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    Why Marketers Need Content Editors

    Why Marketers Need Content Editors

    Reader Comments (6)

    1. I studied engineering.

      Today, I’m a professional writer.

      It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world.

      Thanks for the great post Stefanie.

      It explains the concept of being an editor with a process everyone can follow.

      Learning to write is hard enough.

      Writing with the consciousness and aim of achieving a goal through your content is even tougher.

      “Delete” and “Publish” requires a lot of discipline.

      Like Stephen King said, “kill your darlings, kill your darlings, even when it breaks your egocentric little scribbler’s heart, kill your darlings.”

      Removing unnecessary words is a vital part of making content great.

      Perfectionism can also cause unnecessary delays in clicking on the “Publish” button.

      Every writer has to accept that perfect copy is rare, even among experts.

    2. Step #4 is definitely one of the harder steps. How painful it is to find only a few hundred words left after you’ve written a couple thousand, because you had to dispense with all the unnecessary fluff? Feels like all the work was for naught, even though it’s obviously just a part of the process.

      • It definitely takes time to accept the process … but the more you get comfortable with it, the more you’ll feel proud of those few hundred words (if they’re the right words), rather than disappointed you had to cut the rest. 🙂

    3. Hi Stefanie,

      Really great piece! You have outlined all the elements of content editing with precision. Your piece reminded me of my early years of learning digital content writing and editing. When I was a content writer, after finishing my target, I used to pull my written pieces after our editor made changes. I checked all changes carefully and how those changes made the sentences better. When I started editing later, I found the two specific steps “Research” and “Refine” really crucial to make a content piece more fluid and engaging. Thank you again for this blog.

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