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    How to Get Past the “Don’t Buy” Button

    How to Get Past the “Don’t Buy” Button

    Reader Comments (30)

    1. Brian;

      Good stuff!

      The white paper is most effective for the complex sale–something that cannot be purchased on impulse.

      It helps educate and overcome concerns of readers.

      Thanks for mentioning the white paper.


    2. Dorausch, I have a cat you can buy. Actually, you can just have him. 🙂

      Stelzner, good point. A good white paper overcomes objections to avoid the impulse of the prospective purchaser to move on to another solution. You want to keep them firmly in the sales cycle.

    3. Besides the white paper, which is definitely useful for overcoming fears, I believe the solid guarantees are very effective in building trust. As a buyer, I have less concerns if I see for example that I can benefit from a 30 days money back guarantee.

    4. Even though my max 30min. tv a day was tickin’ it couldn’t – despite its live images and advanced audio – compete with your article; I simply couldn’t look up before the end of this article.

    5. I love that- make them see themselves buying- i’m trying to work on more “ownership” and “walking the prospect through buying” techniques as taught by Sugarman- great stuff Brian- Thanks.

    6. Great post, – it’s one of those really hard things to do, to distance yourself from what you’re creating and imagine yourself as the person you’re writing for,… takes years of practice, apparently….

    7. In addition to the impulse buy factor, the human condition is most often reluctant to change in general. Buying something means bringing about change, just as having to give something up would be. You raise a great point when you say you need get consumers enjoying the benefits of the product; it’s then that they see the change being a better alternative to staying the same.

      It’s a tall task. But that’s also why copywriting is work.

    8. Love this blog. I’m a Realtor and my pitch is “Don’t Buy, Ask Why.” I first go over the facts about buying and how they don’t work financially, and if the client STILL wants to buy (for warm and fuzzy reasons), then I can help them.
      People enjoy the non-pressure.

    9. Very good article. I believe that there’s research that shows that most buying decisions are made in the first 30 seconds. But, I think that’s for brick and mortar stores; not sure about ecommerce?

    10. So, a great copywriter has to be a great neuroscientist, a great salesperson, and a great storyteller. Tough job!

      You don’t have to be a neuroscientist, but it helps to keep up with developments in cognitive psychology, or read a blogger who does. 🙂

    11. Great post.

      Getting past that objection stage is absolutely crucial to get the buy.

      But so is creating a sense of urgency and giving them a reason to Click right away.

    12. You’ve got some great piece of advice once again, Brian.

      That’s a technique that I always apply – the benefits of buying a particular product and making the potential customers see themselves buying it.

      Creating a positive image as the purachase’s result is also quite important. It quickens the time needed to make the purchasing descision and prevents future regrets of buying the product.

      Concetrating on the benefits + making the client visualize buying + creating a positive image = sale.

      With regards,
      Dimitar Nikolov
      Life & Business Ramblings

    13. Interesting stuff Brian. i certainly learned a few new things there. i Agree with you when you say its not just about putting a buy link. you really have to target users, then present the right information, at the time that particular user wants to hear it. Only then can you qualify somebody for a sale.

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