The Power of Believing You’re an Artist

The Power of Believing You’re an Artist

Reader Comments (7)

  1. Thank you for this. It’s a really encouraging story. It’s hard to keep on juggling with all your passions and the necessary stuff in life (like a job to pay the rent). Especially if you have little self-confidence, it can be really difficult to take yourself and your work seriously when others around you don’t do so. Articles and stories like these are super helpful and motivate me to keep on going no matter what.

  2. Hey Stephanie!

    What an inspiring story. This is my first time hearing about this.

    You are so right. You have to be super duper confident in your abilities and what you can bring to the world. You have to know who you really are and what skills you have mastered – this is a true artist.

    Confidence is powerful and also attractive. Self-confidence is powerful beyond all that and more.

    I think the same would be with blogging. You have to become a confident blogger and master your craft. Master the topics in your niche and say it out loud with a lot of confidence, “I am a blogger”, right!

    Thank you so much for sharing this!

    Best regards! 😀

  3. I have to thank you for this story, its very encouraging to me. As an artist attempting to create a full time business out of my passion it can be hard to keep the confidence high and keep working to further my art. I’ve been trying to nail down how to attract more people to my business to people in written form and its been causing me to introspect. During this process i’ve been taking a deeper look at myself and how I keep my confidence up and articles like these help a ton!

    Thanks again for sharing this story!

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