Powerful Calls to Action: How to Get Your Reader to Take the Next Step

Powerful Calls to Action: How to Get Your Reader to Take the Next Step

Reader Comments (13)

  1. Great post pamela. You went into very little details and explain all the details. But comparison of different call to action would make it little better.
    Well overall it was very useful.

  2. CTA is important that we have already known it. But, how to use it perfectly we lack a knowledge of it. Thanks a ton to copyblogger to share the views and techniques among us.

  3. These are some great tips on how to make the most of your calls to action. You want your calls to action to make the reader want to engage with your offer. This is why I agree that making them stand out is important. You also share good advice on how to promote the benefits of the offer. Thanks for sharing Pamela!

  4. Thanks for the post Pamela. You touched on multiple details and explain all of them very well. Now I have some more studying to do regarding different call to action.
    Thanks again for the useful information.

  5. Call to Actions plays major role in traffic conversion. Here conversions means not only sales but these are the various actions that you want user to opt, for example subscribe, download, read more etc. Using CTA is in affecting manner is significant in fascinating users. Your guide definitely helps in this. Thanks for the post.

  6. Great article.. I think a good call to action is vital actually to traffic conversion. But for some reason i never seem to get it right on my website. I have no idea what i am doing wrong..

    Again, great job PAMELA WILSON

  7. What a great post. I love the Girl Scout cookies sales story. I had the same experience. I hated every minute of going door-to-door. I was so embarrassed! Little did I know. And it’s amazing how back then we COULD go door-to-door and the only thing we feared was the sales pitch (or lack of one).

    My call to action is exactly reversed of what you recommend – so I’m going to change it. Thanks for the advise.

    Mary Ann

  8. That was a great Post. I am new to Blogging and finding out new things that I need to be doing everyday. I just today added a call to action button on my post, wish I would have read this first. I will print it out so I don’t forget anything for my next Post. I also plan on subscribing to the Book Factory, can’t wait to read your book. Thanks for sharing, Donna

  9. I remember that girl scout cookie terror. After reading this, I realize I am still wearing that uniform with the feelings that went with it.

    I’ll be reading this one over and over again.

    Thanks, Pamela!

    • I’m glad it was helpful, Beca. When we have a great product that people want or need, we can’t be afraid to make a compelling offer. (But I know it’s tough: that’s why I wrote this chapter.)

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