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    Copywriting Contest: Write the Best-Performing Subject Line and Win

    Copywriting Contest: Write the Best-Performing Subject Line and Win

    Reader Comments (497)

    1. Hi guys,
      My subject line suggestion is: Convert more sales from your landing pages

      Kind regards,

    2. “[First Name], Serious Issues with your Website: This Email will Save your Company!”

    3. Cool competition! Not sure if I’ll win but just a shot. 🙂

      [First name], Invest 4 Days and [Early Bird Price] for Increase in Sign ups and Sales – Guaranteed

    4. (Subject line for email)

      Copywriter: I need your help. Re-write the body-copy of this email.

    5. Haha! What fun! I’ll be back with a list. For now, a fun one that just popped into my head:

      Why Your Business Landing Pages Craves This Can of Whoop-AsSEO

    6. Tossing a few more into the hat:

      1. [First Name], Do you want to know why 92.3% of landing pages suck?

      2. [First Name], What if your landing pages conversions went up by 922% in 4 days?

      3. [First Name], Do your landing pages suck?


    7. In case that you didn’t see my subject line, I’m sending it again:

      YES! Convert More Visitors Into High-Quality Leads

    8. Why Your Landing Page Just Landed In Your Customers’ Trash Can
      Your Landing Page is SEO Bad Because…!
      Your Landing Page Needs More SEO Cowbell

      That about covers the fun angle.

    9. A few more to the mix:

      1. Don’t click this if you are happy with your landing page conversions

      2. Warning: Clicking this may boost your landing page conversions by 322% or more


    10. This contest is a great idea! Here’s my contribution:

      Exclusive One-on-One Coaching Clinics to Optimize – and Monetize – Your Landing Pages

    11. HURRY- Tickets Are Running Out! Optimize Your Landing Page for Greater Conversion Plus Save $300!

    12. 3 entries for the subject line contest from Erica Klein, Thought Leadership Writer and Strategist —

      1) Note to Self: Get my hands on these secrets before the boss!

      2) Things to do in Denver so your emails won’t be dead

      3) Ah, the Rockies in summer — plus better click-through rates!

    13. Sweet, I like a challenge 🙂

      Pick our brains, one on one, four days long.
      Get Intensive 4-Day Coaching on Testing for Better Conversion
      Tried and Tested: Intensive 4-Day Workshop
      Better Conversions in 4 Days
      Better Conversions in 96 Hours

    14. 1. Your landing page needs you to learn our optimization secrets.
      2. Better tests = better conversion. You can’t afford to miss the Optimization Summit.

    15. Sounds like a cool contest. Here is my entry:

      “No, you can’t . . .”

      I guess this could also be tested with:

      “No, {firstname_fix}, you can’t . . .

    16. Here’s are my ideas:

      Your Landing Pages Are Broken…And It’s Costing You (a lot of) Money
      New Landing Page Optimization Research: Learn (exactly) what to test at Optimization Summit: 2012
      Experts Teach You WHAT and HOW to test Landing Pages (Optimization Summit 2012)

    17. Summit tells me I’m into something good!

      Way too English and loaded with parochial popular culture nuances to suit a global market? Prove me wrong by selecting it as your winner 😉

    18. My top 3 list:

      #3) “How to convert your customers without their knowing it.”

      #2) “You build it. They came. But they only used the bathroom.”

      and finally, inspired by the 200+ hours I invested watching the OJ Simpson trial . . .
      #1) “You got them to click. How to make them stick. ”

      That was fun.

    19. Got a few going in. Why not Copyblogger, why not…

      1. Want to find your website’s range to change?
      2. Touch down: Getting the best from your landing pages
      3. Better than Bowie: Going through changes
      4. Test the rest: Taking the age out of your landing page

    20. “Optimize Your Individuality by Discovering the Changes You Need That Truly Matter”

    21. , here’s what you need to change to sell more.

      , if your landing page is selling like gangbusters, delete this email.

      , what do people do when they hit your landing page?

      , you probably need to change this

    22. #2: “Optimize Your Individuality by Making the Changes that Truly Matter” Optimization Summit 2012

    23. A few more..

      1. Please do NOT share this (with your competition)

      2. Hope that your competitors don’t learn these landing page conversion SECRETS!

      3. Are your landing pages paying you back?


      • Richard, that is the only subject line I’ve seen on this page (so far, reading from the top) that I would DEFINITELY click. It’s itching my brain right now.

        No wonder you’re one of the greats.



      • Let’s add an ellipsis to that

        Change your landing page, change your life. These industry secrets show you how…

    24. +1 Erica Klein – I didn’t read every entry but that was good stuff IMHO…for whatever that’s worth in Denver or Dubai..

      Dirty dozen – there are points for second place right…and certainly for overkill?

      “The #1 Way to Test Landing Pages”
      “WTF is Wrong with Your Landing Page?”
      “The Hustle & Flow of Testing Your Landing Page”
      “The Secret of our Landing Page Success”
      “Test but Test Wisely – Top Secret Landing Page Conversion Strategies”
      “For Your Eyes Only – Landing Page Testing Secrets to Success”
      “Testing Your Landing Page is as Easy as 1-2-3”
      “Landing Page Testing: Yes We Can!”
      “What Peyton Manning Says About Testing Your Landing Page”
      “How to Hit the Hot Route with Landing Page Audibles – by Peyton Manning”
      “Check. Check. Check 1. Sibilance. Sibilance. Check. Check. Check 2. Sibilance. Sibilance.”
      “Landing Page Testing – How & What to Change”

    25. 1). Secret Landing Pages That Create The ‘Passion’ Effect…

      2). The Landing Page So ‘Ninja’ People Are Still Talking About It….

      3). ‘Trump’ Your Competition, Explode Your Sales With Conversion Fire…

      nice contest… thank you!

    26. Soaring Profits – Land Here! Clique on this Unique Expression of Combustible Mind Tingling Views!

    27. The Rose a Fortune Cookie a Kiss ? Which one is the key that unlocks the secrets inside? Clique and Reveal

    28. The art to create desire in 10 seconds: get coached by insiders and amplify your conversion rate

    29. Have I seen you click here before? Maybe you and I can turn your landing page from whack to stack…

    30. “How to Create Landing Pages So Effective You’ll Weep”
      “Use Headlines to Pick-up Readers Like Meryl Streep Picks up Acting Nominations”
      “How to Take Charge of your Landing Page Optimization”
      “What Can Marketing Sherpa and 15 Years of Research Teach You About Testing Landing Pages?”
      “Are Your Landing Pages as Popular as Congress?”
      “Get Your Landing Pages Breaking Records Like a Heat Wave in Winter.”

    31. Subject Line:
      I feel too young for an early bird special

      *subject lines that sound like they were written by a dramatic 13 year old girl convert 4x better, because if you think about it that’s what the subject lines of your personal back-and-forth emails sound like: narcissistic.

    32. Join us in Denver for our Optimization Summit to discover how to test and boost landing page clickthrough’s!

      • I prefer just the “?” because in many email boxes the first text of the email will show. For example:

        [subject line:] ? [in a lighter font next to the SL this will appear] Dear Marketer, Once visitors reach your landing pages, do they have a clear understanding of what they should do next?

    33. “Stop herding cats! Start turning clicks into dollars!”
      “The secret to all of life’s questions…well those about SEO anyway”
      “Don’t change. We like you the way you are – but you could change your website”

    34. “Ensure a Smooth Landing”
      “You down with OLP [Optimizing Landing Pages]?
      “Landing Gear Down, Touch the Tarmac”
      “Dr. Flint thinks you can do better”
      “Don’t bother cramming for this test”
      “Hit the slopes hard, ensure a great landing (page)”
      “Did I fail this test?”

    35. To me, writing subject lines is like eating sushi – I’m not satisfied with just 1 or 2 🙂
      Subj: Bet you can’t find what’s missing in this email? [Most people get it wrong]
      Subj: Can you find what’s missing on this landing page? [Most people get it wrong]
      Subj: Don’t miss our Keynote Speaker – Master of Pick-up lines [VIDEO]
      Subj: [ANNOUNCEMENT] This year’s keynote speaker – Master of Pick-up lines
      Subj: Use this subject line in your marketing! 98.8% OPEN RATE
      Subj: What landing pages will look like in the future [VIDEO Demo]
      Subj: [First Name], your $300 credit is set to expire
      Subj: [Most people get this wrong] The most overlooked secret to landing page conversion

    36. Make an impact! Industry Experts Reveal their Secrets for Landing Page Optimization

    37. Here’s my three submissions:
      1) Gain Valuable Knowledge From Your Customers For Free
      2) Lack Luster Landing Page Results? Get 1-to-1 help from Industry Experts.
      3) Simple Landing Page Tweaks That Drive Action

    38. Did you say who the email is going to? (Target audience – previous summit goers, cold list, etc.)
      I always think of the audience first when I write a headline …

    39. A few more:

      1. One event you wish your competitors won’t attend

      2. If you don’t care about your landing pages, your prospects won’t care about you

      3. Your sales are only as good as your landing pages. So…

      4. The keys to landing page success are buried in this email. Take a look now!


      • You can’t expect prizes when you send out typo’s. Nice lesson here on proofreading.

        It should read, “How I earn an extra $500 a week in just 30 minutes a night.”

        The goal is to make it sound enticing without sounding unrealistic or fake.

    40. Four ideas (can’t decide among the last three!):

      Why Your Conversion Rates Stink (And How to Improve Them)
      Optimization Summit 2012: 10,000 Kick-Butt Landing Pages At Your Fingertips
      Optimization Summit 2012: $10 Million in Conversion Research At Your Fingertips
      Optimization Summit 2012: 15 Years of Lab Research At Your Fingertips

    41. Okay, I’ll bite, although I doubt anyone will bother to read all the way down to comment #200 or whatever it is 😉

      What could you learn from 10,000 landing page tests? Find out what works at Optimization Summit (Hurry: Early bird rates end soon!)

      Discover the landing page myths that kill sales at Optimization Summit 2012

      Want access to $10 million in marketing research? Attend Optimization Summit

      Meet the brains behind 15 years of marketing experiments at Optimization Summit

    42. Here’s one for each of the top 6 selections:
      1. [First Name], if you could make 1 choice for your business that changed EVERYTHING, would you?
      2. [First Name], want a landing page that gets more buzz than the Kardashians and Lady Gaga’s interview with Oprah, COMBINED?
      3. Optimization Summit 2012: Guaranteed Male Enhancement…for your Landing Page <—- WHAT?!?!? [Note: This does pass spam & junk mail filter tests]
      4. [First Name], are your landing pages: a) meh… or b) HOLY $H|TBALLS Mom, These Pages Can CONVERT!
      5. If Charlie was a copywriter and Marketing Sherpa ran landing page factory, his GOLDEN TICKET would be to OS 2012, [First Name], did you get yours yet? There’s still time!
      6. DEAD or ALIVE: 1 Decision for Your Business that Makes ALL the Difference

      And the bonus aka baker’s half-dozen entry:
      7. If you don’t already know why you’ll read this, you NEED TO KNOW what Chris Brogan, Anne Holland and Seth Godin know about YOUR Customers.
      [Note: May I be forgiven for the blasphemous name dropping of the Godin on high]

    43. Just a quick tip for all of you:

      Keep your subject lines 50 characters MAX. That is the maximum number of characters that will show to them before they open an email.

      Hope this helps,


    44. When it comes to subject lines, I tend to lean to the creative/friendly side…especially because people are tired of done-to-death sales talk. Here’s what would get my attention:

      Subject: Knock, knock.
      Of course I’d tweak the intro sentence a bit…especially since it’s visible in many email windows.

    45. Let’s go with honesty:

      Please open this email or I’ll lose the subject line competition 🙁

      Unhappy face optional.

    46. And the winning subject line is…

      Neglecting Your Landing Page? Here’s How to Bring the <3 back!

      Great contest, got a lot of ideas from all the entries 😀


    47. Dull copy not cutting the mustard? Here’s how to sharpen it and cut yourself IN to bigger profits.

    48. Great contest. One thing though, knowing the from line (as per Keith’s comment) would be helpful as well. Here are my suggestions:

      1) Get one-to-one landing page optimization advice from the MarketingSherpa experts
      2) Here’s your chance to optimize your landing page with a MarketingSherpa expert
      3) Optimize your landing pages with a 1-on-1 clinic from MarketingSherpa

    49. Love the idea 🙂 Here are some subjects:

      “Put Your Landing Page Tests to the Test! [Optimization Summit 2012]”
      “Happy With Your Landing Page? Pls Forward To a Sober Dude!”
      “Your Landing Page Will NOT Self-Destruct in 4 Days!”
      “Your Landing Page Will NOT Self-Destruct in 96 Hours!”
      “Your Landing Page Will NOT Self-Destruct in Denver!”
      “How To Optimize Your Bounce Rate?”
      “How To Optimize Your Bounce Rate? Miss OS 2012!”

    50. 1) You just have one click, are you getting the most out of it?
      2) Don’t let them click away
      3) Got a click to your page, now what?
      4) Land more customers optimize your landing page.

    51. subj: Turn More Website Visitors Into Paying Customers

      P.S. – this contest is very clever way of creating buzz for Optimization Summit 2012. Well done!

    52. “Learn how to convert more followers than Jesus”

      “The Organization Summit 2012: Learn to grab your landing pages by the balls!”


      “The Organization Summit 2012: Grab your audience by the balls!”

      “The path to conversion starts with this email…”

    53. Great brainstorming catalyst- So many clever, clever souls out there, but getting to the point-

      How to Re-Optimize Your Site & Close More Deals

    54. Putting in my entries….

      The ultimate test to test your tests.
      How to turn some money into more money
      You think page views, I’ll think profit.
      Discover how perfection comes from practice not production
      This email has been comprehensively tested, find out why
      Learn How To Think In People Not Pageviews
      The email isn’t broken — it’s been fully tested.
      I’m an email desperately trying to stand out in your inbox
      Who’s optimising you?
      Mad Scientists v’s Crazy Artists — Web page optimisation at it’s best.

    55. “Want to know why your landing pages suck?”
      “Why your landing pages suck, and how to make them better in 4 days.”

      “Click ‘open’ if you want your customers to click ‘buy.'”

      “Don’t call it a conference: Optimization Summit 2012”

    56. Turn your landing pages into catalytic converters
      The eagle has landed! (Now what?)
      Does your landing page pass the Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test?
      Harmonic conversion awaits at the Optimization Summit
      What we’ve got here…is failure to communicate

    57. Corporate copywriter by day, mommy/food blogger by night, and former Denverite. Four entries for you.
      1. How To Snooki-Proof Your Landing Pages in Just 4 Days
      2. Can Your Landing Pages Convert Chuck Norris? Or Would He Just Wait for the Kill?
      3. Warning: If Your Landing Pages Can’t Convert Chuck Norris, He Adds Injury to Insult
      4. How To Create Landing Pages That Even Your Mother Can Navigate

      Great contest, thanks!

      • I love how creative everyone is with their entries! Here’s mine:

        Specifically how do your landing pages suck? Optimize and Find Out.

        Not sure if you can use suck in a public email though. But nothing else has the impact 🙂

    58. —————————————————————————–
      Guess what? Your website is terrible. And we can help.

    59. Don’t let them crash land
      Don’t let your site visitors land with a splat
      Splat. Crash. Smush. Beware Landing Page Failure
      Make your first impression a SMASH hit!

    60. (9 to follow, 3 are actually good!)

      The Worst Landing Page Mistakes
      Landing Page FAILS
      CRICKETS called: “We don’t get your landing pages”
      Don’t Let Your Web Clients Hear *Crickets*
      Y U No Landing Pages Work?
      The No. 1, No-Fail, Landing Page Test
      Is Your Co-Worker Writing Better Web Copy Than You?
      Expert Tips for Successful Landing Pages
      Party in Denver on the Boss’s Dime

    61. “Learn key optimization strategies”
      “Optimizing success in four days”
      “Do you have a clear understanding of your optimization objectives?”
      “Optimizing your landing page, what’s your next step?”
      “Change your perspective at the Optimization Summit 2012”

    62. “The #1 Secret the Internet Marketing Industry doesn’t want you to know about landing pages”

      • Or

        “Top 5 secrets the Internet Marketing Industry doesn’t want you to know about landing pages”

    63. Copyblogger Approved this Subject Line, what have you done for yours lately?
      MarketingSherpa Approved this Subject Line, what have you done for yours lately?
      This Subject Line is Copyblogger Approved- OS Denver 2012 – See You There.
      This Subject Line is MarketingSherpa Approved – See You in Denver 2012
      Does your landing page get you into the mile high club? Copyblogger Knows How.
      Does your landing page get you into the mile high club? MarketingSherpa Knows How.
      What’s the Conversion Rate for Your Landing Pages? Don’t Know? OS 2012 Denver.
      Fast Times at Mile High – Your Invitation Enclosed
      Landing Pages- You say Monetize, We Say Optimize.

    64. (Shameless football pandering)

      This June: You, Peyton Manning & Denver (for Work!)
      See Peyton Manning Pre-Season on the Boss’s Dime (Here’s How)

    65. Uhm, do we get any points for writing a better email? 😉

      Here’s my ideas:

      Can Attending Optimization 2012 Really Help You Make More Money?

      Attend This Conference and Command a Better Income

    66. Here’s what I can think of right off the bat:
      1. Hey (name), your landing pages suck!
      2. Hey (name), do you know why some landing pages fail?
      3. Hey (name), did you know your landing page could make or break you?

    67. Fun contest! Here’s a few for consideration…

      [First name], should you believe this guy?
      How to legally increase conversions
      Controversy erupts in Denver
      The key to solving conversion rate problems

    68. An itch I can’t resist… so, here’s mine:
      1. The Holy Grail of Optimization Revealed
      2. Optimization Summit 2012: Are You Ready to Convert?
      3. Optimization Summit 2012: Discover.Convert.Monetize

    69. Lost in Analytic Space? Get Landed.
      Web Analytics for Non-Analytics
      Tangled Web? Analytics Made Easy.
      What John Carter Forgot to Do on His Landing Page
      Analytics Finds the Common Man
      How to Tune Up Your Landing Page in 3 Easy Steps
      Hunger Games’ Recipes for Happy Landings

    70. Hi Daniel! I’m quite enthusiastic to see how your four days long landing pages work. What exactly is the main secret hidden in your landing page? I’m really so much curious about it.

    71. If anyone doubts the level of engagement among the Copyblogger tribe, they should take a look at the number of comments on this post. Wow!

      Anyway, here’s mine (including the quotation marks):

      “I’m here… now what?”

    72. Some ideas. Some good. Some bad. No way of knowing unless we test, right? :))
      On the fourth day, changes were made that led to your success
      You suck, so suck out the suckiness.
      The Mountain you must climb to convert
      Get the worm or your landing page will decay
      Optimize to the MAX!!!
      It’s Morphin’ Time!…for your landing pages to convert more customers.
      Social Media Can’t Beat…
      Why Marketers should be Sadistic Teachers
      How to hack your landing pages
      Armed with the best advice, you will still fail if you don’t know how to do this one thing
      The secret sauce you need to succeed.
      Why a Sadistic Teacher Know How to Optimize Landing Pages Better Than You
      How could you forget the most important lesson your teacher taught you?!

    73. Subject: This one simple trick may help you convert more customers more often
      Subject: Which would boost your conversions more, a white or gray background?
      Subject: FW: RE: RE: try doing this on your landing page
      Subject: A wonderful birthday present for you

    74. If you already know everything there is to know about testing landing pages then why aren’t you leading this summit?

    75. (1) Save $300 & Optimize Your Landing Pages. Win-Win.
      (2) What to test. THAT is the question.
      (3) If You’re Not Testing, You’re Not Trying.
      (4) Test. Test. Test. Win.
      (5) Testing is #Winning
      (6) Optimize or Die. Save $300 at The Optimization Summit TODAY.
      (7) Open this email (now) to learn about optimization

    76. EvEr ThOuGt SeRiOuSlY aBoUt SuBjEcT LiNeS?
      Say it in six words or
      You only have one chance to get this rihgt…

      This space is your first impression…
      Write simply-super-splendid-spiffy subject lines

      p.s. I love words – could do this all day! I’d love to work with you…

    77. Boost Your Conversion Rates. Conquer the Marketing World. Feed Your Family. 3 Days. 1 Conference.

      That might be too long, but this is my submission anyway!

    78. Upsurge your landing page clicks through one-on-one coaching at the Optimization Summit 2012.

    79. 1. [Name], do you test, join or fly?
      2. [Name], what have you got to do with landing and flying?

      This contest is as exciting as the result of your study. I would love for you to share what you’d find out.



    81. This is a great contest!

      If more than one entry is allowed, here are a few ideas I have. If not, I’ll go with the first one.

      1. Testing Isn’t REALLY Important!
      2. Everything You’ve Heard About Testing is Probably a Myth

    82. Chuck Norris doesn’t have to test his landing pages because they’re afraid to fail. You are not Chuck Norris.

    83. How 13 words immortalized a single “landing page”, helped bring 12 million willing conversions –
      and is still pulling today! Think we’re kidding? Read on.

      • (Okay, my first post doesn’t really match the overall content of that letter. So let me try cracking that nut one more time, yes?)

        Is your ROI sleeping with a “lazy” landing page? Bet you don’t really know. But we can show you the proven ROI-busting moves you can make NOW to find out.

        Is your ROI sleeping with a “lazy” landing page? We can show you the proven ROI-busting moves you can make NOW to find out.

        Is your ROI sleeping with your competition? Attend Optimization Summit 2012 to discover the ROI-busting moves you can make NOW to find out.

        Your ROI may be sleeping with a no good, “dirty” landing page but you’ll never know…until you get our ROI-busting moves at Optimization Summit 2012.


      • Further improvisations on the theme above:

        The Ernest Hemingway Guide to Great (Short Copy) Landing Pages
        The Leo Tolstoy Guide to Writing Epic (Long Copy) Landing Pages

        A bit more “targeted” than the original

    84. Subject Line: Want Tailored Answers to Your Most Pressing Optimization Questions?

      Thanks for considering my entry!

    85. How to Convert Passive Readers into Active Participants on Your Landing Page!
      How To Activate Your Readers Emotional Response on Landing Page!
      Is Your Landing Page a Dud? Join Us for The 2012 Optimization Summit for Insider Secrets!
      Learn How To Communicate Your Landing Pages Message in 5 Seconds!
      Convert Your Landing Page Customer In Less Than 5 Seconds!

    86. 2012 Optimization Summit! Insider Experts Reveal Secrets of Landing Page Optimization.

      Maximize Your Landing Page Conversions! 2012 Optimization Summit. One-to-One Coaching from Industry Experts!

    87. Join Us for the 2012 Optimization Summit! Learn Insider Secrets To Implement For Ultimate Conversion Rates!

      Industry Insider Secrets Revealed at the 2012 Optimization Summit! One-on-One Coaching! Learn Testing Tricks For Landing Page Conversions.

    88. I have 2…
      1. Be Carful Of Your Web Sites Leaky Plumbing Problem And Find Out How To Fix It

      2. Your Site Has A Hole It That Leaks Cash, The Easy Way To Find The Leak And Plug It.

    89. What’s Driving Your Conversion Van?
      Sick Click-Thru Rates? Time to Get Tested
      We’ve Got the Cure for the Landing Page Blues
      The User has Landed…But Where?
      CPR for Your CTR – Secrets to Reviving Your Conversion Rates
      Join the Fight Against Conversion Killers

      …and various other hokey lines.

    90. If this isn’t the best information on how to improve your landing pages we’ll refund your three minutes.

    91. Killer Copy X Consistent Testing = Crush the Competition & Convert the Masses. We show you how.
      3 Keys to Massive Results for Your Landing Page: Test, Measure, Convert
      Goldilocks & the 3 Landing Pages: ………. (hello?), HERE I AM!!! CLICK ME!!! (ugh), Lead->Client (ahh…just right)

    92. 10 million $ spent in optimization marketing research can’t be wrong! Join us at the Optimization Summit 2012!
      [Test Name], are you having them at hello? Join us for the Optimization Summit 2012!
      [Test Name], enough with the word play. Measure, test and convert at the Optimization Summit 2012!
      [Test Name], the Optimization Summit 2012 is introducing one-to-one coaching! Join us!
      [Test Name], are we asking the right questions? Join us at the Optimization Summit 2012!

    93. 1. Warning: Are You Failing The TEST? Most marketers do. Make sure it’s not YOU…

      2. Sick of Split-Testing? Can’t figure it out?! Here’s the one simple thing…

      3. If you split-test, it’s a nightmare, right? Here’s how to make it a DREAM!

      4. If you hate Split-Testing, we will hold your hand and show you. It’s easy, and we’ll do this one-on-one…

    94. Climb The Optimization Summit or Be Left Behind.

      Climb The Optimization Summit & You Shall Find Treasures of Wisdom.

      Climb The Optimization Summit & Be Championed By Treasures of Wisdom.

      Optimization Summit is the highest summit you can climb this year. [Go up there & get a fresh perspective]

      Climbing the Optimization Summit is like climbing to the Summit of Mt.Everest [except it’s more useful than climbing Everest]

      Learn to be an effective control tower to your landing page or watch your traffic burn up in flames.

      How many planes does it take for your landing page to lift?

      Planes are landing to your landing page, can you control the traffic?

      If you miss the Optimization Summit, you won’t ever forgive yourself (for your sh*tty conversion rates)

      If you miss the Optimization Summit, you’ll cry into your pillow the rest of the year.

    95. How Your Landing Pages Can Help You Lose Weight and Get Lai— Er, Get Extraordinary Conversions

      Kiss Customers Hello: Landing Pages That Convert

      Landing Page CATASTROPHES (Don’t be the victim)

    96. I hope a few submissions is OK. To wit:
      — How to Magnetize Landing Pages for Pull-Power & Profit
      — How to Optimize Your Online Presence for Pull-Power & Profit
      — How to Optimize Online Pull-Power & Profit
      — How to Add Pull-Power & Profit to Your Landing Pages
      — How to Optimize Your Optimization Know-How
      — How to Become a Credentialed Optimization Expert

    97. Discover the Secrets that Make Your Landing Page “TAKE OFF”, with Clicks that Stick Higher Conversions

    98. How to Put More Pull-Power and Profit in Your Landing Pages

      Take Your Landing Pages to the Next Level

      Launch Your Landing Pages into Outer Orbit

      Take Your Optimization into Outer Space

    99. My entry:

      Your single biggest key to converting landing pages — it’s not what you think

    100. Subj: Why your landing pages are stuck in a land before time.
      Subj: OS is here. Have you been tested?

    101. Subj1: The Missing Element In Your Landing Page

      Subj2: Why Your Site’s Visitors Often Leave!

      Subj3: A Mistake That’s Costing YOU Customers

      Subj4: Does Your Landing Page Pass This Test?

    102. (1) What’s better for your business than 1-on-1 advice from lead-gen experts? Saving $300, too.
      (2) What separates your website from landing page success? [Early bird price] and a trip to Denver.
      (3) Want your site to generate more leads? So do the pros. Reserve your spot now and save $300.

    103. OK, we looked at every single entry posted before midnight last night! Sifting through now and we’ll let you know who our three Copyblogger subfinalists are, who will be going on to the testing round.

      Thanks so much to everyone for the great entries! We’ve got a lot of good ones to sift through.

    104. Hey Sonia?
      When are we going to hear the results of our Headline efforts? I’m also curious about the consumer’s voting process.

      Alexandra Young

      • Sherpa will be running the email around the 10th, I believe, and we’ll report back around the 18th with the subject lines that worked best.

        We’re looking for the subject header that produces the most clickthroughs.

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