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    10 Effective Ways to Get More Blog Subscribers

    10 Effective Ways to Get More Blog Subscribers

    Reader Comments (419)

    1. Sheesh! Is Andy Hagans paying you guys to comment? 🙂

      No, in fact I’ve been considering scaling down the size of my own RSS button. It has to be prominent, but not obnoxious.

    2. yeah, i wish he was..

      hey Brian, another question for #2. U see, I’ve tried to be focused on the SEO niche. and I think I’ve done quite well.

      I’ve gain good credibility, even a popular local magazine just reviewed my site. but the problem is, in my country there’s just not many people that’s interested or even know about SEO.

      any suggestions?

    3. Hi Rizky.

      While I cannot comment on your content, nice template 😛

      It appears that we are in the same niche. Perhaps your best bet may be to do linkbait style piece on how proper SEO can help local Indonesian businesses, leaning heavily on the local angle.

      Send it around to a few businesses, or hire friends to do the same. If that doesn’t work, make 500 photocopies and distribute them at your local equivelent of a chamber of commerce , if such exists. If you can provide good, relevant content to the right people who need it, your readership will definately grow.

      If you have good content, don’t forget about off-line measures to promote your blog!

      Good Luck!

    4. Hi, Brian – About your 6,000+ subscribers, your posts are focused but more importantly, your voice is consistent and your mission is clearly reiterated with each post which keeps people coming back. When we hear (or read in this case) what we are looking for and each post builds on the last… it’s like experiencing a living textbook. Even the handful of posts that seemed to not hit the mark you intended… you rebounded quickly.

      The focus and consistent voice with an ever present courtesy to us that read makes your blog a MUST read. The subscription rate is testiment to that. Any blogger that takes up those two keys will build a hungry audience. (I’m still working on it! :-))

      PS – Copyblogger uses all of the most effective “tools” to take advantage of the viral nature of blogging. You make it easy for us to stay on top of what’s happening here.


    5. Hello Brian,

      This is yet another great post. I’m one of those 6,000 subscribers who you have collected over the last 10 months and I’m very happy to be on board.

      In the meantime, I’ve added on a few other strategies that are worth trying. You can read about them here.

      Once again, thanks for the great blog and post. Keep up the good work!

      All the best,


    6. “offer an email alternative to RSS”

      Great advice, a lot of the the people who we are trying to target at work aren’t RSS literate, yet.

      Is there an easy way to offer email subscriptions from an WordPress blog?

    7. Sure thing. I use Feedblitz on this blog, and Feedburner has an email solution built right in. These services are great because your content is pulled directly from the feed, so instead of creating a separate newsletter, your posts just get delivered to your subscribers.

    8. Dangit BC – I was trying to wean myself off of kissin’ up and commentin’ after EVERY freakin’ post you do, but this one is another classic that just freakin’ rawks .. as CP would say.

    9. I just got rejected for the third time by TLA. Any idea what kind of stats they are needing in a site before they let you in?

      I did as much as I could in Feedburner, though, and have the Feedburner plugin for WP 2.x.

      Thanks for the tips, you have a great source of info here.

    10. We just created an automated system where recruiting and career bloggers can sign up to receive free blog articles, post blog articles to run on other blogs in our niche, or both. So I definitely agree with your point #6 but would take it a step further: by getting your entries on other blog or by running more content on your blog, you’re going to improve your search engine rankings as more content on your blog and more links to your blog are going to indicate to the search engines that you’re a higher quality source of information for their visitors so you’ll get a boost in your rankings.

    11. Another reason to love Copyblogger. He shares his secrets to success. BC is probably the most succinct writer of quality.
      Every word is gold Jerry, gold.

    12. Actually, I thought #3 and #10 tips with the Feedvertising plugin was quite ingenious .. although, it doesn’t work when you use Feedburner on a Summary Feed .. The blogs I have that are currently full feed do not attract any advertisers .. It might be time for another experiment

    13. Very helpful tips! Thank you…

      Tip #5 was of most immediate concern for me. How do you create a page that is dedicated to gaining subscription without being too blatant about it? Or is it okay to be blatant about it? Also, if the blog is a company blog, should this subscription gaining page be a page that’s directly off of the blog? Or could it reside in say a company promotion site?

      Any help would be appreciated?

    14. Now that you’ve joined b5media, I wonder if they’ll allow these widgets. I can’t make ANY changes to my blog template whatsoever. oh well. Nothing beats good content, however.
      thanks for the inspiration.

    15. Great post. I agree an email alternative should be made available for those who aren’t RSSers. While I don’t have near the subscription base you do, I have a few hundred. Many more if you count the feeds. People appreciate options.

    16. Another great post Brian.

      This is the first time I’ve commented on a blog, but I couldn’t let another one go by on copyblogger without saying how much I enjoy reading what you have to say.

      Thanks for all the great advice!

    17. Brian,

      I could not agree more with your first strategy. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had the pleasure of searching high and low on a site to find an email alternative to the RSS feed.

      Most people don’t have enough interest to participate in the hunt for ways to subscribe. When they lose that interest you’ve probably lost them for life.

      Making things difficult for your readers is NOT the way to gain their interest. People like easy.

      Easy is what we have come to expect. We will accept nothing less.

      Thanks for the great tips once again.

    18. Hi Brian,

      You seem to have comprehensively addressed the topic. However, #8 seemingly does not work too much these days. Now, we all know that leaving our URL on forum posts is pretty harmless, but it is taken a bit harshly these days. Also, fewer people seem to be visiting your blog with a URL left in signatures. Hence, I personally feel that it is not amongst the most effective strategies to get people to visit your blog. Although it is a very accessible one for beginners like me.


    19. wow, this tips are very useful man. I gonna try some of the points you mentioned above, and will post here again how is the result. thx for such a good tips.

    20. ^^^^ It is sourced, even if the linkback doesn’t work and it’s in tiny text.

      Unfortunately this happens all the time. You just have to look at the amount of Adsense that’s plastered everywhere to know the site isn’t worth a lot.

    21. I like the idea with feed i looked at the text link ad but not used it yet i think i will put it on my site soon.



    22. Interesting….

      About #6, would the reverse also work? By inviting others to be contributors to your blog, wouldn’t that have more or less the same effect of exposure? I’m sure guest bloggers would want to highlight their guest blogging activities on their own blog. And their contributions will add to the diversity (in voice or content) of your own.

    23. Hey Found your blog though those carnivals and gotta say you produce some excellent articles. Really liked this one for its list of activities to further promote a blog…some of these are repeats but a number of them are new. I am interested in understanding why subscribers are so important…I’m sure you posted a article on it, I just have to find it.


    24. Where do you come up with these ideas? You are pretty awesome to share them with us. I have learned a lot from reading your post and I will continue to read them. Keep up the good work.

    25. Making it “easy and obvious” helped me land more RSS subscribers. I increased the size of my RSS button by about 500% and placed it above the fold – the results were instant.

      Great blog post, thank you!

    26. I’d like to add to the above a strategy that’s been working really well for me: use paid ads (such as Google AdWords) strictly to advertise your newsletter.

      Doing this on my blog I’ve managed to keep the click-through-rate low (under 1%) which reflects the fact that few people are interested specifically in signing up for a newsletter on my topic and in turn saves me money.

      Once these people make it on my site, however, they convert at what is, to me, an excellent rate of around 30% (with an overwhelming preference for e-mail over RSS subscription – presumably reflecting a non-blog-savvy audience) using a specialized landing-page.

      So this seems to me like a cost-effective way of obtaining subscriptions early on in the life-cycle of a blog, before it becomes established. Presumably such subscribers are very well-targeted, and what remains is to live up to subscribers’ expectation with quality content, so that they eventually become regular readers.

    27. Do some blogging applications allow you to view your subscriber list? I’m planning to send out a newsletter that covers many of the same topics as my blog, but I don’t want to hit the same people twice.

    28. Where do you come up with these ideas? I have learned a lot from reading your post and I will continue to read them.

    29. Great post thanks! Im sure there are many bloggers out there scratching there heads this very minute…. “why is no coming to my blog!” It would be worth there while to read this.

    30. This is something I’m really focusing on right now. I just started my blog. I’ve been posting in forums and just plain trying to promote it everywhere I can. But I’ve been stuck at 15 subscribers for 4 days in a row now. Well I just subscribed to yours, hopefully implementing your suggestions will improve my posts as well!

    31. Your blog is very good. Many information that useful to me. I hope you can give more focus of getting traffic to website. Thanks.

    32. I’ve learned a lot from your site. Thanks. I want to try “bribing” folks to subscribe to my site by offering a free gift in exchange for their e-mail address. But what do I do if my current subscribers “sign up” in order to get the gift? I don’t mind giving it to them, but I don’t want a lot of duplicate e-mail addresses. (Almost all my readers are RSS illiterate.)

    33. All great tips, all no-brainers, and just about all things I’m not doing but easily could do. I’ve been disappointed with a lack of subscribers. I’m hoping this helps. Thanks.

    34. I should really become a more proactive blogger. I have been meaning to delve in the world of Podcasting, Guest Blogging and Cross Promotion. It has reminded me that I need to give more to the community. Thank your for posting.


    35. Very interesting post i just launched my website and i found you via google 🙂 I want to increase my subscriber list and i found your article very usefull, Thanks!

    36. As my blog has only 7 subscriber and i have tried a lots of methods to increase the no. of subscribers. Your tips seem to be effective, will give it a try.
      Thanks for sharing these great tips.

    37. Great points and you’re right – CONTENT rules. Content is what gets forwarded and subscribed to. As far as other tips for gaining subscribers (on top of lights out posts), I love Feedburner and some of the other easy buttons out there (My Yahoo, Newsgator, My AOL, etc.). I set them up prominently in the upper left in the subscription section. As soon as they went up, I noticed new subs. I’ve tried to limit the number of buttons to the ones that seem the most prevalent. I love the idea of the eBook – need to get off my butt and write one. Thanks for sharing the thoughts – clearly they work with 36,000 subscribers. I can’t wait to see what happens when the Forbes business blog network launches in July – hopefully that’ll drive a ton of targeted eyeballs to my blog as well. Thanks for sharing – so many people act like these are secrets that no one else should know. You demonstrate the power of community and sharing best practices. I’m happy to do the same.

    38. Started mine 2 days BAck..Thanks For the tips..was Needing them Desperatley..I have 7 already Without Promoting..Have To see whether the Tips Work 😛

    39. I kept spinning my wheels, thinking I had to link to 1000 directories before anyone would read my post and although directories are great, i really did find that posting early and often drove in a decent amount of traffice almost on its own. I couldnt be living off my blog by any means but my goal is to drive in traffic to my t shirt site so it is working out. Content is key, that is my favorite tip from you post. thanks

    40. Have any of you used problogger.net to get ideas about how to increase subscribers, etc? I like the resources there as well.

      Great post! Thanks!


    41. Some great tips there another long term tip would be to submit your rss feed to RSS directories, i am not sure whether this works however it only takes a minute on each directory and you will surely get at least one or two subscribers

    42. Hi,

      Thank you very much for the article. I reecently started my blog and this article had helped me a lot to learn a lot. I’ll try to follow your guidelines. I’ll come here and read your Blog daily to get more inspiration. Thanks again.

    43. Interesting, but it was lacking the one reason I clicked over here from Google; HOW to implement the subscription link at the bottom of your blog posts. Thanks anyway.

    44. I wonder whether it is valuable to explain to the non-RSS user what RSS is, (like a link that says “What is this” next to the RSS sign) so that they are more compelled to click to subscribe. It’s still a “buzzword” in some circles and not well known in the casual net user.

    45. These are great tips indeed but these types of posts always miss one other point: patience. These things will work for you eventually, but you must have patience because they won’t come to you right away.

    46. The highest number of subscribers i ever made was two. I came across this post and i made lots of mistakes. The points really open my eyes. Bookmarked!

    47. I’m currently working on writing an ebook as part of the move to increase visitors and subscribers to my blog. Let’s see how that works out 😀 Thanks for the feedvertising plugin link too – it will come in helpful!

    48. You seem to have comprehensively addressed the topic. However, #8 seemingly does not work too much these days. Now, we all know that leaving our URL on forum posts is pretty harmless, but it is taken a bit harshly these days. Also, fewer people seem to be visiting your blog with a URL left in signatures. Hence, I personally feel that it is not amongst the most effective strategies to get people to visit your blog. Although it is a very accessible one for beginners like me.

    49. These are great tips indeed but these types of posts always miss one other point: patience. These things will work for you eventually, but you must have patience because they won’t come to you right away.

    50. Thank you, this helped. All this Feeds stuff is crazy though. It’s hard to understand. How did everyone learn it? Is there a site to help?
      Thanks 🙂

    51. Thank you, this helped. All this Feeds stuff is crazy though. It’s hard to understand. How did everyone learn it? Is there a site to help?

    52. Your site has been helpfull as I have just started my blogging journey, I will look forward to hearing from you again.

    53. This was a r-e-a-l-l-y informative article. I hadn’t considered creating a subscription landing page. But that’s really a great idea. Once the search engine picks up the URL people can just click and be done with it. Thanks CopyBlogger!

    54. Thank you, this helped. All this Feeds stuff is crazy though. It’s hard to understand. How did everyone learn it? Is there a site to help?

    55. I find that writing about breaking news is a great way to get traffic to your blog. Writing as an expert about “How to” type topics is a great way to sustain some decent traffic.

    56. Great post.

      Asking readers and having a big subscribe icon also increases chances.

      Networking is also very importent.
      Start up blogs especially have problems gaining subscribers, but if followed these great tips you’ll maybe gain a few.

    57. Great Post – Very useful and informative! I have created business and attend a networking function every week trying to grow my subscriptions with in the business community. I have also found that doing this creates better subscribers as they always open quickly and are amongst the first to read the posts. AWESOME.


    58. Yes this is very important. But i see that rss feed subscribers tend to unfollow fridays and return on mondays and i dont know why i see it on problogger and my blog often.

    59. Really like this post. It show me how to increase our readers in few months. I think the bribe will more help full and making the readers special.

    60. Thanks for the post! Just getting myself organised to start a business blog in the new year and found this really, really useful. Creating and writing my blog is half the job, the tough part is getting subscribers and readers! Thanks for the handy push in the right direction. Merry Christmas

    61. I never heard of the feedvertising plugin yet. Thank you so much for introducing it to me. I’m going to implement it right away.

    62. Hi, these are great ideas. Could you expand just a bit on this one? “Create a Dedicated subscription landing page.”
      I have a blogger blog attached to my URL. My email subscriptions are handled by FeedBlitz. My readers who want so subscribe simply fill in their address and hit SUBSCRIBE. So how would I do this? Thanks!

    63. You seem to have comprehensively addressed the topic. However, #8 seemingly does not work too much these days. Now, we all know that leaving our URL on forum posts is pretty harmless, but it is taken a bit harshly these days. Also, fewer people seem to be visiting your blog with a URL left in signatures. Hence, I personally feel that it is not amongst the most effective strategies to get people to visit your blog. Although it is a very accessible one for beginners like me.

    64. Another great post delivering a string of tips to chew over – agree on all points to varying degrees by the way. Bottom-line is you really can’t underestimate the power of blogging as a marketing tool in the virtual age; it’s priceless.

    65. Thanks for the great advice Brian! I am going to implement the tools and strategies that you’ve outlined here. I am actually devising a strategy to place a form into my blog where I can offer a “bribe” or incentive to my subscribers. You just reassured me the importance of doing that. Thanks again!

    66. This is really nice post i am using some way to set rss readers . i am also will follow your points.
      Thanks you copyblogger

    67. Thank you for your sharing. I just try the ” Offer a bribe”. I write some articles about zen-cart tutorials. Maybe I can make them to an E-book. Thank you again.

    68. I have created a blog on internet marketing and SEO basics, and have been posting content regularly. I am quite satisfied with the work, as I think my posts are written in quite simple language and will be useful for novice people who need to understand basics of seo. I am sure that readers would definitely find my posts useful. However, in the very first place I am not able to understand how to get started, that is how to get the first genuine reader to comment on my posts or atleast offer them the subscriptions etc. as you have mentioned. It would be highly helpful if you can put some basic points that can help to promote new blogs in the very first place.

    69. Right now I still only have 32 subs. It is a roller coaster pattern and I can’t think of something to do to improve the subscribers.

    70. INFO is so cool, who subscribe to my blog is still very little, perhaps by applying the above tips will reproduce that subscribe to my blog .. Thanks

    71. Thank you Brian for a great post as always. I have liked the idea of putting subscribe link at the end of every post. Although I have email subscription form at a prominent place on my site but never thought of putting a link at the end of every post. If a reader has reached the end of your post and has really liked the content, he is almost mentally prepared and there is great chance he will subscribe if you remind him to do so.

    72. hmmm, I think I will need to work on developing an ethical bribe for my blog. I hope that would help me in increasing my subscriber count.

      Thanks for such an informative article.

    73. I’ve been learning about the laser-focused aspect. I have a tendency to ramble on aimlessly.

      Your Scribe tool has been extremely helpful in regards to keeping me on topic. Better to include the SEO aspects in the design framework rather then trying to retrofit them into a rambling blog post after it’s been written.

    74. I have created a blog on internet marketing and SEO basics, and have been posting content regularly. I am quite satisfied with the work, as I think my posts are written in quite simple language and will be useful for novice people who need to understand basics of seo. I am sure that readers would definitely find my posts useful. However, in the very first place I am not able to understand how to get started, that is how to get the first genuine reader to comment on my posts or atleast offer them the subscriptions etc. as you have mentioned. It would be highly helpful if you can put some basic points that can help to promote new blogs in the very first place

    75. Ok, so first I start with asking them to subscribe. That takes a lot of self confidence. I don’t want to hear the negative comments. Do you ever get negative comments? Or do you just erase those and keep the positive ones. I know they are just words, but still. Please subscribe?I am going to try it.

    76. I kept spinning my wheels, thinking I had to link to 1000 directories before anyone would read my post and although directories are great, i really did find that posting early and often drove in a decent amount of traffice almost on its own. I couldnt be living off my blog by any means but my goal is to drive in traffic to my t shirt site so it is working out. Content is key, that is my favorite tip from you post. thanks
      MEDYUM Niyazi

    77. I find checking out and commenting on other blogs works well. I know if someone leaves a comment on my blog or signs up as a follower that I always feel the need to check out their blog. Great advice.


    78. Thanks for your “10 Effective Ways to Get More Blog Subscribers” post which increase our knowledge. These 10 tips very effective strategies very important everyone. I have a blog site here I always try to update every day mainly I consistent new information. My all visitor help me there comments. I try to follow his instruction. You post also help me in future. Hope more and more new information.

    79. Hi:)

      It is an old post I see but still helpful. I liked the suggestion number 10 – Cross-promotional deals. It is interesting.

      and I would add the essential stuff- write individually- so people will treat you as an authority and come back to learn from you, and leave their comments for you to read and teach them something.

      thanks a lot
      and bye

    80. Hi Brian,

      Feedvertising plugin is an excellent thing to have:) Thanks for that tip.
      I’ve been using also What Would Seth Godin Do Plugin and it works nicely to increase subscriptions:)

    81. Thanks for the tips. I have a personal blog, and I post about all things that I find interesting to try and build my brand (which is myself! hehe).

      Have a great weekend.


      Jesse Montalto

    82. Excellent pointers. I think quality also helps and shared “knowledge” if in a field of expertise. People are online for various reasons, knowledge is one, entertainment another. If you can combine the two! Voila!

    83. Hi Brian. I am on of your thousands of followers who are benefiting greatly from your posts. Getting ideas and inspiration from your post, I put up my own blog Online Writing Niche last August 2010 and now, I am learning my way around how I may be able to attain a good following. As of now, I have yet to see somebody subscribing to my blog. Sure enough the ’10 Effective Ways to get more Blog Subscribers’ is a very crucial help for me. Thank you very much. Blessings and more power to your blog!

    84. I kept spinning my wheels, thinking I had to link to 1000 directories before anyone would read my post and although directories are great, i really did find that posting early and often drove in a decent amount of traffice almost on its own.

    85. I can’t decide which of your posts that I have read in a matter of 48 hours (it’s been a lot!) to leave my comment on, but seeing as it’s getting late and I should get to bed, I chose this one! I know that sentence has more than 20 words. I will practice my new skills next time.

      Thank you so much for sharing your amazing knowledge and experience. I am just starting out with blogging but freel I have truly found my passion. Finding a site like this with information like this is invaluable.

      I have much to learn and much more to read but I wanted to pause for a moment to thank you sincerely!

      City Mom (Kelly)

    86. Have had enormous trouble getting subscribers, so these tips should be helpful. Thanks so much for being a great blogger.

    87. Brian –

      Completely new to the blogging world this article couldn’t have been found at a better time.

      Love the write and looking forward to reading your archive.

      All my best,

      James Hernandez

    88. What a great list, Brian!

      While I do many of the items mentioned here, I don’t have my own podcast. That’s definitely something I’m going to think about doing in the months to come.


    89. This is a great list. I’m interested in getting into viral e books especially-I’ve read to you can get a ton of subscribers that way. Just a lot of great information here.

    90. Some advertising strategies listed on this same blog would help get more subscribers

      You should also add: Create Interesting Content ! or all the effors would be vain !


    91. I am using your tips from the list in everyone of my blogs and it sure does work:) I have been focusing a lot on viral strategies and if you make a freebie(like a free plugin or e-book) and it hits, you can get fantastic effect!

    92. I loved the article! I just started blogging a month ago and I have gotten close to 1,000 pageviews. Right now, I am working on converting some of my viewers into clients. Thank you for the insightful article.

    93. Brian, no doubt this is an amazing article. This can be almost converted into a 5-10 page white paper!! Although I have to admit I knew all this already and have learned the same techniques from other blogs over the past few months, but your this blog pretty much consolidates everything at one place!

      Thanks for spending time on such a great effort!


    94. I really appreciate the help that you have given me about promoting my blog. But I am not as computer savvy as most. I do not know HOW to put on my blog “If you enjoyed this post, get free updates by email or RSS”. I don’t even know what RSS means or what it is. I don’t know HOW to put my blog address in somewhere, to where it will be a link to my blog. I wish I could find the answers to those questions. My blog is for helping people look at what they have and learn to be creative and be thrifty. I’m also a bit of a story teller and I love to tell stories with a bit of humor and sometimes they may even be serious. I don’t know if my blog falls in the category of some that you have named. I enjoy making people laugh and to help them save money in decorating, food and anything else. Anyway, thank you for your time in explaining so much. You are very intelligent. You may check my blog out if you feel like having a laugh and save money. polly-paulashillbillysavingsguide.blogspot.com

    95. Hey Brian,

      Thanks for the great tips. I’ve been thinking about starting a podcast to support my blog. So I was gad to see it on the list. Nice to know I’m on the right track.

      Thanks for sharing,

      Tony Milano

    96. I have enjoyed posting in forums because i have met people who are learning the ropes of IM, just like myself.
      From the learner to the experience.

      Becoming a guest blogger is my next strategy. Original content is king.

    97. I agree with you. I have a hard time getting others to respond to my posts. Ultimately, user activity is the essential item that will enhance the presence of your blog.

      Thanks for sharing

    98. What a great list, Brian!

      While I do many of the items mentioned here, I don’t have my own podcast. That’s definitely something I’m going to think about doing in the months to come. thanks

    99. When I’ve started to blog I wasnt thinkin about the RSS feed and the subscribers. I was concentrating more on the content and the backlinks and overall traffic. After a while I’ve understand that the subscribers list is one of the most crucial things that the blog owner should think about. After all subscribers are the people that will often come back to your blog and read the news on it. A lot of new bloggers should read and ingest all the tips that you have placed in the article.

    100. Well Brian, you’ve certainly provided some solid information here. The post could have been called “10 Effective Ways To Literally Explode Your Business”. LOL

      I really like your idea on offering bribes which I’m testing out now. Also, I know what you mean about guest posting. I was really hesitant to guest post on other people’s blogs. It seemed utterely crazy a few months ago. Now I’ve realized it’s one of the best ways, if not the best to promote your blog.

      If you just spend 1 hour a week guest posting on 1 authority blog like this one right here, it can mean a page rank 3-5 backlink and a few hundred extra repeat visitors. Plus branding!

      Thanks man!

    101. Nice post. I learn something on completely different blogs everyday. It should all the time be stimulating to read content from other writers and apply a bit of something from their blog.

    102. Nice article on ways to increase your blog membership or following. Using Youtube can also be an effective method of getting attention to your site.

    103. Great list! I see that a ton of people also thought so haha.

      I have never actually tried guest blogging, but I hear it is useful and gives you a lot of exposure. My question is, though, do people actually bother checking out the author of a guest post? I have seen them and have never clicked on the guest poster’s name. Just curious if it is actually worth my time. Thanks!

    104. No matter what I seem to do I cannot seem to get more traffic to my sites. Just seems like an impossible challenge that is never ending and only leads to defeat…But, then again I keep trying and trying and maybe someday – Will be able to help others in their search for ultimate Top 10 in the Big G. Thanks for giving me a few more tips that I can add into my seeming endless quest for traffic.


      Pat P.
      Pennsylvania “Coal Country”

    105. Hello Brian,

      Really very good suggestion to gain more Feed Subscriber. That i would like to follow. My actual number of subscriber are still not huge, but after reading this post and applying your tips i think i’m able to take the my subscriber number on the new high…….

    106. We never stop learning if we want to grow,Thats an important fact we should always remeber and its amazing the things we learn via these posts each day.

    107. We never stop learning if we want to grow,Thats an important fact we should always remeber and its amazing the things we learn via these posts each day

    108. If you want to make money with a blog, you need traffic. Traffic is the lifeblood of any online business – no matter if you own a site or a blog. If your blog fails to bring in new traffic on a daily basis, you stand in hot water because your blog won’t succeed amongst others in your niche.

    109. I am new in Blogging arena, just go through your post. I don’t have any subscriber in my blog. So i am going to try your methods. I agree with you, guest post is effective to become popular and get subscribers.

    110. It’s always come to my mind about guess blogging. I’ve heard so many times that guess blogging is such a great way to gain visitors back to the site, but I am never be ready to do it. I think that my level is not fit to that skills because I find hard to write good content, even for my own blog…:-((

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