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    A Powerful Key to Prolific and Potent Writing

    A Powerful Key to Prolific and Potent Writing

    Reader Comments (22)

    1. 100% agree with arbitrary word counts! My writing has always tended to be concise—I say what needs to be said, and I move on. It caused me no end of headaches in school because I’d routinely turn in (perfectly good) papers that were half the required length. ?

      • Yes!

        Arbitrary word counts for school papers can train people to be repetitive … and if anyone goes on to write professionally, they quickly learn that editors will cut out that extra text.

        Then those writers may not like editors. 😉

    2. I love the metric you lay out for quality! It can be far too easy to stay focused on the minutiae of prose style or SEO metrics and lose sight of the most important things: how useful the blog is to its intended audience and how unique your content is. Thanks for the great reminder and reinforcement!

    3. Hello Stephanie,

      This is an amazing piece. I shared an old post I wrote a few years ago on the same social media platform and it went viral.

      At a point I was wondering if it was because of my influence today or because I spoke to the right audience but your article has come to clear that.

      What’s old to me might be new to someone else in another stage of life. We will continue to evolve and get better.

      Thanks for sharing.


    4. Service is at the core of my writing. So getting clearer through practice, editing and just repeating simple processes makes things flow smoothly. Like a full commit to helping folks as much as possible energizes me to be prolific and potent. Love your simple style 😉 Powerful, simple and clear win in the writing game. Complex stinks LOL.


    5. Great piece! Flow and connecting with my reader is the goal for me. It’s all about meeting that reader where they are and giving them what they need. Editing your own writing is definitely a special skill and craft, but quite valuable once you learn it. I totally agree with your five-step process, too. Thanks for sharing!

      • Flow makes such a difference … great point, Jane! 🙂

        A long post could seem really short if it flows properly. On the other hand, a short post could seem really long if it doesn’t.

    6. Hey Stefanie,

      This is such a valuable piece of information. Word-count doesn’t matter after all, if what you write is irrelevant to your topic. If that same information can be expressed clearly in fewer words, then don’t expand your text.

      As bloggers, we tend to write longer posts because they rank well in search engines and are in-depth. But, this should not be compromised for quality content.

      Also, honing your skills is such an important task. With practice, you get better at your craft.


    7. Dear Stefanie,
      thanks a lot for your precious advice.
      I only have a doubt. I am a journalist and I am starting a blogging about an old criminal case in Italy (1971).

      The website introduce a new book I am publishing about a cold case.

      My posts will help my readers to discover a fascinating story and to learn aspects never discussed before.

      Your wrote: “High quality” is a measure of whether or not your contribution helps your audience in ways they can’t find anywhere else.

      I have two questions:
      – How can I help my audience? I don’t solve their problems or give them advice. Just news and media analysis about an old intriguing cold case…
      – I’m using the right number of words in each post. But… how many posts should I publish every week? I read that I should post a lot at the beginning of my blog…

      Thanks for your help.
      Best wishes from North Italy.

      • Those are great questions, Maurizio. 🙂

        1. For your project, I’d say crafting a clear, cohesive, and entertaining presentation for each blog post you publish is the best way to serve your audience. You could look at the podcast Serial as an example. Focused and engaging posts will keep readers intrigued and looking forward to your next installment.

        2. How often you publish could be determined by how often you’re able to create one of those clear, cohesive, entertaining presentations. Publishing once a week is a good starting place … and you can always publish more often.

    8. Love the thought about older content being relevant to new readers even when it seems outdated to me. Plenty of my older posts become the more popular ones, despite me re-reading and knowing my writing has improved greatly since then.

      Additionally, I’ve found that the posts with fewer words often lead to more engaged readers. Give them what they need but still leave them wanting more. Guess I need to continue to work on my long-windedness…

    9. I’m so glad you acknowledged the silliness of arbitrary word counts, as well as the fact that there’s no point being embarrassed by older content.

      Ever onward, right?

    10. I also look back at some of my older writing and start thinking that it seems really basic. It almost feels like, duh. But one person’s “Duh” can be another persons insight. So, I would like to second the notion of keep writing and keep evolving.

      • I love that! And I get insights from “duh” all the time.

        It’s like when you re-read a helpful book after you’ve evolved a bit … you learned from it the first time you read it, and even though the concepts aren’t completely new the second time you read it, you’ll make more connections and find new applications for the material. 🙂

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