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    5 Quick Things You Can Do This Week to Fix Your Marketing

    5 Quick Things You Can Do This Week to Fix Your Marketing

    Reader Comments (57)

    1. Great article. These are all things that I intuitively understand, but have not always acted upon. Thanks for the reminder and specific directions to accomplish what needs to be done. I’m going to be overhauling my site this fall and I’ll be working on all these things.

    2. “You need a way to “park” your entire audience, and keep them interested and engaged until they’re ready to make a purchase.”

      Most businesses don’t get the final sale after one interaction. The more complex the product is and the longer the sales cycle is the more time you need to nurture those leads. You have to keep them interested and engaged time and time again.

    3. Thanks so much for your very un-bogus suggestions, Sonia. Quick and (relatively) easy to accomplish most. #2 is still one I’m working on nailing down so that’s my focus this week.

      However, I’ve knocked off two of the five in 30 seconds. That’s a pretty quick fix, no? Just three to go and I’ve got a whole week left. Awesome!

      I just changed the headline (#3) for a post I’m about to publish, which now clearly shows the benefit of reading it. And (#5) the post is about how to thank your audience like a rock star. So I’m going back and letting my audience (and hopefully some new friends too) know how much I appreciate them. This post was inspired by Copyblogger’s own Demian Farnsworth, who Tweeted something to this effect. He also gets thanked in there so the kudos are just shooting out like a fire hose.

      Thanks again Sonia for some absurdly concise advise!

    4. Once again, Sonia, you have written a remarkable post. One of the finest I have come across: it really made sense and resonated with me.

      I think what we miss is that the process of buying and selling in the marketplace is a relationship and not just a transaction.

      If you want to stay in business, you need to honour that relationship. Long after the transaction is over, you need to pursue your customers.

      You can do that by firing up their imagination about new products and services on offer; or providing great customer service after they have bought your product. But somehow you have to stay in the game.

      The customer needs to understand that you care; that they are not lost and forgotten once you have their money in the palm of your hand.

      And you can be persistent without the bizzare behaviour of a stalker. Good timing is everything, so make sure you are professional and approach the customers accordingly. What’s a good time for them? Cheers.

    5. Stress benefits above all. We show up to be served, right? I read this because I want a quick fix. Excellent piece Sonia!

      I built my guest posting page differently 2 days ago. I title the page, “25 Reasons Why You Should Write a Guest Post for this Blog.” Straight and to the point.

      Some list out numbers or rankings. I do that but expound by focusing on other reasons to write a guest post.

      Once people see benefits they buy, or join, or sign up. Seeing AND feeling I should say because benefits must reach people on a subconscious level to promote action.

      Go heavy on the benefits to grow your business quickly.

      Think like someone who gobbles up benefits all day long; we all do but at times become lazy when building our marketing campaigns, forgetting what drives us to do what we do.

      Wonderful post Sonia, thanks for sharing!!


    6. About to launch a redux of my site (which sorely needs it) and this is a great and practical checklist before I hit the migrate site button! Copyblogger and Authority… you’re savin’ my bacon!

    7. Thanks Sonia for a practical solution to a nagging problem. #2 has been bugging me for a while and i have scheduled it in my calendar to come up with a clear message. There should be no doubt as to what your site is all about.

      • My massage therapist saw her business take a huge jump when she switched her sign (on her physical space) from “Personal wellness retreat” to “Day Spa.” If she’d changed it to “Massage,” I think she would have done even better.

        What’s clear to us isn’t always clear to our customers!

    8. Good checklists are so powerful! They give us permission do what matters most right now without delay or excuses.

      Thank you, Sonia. You just gave me my action-list for this week and for regular check-ups.

    9. I only discovered this website last week. Bloody hell it’s useful. Suddenly starting out as a new copywriter doesn’t seem as daunting. Not many emails I look forward to receiving each day — this is one of them. This post in particular is great. Realise haven’t spelt out the benefits of my business on my own homepage very well. Time to sort.

    10. Dear Sonia,

      I’ve been following and reading a lot of your relevant posts.
      The only question I have and still haven’t found the answer is how to apply all these ideas when you own an online publication in a specific industry like Fashion/Art.

      Fashion is a big industry, and an extremely competitive one. We work like crazy but we don’t give marketing tips, we don’t sell products, and we don’t teach readers how to monetize their blog.

      We cover original stories of creative professionals and independent brands. But, it’s not easy to build an audience when you don’t give useful tips or information.

      I think it would be interesting if CopyBlogger can bring some ideas about specific niches and industries, like you did for example with Real Estate.

      Many thanks:)

      • Sonia, please see my blog content. Would love to play with you. I’m offer so much more than superficiality!

        Don’t you love these people?

        I’m crushing. I’m finally finding the answers in the snarky way I love to hear them!

      • What’s the primary problem your audience wants to solve?

        Is it a business problem (how to get more customers for their fashion/beauty business), or a fashion problem (how to look good, how to stay on trend).

        Solve the problems that are bugging your audience.

    11. Good second point, I’ve seen plenty of sites that follow this structure and the end result usually involves the customer clicking off the page to look elsewhere. I agree that you need to think about what customers want, but you also need to clearly state what you do as well, otherwise your message will be lost in translation.

      A call to action is a must for businesses selling products and services. It’s effective within copy, but you don’t want to overdo it with too many per page. The top of the page to draw attention and at the end of sales/company copy are perfect in this instance.

    12. I read the words “normal people” and got the giggles.

      But you are absolutely right in that customers often do not see a product in the same way that its creator does. I’m shocked by some of the searches that pop up for my blog which, while completely relevant, are no where near the intent I had in mind.

    13. God, I love you people.
      Ok..so slap me if you must.
      I’m an Image Stylist that ends up doing a sh*t ton of life coaching.
      (Because the image reveals lots of other issues that I can people fix and polish.) It’s true that the styling component appears to get people through my door, but only about 50% of the time.
      (There are also a sh*t ton of life coaches and I really don’t want to market myself that way.)
      How, pray tell, do you recommend that I address my marketing issue?
      I work with conscious entrepreneurs to make them look pretty online and everywhere else.

      Much obliged,

      *see Auretha.com for the soon-to-be-updated-according-to-your-advice website/blog

      • I would probably stick with marketing the problem that people originally come to you with (image consulting), and delivering what gets the results (a more holistic approach).

        There are a lot of people who want to look better, so having that as the primary benefit you sell is probably the way to go. From there, it’s a matter of experimenting with different ways of framing that until you hit on the one that works best.

    14. I think the hidden message to this post (at least the comments anyway) is that the secret to good content is to get a massage regularly. Well done Simone! I just printed these 4 points and stuck it to the wall above my desk to keep me on my toes.

    15. Great advice and it’s great that they are all really quick to do. I know that I need to go through my website and add a few call to actions. Thanks for sharing.

    16. I agree with you on #3.. This can make or break your conversions. Some marketers don’t understand how important your headline is.. Good tips..

    17. Question – What if you do quite a bit? This would be in terms of explaining yourself better to your audience. I mean if I have several blogs on different niches and I use my actual name for each of them – should I explain what I do pertaining to the niche in each “about page” on each blog? And what are your thoughts on creating a main site explaining more about me and all the niches that I write articles and perform services in? Great post! 🙂

      • I’d probably use tag lines with what you do for each site, combined with a very clear About page for each one that spells it out.

        If you have the bandwidth for it, an umbrella site that’s all about Shawn would be a good move, using that as your hub and then linking out to your other projects.

    18. Hi Sonia,

      Awesome post.

      Inspired me to finally get off my ass and get my marketing into place.
      You Copyblogger guys and girls rock!

    19. This serves as a reminder. I am pretty much occupied on things that should be done but have never taken account on cleaning some of the clatters that are emanating. Definitely, I would be dealing on the mess by this weekend.

    20. Hi Sonia,
      Thanks for a very interesting post. I have just published a paper back for my debut novel with Lulu.com as well as an e-book on amazon.com so I’m going to try a little thank you surprise to everybody that has bought one.
      As for my blog I’ll go back through it and make sure I’ve included a call to action on each post.
      Thanks again.

    21. Take away for me for this week is to spend more time in perfecting headlines for my blog posts. I feel I’m spending very little time in drafting headlines for my blog posts. And its post headline which decides whether our blog readers will be reading a particular post or not.

      Apart from this, I’m going to try incorporating more social media links in my blog.

      • Getting better headlines can immediately help with social sharing and traffic. Post with strong, effective headlines just get read more often.

    22. I am notoriously guilty of forgetting the call to action. That’s a great place for me to start. I’ve also been working on including a benefit in the headlines, but this definitely makes it more clear what it is I need to do.

    23. Hey Sonia,

      That’s great info you have there. I am kind of a newbie, but I am always learning something new every day. Thanks very much for posting.

    24. Thanks for the reminder about not forgetting about current customers. They already know, like and trust you so half the battle is already won with them.

    25. Great article Sonia, very in depth. I’m probably guilty on point 2 – trying to be too clever with my titles. A particular one I wrote about Matt Cutts eating my hamster springs to mind. The article was actually about how to get people’s attention and make your post stand out from the crowd… so why didn’t I just call it something like that. In fact, I’m going to change it. Today.

      And just in case you’re wondering… Matt Cutts didn’t eat my hamster. He’s fine.

    26. Hi Sonia,

      All great tips but #4 has been a significant one for me.

      People that come to your site might be interested in what you have to say but your ideas on the back burner for them. If they are on your subscriber list chances are your ideas will be something they need at some point later on. I’ve certainly found email to be one of the best ways to work this idea.

      Your homework ideas are great! Thanks.


    27. #5 You’re ignoring your existing customers–truly a common mistake that content marketers do. I’ve been guilty myself. We tend to pre-occupied in getting more and more new visitors to the site that we ignore the existing customer database we have. That moment I realized that I was giving too much attention to getting new customers, I created two different approches immediately. I started showing my existing customers how much I value their patronage and trust me, it really does pay off well.

    28. Nice article. After printing this article out, I’m going to go through my own website. Next, I’m going through all my clients’ websites. Thanks. Good article for a Monday.

    29. Spot on, most people think having a website is all they need then complain when they don’t get any business from it. Same when they put one ad in the paper and complain that advertising doesn’t work. Call it a spade – quick fixes are bogus, always have been. Every point you make reminds us that the basics of marketing have always been the same, we just keep forgetting them. Thanks for the timely tips.

    30. I love homework (said no-one ever), but I actually like the idea of getting homework from a blog.

      I’m going to sit my ass down now and start writing my autoresponder.

      Thanks for the push!

      • I have been at this for a while. Not making income, but I do love it. My biggest problem concerning internet marketing is information overload. I told myself 5 years ago to quit buying shinning stars and 5 years later I have another 10 gigs of stars.
        I love doing this. It is like a video game to me. I have scored all this -stuff- and none of it matters. I am trying to make money but I am not doing what I am supposed to do.

        I know that I should determine what I want to do online and that I should choose a niche and research the heck out of it, get content and upload to my site, then drive traffic and have an opt in and an auto-responder set up and have back end after I acquire leads from my front end, to soft sell and to educate prospects and to give them valuable free information and treat them like friends. And I could go on.

        So what I do is upload as many pretty sites as I can and then I tell myself, I will come back to them and populate them later. And then I get another shinny star and continue the maddening cycle without getting anything accomplished and with out making a dime in sales and ending up with no opt ins.

        But I love doing this. It is a video game. I just love it and get excited about it. But I would like to start making some profit from it. I am addicted. So that is the extent of my endeavors.

        Can you help? PLEASE?

        Thanks, Trevor White


        • 1. Make a plan.

          2. Stick to the plan.

          3. If the plan isn’t working, find out what’s going wrong.

          4. Find out why it’s going wrong and concentrate on fixing it. Get knowledge by reading useful content on sites like copyblogger, problogger or inbound.org.

          5. Try again and again, if it does not work. Always focus on that one thing that isn’t working.

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