I like to use these Weekly Wrap intros to feature interesting industry news and tidbits, not to talk about myself and the cool things I’ve been up to. Note: All previous intros that violate this principle have been random coincidences resulting in accidental self-aggrandizement.
Anyway, re: developments in blogging and social media, BlogWorld & New Media Expo made this announcement the other day involving their “Virtual Ticket” program and how they brought some person on to help them restructure it and host it. Oh, and that person is me.
Damn. Did it again.
Here’s what happened this week on Copyblogger:
The Johnny Depp Guide to Mesmerizing Marketing
If you read this post, you’ll learn how you can opt for the life of a movie star over that of a ballpoint pen salesman, thanks to marketing. And if you think that’s an inflated claim, then consider yourself introduced to marketing! HAHAHA! (Marketing humor… gotta love it.) BONUS TIP: For a transcendent experience, try reading this post while mentally replacing any instance of the word “Depp” with the word “Truant.”
How to Become a Better Marketer on Twitter
This is a pretty comprehensive compendium of “how to market on Twitter” links. If you want to know how to market better in 140 characters, check this one out. (If, however, want to know how to spell “relief,” watch a Rolaids commercial. HAHAHA! More marketing humor.)
Shiny: The Firefly Guide to Producing More Creative Content
This post about the two types of creativity and what to do to get the most out of being either type made me wonder if I should be watching Firefly. I mean, I avoided Battlestar Galactica forever because I fell into what a friend told me: “Battlestar Galactica would be considered the best show on TV if it weren’t called ‘Battlestar Galactica.'” But regardless, somewhere in here there’s a message about content marketing, so… you know… get your sci-fi on.
The 5-Step Process that Solves Three Painful Writing Problems
Got writing pain? Step right up and try Dr. Clark’s Magic 5-Step Elixir… it’ll cure you of your starts, your fluff, and your finishes, as well as making you more attractive and increasing your vitality! Step right up and get yourself a dose… only a nickel! (Or, perhaps more accurately, free.)
Why Content Marketing Doesn’t Suck
Sure, this episode of the Copyblogger podcast has a catchy title, but what really grabs me is the punk rock, going-his-own-way stand that Brian is apparently taking on the “85/15 rule of marketing and selling.” What did Pareto know? 80/20 is for chumps. Find out why.
This week’s cool links:
- A eulogy of action: We lost Steve Jobs this week, something that really bummed everyone at Copyblogger out. The question is, what do we do next to honor the legacy he’s left us?
- A Conversation With Copyblogger’s Brian Clark On Mediapreneurship, Monetizing and Blogging: Brian uses these links to feature interesting industry news and tidbits, not to engage in accidental self-aggrandizement. Wait… damn. Did it again.
- More guidance on building high-quality sites: With all this hubbub and talk of SEO being a big black box, wouldn’t it be great to get advice right from the horse’s mouth? Horse = Google. Go.
- 45 Kick-Ass Resources for Online Entrepreneurs: A great list of resources from our friend Dries Cronje. And the amazing thing? NO affiliate links, and hence no question about his reasons for recommending.
About the Author: Johnny B. Truant specializes in heretical personal development and business strategies. You should sign up for his free series on how to start making more money blogging whether you plan on being heretical yourself or not.
Reader Comments (4)
Dries rocks! Super smart and energetic guy, it’s been fun to watch what he’s up to.
Great that the podcast is back again
Same sentiment here, Ivan. The podcast is WONDERFUL! I am so enjoying it.
Hi, Im Jose Marti and I’m currently studying social media with @dr4ward at @NewhouseSU. I have subscribed to your blog because I found a lot of the content interesting!! The tips from this post I find really helpful! Thanks for sharing this.
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