Want to see a blog that smartly applies a lot of the tips you read here at Copyblogger? Check out Anne Zelenka — great content smartly presented in a compelling fashion.
The key to effective information sales — The Bikini Concept.
The more creative thinking you apply to your subject matter, the better your content. Check out Tapping Creativity.
Did you know blogging is a transferable skill? Of course it is, but you might not realize in how many ways.
Mike Sigers pulls off a perfect Seth Godin post.
Reader Comments (25)
Lol… I was looking at the Bikini concept and I have to agree there. It’s what you want but you can’t have that makes you want it more. That’s definitely a good way to do marketing.
Although sometimes, you’d prefer they never take off the bikini in the first place (that’s when the copy is great and the product isn’t that great).
Interesting. I’ve never thought of the concept of Link Karma before.
The Bikini concept – great name! Always leave your audience wanting more. Or as we say in the software industry – That feature will be in the next release.
Common sense is not always that common after all. I look forward to opportunities to be in the same folder with someone famous so you can take one of my posts for link Karma 😉
Valeria, you’re already famous. 🙂
I was reading the links like a good Copyblogger slave and actually clicked thru to my own.
Thanks for the comparison, but ol’ Seth may be sending you a stern letter of disapproval 🙂
Mike, it’s funny about RSS… when all site context is stripped away, it’s only the content… and I thought it was him.
I like your “regular” posts quite a bit. But you know that. 🙂
That poem was great, there should be more blogging poems out there…
I like these posts – I always get hooked by anything that ahs the word links in the Title when it arrives in my RSS. Keep it up and we’ll keep reading
Brian, thanks so much for the shout out on Tapping Creativity. I really appreciate it and all the work you put into copyblogger.
I will add Anne in my blog Swipefile. Thanks.
Reminds me of an old bikini quote:
“Bikini’s reveal a lot but hide the vital spots.”
Sorry, actually it was:
“Bikini’s are a lot like statistics, they reveal a lot but hide the vital spots.”
Brian, the URL for your “blogs are a transferable skill” link is the URL for the “How to Write a Poem.” 🙁
Took a look at Anne Zelenka’s site but wasn’t my cup of tea. However I clicked to Web worker daily where I found a link to alfamercado that has a great post that introduced me to Dosh Dosh where I subscribed to their feed.
It’s amazing how 1 link leads to another which eventually lead to Dosh Dosh getting a new RSS subscriber.
Thanks for letting me know (inadvertently) about Dosh.
Dosh Dosh rocks.
Ha, that’s so true about the one link leads to another thing. But funny because I’ve linked to Dosh directly before.
Glad it worked out. 🙂
Thanks a lot Clark.
I’m actually working on a little something for you this week…
Adam, thanks for the heads up, fixed.
Des is going to kill me! 🙁
Link – the right one 🙂 – appreciated Brian. I had fun writing the post and am honoured by your liking it. And thanks Adam on the link alert.
Great links. Good karma.
Applying the karma model to links has a lot of sense. It’s a way to share social credit. Of course when things go wrong you share “social debits” 🙂
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