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    Top Five New Developments at Copyblogger

    Top Five New Developments at Copyblogger

    Reader Comments (26)

    1. Wow! I’m really exited!

      The old CopyBlogger theme giveway! It’s time I change my old theme.

      I love group writing projects. Will take part!

      Ah…I’m really happy as I post this…

    2. I also like the design, and look for to Pearson’s release of a tweakable of your previous design. Using his Cutline right now.

      Thanks for the great site!! You’re in my Google Reader.

    3. Kudos! Parabems! Felicitaciones! Congrats!

      When I first discover copyblogger I didn’t know the difference in between copywriting and copywrite LOL. And also though that “way of write” was only for spamy landing pages.

      Until i met you.

      And my reality cone was undramatically expanded. And discovered the patters. Now i am starting to develop “Neo Vision” – From the matrix©. When ever i read an article, a post or magazine ad ad. I see ppl telling stories, catching us with clever yet intriguing headlines. Triggering emotions in us.


      Now i realize the power you are sharing with us. So much that you and bittbox have propel me to star my very own story.

      Please let us walk with u for a long time.

    4. I like the new design.

      And I can’t wait for your competition! $10,000 in prizes sounds good.

      Also I would love to submit content to your site – 26,000 of your RSS readers reading an article by somebody else would be so cool.

      I’m admittedly picky about writing stuff too, though sometimes I tend to blurt.

    5. Thanks for the great news, Brian!

      Chris did a wonderful job once again, and I can’t wait for the old theme to be open sourced, I liked it a lot.

      Look forward to competition and submitted articles!

    6. I found your site through one of the posts on Problogger’s Top 5 list. I’m glad I did. Since I’m new to blogging, I look forward to learning from the experts.

      Thanks for the site – and the insight.

    7. A writing contest at Copyblogger? Now, that’s a good idea.

      By the way, have you noticed your reader count lately? Unless, I’m crazy, it went up noticeably in the last week or so.


    8. I was wondering if you would accept submissions that focus on the marketing side of things more than on the copywriting side of things as well?

    9. $1001 is hard to resist! I for one really like the new layout — less white, but for a three-column, it really comes off clean and tailored. (If it were me, I’d have the top-right sticky note element lap off the edge, as the RSS and envelope elements do, but that’s just me being nitpicky.)

      Great job, as always, and looking forward to the Copyblogger GWP!

    10. Looking forward to using that old theme on one of our blogs. Thanks for letting us mere mortals use it.

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