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    What’s Your ‘Desert Island’ Copywriting Technique? Answers from Our Team

    What’s Your ‘Desert Island’ Copywriting Technique? Answers from Our Team

    Reader Comments (19)

    1. What the government doesn’t want you to know about this island will terrify you

      or (in Pirate)

      Wha’ th’ government doesn’t wants ye t’ know about this island will terrify ye

    2. What in the hell are you doing up there?! Heaven is here. Come and have a look.


      10 Surprising Facts About This Island That Will Blow Your Mind. → (small text from gravel follows)

    3. GET YOUR SOLITUDE TODAY!* (In pebbles) *Conditional offer while supplies last. Must leave transport on arrival.

    4. Escapism

      Why opt for the 4HWW (Four hour working week) mindset when you can opt for a zero hour, in paradise.

      People work tirelessly to gain money and possessions. But when most are asked what their ideal life would be like, they would escape somewhere quiet and live off the land.

    This article's comments are closed.