around here, so we deliver products and services, not electrical shocks. But does authority have anything to do with people trusting you when money is involved?
That’s exactly what we’ll explore in this post.
But first, what does authority look like in content? Here’s a good definition I culled from a conversation with Brian Clark:
It really boils down to the demonstration of expertise through delivery of valuable content as opposed to claiming expertise or saying, “We’re number one.”
It’s the difference between marketing messages and content that actually creates the experience of authority. This is an important distinction that can be summed up with the short phrase: “Show, don’t tell.”
In other words, telling people you are a world-class copywriter does not have the same effect as showing people that is the case.
Take someone like Joanna Wiebe, for example.
Demonstrating world-class expertise with Authority content
Joanna got her start in the copywriting world while working at Intuit. While with the company, she was known for digging into the results of campaigns to inform her new ideas. She regularly adjusted copy to make it perform better.
After Intuit, Joanna took that reputation with her when she worked for Conversion Rate Experts and a few agencies, all the while increasing her reputation as a “conversion copywriter.”
Eventually, she struck out on her own with Copyhackers, where she established her authority by publishing a number of case studies. This led to a series of ebooks focused on copywriting.
These data-driven articles and ebooks demonstrated that Joanna knew what she was talking about. And it wasn’t long before organizations were asking her to speak at their events (like ours).
Joanna didn’t need to say she’s a world-class copywriter. She demonstrated it.
Empower your audience
If you examine Joanna’s content, you’ll realize that the goal behind Authority content is ultimately about empowering your audience.
You give them what they need to know in order to succeed, making them the rock stars, as opposed to a lot of chest-thumping about your business, your clients, or your organization.
In the early days of Copyblogger, Brian accomplished this by publishing content almost exclusively on copywriting. Gems like:
- Don’t Read This or the Kitty Gets It!
- “Kids Eat Free” and Other Irresistible Offers
- Writing Headlines That Get Results
While Brian was an effective copywriter long before he launched Copyblogger, he never once said that he was. He simply demonstrated it through his content.
Brian would write posts as if they were mini chapters in a section of a book. The first series he wrote was Copywriting 101. This was just his standard two-times-a-week content.
It took Brian five weeks to get that 10-part series out. But once he was done, he bundled all of those articles into a cornerstone content page.
“I created it like the table of contents in a book, or a section of a book. Each of the 10 parts was laid out there with beautiful, nice navigation. I had intro copy. I had outro copy with a call to action at the end to join the email list or subscribe. I called it Copywriting 101.” – Brian Clark
Back then (2006), it was rare to see content organized that way. Not only was it authoritative, it was new, too.
What happened as a result of packaging that copywriting content in an authoritative way? People found it. They shared it. They linked to it.
Copyblogger subsequently ranks at the top of web search results for the term “copywriting.”
Elevating your Authority content
Fast-forward many years and content bundles are now common. That means it’s not enough to just create authoritative articles and landing pages. You’ve got to up the value to get attention.
And that’s what we did a few years ago.
Over the years, Brian and Sonia Simone had created a handful of these series.
In 2013, they were edited and formatted into PDF ebooks, and then offered behind a gateway or “free paywall” — what we call a content library.
We made them available as a comprehensive content marketing library and created the My.Copyblogger free membership community where you access the content.
You don’t have to pay any money. You just register for the site, give us your name and email, and we give you all that good stuff.
The cornerstone content evolved into a more appealing and more convenient format behind a free gateway. It was a new concept to the content marketing world.
Create your own Authority content in 4 steps
Here’s an outline for creating Authority content:
- Pick a topic. Select a topic you’re knowledgeable about and have experience with. Keep a narrow focus. For example, if you own a chain of local laundromats, you can create authoritative content on subtopics like “laundry detergent,” “dryer sheets,” and “folding garments.”
- Write a series. Break down your topic into five articles. Think of these five articles as chapters in a book. Publish one article from this series each week. Incorporate elements of Attraction content. You may need to include surveys, stats, lists, and downloadable assets.
- Bundle the series. Once all five articles have been published, bundle all of these articles into a downloadable PDF, and create a cornerstone content page for the PDF bundle. (By the way, there is an important difference between a cornerstone content page and a blog post.)
- Promote the series. Share the series on social media sites, link to it in your blog posts and guest posts you write on other sites, and notify your email list subscribers.
Again, the four content types may overlap, but Authority content will get people to actually do business with you.
The unstoppable power of Authority content
Authority content is the type of content that’s going to be the most likely to attract high-quality links to your site — both links from other websites and, even more importantly, authoritative sites (like popular media publishers, Wikipedia, or government sites).
When you combine Authority content with Attraction content, you’ve got an incredible one-two punch.
Authority plus Attraction is where the heavy-duty value begins. It tends to attract links and get a lot of shares. This is because — as I showed you in this article’s introduction — authority is one of the most powerful psychological influencers out there. And what’s really cool is you’re helping people, not tricking them.
Authority content gets attention, yes. But it gets it in a very meaningful way that’s going to eventually translate into action (which we’ll explain in the last article in this series).
Furthermore, people trust authorities, particularly authorities they like, which leads us to Affinity content (the content type we’ll discuss tomorrow).
Check out the other articles in this series
- An Introduction to the 4 Essential Types of Content Every Marketing Strategy Needs
- Attraction Content: The Foundation of a Smart Content Marketing Strategy
- Affinity Content: The Key to Growing Your Community
- Action Content: Turn Fans into Customers
Get your free ebook: 4 Essential Types of Content Every Marketing Strategy Needs
Build a content strategy based on the four content types in this series! Get your free ebook, 4 Essential Types of Content Every Marketing Strategy Needs.
Over to you …
Do you have any questions about Authority content? Drop your thoughts or questions in the comments section below.
And let us know about your favorite piece of Authority content (whether or not it was something you created). While you’re at it, let us know who your favorite authority is.
Reader Comments (20)
I am regularly creating high quality unique content on my blog. Some of them are ranking well also but not getting enough visitors on my blog. I think it is because the there are less people searching for that type content. So do i have to write only on those topics which are getting more searches and not on the topics that i am really passionate about. Please help me and express your views on this. Thanks in advance.
You’re writing about highly competitive search terms — in a competitive environment, you have to work harder to make sure the content is distinctive, has excellent headlines, etc.
Looking at your site, the range of topics also seems really broad. If you can narrow your focus to a more defined topic, that should help. If your passion is gaming, as it says in your footer bio, focus on gaming. Also realize that a good gaming site will have a lot of personality — generic “info only” content will have a tough time competing.
It does take considerable time to create authority in a topic, especially in the competitive terms.
By the way, Sugar Rae Hoffman wrote a great post about niche-focused sites way back in 2007, and it’s just as true now.
Like Sonia said, narrow your focus. That focus should cover a topic you know well and you love, say gaming. But that’s not all.
You then need to put your own spin on your content, what Joe Pulizi calls the content tilt:
That will allow you to stand out and, ultimately, own the category. You already write good articles. Now they just need the “tilt,” that reason why people will read your articles and not someone else’s.
Effective content is huge for a business. If you cannot create enough, the business will suffer. I liked the step by step process you outlined here. I think it is a great starting point for anyone just getting going.
Thanks Rob!
Demian, how amazingly nice of you to mention me here!! <3 What great company to be in. And coming from you!
I remember sharing around links to Brian’s early Copyblogger stuff back in my Intuit days. It’s amazing how much Brian, you and the Copyblogger team have influenced the marketing world. True authorities like y’all have incredibly helpful ideas, share them and keep sharing them.
Joanna Weibe commented on my article? Almost as cool as getting Bob Bly to comment.
Hey Demian, this is really great series of articles…thus far! I’m coming at this thing a bit back-to-front in that I have been publishing an email newsletter (essentially a fortnightly blog) for about 10 months and I’m just about to launch my website (finally, this week!). As a thought leader’s practice, the ultimate aim is to build my authority and positioning platform with my content marketing strategy primarily targeting list building so I have permission to market to them.
In particular, I was struck by the idea of the cornerstone content page that serves as my Resources page. As currently mocked up, it is a fairly bland page with “book”, “whitepapers”, and “brochures” headings on it. I see how it could be brought to life with more “category content” and interactive links to allow visitor to drill down and generally navigate the site.
I also like the idea of consolidating a series of articles into a cornerstone content page (like an ebook, sort of) but I haven’t completely wrapped my mind around how that fits with my Resources page approach above. So, only mildly spinning out but perhaps its a one step at a time thing…
Thanks again and eager to read the next article in the series tomorrow.
You’re welcome, Jeff, and good luck on the launch!
Hi Demian,
What are some ways to come up with Authority content that is unique? Any exercises you can share to help pinpoint some new, fresh, authoritative content for the solopreneur out there?
Hi Matt. Clearly you need to understand the market and dig until you uncover a unique angle. And be yourself. We want personality with our educational content. Otherwise we’d just read Wikipedia.
Demian, thanks for summarizing exactly what Brian did! I’ve been trying to figure it out, and, although I think I did, your steps made it extremely clear! Easy to follow and encouraging. Also, thanks for giving some insight into the amazing Joanna Wiebe’s background. I love regularly diving in to her and her team’s “pool of awesomeness.”
They are an awesome team, Todd.
The moment I finished reading the part about creating an Authority content from the amalgamation of your articles – ideas are already shooting out from my brain like fireworks.
I better get back to my workbook and change a couple of things before the light bulb dims.
Great article Demian.
I like it when that happens, Cornelius.
Hi, Damian – I appreciate your busy writing legendary copy like this article. BUT I miss you over on Rough Draft. Please come back!
Cheers Jenn
Thank you for the kind words.
Hi Demian, This is a power packed promotional idea. Will implement it soon with our blog series. Can see how the expertise is translated to audience with authoritative content.
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