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    6 Simple Steps to Writing Seductive Web Copy

    6 Simple Steps to Writing Seductive Web Copy

    Reader Comments (48)

    1. The headline instantly captured the attention and the content flow seduces the reader to obey the instructions you have mentioned 🙂

      I like your example about “Is your value proposition your magic pick-up line?” It’s actually the opener which gets the attention first to listen to what we have to say, and then the exiting introduction which holds the reader from bouncing out of the web page. **Like what happens every night in London’s biggest clubs, where all those seduction specialists roam to grab the prospects attention and hold them to take action.

      Adding a little to the point “Optimize your copy”, I have been testing this with content copies which I published and didn’t really convert the traffic the way I expected. Changing the headline and introduction few times even after publishing has given some great advantages for some of my content marketing efforts.

      Thanks for the awesome article Henneke and I’m just going to see what’s on “How to Write Seductive Web Cop”

    2. Wow i must say all the 6 tips were very good.i hope they will help me to write seductive web copy for my blog.
      thanx a lot for this

    3. All of these points are undeniable, but I think it’s interesting that identifying and describing your ideal reader has parallels with other forms of writing. Novelists and playwrights go to great lengths to get to know, not so much their readers, but the characters they plan to write about. Ibsen was famous for this, going as far as to take long train journeys with non-existent people in preparation for the play he was writing. It makes sense to spend some time with your ideal customer.

    4. You can do more than imagine the language your ideal customer uses. If he follows you on Facebook, you can ask him survey questions to find out the words he uses to describe your services.

      • Oh yes, of course. And you can read blog comments (my favorite way of doing “market research”) or check out Amazon reviews. There are also cheap web survey tools like Qualaroo and Leadconverter.

        Or just pick up the phone and talk to existing customers!

    5. Thanks for pointing out benefits versus features. Whenever I write web copy, I put myself in the potential customer’s shoes and come up with a list of ways the product or service I’m writing about could positively change my life. And really, who doesn’t want to buy a life changer?

    6. Great post and comments! What do you all think about point #2, namely the idea that the reader isn’t interested in you? Do you think today’s social marketing has changed that theory?

      I think of the many blogs I read, many of them product or service-related. The ones that keep me regularly coming back are those that, yes, offer me a benefit, AND they talk about themselves. It’s like I know them and have become hooked on their lives. penelopetrunk.com is an example of this. She’s a soap opera/marketing genius all rolled into one. And yes, I’ve purchased her product and found it beneficial.

      So what do you think? Have things changed?

      • Excellent point, Di.

        There are always exceptions of course. People like Penelope Trunk or Seth Godin are powerful personality brands – I do think people are interested in them, just like people are interested in what celebrities wear, say, and do.

        And I think you are right – people are interested in transparency; they often want to know who’s behind the brand. Maybe I’ve put it a little too simplistic, but I do find that starting to think from the customer’s point of view hugely helps with making web copy (and marketing in general) more persuasive.

    7. I agree that the first step is to “describe your ideal reader.” Don’t rush this process. Think about it, and then think about it, again. Don’t waste your time creating a website, marketing materials, etc. if you don’t know your ideal reader. You’ll become frustrated and want to give up. Take your time. The internet isn’t going anywhere. 🙂

      Great post… thanks for the insight!

    8. What a great article, it attracted me. The most powerful tool of a seducer in my eyes.

      As a man I know that I already won before I start a conversation with a women. I can fully focus on letting her win, on what she wants. Reading your article writing copy makes as much sense to me as seducing women.

      It’s not only about what you say, but how you say it. In better words, how you touch their feelings.

    9. I really enjoyed this post. Each step is sopt on and I like how actionable each one is. You’re definitely preaching to the choir with me, but it’s always good to be reminded of why we need to understand, know and seduce our ideal clients.

      Thank you for the post!

    10. Henneke, love the tips you share here!

      Practice, practice, practice and read, read, read. You improve by immersing yourself in web copy, by reading spot on posts like these and then by practicing your writing skills.

      Practice make better, and better, and better. Be a web copy junkie; in time your writing and connecting skills will improve tremendously.

      Thanks for sharing!

    11. Thanks for writing a great post on this fab blog: it resonated with me.

      As a reader, I am not attracted to all blogs and newsletters. There are only a few that grab my attention. Invariably, I end up subscribing to such blogs and newsletters: they should be informative and entertaining, to be sure.

      Thus, you have to be able to answer the question: What’s in it for me?

      You will achieve success if you tap into the mindset of your readers. They are a quirky lot with strong likes and dislikes and with notoriously short attention spans.

      If you web copy and pictorials can hold my attention, you have me there. If not, you have just lost a potential customer.

      And, as a reader, I can tell you from my perspective that I have gained a lot from the link sharing that Copyblogger has dished out on a regular basis. I have come across material/literature that has helped me on my journey. And that has been a big plus in my life. Have a good one.

    12. Great insight on how to create an irresistible web copy! Also my advice would be: write for people – not for Search Engines. Don’t be tempted. I have seen some great posts with hundreds comments on them that we not quite SEO optimized but got an enormous amount of responses. Find your topic you are really good at it. Make a provocative title and you are the winner!

    13. Hi Henneke,

      I’m unable to download/read the book even after using my Amazon login details.

      Can you tell me the steps to download the guide?


    14. I find that creating “seductive” content is wholly found in a very simple concept. Mystery.

      Mystery in today’s culture is found everywhere. From being hooked with a cliffhanger on the latest episode of “Lost” and wondering what the next episode will hold for answers to what the island is all about, to the reveal on the next Apple iPhone and wondering what it will have that the previous generations don’t.

      You refer to “secret” multiple times, which revolves around this same concept. But no one can resist a mystery. It drives people to find the answer. It’s epic. It’s enticing. It’s marketing.

      • Yes, you’re right. Mystery, mystique, secrets – these techniques fascinate and keep people reading on, whether it’s a novel or sales copy!

    15. Excellent information…and thanks so much for the FREE book! So generous and helpful. Though I don’t sell products, per se, I have a blog and a contributor website and I want people to read and subscribe…same points apply. I am also developing my professional website and I’m going to check out my heads and copy with your points in mind. Thanks again!

      • You’re welcome, Elise. Hope you enjoy the book! 🙂

        And yes, the same points apply as you say. Sales copy is any text that is written to get people to take action – whether it’s subscribe to your newsletter or buy something.

    16. Henneke – thanks so much for the awesome tips. Of course, drafting first and then improvising on the copy many times works great. And I totally agree with you when you say if we write for people, its automatically SEOed – as long as we use the exact words that people use to search for information 🙂

      Oh and I downloaded the book as well – thank you!

    17. Thanks Henneke! Particularly like the idea of speaking to the imaginary friend to focus the mind on them! Book downloaded : )


      • Yes, that’s my favorite trick, too.

        Thank you for downloading the book. I hope you’ll enjoy it!

    18. Love the lips. That seduced me right there. I think all the above tips can also be applied to writing ebooks that appeal–especially know WHO you are writing to! That is the important first step in writing a book that WOWS!

    19. Hi Henneke,

      Comming from a strange place called pickup – breaking down how to seduce women into facts kinda strange – I see loads of overlap with copywriting.

      One thing we’re talking about is how to make her qualify herself. How to make sure that someone feels committed to a cause by investing. By wanting to show you how great she is.

      We all know, that when you’re doing all the talking people lose interest. What people, and what she, really want(s) is to participate. And even more so, to feel valued.

      So good copy is again all about them or, about her. Writing in a way that makes them feel valued will attract a heap more interest than say… blurting about yourself.

      What you want ultimately is to make everyone feel like a winner, right?

      So thanks for the article and oh… I also downloaded the book!

    20. After the sexy title, I would have switched to funny/light-hearted with a reference to Friends episode “The One That Could Have Been.”

      Monica: Do you have any…moves?
      Chandler: I have some moves….
      Monica: Ok. I have no moves.

      That’s what I thought when I saw the title of this post and the first couple of lines of text. But I couldn’t find a picture of that scene…except for the one when she says: “We are gonna do THAT AGAIN!” (people still remember Friends, right?)

    21. Thanks for your article, Henneke. This is a great primer for new copywriters and a solid refresher for those of us who have studied the basics.

      I believe that much of a copywriter’s success (or failure!) comes down to how well he or she appeals to the intended audience. So I appreciate you brought up your point about imagining your ideal reader first.

      Too many copywriters have less than stellar results because they try to appeal to everyone. Maybe they hesitate to screen their prospects out of a fear of losing business.

      Narrowing your focus to only ideal customers allows you to tailor your message and speak directly to them. This personal voice allows you to be more persuasive and convert more prospects into customers.


    22. Your point about not using clever wordplay is a valid one. I see a lot of headlines where the product owner (or the copywriter they employed) has done this, or even worse, tried to engage the reader with humour. Injecting a little bit of light-hearted humour is all well and good in the body copy, but not the headline, as not everyone shares the same sense of humour and may be put off by it. Clear, concise, benefit-driven headlines are the way to go! Thanks Henneke.

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