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    Case Study: How Aurélien Amacker Escaped the Cubicle to Find Success in Content Marketing

    Case Study: How Aurélien Amacker Escaped the Cubicle to Find Success in Content Marketing

    Reader Comments (38)

    1. Thank you Beth and Sonia it is so amazing to be featured on CopyBlogger 🙂

      Hi hope this interview motivates people to take action, because at the end of the day what matters is what you did.

      As Woody Allen said: “80% of success is showing up”.

      So show up every single day and you will succeed, no matter who you are and what you’ve got.

      Thanks Copyblogger 😉

      • Thanks for letting me grill you. 🙂 So many people have told me, “I don’ think content/blogging works in my culture,” I’m hoping this will widen some perspectives.

      • Thank you Aurelien, Sonia, Beth and everyone at Copyblogger! This story in particular resonates deeply with me. I just turned in my 2 weeks notice and am pursuing my own content and inbound marketing venture. I’m a little anxious but I knew it was the right thing to do , and reading this post has strengthened my confidence in my decision. Copyblogger was the first blogging / SEO copywriting website I came across when I started my job as a trade rag assistant editor 2 years ago..and it still remains my go-to source as I’m getting ready to launch my own business. Thank you all very much!

    2. Hey Sonia. Anytime I hear about someone meeting someone and then helping that person achieve their dreams I get a warm feeling inside.

      I’m a firm believer that people don’t care about how much you know until they they know how much you care. Great job on on your success story.

    3. Hi Beth&Sonia,
      i didn’t discover Aurelien in this post, though he is my coach in blogging!
      But i discovered your work, and especially posts like https://copyblogger.com/page-rank-vs-author-rank/
      so thanks to Aurelien!
      Finally the methods AA teaches are similar to those you suggest!
      How can i make know my writing to americans readers? I administrate a blog and i wrote a book on the subject “how i healed my cancer, and my theory about cancer development” which may interest a lot of your compatriots!
      thank you or your proposals.

    4. Reading this blog inspired me to go on I’m from Colombia reside in New York, also love the internet
      world. I’m just a beginner and wish for the best every day.

    5. I always get excited when I see another writer featured in a copyblogger interview. Keep this type of content coming! A fun read — and inspirational too!

    6. “It’s not about money anymore. It’s about being happy” -> How true this statement is! I think a lot of people can relate. Cliche as it may be, money really can’t buy happiness (travel, time to workout, time with family, time to NAP!). Thank you for doing this interview.

    7. Aurélien is among the best teacher in Lifestyle Business and Blogging !!

      So excited to see him here and to see a Frenchman in such a big blog as copyblogger !!

      @Aurélien BRAVO !!! 😀



    8. I’m going to love the Case Studies format!

      I’m on Aurélien’s list since a few months, and I like what he presents.
      Very much looking forward to read more case studies about other quality content as his or yours 🙂

      All the Best
      Patricia, Switzerland

    9. A truly inspiring story. Sometimes, you can only but imagine how people are able to traffic these numbers daily, and still eke out a living doing so. I am honestly inspired.

      I have just been a recent convert to copyblogger; subscribed to IMSP and Entreproducer.
      I live and work in Ghana.
      Thanks Sonia, thanks Copy Media.

      Thanks Sonia.

    10. What an amazing concept! Aurélien, your story is so inspiring… 5000 visits and 100 subscribers a day is awesome! “It’s not about money anymore. It’s about being happy.” Best quote ever… definitely sharing 🙂

    11. Awesome, awesome interview. Just opened my eyes to what I need to do. I too quit my job recently to follow my passions, but I’ve been delaying the launch of my blog for one or the other reasons till today.. guess I gotta push it out..

      Thanks Aurélien, thanks Sonia.

    12. What a great quote “Most people fail not because they don’t know what to do — but because they don’t do it.”
      That should inspire anyone not giving it 100% to raise their game!

    13. Thanks very much Sonia and Beth. i love these REAL stories. I relate to them because the formula is the same as becoming a professional athlete….and that is you have to do something every day that takes you another step forward towards your purpose – even if that is making one phone call, writing an email, when everything seems to hard – if you do something everyday you will get there! Momentum is the key!
      thanks again i love reading your posts 🙂

    14. That’s awesome that Aurelien is able to get that kind of traffic from just 4 blogs. I guess authority blogs are the best way to go.

      • Hi Megan, actually you don’t even have to own an “authority blog” to drive traffic.

        On my blog that teaches english I’ve been publishing blog posts optimized on long tail keyword and doing this constantly I’ve been able to drive more than 1000 visitors a day in less than 12 months with about 90 articles.

        I think we tend to be obsessed by the quality of the blog posts we publish but I think we should instead publish a lot of content to drive traffic, and THEN we should do our best to create irresistible offers that will convert this trafic into real, tangible money.

        This is the approach I’m now testing on all my blogs.

        After all, once somebody is on your list all the money you make is up to the offer you’re gonna show him.

    15. I like this type of success story of people who quit their regular job and succeeds on-line. It gives me hope to continue the struggle each day, hoping to succeed as they did.

    16. Thanks for the amazing testimonial about the power of focusing on a dream! I commend you Aurelien for staying the course and finding your true happiness. Keep the inspiration flowing and alive.

    17. Aurélien is a very intelligent entrepreneur who knows how to capture value from a project and share it with customers.
      He’s inspiring and we desperately need more guys like him in France, because unfortunately too many people here are pessimistic and somewhat resigned to a cubicle life…

    18. This is a beautiful article. Should have been titled “From Paris with Love” or Inspiration, if you like.

      Aurelien does his country proud by featuring on copyblogger and through his work. Perhaps he can give us links to his blogs. Does he write them in English, or what?

      That he’s from France shows that blogging “trascends cultures” and sometimes we, from across the world, think it’s only Americans who can succeed. Thanks to copyblogger and Aurelien, this article has united us: I see comments from Ghana and Spain.

      Me, myself, I’m a freelance copywriter from South Africa. From this beautiful article I’ve resolved to do the finishing touches for my wordpress blog.

      Thanks Aurelien!

    19. Hello Aurelien,

      Great interview ! You inspired me a lot and helped in the creation of my blog “Vert Costa Rica”, I continue my progress with your help … Thank you. Continue in your projects …

    20. This is a great interview, and an equally great idea for a blog series. Thanks for sharing with us.

      Unlike some of you brave souls, I didn’t quit my job by choice, but because an injury will prevent me from doing it in the future. After I spent some time quite worried about anything I could think of, I realized that I had the perfect opportunity to pursue what I love doing. I opened an internet-based business and started learning how to work on the web. This is very new territory for me, but, like Aurelien, I am an avid learner. So, everyday I learn some more. I am still trying to get people to my site, but am confident that my work will pay off in the end.

      One of my favorite quotes is by Seneca: “It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.” As I am learning, setting up a website and starting to write blog posts isn’t actually as difficult as I always imagined!

      Thanks again. Reading stories like this help remind all of us that there is a payoff to hard work.

    21. Hi Aurélien,

      As one of your customers, I learn so much from you. Thanks to your advice, my blog keeps growing, week after week.
      Looking forward for our next meetup !

    22. I think your blog is performing a great service by featuring such stories.

      You should profile more nonconformists and creative people on your blog…how they got from point A to point Z and achieved their goals.

      It is inspiring to read such profiles and “rags to riches” stories.

      Please keep up the good work. Cheers.

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