Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Defined in 60 Seconds [Animated Video]

Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Defined in 60 Seconds [Animated Video]

Reader Comments (14)

  1. I’m a do it yourselfer when it comes to writing my own copy but it is always a challenge to figure out word density for me. This has been very helpful! Thank you!

  2. Don’t forget to include your personality in your proposition and message. It’s an important part of your communication – people should know what to expect when they have first-hand experience of you and your team – no matter how big your company might become.

  3. When I lived in Asia, 12 hours ahead of EST, my USP was that you could send me your document at the end of the work day, have it edited by a native English editor (me), and find the revised copy waiting in your inbox the next morning. That was a great USP, if I do say so myself. Then I returned to North Carolina and just flushed it right away. Oh well.

  4. Hi Demian,

    Now I want to check out The Draw Shop. Like what they do.
    I’ve noticed many brands are turning to these short, pithy, concentrated videos for content. They do well on social, that’s obvious. Of course CB is already doing it.

    Even if you think you have your USP nailed down don’t you think a re evaluation is in order periodically? I’m going to apply Simone’s “Take 15 Minutes” post and your other links here and see what I come up with. Always looking to get better.


  5. Thanks for coming up with an idea of explaining ‘USP’ with a whiteboard video. It adds a different dimension of presenting a content.

  6. Loving your last two whiteboard videos! I’m a visual learner and can understand a concept much quicker when it’s explained in this type of format.

  7. Demian, thanks so much. These are great video illustrations of crucial info our clients sometimes need to be educated on. This is a fun, easy to digest way to educate them.

  8. Very well explained. I liked how you linked the USP to the Content marketing
    Makes much more sense when you put it that way.

  9. Hi Demian, I guess it is not just about identifying what you or your business is good at but also identifying a need that a group of customers will have. With the Fedex example you can see this quite clearly with the fact that they identified that they were exceptional at getting parcels to places overnight but also identified that this was a very specific need that a subset of customers had.

    Great food for thought. Thanks.

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