There’s a lot of online marketing advice floating around out there.
One way to determine if it’s any good is to hold it up to the tested wisdom from the greats of the past.
Enjoy (and use) this slightly new spin on a classic David Ogilvy quote, as relevant today as when he uttered it decades ago …
Embed this Copyblogger Shareable on your own site, just copy and paste the code below into your blog post or web page …
About the Author: Brian Clark is founder of Copyblogger, CEO of Copyblogger Media, and Editor-in-Chief of Entreproducer. Get more from Brian on Google+.
Reader Comments (17)
The quality of your work determines how people respond to it.
ok, nice..
Creating good quality content is worth every effort one puts in. It actually does a preselling, instead of one trying to convince.
Thanks for sharing this image Brian.
All the best,
Great content will always reign supreme 🙂
Nice one Brian..
Here’s one I like from Ogilvy: “If it doesn’t sell, it isn’t creative” -Creative content helps us sell products, but also “sell” our ideas and the way we think. If it doesn’t do that, then it’s back to the drawing board.
If you’re a fan of Ogilvy’s thinking on the intersection of creativity and commerce, you might dig this one:
Thanks Sonia.. will definitely check it out.
Not to mention he would not approve of the design of this flyer, as it is opposed to one of his principal philosophies concerning type & background. 🙂
Okay, this sounds stupid, but I have never been above stupidity:
Where, exactly, on a blog post or web page would I paste this code? Create a link and put it in the post somewhere? Put it somewhere (where?) on the back end of the WordPress post?
I honestly don’t know, but thanks for the info. Always great.
Meredith Blevins
You’d go into your “HTML” view on your content editor (works the same for a page or a post) and just paste the code in. Then your viewers would see just what you see here, the graphic image.
If you’re not on WordPress, there’s nearly always a “code” or “html” window for this kind of thing.
Does that make sense?
Awesome quote
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