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    Let Us Write You a Killer Tagline… Right Now and No Charge

    Let Us Write You a Killer Tagline… Right Now and No Charge

    Reader Comments (633)

    1. Ok sure would love help on a tagline..my current tagline is; let us enhance your success by removing administrative stress…

    2. Michelle, you need to tell us all 3 things:

      1. what you have to offer
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      Otherwise, we have no idea if you current tagline is good or completely off the mark. 🙂

    3. Hey Brian,

      This is awesome on what you and the gang are doing.

      – I offer tips on how to generate free leads for business owners.

      – I’m reaching people that own businesses.

      – My tagline is: The Marketing Resource For Business Owners Who Want to Generate Free Leads Online

      Have a great weekend!

    4. Hi,

      Great idea!

      1.what you have to offer:

      eBook on creating a website for the beginner

      2.The type of people you’re trying to reach:

      Beginners and newbies to internet marketing/earning money online

      3.Your current tagline if you’ve got one:

      Create Your First Website

      Hope you have some advice for me.


    5. What fun! My blog is about giving readers practical advice on living the best life possible and being the best person that they can be. My current tag line is “The art of living well”. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    6. Wow! Awesome offer! (And I’m going to go read those articles NOW.)

      My blog is called Giving Up on Perfect, and I write for women who don’t have it all together. My audience is mainly Christian women ages 25-45, mostly married with kids but not all. I write about my life – parenting, career, home management, memories, my favorite TV shows – and how NOT perfect it is.

      I got the name of my blog from a quote by Anna Quindlen (The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.). I love the quote, but I’d really like to have a tagline of my own.

      I tend to write stories that are either funny or inspiring, but I’d prefer the tagline reflect the funny part.

      Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    7. Cool idea! Alrighty then….
      1. Travel photography stock images and tips.
      2. Photo editors, people interested in travel photography

    8. I love this! A clinic right in the comments!

      My blog is called Food Not Fuss, and it’s aimed at teaching people how to eat healthy without spending hours in the kitchen. It has easy recipes, plus ways to improvise them, and I also publish articles about things like ‘ways to use pesto’ or ‘how to sneak in your veggies’.

      I’m trying to reach people (especially women) who want to eat more healthily but don’t have time or don’t love cooking, or think that ‘healthy eating’ means microwaving a low-cal frozen dinner.

      My current tagline is Food Not Fuss – Make Healthy Eating Easy! Appreciate any feedback on that!

    9. Hey! I have been struggling with a tag line for some while now, so would be very grateful for your assistance. My blog is basically my online diary – everything I do in a day, nicely summed up in one post. Surprisingly, I have a number of people who find my life interesting 0_o

      Any who, my current tag line is “Open, honest and potentially offensive…”. This was put in place after I let my feelings out about somebody which they found to be very upsetting. I’m one to say that I will be open and honest about everything, so this new tag line was implemented to show this.

      Any assistance on creating a super smashing tag line would be great!

      Many thanks,

      Ciall Kennett – The Voice of the Big Guy

    10. For a soon to be launched website that collects all the social media updates (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs, etc) of 300 or so off-Broadway theatres in NYC, and makes it easy to navigate between theatres & productions. “The who, what, where of NYC theatre” doesn’t quite cut it. “The MenuPages of theatre” is just bad positioning.

    11. I would also like to add under number 1 (which I forgot to write in my previous comment)

      1.what you have to offer:

      in addition to the eBook, I have a weekly newsletter going out ‘SUCCESS GRENADE’ which teaches the newcomer how to make money online.

    12. Okay – this is awesome! Because I’ve been struggling with a great tag line for a while for my soon-to-launch paper goods & art prints shop.

      1. What I have to offer: Illustrated art prints, modern, everyday greeting cards, artistic vinyl decals, misc paper goods like notebooks & recipe cards, and down the line letterpressed goods.
      2. Market: Primarily women aged 20-40
      3. Current Tagline: I don’t have a *good one* … I was thinking something like “Everyday paper goods” but that just seems boring.

    13. 1. what you have to offer: we work to alleviate poverty in East Africa through empowerment of communities to support themselves largely though fresh water well drilling, enabling high school level education, and primary health care access.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach: US individuals, groups and Churches interested in getting involved in helping Africa.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one: Building relationships through Water, Education and Health Care.

    14. Thanks for the help! Here’s a volunteer project I’m working on for my son’s preschool:

      1) Community Nursery School of Wilton – a private preschool that focuses on building kids’ social and life skills, instilling a sense of resilience, and fostering the idea that they are vital members of their community.
      2) Prospective parents who want to send their children to a preschool that (1) prepares their children well for life and (2) requires/invites a lot of parent participation in school activities.
      3) CNSW’s fundamental purpose is the celebration of childhood

    15. That is great offer indeed. My blog is new, just 15 days old and I am targeting affiliate marketing and blogging tips but it seems very challenging to compete with other old bloggers.

      I want to know how and what I should do to optimize my tagline to boost my ranking in SERPs and beat my competitors 🙂

      Best, Tinh

    16. 1. I run a personal finance blog.
      2. Target audience is broad: People interested in responsible personal finance; budgeting, frugality, saving money.
      3. Money and Life in the Real World


    17. Hi Brain,

      1. what you have to offer

      I offer young entrepreneurial tips and tips on how to blog with success.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      I am trying to reach young entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs in general

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      My currnt tagline is “young entrepreneur blog”.

      Thanks a lot,

    18. Great idea, here’s the info:

      1. My site offers articles, reviews, and guides to help travelers find travel insurance

      2. I’m trying to reach travelers who are interested in travel insurance but don’t know where to start.

      3. Current taglins: “The Web’s Best Travel Insurance Resource”


    19. Hey, this is very cool, and a great way to garner attention!

      1. I’m a freelance direct-response copywriter
      2. I target marketing directors/managers of B2B companies
      3. My current tagline is “Your plate is full. Let me help.”

      Have fun with it, and thanks again for this awesome idea! Keep up the good work, Copyblogger!

    20. Great offer. Thanks.

      1. what you have to offer
      Wedding and Event Photography

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      Mainly focusing on weddings, so: Engaged Women, or those helping planning the wedding in the Central Florida area

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      “We love what we do, and it shows” (used in emails, but not the website)

    21. 1. What I have to offer

      Egaging information packed audio walking tours.

      2. The type of people I want to reach

      People not afraid to use technology (ipods, mainly), travelers, and locals interested in the rich history of a place.

      3. My current tag-line

      View Street Media – Engaging Informaiton Packed Walking Tours

      Note – I’m working on my first tour in my home town. It would be easy at this point to set my company up to just focus on this one town….but I want to keep things open to include other towns. On that note, I also don’t want to paint myself into the “audio tour” corner as I may also sell books, postcards, and other things.

      Would love your thoughts!

    22. This so nice! I’ve been asking myself lately what tagline best suites my blog, and this article comes out.

      Here are my answers on the questions:

      1.It’s my personal blog and I write mostly about the things that interests me like blogging, society, arts and design, opinions, etc.

      2.I try to reach people that are willing to read about other people’s insights and perspectives on things. More of a community-building thing.

      3.My current tagline is: “Blogging and Everyday Insights”

      Thanks guys for this wonderful help!

    23. Edit My Work, G!

      1. what you have to offer: Editing and proofreading – essays, reports, short stories, resumes, etc.
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach: College attendees, working university attendees, primarily.
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one: “Reviewing your work quickly and affordably”


    24. I offer blog design for local businesses and consult with them on integrating social media into their business to gain new customers and create buzz. I am trying to reach small and mid-sized local businesses who don’t know about the benefits of social media.

      My current tagline is pretty lame. “Custom blogs designed with your business in mind”.

    25. Great, thank you very much for your help 🙂

      1. what you have to offer

      I have a City Blog about Amsterdam and life in the Netherlands. I offer accommodations through Booking.com and touristic PDF guides.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      Brazilians that are traveling to Europe and moving to The Netherlands

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      Discovering the life and travels in the Netherlands

      Thanks again for any help you can give (oh, yeah, my blog is in Portuguese, but nevermind. I can translate it from English to PT).

    26. 1 – Educational Penny Stock site (Penny Stock Classroom). Tries to cut through all the crap out there in the market. Also offers a newsletter covering the latest happenings in the market.

      2 – Investors / Traders.

      3 – Penny Stock News and Tips (Yeah I know)

    27. Hi! This is so exciting! I’d love your help for a tagline.

      1. what you have to offer:

      I’m a blogger. Nothing but fun writing and a few minute escape from the everyday workplace. I’d like to think that I consistently offer a smile to those who read my content, but that might be a little presumptuous.

      2. The type of people you’re trying to reach

      Casual blog readers who love fun, rock, adventure, and humor. I’m also eager to stimulate more readers to participate in comments, but I think that’s probably a common theme for many bloggers.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      I have a terribly unoriginal tagline “Rock and Stuff” Ugh. pathetic. I’d love your help!!

    28. Great offer from the pros. Thanks so much.

      I sell vintage jewelry and housewares online. I’m trying to reach vintage lovers, the thrifty, and the eco/recycling conscious.

      My current tagline is 10% off everything. Catchy?

    29. 1. what you have to offer:
      Single Woman’s Support Network

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach:
      Single Women (if too broad) Single Mother’s & daughters

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one:
      As a free-spirited, powerful and loving woman, I will share my insights, experiences as a single mother and the resources I know of to support you through this often difficult and also amazing experience.

    30. This is an awesome post idea!

      1. A membership program where we build you a custom website, train you on how to be self sufficient and to market yourself online using everything from SEO to social media and blogging.

      2. Small business owners with bad websites, no web presence or who are confused about what to do online.

      3. “Let me build you a fully functional website then show you how to manage and market it yourself saving you months (if not years) of frustration.

      Looking forward to your creative input

    31. 1. what you have to offer
      marketing strategy and copywriting for print and interactive media (b2b and b2c audiences)

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      a. big corporate marketing/communications directors in lifestyle related industries (home, beauty, jewelry, hotel)
      b. owners of medium sized local business in any industry

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      Copy Crafted For Consumption.

    32. 1. I am selling prom dress, wedding dresses etc
      2. People who are about to get married etc
      3. We don’t have one at the moment, trying to figure out a keyword rich rememberable tagline.

    33. OK, we’re a nonprofit cat rescue organization. We have rescued more cats than any other shelter/rescue group in Virginia for the past 5 years. Our audience is potential adopters as well as donors. Our current tagline is “Rescuing Stray and Unwanted Cats” but I feel like that’s not really accurate. We work closely with the municipal shelters in the DC metro area, as well as rural shelters in VA and WV. We educate our community about the importance of spaying/neutering, as well as provide consultations to people about behavioral issues.

      More about us at http://www.fancycats.org

      All help greatly appreciated!

    34. setting up web site for commercial construction marketing and want to use my last name. Have as a tag line
      “Big results in construction” or “EnLARGE your Business” any other thoughts would be great.


      Joe Large

      PS..all my children are? Extra Large

    35. 1. what you have to offer – I try to make people laugh through video and written humor, and occasionally try to inspire people with thoughts on leadership and faith.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach – a large percentage of my readership are Christians, but I’m just trying to reach anyone who enjoys laughing at life (and at me).

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one – Currently it’s “Daily Doses of Nonsense and Inspiration”

    36. 1. offering financial education; how to’s for debt eradication and home management in general (organizing family life)
      2. targeting Mom’s
      3. Family Life. Improved.

    37. I have a couple taglines…maybe I’m tag-confused or perhaps even a tagaholic, but here’s what I got:

      What I have now on my email sig-
      The HEAD Coach: Helping YOU Get It Right Between YOUR Ears!

      What i was planning to use for my speaker sites-
      Discover Your Passionate Purpose…Discover Extraordinary Results

      And a more extended version that I have on the backside of my business card, that I call “My Mission”-
      “To help companies, organizations and individuals eliminate stress, maximize success, and create extraordinary relationships at home, at work, and in the community.”




    38. Guy boomer blog of irreverence.

      I have two taglines:

      When I reached Sixty I thought I had patience,
      turns out, I just don’t give a shit.


      Going 60 mph in the left lane with my left turn signal on.
      Deal with it.

    39. Ha ha, this made me evaluate my current tagline, which just repeats the words in my website in a different order… uh, hi and hello redundant town!

      1. what you have to offer
      Free craft tutorials and ideas

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      Site: Dollar Store Crafts
      Tagline: Crafts made from dollar store stuff

      (ha ha!)

    40. Hi CopyBlogger,

      Thank you very much for your amazing offer. My blog is called Singularity Weblog and it is “a conversation about the impact of technology, exponential growth and artificial intelligence.” Furthermore, my current tag line is: “Will technology replace biology?”

      Any ideas about a better tag line?

    41. Very cool idea, thanks (though you might regret it with all the requests you’re going to get)!

      I have a blog (w/associated youtube channel) with advice about shaving properly with “traditional” shave products (single blade safety razor, shaving brush, lathering shave soap or cream). I’m trying to reach those new to traditional shaving, new to shaving in general (e.g. young men I guess), and those trying to save money on their shave. My current tag line is “What your father didn’t teach you about shaving” (which I think is pretty good actually).

    42. 1. I make handcrafted fountain, rollerball, and ballpoint pens using different types of wood, plastics, and resins.

      2. I am trying to reach anyone that loves writing. Business people, moms writing thank you notes, letter writers, authors, etc.

      3. “Handcrafted pens from exotic wood and colorful acrylics by Patrick Sikes”

    43. Great idea, thanks!

      What you have to offer : Mainly exercise advice for women in their 50s (a little nutrition guidance); I’m a certified personal trainer.
      The type of people you’re trying to reach: Women in their 50s
      Your current tagline if you’ve got one: Your best years are here. Let them be fierce!

    44. I am a Customer Service Trainer and Coach and help businesses take better care of their customers. I partner with businesses to improve customer service, increase customer retention and maximize revenue through cross-selling and up-selling.

      I am looking to reach small to mid-size businesses who want to differentiate themselves from their competition by the service they provide.

      My current tagline is:
      Partnering with you to turn your customers into raving fans!

      I also use:
      If you don’t take care of your customers, someone else will.

      Thanks for any suggestions you have.

    45. What a priceless idea!! (& perfect timing- I just launched!)

      1. what you have to offer
      A blog to encourage health & wellness through good food, fitness, and easy, everyday health strategies for the average person. Provides facts & information from a registered dietitian, but doesn’t suggest crazy, unattainable diets.

      A secondary purpose of the blog is to promote my business, online nutrition counseling.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      People that are looking to make small improvements in their health without disrupting their already hectic lives & people looking for nutrition counseling from an online source rather than in person.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      Health & Wellness, Straight Up! (With a second option of “where great health meets real life”

    46. Brian and team, thanks for your help! I’m in the midst of looking for my next job in marketing in the N.C. Research Triangle.

      1. What I have to offer: Marketing strategy and tactics, with a focus on getting meaningful, measurable results. More about that: http://karlsakas.com/hire/
      2. The type of people I’m trying to reach: Hiring managers at ad agencies (director of client service) and in-house marketing departments (director of marketing)
      3. My current tagline: “Quickly Finding New Ways to Help Your Company Make More Money”

    47. An offer of a free tagline cannot be missed…

      1. News/info portal on Football Boots (soccer)
      2. Active football players

    48. Offer: quality blinds and shades, custom made at wholesale prices
      Target: Do-It-Yourselfers, commercial property managers, home owners
      Tagline: Buy Premium Quality Blinds & Shades Custom Made for Less Money from BlindsOnLine

      Your thoughts?

    49. Thanks for doing this – it’s awesome! Okay, here are my three pieces of info:

      1. what i have to offer: membership-based model (free and pro levels) that provides online marketing and pr training, education, tools and resources (articles, how-to guides, video, audio, case studies, etc.)

      2. type of people trying to reach: professional photographers (whether they’re just starting out or are established)

      3. no current tagline (everything I came up with was just too darn long!)

    50. 1. A fantasy cartography blog – most of the maps I make are free for download.
      2. My audience consists of people who use maps for various gaming purposes (table top roleplaying, play-by-post games, etc.) and also those who want to learn how to make fantasy maps .
      3. “Free Maps of Fantasy Worlds”

      Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

    51. 1) Sleek, modern looking, protective electronic device covers…ipad, iphone, etc.

      2) sophisticated, upper demographic, active, ipad owners

      Thanks for this offer of assistance!

    52. Very cool idea, guys…thanks!

      1. I offer clear, simple advice on the basics of personal finance.

      2. I’m targeting ALL 21-30 year olds.

      3. Old tagline was “Personal Finance for the Young and Ambitious”. Never liked it. It was boring and, quite frankly, I want people to read my site even if they have no ambition whatsoever.

    53. Great idea guys! I look forward to your ideas.

      1. what you have to offer
      I provide reviews of Bible Apps for the ipad, including pros, cons, screenshots, and ratings.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      Christian iPad owners, or anyone who owns an iPad and is interested in the best Bible app.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      Reviews of the best iPad Bible Apps

    54. This is a great idea
      1. Contemprary artist creating original abstract and semi abstract work.

      2. Art lovers looking for affordable contemporary abstract and semi abstract art.

      3. Unique Abstracts created by Cathy Read Painting, drawing, inspiring art.

    55. I could use this! I’m great at coming up with taglines for everyone else – but not myself! To answer your questions:

      1. I help people improve their website (or blog) design and I help them increase conversions with SEO-focused copywriting.

      2. Website owners or bloggers who have been stuck with a site they don’t know how (or are afraid of) updating or changing. People who want to be in more control of their site’s growth.

      3. My site’s name is iElectrify, so at one time I had something like “Lightning-fast Copy, Shockingly Good Design” but my copywriting isn’t always lightning fast (I prefer to get it done RIGHT) and design should always be shockingly good. Know what I mean? 🙂

    56. I am a wedding planner and currently I have “For couples who don’t have 250 hours of spare time” (the avg time it takes to plan a wedding) I am targeting people who want to save time and money on their wedding planning by enlisting the help of a pro.

    57. Ooh, who could pass up a chance like this? Sure, I’d love ideas to improve my (admittedly dull) tagline!

      what you have to offer – athletic wear for pole dancers.

      the type of people you’re trying to reach – women learning pole dance/pole fitness.

      your current tagline if you’ve got one – Workout wear by pole dancers, for pole dancers.

      I feel like what I really sell is confidence – that your shorts won’t gap in the crotch, that you won’t get camel toe, that you’ll have the skin grip you need when you need it – but I don’t know how to work that into a jazzy little tagline.

      Any suggestions? I would be endlessly grateful! 🙂

    58. This should be fun…

      1. What we offer: We are a video marketing and consulting company. On the one hand, we have educational products on creating video’s, video content ideas, currently have a book similar to a 30 Days to called Zoom – 30 Days To Video Marketing Stardom. Then we do all sorts of video productions, mainly we specialize in video branding, 3d animated video intro’s, sales videos etc.. These are typically super high studio quality productions, so more of a boutique service.

      2. Our Target Customer: Speakers, coaches, and real brick and mortar business owners looking for a more professional look/edge, and want to increase their reach with social media and online video. Our target client price tag range is from $300 to $5,000

      3. Current tagline: Putting the focus on you is our science.

      Hope I was specific enough. 🙂

    59. What I have to Offer:
      Original Flower Paintings & Fine Art Canvas Prints

      Type of People I’m Trying to Reach:
      People looking to update their decor, find a lasting special gift or want to paint flowers (that’s too many isn’t it)? Doing this just made me realise that.

      Current Tagline:
      Painting Lessons ~ Flower Art Gallery ~ How to Paint Flowers

    60. 1. Personal Development tips… And awesomeness
      2. The “gamer generation” and mostly dudes, but chicks are welcome to hang out too.
      3. Personal Development for Gamers

      I think I could add a little “pizzaz” to it, but at least it’s clear and not clever. 🙂 I just started this blog a couple weeks ago. The name of the site is “Pwning Life.” I’m sure you’re on the internets enough to know what “pwn” means. 🙂

    61. I am looking for a tagline and help for my up coming website,still designing it.I illustrate exquisite graphite portraits for the descriminating buyer in a dramatic style that captures the essence and spirit of a person allowing you to look into thie eyes and feel their presence forever,HELP!!!

    62. Hi Brian,

      I’d love to get your opinion on my web sites tag line. For real estate I am trying to accomplish so many different things I have difficulty finding the most effective, powerful message. I’d love your help.


    63. Sweet offer, thanks.

      1.what you have to offer:

      Free down-loadable report of Building Muscle, Diet & Fitness

      2.The type of people you’re trying to reach:

      Men & women needing to build muscle and lose some weight

      3.Your current tagline if you’ve got one:

      Build a body you will be proud of….

      again thx


    64. I’d love some help with my Naked Montreal website, which I’m using to (pre)sell my self-published novel. So, I’m offering my book, and the type of people I’m trying to reach are those who are looking for a book about Montreal, nakedness, sexy hijinks, erotica, and just plain enjoy a peppy piece of fiction, and/or who happen to like me as a writer more generally (I used to write the sex column for Montreal’s Hour newspaper). Currently I don’t really have a tagline, unless you count “Naked Montreal: A Novel By Laura Roberts” to be the tagline. Thanks!

    65. @John – Creative Cartography for the Adventurer in You
      @Karen – We’ve got your digital world covered!

      Ok, I’ll bow out and let the experts do their thing.

    66. HELP!
      1. I simply want to offer inspiration to live your best life by creating a bucket list, and then doing the items on it.
      2. Target audience – people in search of excitement & fullfillness
      3. I don’t presently have a tagline, per se. I just invite people to go along (visually) with MY bucket list, and to make one of their own. So you can see why I need your help!
      Thanks in advance for any advice/guidance you can give me….Arlene

    67. Since I am in a total revamp of my life and business this comes at a good time.

      What I offer is 35 years of experience with wild and domestic animals using integrative techniques to modify animal behavior and coach people on how to do it.

      I also teach people through story (writing) and see myself moving into a wider audience through more media driven models (publishing, video, radio, tv, etc).

      Three topic areas for wild and domestic with a larger market in pet: behavior, training, careers.

      My peeps have been generally between 30-55 years of age with some college background.

      Usually no kids or kids that are gone and good careers and upper middle class income levels.

      Most tend to be pet owners or pet lovers.

      Some are pros that need help with behavior & training concepts and coaching on that.

      I have a special interesting in teaching animal connections, and creating REAL understanding of animals but doing it via new media and groups instead of one-on-one.

      My goal is to take my skills to national level and then use leverage on an international level with travel and close encounters.

      My former biz tag line (and name):
      Ark Animals: We take over where Noah Left Off!

      Pick me, pick me!…LOL

    68. Hi there,

      Great post you have here and your offer is just too good to not take advantage of 🙂 I would really appreciate your help with coming up with a good tagline for our service, although it’s not a blog…

      1. We offer rich one on one video chats with collaborative activities and games that you can play while chatting. It’s a really fun and exciting experience and users can also take snapshots while chatting, play with effects and send each other gifts. The platform’s vision is to bridge between the offline and online worlds.

      2. We’re targeting teenagers, 15-25 from the US and UK, who are using social media sites and spend time video chatting, playing online games and socializing with friends.

      3. We had a few taglines in the past:
      – Live Meeting Point
      – As Real As It Gets
      – Video Chat. As It Should Be.
      – Video. Chat. Fun. Anyone?
      – Social Webcam Experience.

      I would really appreciate your help here. It’s indeed something we’ve been struggling with…


    69. This is huge value! Thanks!

      1. What you have to offer

      Platform for connecting college students with industry professionals for mentorship opportunities.

      2. The type of people you’re trying to reach

      College students + industry professionals as mentors

      3. Your current tagline if you’ve got one

      “Where education meets opportunity”

      Site: http://www.joinTAG.com

    70. Thank you for this offer!

      1. I write about the practice of yoga, the research behind preventive health, and my experiences in the medical professional world.

      2. I’m trying to reach people interested in leading healthier lives/ people interested in yoga and preventive health.

      3. Current tagline:
      Prescribing Yoga: The practice of yoga in a world of medicine

      Thank you!

    71. I’ll bite –
      1. typically I repost quotes/links to The Smart Kids’ blogposts with my two cents added – with at least one “from me” blogpost a week that’s more meaty about what I’m learning/finding in social media
      2. I’m doing it to reach out to local small biz or individuals who just want to start doing something, pointing to “it’s not rocket science” and “just a bit more than you’re already doing” kinds of prompts to push them off the cliff
      3. Title – OVER COFFEE
      tagline – discussing online interaction & networking from the corner table…

    72. Love your blog, so insightful! And thanks in advance for the wonderful chance to pick your brain!!!

      1. what you have to offer: I’m a pediatric ER doc turned suspense/thriller novelist, my novels range from medical thrillers to a new environmental suspense/women’s fiction series co-authored with Erin Brockovich (yes, THE Erin B!!!)

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach: 70% of my readers are women, most employed outside the home, with a college education…the new Erin B books feature a single working mom with a special needs child, so it would be nice to reach out to them

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one: my current tagline is: No one is immune to danger.

      I’m looking for a new one to better encapsulate the Erin Brockovich books, since those have no medicine in them. All of my books are about ordinary people finding the courage to change their world.

      Thanks again,

    73. 1. what you have to offer: Wedding photojournalism at laid back casual non-traditional venues, mostly outdoors,

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach: Creative individuals who value photography, Fun, high energy, non-stressed, non-controlling, trusting, happy, generous people. 🙂

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

    74. @Jennifer – I like this: “Workout wear by pole dancers, for pole dancers.” What adjective could you add to workout wear that is most desirable to your market – comfort? style?

    75. 1. We have a partnership. I conduct Market Research, and develop marketing and sales strategies and materials, and then help implement them.
      My partner is a technology, patent, and intellectual property protections expert.
      2. Our audience is small to medium sized businesses.
      3. Current Tagline: “Where Informed Decisions Create Growth Strategies”

      Any help is appreciated.

    76. Thanks!
      1. Its my personal blog on my life as a trans-racial adpotive/foster mama
      2. I am trying to reach other foster and/or adoptive moms
      3. A slice of my life as a transracial adoptive/foster mom… Yummy!

    77. what you have to offer: tips and instruction for writing screenplays

      the type of people you’re trying to reach: aspiring feature film writers

      your current tagline if you’ve got one:
      Jurgen Wolff’s guide to how to write powerful and unique scripts that sell!

      Suggestions/feedback welcome!

    78. Hi, this is a nice idea. Hope you can help me too with my tag line.

      1. I have a cosmetic contact lenses shop (colored, crazy, Halloween).

      2. Trying to target young people (18-30) that want to attract attention on them.

      3. Colored lenses your eyes will love (my site’s name is eyeloveit).

    79. interessada na divulgacao dos meus servicos profissionais, em divulgar e receber novas tecnicas na arquitetura e no setor de interior design, abro tambem espaco para consultas nesse setor, para que o espaco residencial atenda as necessidades, de funcão, conforto, gerando praticidade, economia e bem estar. Na verdade, uso também esse blog para divulgar, entreter, compartilhar assuntos, música, curiosidades, literatura, artes, novidades e ajuda humanitária. Sempre aqui…

    80. What we offer: a membership association for women who work in health care. The association was created to support women who are often burned out, overwhelmed and not taking care of themselves.

      Targeting: women in health care professions of all kinds who are between 35 and 60 and have been in practice 10+ years

      Current tagline: promoting self-care in health care

      Thanks for the help!

    81. Great idea – thanks, guys!

      1. I am a blogging and WordPress consultant – I build WordPress blogs for my clients and provide ongoing consulting and training about content, traffic-building, plugins, etc. What makes me different is that I can work with people are confused and scared about technology and make blogging easy and fun. I can translate difficult technical stuff into training that my clients can truly understand and implement.

      2. I mostly work with women over 35 who are starting blogs for the first time. Since I seem to be attracting mostly women, I have been seriously considering just declaring “Blogging Advice for Women” (or something similar) on my site as the tagline. Haven’t done it yet, because I’m a little scared of narrowing down my niche too far. I’m certainly open to it, though.

      3. Current tagline is “Blogging and Social Media Consulting” – yawn.

      thanks in advance!

    82. I’m wondering how many people will realize how clever this post is. 😉

      Reminds me of Jon’s Screwed Up Your Blog? post.

      I’ll give it a go:

      1. Writing Prompts site helping readers crush writer’s block and rediscover the fun in writing.
      2. Professional and newby writers looking for a creative outlet and community.
      3. Unofficial tag: Our 10 Words – Your stories (I like this one, but I’d like to see what you guys come up with.)

    83. Hi!!!
      This is such good timing because I actually have not tag lines because I`m working on my website as we speak(in french) and the english version. My line is launching in september 2010.
      1. what you have to offer: I produce a 100% natural and organic skincare line for children with a simple, clean and contemporary look.
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach: Moms with style and a conscious mind. Worried about chemicals in personal care products and the health of their family.
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one: wondering if yours will be better then mine 😉
      Thx so much!!

    84. I would love to get some guidance and suggestions on my tagline.

      1. My company provides employment background checks.

      2. We’re trying to reach human resource professionals.

      3. Tagline: “Faster, Smarter, Easier Employee Screening”

      Thanks for your help.

    85. What a great offer. Have all my Christmases come at once!

      RentASiteReseller.com is a website creating website which UNIQUELY offers reselling opportunities. Looking to attract print, web development and print companies, for example.

      Resellers create their own Reseller website utilising our system which is BRANDED as their own.

      Our tag line is “Website Creation Platform”

      Can’t wait to hear back from you …..

    86. I started my Ottawa Daily Foto blog (http://www.ottawadailyfoto.blogspot.com) just over a year ago with the intention of adding advertising if it took off and had a regular readership. Any specific suggestions you have in this regard would be graciously helpful (and thankfully accepted!:)) as well.

      1) What I have to offer:
      An insider’s view of living in Canada’s beautiful capital city, Ottawa, Ontario. Basically a lure to visit. Non-kitsch tourism. It’s also a non-invasive portfolio piece and friendly point-of-contact (in intention at least) for my graphic design and photography business.

      2) The type of people I’m trying to reach:
      tourists, international viewers, artists, naturalists, photographers, retirees, families, all ages; perhaps affluent and creative backgrounds

      3) My current tag-line:
      “Better than a Stompin’ Tom sing-along”

      Read your posts daily so am especially thankful for the personalized guidance:)

    87. 1. what you have to offer: short and sweet posts on travel covering ONE destination/idea/restaurant per day. The idea is to not overwhelm anyone, especially a new traveler.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach: new travelers, 20 and 30-something travel-lovers with a sense of humor, along with expert travelers that might like our ‘day guides’ — which have yet to go live — that give a themed itinerary for ONE place in ONE day.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one: “studying travel one day at a time.” kind of a play on “travelpology” meaning “the study of travel” which also allows us to do play-on-words like travelpology 101 and travelpologist.

    88. 1.) what you have to offer
      Offering tips, ideas, menus and all around help with planning events. All different types of events (corporate meetings, birthday parties, weddings, anniversaries, fundraisers, etc)

      2.)the type of people you’re trying to reach
      Anyone in need of help and direction planning their next event. Many businesses no longer have ‘event planners’ so others are being stuck with the responsibility without having any idea on what to do.

      3.)your current tagline if you’ve got one
      Ugh, I hate it! Any help would be appreciated! “Tips, Tricks, Ideas, And Latest News For All Your Event Planning Needs”

    89. Just in the nick of time.

      1. what you have to offer:

      I have a 4 sales pages in 1 theme that includes the long sales page, a tabbed sales page, a sideways sales page and a squeeze sales page that will be available for 8 of the most popular Premium WordPress Frameworks and the WP Twenty Ten default theme.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach:

      WordPress users marketing goods or services using the internet

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      “The Most Remarkable Sales Page Theme to Hit the Internet”

    90. 1. Nonprofit mural project 12 outdoor murals and beautification projects
      2. We want to reach travelers/visitors to the community and the citizens of Cuba, MO
      3. We have a red/white/black logo that is a shield with Cuba Route 66 Mural City on it. We received this designation from the Missouri legislature. We also have the tagline Cuba MO…where art meets history

    91. Wow! So many requests for help! Just what we all need…

      1. What I have to offer.
      I’m a Confidence Coach and writer who wants to interact and provide positive and insightful ‘takes’ on life.

      2. People I want to reach.
      Anyone who lacks confidence, has poor self esteem and who would like to see more of the Positive in life and start to turn their thinking around.

      My tag is –
      I take a Positive Spin on life, noticing the ‘small stuff’ that’s easy to miss or even dismiss. Why not start noticing along with me? It might make all the difference!

    92. This is great! Here’s mine:

      What I Offer: Regular tips and law notes related to the construction industry for NC construction professionals

      Who I target:
      Primary Targets: Architects, Engineers, Contractors, Subcontractors, Developers in NC
      Secondary Targets: Insurance company representatives (who defend design professionals in defect claims); other lawyers in other states (cross-referral); general NC business owners (non-construction related)

      Tagline: Nothing much at this point.
      My blog title is “Construction Law in NC” (boring but gets the job done) and the subtitle is “A blog for construction professionals and business owners in North Carolina”

    93. 1. what you have to offer
      All forms of information on how to use technology to save money and how to better your quality of life

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      People who want to save money and instersted in new technologies/gadgets

      3.your current tagline if you’ve got one
      I’m open to suggestions : )

    94. 1. interview professionals and entrepreneurs on how it feels to do what they love and how they got to do what they love

      2. People fed up with working and doing things they hate, and hope to get some motivation to change by hearing others stories

    95. Many thanks to the “Copyblogger Cartel” for this; this is a blessing and quite timely.

      My site is: Wine Bounce (http://winebounce.com)

      What I offer: Video wine reviews and tips

      My target: Hip, trendy African-American novice wine drinkers 25-49.

    96. 1. what I have to offer.

      Observations and experiences care giving for my mom with dementia. Recipes for Care Givers, if we are not feeling well, we are not effective caregivers… Healthy foods for our patients makes caring easier.

      2. Audience: Care givers and families who have had someone diagnosed with Alzheimers.

      3. No current tagline.

      Thank you!

    97. 1. what you have to offer: Rottweilers Ate My Laptop is my personal blog. My usual topics are my Rottweilers and occasionally my other pets, dog training, and technology and gadgets.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach: Anyone that shares my interests.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one: Rottweilers. Computers. World domination. Not necessarily in that order.

    98. My new idea

      We offer web design and online marketing services at an affordable price in new York city we go meet with them to get to know their businesss , establish trust

      Target audience

      Small business in new York city , mom and pop shops ,

      Tagline- none yet

      Hope you can help, thanks

    99. Oh wow! Thank you for offering this. It is what I’ve been working on and set aside because I need help.

      1. Offering creative writing jobs and tips on how to write. Plan to post a job board with online writer’s markets and resources for writers to gain information quickly.

      2. Trying to reach current freelance writers that write for online content sites but want to go into publication and receive better pay. Also trying to reach unpublished people who want to write books in fiction and nonfiction that need to find online writers markets quickly because they work during the day and have no time or can’t get an agent yet.

      3. Creative Writing Jobs helps you get started working from home and working toward publication.

      Thank you, thank you, thank you – ahead of time.

    100. 1. what you have to offer

      I’m starting a blog that provides actionable information on how to use online marketing for business, delivered in non-geeky language. Instead of saying, “Install WordPress and start blogging”, the blog will break down and show readers each step with tutorials and video.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      I’m trying to reach solopreneurs and micro-businesses who want to make use of the web to increase their business and find more customers.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      “Helping ordinary people become online entrepreneurs”

      I know, it’s bad. Appreciate your help!

      P.S. I started a thread for the same thing in the Third Tribe forums – http://thirdtribemarketing.com/members/forums/showthread.php?t=3479

    101. Wow, what a great offer! How could anyone pass this up?

      What I have to offer: I analyze and visualize (usually in a dashboard) a company’s data in a way that will provide them with valuable and actionable insights.

      Trying to reach businesses with lots of data who are hungry for insights. Sectors include: Financial services, insurance, marketing, health services, data providers, pharma.

      Current taglines:
      “See your business more clearly”
      “Data is cheap, insights are priceless”

      Thank you!

    102. 1. what you have to offer

      business development, marketing and business communications consultancy, coaching and training in the UK

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      professional people (consultants, accountants etc) who hate the idea of selling but know they have to sell in order to build a business

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      I help businesses to grow.

      (Excellent idea, by the way, and the comments already submitted are fascinating.)

    103. What a fantastic opportunity! Thanks so much.

      I’m a social media writing boutique. My tagline is Smart Writing for Busy Businesses.

      Thank you!

    104. In start-up folks!

      The biz will be called Self-Knowledge College.

      It will be aimed at people who have a serious probem in life but they don’t know what the core dicfficulty is (although they may know the symptomatic one–such as procrastination or choosing the wrong mate) and they don’t know how to fix it.

      The solution is self-knowledge.

      If you don’t know yourself you will choose the wrong job, the wrong college program and the wrong mate and you will not be happy.

      My tag line idea:
      Know Yourself–
      Get what you want in your personal, academic and professional life.

      Thank you for this!

    105. Great offer, thank you! I offer T shirts and other products for sale or use as fundraisers for non profits. I donate back almost all my proceeds. Mainly I deal with animal causes so I am trying to reach pet lovers and small to mid size rescue groups

      Current tag line is:
      3 ways to help homeless companion animals and other non-profit causes, now. Shop Fundraise or tell us your story.
      (which I use on the blo to raise awareness)


    106. Thank you for your wonderful offer.

      Company name: Car Stuff Accessories
      We design and sell auto-enthusiast t-shirts and hats and car interior organizer kits. Currently selling off current inventory of shirts to make room for more organizer-related items. Also have misc. t-shirts, just for fun, but these don’t need to be included in tag line.

      Typical customer is someone looking for a gift for a die-hard car enthusiast. Would like to target a more general customer–appreciative of his/her car and driving but not necessarily a die-hard ‘car guy’. Want to stay away from brand-licensed products.

      Current tag line: Be ready for the road

      Just started blog, Car Culture: peacefully coexisting with your car and driving. I’m in the painfully slow start-up phase.

      Thanks again.

    107. I’d love to get some fresh ideas!

      1. offer: SF & Fantasy romance novelist who writes from her Texas homestead

      2. audience: Readers, both geeky and fantasy buffs

      3. tagline: Tales of OtherWorlds

    108. What a fabulous offer. Thanks so much for offering this.

      I offer a positive view on life. How to take each day’s lessons and learning something from them.

      I also offer weekly kindness club prompts (an act of kindness to work on)

      I am trying to reach people who want to better themselves and the world.

      3. My current tagline:
      New Day New Lesson : because every day of our life brings with it the opportunity to learn new lessons about life and ourselves.

      Thanks again.

    109. What a great offer! I definitely need help with this. Thanks!

      1) I am a web designer/developer who also specializes in wordpress development

      2) I am trying to reach web design agencies, other freelancers and small businesses

      3) I guess my current tagline is the callout on my home page that reads “Hello! I’m Bexxie, a freelance web designer. I like to make sites attractive and functional.”

    110. Thank you for offering this service!
      1. Offer: Guided Meditation through levels of membership beginning with a free membership subscription to a 7-day free meditation course inside the portal.
      2. Audience: people looking for ongoing guidance to deepen their meditation practice and connect with others of like mind.
      3. Taglines:
      A. For the YouTube freeline videos: Unifying hearts, one breath at a time.
      B. For the Portal (website): Creating space for quiet in our minds – and hearts

    111. Amazing offer here. I love it.

      Here goes:

      1. what I have to offer:
      Vintage buying tours that bring the client to the heart of Provence for authentic encounters and fabulous vintage and antique finds at jaw dropping prices. If a client is serious, she could even pay for a good deal of her trip over by reselling the items back in the U.S. at a big mark up.
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach:
      Generally middle aged women with time and means to travel, with a penchant for all things French and vintage/antique.
      3. your current tagline:
      The Ultimate French Vintage Treasure Hunt

      If twofers are covered, I have a second complementary business:
      1. what I have to offer:
      Rare one of a kind French vintage or antique items sent from the heart of France to your door.
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach:
      Vintage minded francophiles or lovers of interior design with vintage French touch who appreciate authentic and original items.
      3. your current tagline:
      I haven’t a tagline.

      Thanks so much!

    112. Wow, this is a great offer, and might give you a lot to do;-)

      to 1: I do illustrations mostly for book covers and give insights in my work and process, the style can be considered wacky, sometimes dark, but always tasty.

      2: Art-directors, Agencies, Art-buyer

      3: Forbidden Visions …got me by surprise while sitting on a rainbow

    113. What a generous offer of help, you guys! I appreciate it. Part of my tagline dilemma is that I am using a couple words with a negative connotation. I knew that when I bought the domain but went ahead with it anyway, but still sometimes wonder whether that was the way to go.

      1. what you have to offer

      My blog at skipthescams.com is about affiliate marketing for beginners – tips, tutorials, case studies…very basic stuff

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      I focus on “extreme” beginners who want to make money online but may have fallen for scams in the past or are simply overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      “Skip the scams, get the skills” was originally meant to be my tagline, but since my domain is “skipthescams.com” I’m using that as the site name and “affiliate marketing instruction for beginners” as the tagline. See? I’m all screwed up.

      Any input is welcome! And thanks! 🙂

    114. 1. what you have to offer- We specialize in drought tolerant waterwise xeric perennials and other plants that need very little or no extra water once established. With the widespread awareness of environmentally conscious practices and water conservation, the use of drought tolerant plants and organic fertilizers has now spread nationwide from the desert gardens of the Southwest.

      Xeriscaping is a method of landscape design that not only makes gardening easier in dry climates because of the plants’ drought tolerance, but preserves nature’s resources by using less water while still providing a lush garden of native blooming flowers and foliage.

      We have spent years developing our line of unusual and exclusive garden tested plants that thrive in most zones across the country. Our hardy perennials, bulbs, cacti, succulents, ornamental grasses and shrubs ship right from our greenhouses to your doorstep ready to plant in your garden.
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach-people who are gardeners, beginners or master gardeners who are aware and water-conscious but want to have a beautiful garden.
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one-“Beautiful plants for the waterwise garden”

    115. 1. what you have to offer

      Information about vacations on the island of Lanzarote, as well as news and views about the island.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      Mainly middle aged vacationers, based in northern Europe. Affluent, independent professionals.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      “Anything and everything about Lanzarote”

    116. This is a great offer 🙂 Thanks so much!!

      My blog is about crafting, party planning and my family.
      I would like to reach other people interested in the same.
      I don’t currently have a tag line.

    117. 1. We are a franchised new auto dealership offering Mercedes-Benz, Volvo and Volkswagen

      2. Auto buyers interested in safety, engineering and prestige vehicles

      3. Our current tagline is “Where Relationships Grow” this is spectacularly ineffective.

    118. Timing could not be more perfect. My company is a start-up in the healthcare IT space and we literally revamping the entire web site and positioning to reflect the updated offering.
      1. Offer – both a hosted desktop interface and also a mobile application that allows physicians and clinicians to BOTH electronically order and view laboratory results. Replaces having to either manually fax in lab orders or go through a nurse – doctors can now do it directly.
      2. People trying to reach – hospital-based laboratories that want to offer the interface and mobile app to their physician clients in order to attract and retain their business
      3. current tagline (CEO came up with it yesterday, literally) – clinical lab information. anytime. anywhere.

      thanks all!

    119. I love this. Here goes:

      1. I offer a blog full of home decor inspiration ideas and DIY projects
      2. I am trying to reach people who enjoy home decor, who like doing DIY projects and, lastly, people who enjoy reading home decor blogs
      3. Don’t have a tagline right now, but my blog is called What’s Up Whimsy – my home decor style is a little whimsical

    120. Hi, guys! Love this idea — and all of you for offering and supporting it!

      I am a lifelong writer and former network television publicist who is launching a blog very soon to support my second career, as an SF writer and publisher. I have noticed that almost all the support and info out there is for non-fiction writers who want to also publish (I’ve always wanted to publish my own books, it’s by my choice, not because I can’t get a publisher!) My blog is for all those fiction authors/aspiring publishers who have nowhere to go for information and support about what it feels like, step by step, to start from scratch and make this dream happen. I hope and expect to attract a good deal of readers, as well as writers, to build an audience for my books! The title of the website and blog, Plotfish, is a play on the better known term “plot bunny,” and has a cute story that goes along with its creation.

      Over to you! And thanks again! 🙂

    121. What a great offer!

      I’m just starting out and the name is Savvy Living. Savvy Living is a group of websites that provide information on specific topics ie The Savvy Decision (how to make decisions that are right for you) The Savvy Traveler (how to travel with knowledge and insights) etc.

      My audience is adults 25-50 who want to learn more about life and themselves

      I don’t have a tag line yet, but would like it be something like – Fear is the absence of knowledg, live life with knowledge, live Savvy – or something along those lines.

      Thanks for the help!

    122. 1.) I offer: technology training and support. I am also doing some web-design.

      2.) My clients: small home-based businesses.

      3.) Current tagline: My tagline is related to the name of my business, which is SideCarr, “Your guide on the side”

      I have played around w/ making it more specific, but “technology guide on the side” doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue.

      My strength is empowering the user to be comfortable with the software applications they use every day. I work very closely with my clients no matter what I do for them…

    123. Thank you so much for this opportunity. My website The Invisible Mentor is an educational blog. Within six months there will be a paid membership site attached to it with book summaries of books written eons ago and profiles of people who made a difference in the world along with a lot of other goodies.

      An invisible mentor is a unique leader you can learn things from by observing them from distance. The idea is to emulate them and use them as mentors without them knowing that.

      1. what you have to offer

      On the blog we offer book reviews and interviews of highly accomplished people. Several of the books reviewed were written decades ago and the idea is to merge new and old wisdom.

      I also have my book Tales of People Who Get It, its companion workbook and toolkits and worksheets.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      Professionals about 35 – 45 years old who are interested in learning and emulating the success of others, and learning about models and ideas created a long time ago.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      Where modern and ancient wisdom unite.

    124. 1. what you have to offer

      Secrets and recipes for staying skinny as well as plenty of desserts and family favorites.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      average cook who struggles with weight but also loves to cook and eat family favorites and desserts

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      “How to eat dessert without dieting.”

    125. Hi, Brian: Would love to hear your thoughts on a tagline.
      We provide proofreading and copyediting services for businesses via our online server. We do not use software for our services – our services are done by human readers. Our standard services includes two independent reviews by two different editors. Our targets are marketing people who produce written communications for their companies or organizations, either in printed form (like brochures, annual reports, etc.) or electronically (emails, web pages, white papers, etc.).
      We don’t really have a tagline — although we do say we’re “accurate, reliable, and on time”. Suggestions?


    126. Lots of people jumping up at this offer.

      1. We offer a website for landscape contractors (small business owners) with tools and training on how to budget, price their work for profit, implement systems and processes, and train their people.

      2. We’re trying to reach tired, overhwelmed, over-worked salt-of-the-earth type landscape contractors. Few people work harder for their dollar without being rewarded sufficiently for their effort.

      3. Really get to know the business you thought you knew.

      Keep up the great work, Copyblogger.

    127. Thanks a ton for this opportunity – I look forward to your feedback!

      Our aim is to assess current websites and utilize the data to develop a online strategy backed by a quality design and a standard compliant, semantic markup. With the option of local search and social media marketing. We also offer the option of ongoing support to test, measure and refine the site.

      Target market is primarily business with existing websites. We also support new business to develop an online strategy.

      Our current keyword focused tagline is simply that “We fuse web strategy, creative design, development and online marketing methods to achieve attractive, standards compliant, effective website.”

      Thanks again!

    128. Just got laid off and must start working for myself.
      1. what you have to offer
      Send me a 10-15 min video testimonial for your business and I edit it into a 2 min professional clip to put onto website, youtube and/or other social network.
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      Businesses that don’t have staff video editors.
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      I don’t even have a website yet but I am love your blog and am reading your advice.

    129. Our site is a week or two from going live and my partner and I have been discussing this…

      1. What you have to offer

      Manage online marketing presence, or just a piece of it – product or business launches, SEO, web design, existing site audits, content, and on-site training.

      2. The type of people you’re trying to reach

      The small business that wants to grow but has a minimal or no online presence now or isn’t satisfied with what they have.

      3. Your current tagline if you’ve got one
      We’ve bounced these around, most seem just adequate…

      The best web marketing at the lowest price
      Web marketing consultants to the small business community
      Internet marketing for the small business community
      Inexpensive online marketing for small businesses
      Affordable Internet marketing for your small business
      Affordable integrated Internet marketing for your small business

      Thanks so much…if you aren’t too swamped already.

    130. Hey Gang, how about your friends at Woopra? 🙂

      Let’s see:
      1) Woopra is the world’s most comprehensive, information rich, easy to use, real-time Web tracking and analysis application. We deliver the richest library of visitor statistics in the industry through our innovative desktop application.

      2) We want to reach any Webmaster who cares about their Website traffic. But especially enterprises.

      3) We don’t have a tagline. But we’d love to have a good one! 😉


      John P.

    131. 1. I do voiceovers (urban, hispanic, and general market)
      2. I try to reach on-air promotions and creative services people
      3. the crossover voice


    132. Wow, thanks for this! My site is my blog but I may change that:

      I know my current line is TOO long:

      “That’s me. One American writer. Is that you? I’m here to help you (and me!) finish what you start. Let’s write and publish, shall we? Or freelance! How about technical writing? Let’s earn an income from our expertise! Learn how here, and follow me to learn how one American writer gets it done. ”

      I’m starting to teach local workshops, “The Courage to Write, and Publish” based on the book “The Courage to Write.”

      I made a great salary as a Microsoft tech-writer, I write for a small newspaper, and I wrote and published “How to Make Money While You Look for a Job.”

      HELP! Thanks SO much. 🙂

    133. Wow! I would love your help with a tagline.

      I offer personal performance coaching with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques aka “tapping”) – a mindset rapid-change tool. It’s short-term, issue-specific coaching producing profound permanent results. Though this tool is used by many with strong metaphysical leanings, my approach is down-to-earth and practical with plenty of humor thrown in.

      People are want to reach are motivated women, 35 and older. They are professionals, artists, philanthropists, and active retired. They are in motion, have direction, but find themselves stuck or feeling held back.

      My current tagline is “transforming vision into action.” I DO help people change from just picturing something into actually doing it, but this tagline doesn’t fit my style and seems too nebulous and dreamy to me. Would love any ideas, tips and (best of all) your alternatives.

    134. Hi guys! I’m in the middle of reinventing my blog and my current tagline is actually just a quote from Hemingway. While I like this quote, I can’t help but wonder if something else would be better. I could sure use some help!

      1. what you have to offer
      My blog is obviously writing related. As I mentioned, I’m in the middle of a reinvention of sorts, but am planning to have mostly writing related blog posts (everything from character interviews to proper workshop procedures) and will be chronicling my own adventures in writing my first novel (and dealing with other grad school things).

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      Aspiring writers, those who think they might be interested in writing, those looking for help on a certain aspect of writing or the writing process, and those who are in the same position as I am.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” — Ernest Hemingway.

    135. Hey Brian – Thanks for this generous offer.

      I actually have a couple of startups I’m working on:

      What you have to offer:

      Digital Advisory Board

      Direct connections with one or a team of niche expert advisors in the digital sector for short phone or email consultations. Most consultants or experts worth talking to want $5K retainer, which often isn’t possible for small businesses to do, nor is it wise if you don’t know the expert yet. One-hour phone engagements allow businesses to get headed in the right direction, with very minimal risk, with pre-vetted experts, for a lot less than a large engagement; or an entire team of advisors can be engaged as a sounding board for say a venture capital firm considering investing in a startup.

      the type of people you’re trying to reach:

      – Small business owners who don’t know where to start online, who may have questions about general digital strategy for their business, who may need to talk to a copywriter to have them quickly review something or have a graphics artist look at a few concepts and provide input on them

      – Marketing Directors, CMOs and CEOs who are new to their position and want to just be able to pick up the phone and get an unbiased, direct opinion from one or more experts with ten or more years of experience in their niche. Or maybe they just need a problem solved. Now, in the case of SEO, that problem is obviously NOT going to be solved in 30-60 minutes by phone. The goal is to help folks get headed in the right direction if they are off track or have no experience in hiring vendors, vetting vendors or who wish to learn more about specific areas related to creating and promoting a business online.

      – Venture Capital Firms or Angel Investors who need experts to give them sound advice on the right questions to be asking

      your current tagline if you’ve got one: None

      what you have to offer:


      There’s a domain name you want. It’s owned and not available to register. I will evaluate whether it is acquirable or not, acting as your client advocate. If available I will appraise the value of the domain and negotiate the lowest possible purchase price, facilitating through to transfer to you. Also publish an email list of previously owned business idea domain names for sale at very reasonable prices, sometimes even with the business idea defined along with how the buyer could generate revenue with it. Brokering of names and business ideas.

      the type of people you’re trying to reach:

      Domain investors, entrepreneurs, small business people looking to do a web startup but the name they had in mind is taken already and they don’t realize that just because it is taken/owned, doesn’t mean it is not purchasable. People who have little or no experience buying after market domain names directly from the current owner or don’t know how to valuate domain names and websites for sale. People who are interested in buying domain names that were purchased originally with a business idea in mind, ready to go, at reasonable rates.

      your current tagline if you’ve got one: None

      THANK YOU!

      Adam Boettiger

    136. Thank you for this opportunity.
      1. we sell professional dog grooming equipment & all natural grooming products
      2. our target audience is professional dog groomers & kennel operators
      3. current tagline: “Purveyors of All-Natural Shampoos & Conditioners and Professional Grooming Equipment & Supplies”

    137. Hi Brian,

      I appreciate the offer from you guys and would love for you to evaluate our tagline, we’ve been in business since 1956 and not a whole lot has changed with it in recent years – here’s your criteria

      1. what you have to offer
      We are a small, family owned custom rubber parts manufacturer – we offer a wide range of solutions in rubber tubing, rubber grommets, rubber plugs etc in markets ranging from heavy machinery to appliances to HVAC and sell to both small business and fortune 500 companies – we place an emphasis on service and include “complete customer satisfaction” in our mission statement in trying to go above and beyond normal small component suppliers to make the customers life easier. We help design parts for applications and create the tooling and, if necessary, the rubber compounds if the customer is not entirely sure what they are looking for

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      Our target audience is typically purchasing managers for larger companies who have a background in some form of engineering. The engineers we are in contact with are often the influencers in the decision making process, but are our primary contact for prospecting until the prospect becomes a Lead and they bring in other project directors

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      I guess our official tagline thats front & center on our homepage is:

      “We seal the gap between the drawing board and the assembly line – which we’ve been doing since 1956”

      Also throughout the site we use the tagline, “your single source for multiple solutions”

      I appreciate you all taking the time for this promotion & have enjoyed learning from all your posts, its really helped with my content generation copywriting


    138. What a great opportunity!!!

      Hhmm….my site, Little Nummies, is geared for the inner child in all of us.

      1. What I have to offer: Fun foodie creations to inspire and motivate parents, adults, and kids to play with their food.

      2. The type of people I’m trying to reach: The inner child in all of us…but my readers are mainly parents.

      3. Current tagline: Little Nummies for Little Tummies

      My site is about to get a major face lift, so a new tagline would be fun!! Thanks again for your willingness to give this amazing opportunity!!!


      what you have to offer: “ProScape” a blog sharing expert information on how to take care of indoor plants and indoor plant environments

      the type of people you’re trying to reach: Interiorscapers, indoor plantscapers, indoor landscapers, horticulturalists

      your current tagline if you’ve got one: don’t have one – want to differentiate ourselves from “interiorscapers.com”

    140. This is very cool –

      1. what you have to offer:
      http://www.goelegal.co.za offers a website with information about the legal profession in South Africa
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach:
      Recent law graduates trying to start a career in the legal profession. Bonus – people looking for legal services who stumble upon our site
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one:
      Go Legal – Bridging the gap between law students and the legal profession

    141. 1. what you have to offer:
      Web-based property management software. Complete solution that includes online payments, marketing, accounting and property management. Very easy to use.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      Residential property managers — companies that are managing rental homes, apartments & condos.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      Property Management software built for how you want to run your business today.

    142. Who am I to turn down awesome free stuff?!

      1: I offer information about different ways of making money online – blogging, content writing, crowdsourcing, affiliate marketing etc. plus personal experience/success tracking.

      2: I’m trying to reach MMO beginners, and people looking for ideas on how to maximize their current efforts.

      3: Current tag line is simply “Making Money Online.”

      This is seriously cool of you guys. Thanks!

    143. 1. My business is Nicolle Anthony Photography – so we offer photography services 🙂

      2. Our audience is couples & families

      3. I have no tagline right now

    144. 1. I blog about making life simple, happy & relaxed and my creative pursuits. I also blog about my work designing sarcastic greeting cards for one online shop and paper goods/ hand printed stuff for another online shop.
      2. I want to reach people with a sense of humor who desire ways to banish the bullshit, have a casual, relaxed design aesthetic, seek a more relaxed, humor-filled existence & appreciate products that fall support those traits.
      3. Right now my tagline is Three By Sea- Thoughts & Designs “Simple, Happy, and Relaxed, Damn It!”

    145. what you have to offer:
      iPhone App Reviews, iPhone News, iPad and iPod Touch App Reviews

      the type of people you’re trying to reach
      iPhone owners, people looking to research apps, people trying to discover what apps are available

      your current tagline if you’ve got one
      iPhone App Reviews: iPhone Apps, iPad Apps, iPod Touch Apps and News

    146. 1. what you have to offer
      a) Natural horse care coaching & consulting services

      b) Education about safe, holistic & natural approaches to horse care

      c) A natural horse care library – audio, video & written articles [In the works]

      d) Natural horse care online store

      e) Various informational products on natural horse care [In the works]

      f) Helping people understand what is really “natural” for horses based on the Wild Horse as our model

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      Soulful Equine is devoted to true horse lovers who are seeking information that will help their horses THRIVE in domestication by using holistic and natural approaches. Thriving means so much more than mere survival… to us t means having quality of life and longevity.

      People we’d like to attract:
      a) Those who are desperate and are looking for non-traditional/alternative approaches to their horse care. These people may be sceptics but may be forced to make a change because traditional approaches to horse care have failed them.

      b) Those who are already studying approaches to natural horse care but need more information and continuing education.

      c) Those who are new horse owners or about to purchase a horse and have limited knowledge about horses. We would love to attract more of the new horse owners since their knowledge about horses is very limited. It’s kind of like helping someone head in the right direction from the beginning vs. going down a path that may be more expensive and not in the horse’s best interest.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      “Helping Your Horse Thrive In Domestication”

    147. 1. what you have to offer
      Bookkeeping, Income Tax Preparation and Virtual Administrative Assistant services.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      Small business entrepreneurs and general income tax filers.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      Don’t have one.

      Thank you so much for making this offer. It is needed so badly.

    148. For real? Awesome!

      1) Basically I am a software consultant. I find, implement and offer training of software for location independent freelancers or business professionals that travel all the time.

      2) Location independent freelancers or business professionals that travel all the time.

      3) No current tag line.

      Thanks so much!

    149. Hi guys,

      I offer a social management service, my present tag line is:

      “Managing your Social Media Marketing”

      I help small to medium size biz get started with Social Media. providing set up and intro training on how to use the different platforms. I am here to help make the social media experience an enjoyable one by removing spam, building a targeted audience, engaging with potential clients and dealing with customer service issues.

      I really appreciate this opportunity and your input will be welcome with open arms…:)

    150. @nabeel

      “The Quick and Confusion-Free Guide to your First Website”

      @Mary @ Giving Up on Perfect

      “How to be Flawed and Fabulous”

      andrea @ Food Not Fuss

      Love it as is.

      @Devon Smith

      “The Off-the-Cuff Buzz About Off-Broadway”


      “Because Paper Shows You Care in a Digital World”

      (not sure if that’s the perfect tagline, but it’s definitely the positioning)

    151. That’s quite a can of worms you’ve opened up!

      We connect people with business schools and provide information on career paths and education programs. The people we’re trying to reach are starting new careers, or overhauling their current careers. Right now our tagline is:

      Find Online Business Programs & Colleges, Start Your Career

      Good luck!

    152. What a great offer – you pulled me out of lurk mode 🙂

      I’m working on a soon to launch site (YourCreativeBlog.com) and could use some help.

      1 Offering: Information, support, community and consulting for creative folks in the arts and crafts industry to get their online blog based business going as well as optimize it’s return and profit. Products offered will range from reports and e-books to personal consulting.

      2 Market: Creative women who have or are ready to launch an online blog based business and want guidance and information.

      3. Current tagline: “Your alliance for online creative business success”

      Any help at all would be appreciated. This is some offer you’ve made – good luck with it!

    153. Thank you for the generous offer! I own a small real estate brokerage specializing in what I call “lifestyle” homes, i.e. lakefront homes, golf course homes, “walkable” homes, historic homes, homes in retirement communities, starter homes, downtown condos, condos that allow large dogs, ranch homes with no stairs, green/eco-friendly homes, etc. I am trying to reach an audience of people who are net savvy and who are predisposed to use the advanced search tools on my website to pinpoint what they are looking for. (When buyers spearhead their own search online, that narrows a their search down and saves me a lot of time.) My current tagline is “Homes that fit your lifestyle!”. Thanks again for this great offer – I can’t wait to hear your feedback!

    154. Hello all- Thanks for doing this! Copyblogger rocks.
      My information-
      – You need to get unstuck now; I have tools for you. I offer coaching, manuals, dvds and books to master your innate creativity and get things done. Whether you are an artist or an executive, you have a purpose, something to contribute that only you know and can offer. Let’s help you find that and take action on it!

      the type of people you’re trying to reach
      – For twenty-five years I’ve been in the fine craft world, and well-known in my medium as an artist and teacher (polymer clay and mixed media)
      I want to move beyond this group to share these tools with
      : a broader audience (not artists)
      : an audience that will be able to take innovative, creative action (my term) on challenges that threaten our planet and our well-being.

      your current tagline if you’ve got one
      – Hm. My name is most recognizable as a brand ‘Tory Hughes’, but there are so many short terms that to me sum up what I am about. Creative Action, first and foremost.
      However, I’m not always good at knowing what others hear: because I’ve been inside my forest for so long. Individual trees are, like, all part of the great Oneness, you know?
      And because I want to change my audience from those who know me primarily as an artist, to those who know me as the guide for creative development- navigating your way to creative success – I need new words.

      Can’t tell you how much I value your site, your info, and your helping us out with this! Thanks- Tory
      Terms associated with me: Creative Action (my fave,

    155. 1. I offer tips, advice and examples on healthy and balanced living.

      2. I am trying to reach people who want to be inspired to live a happy balanced life.

      3. Current tagline: “creating a life of joy and harmony…”

    156. What great timing – I’m in the middle of writing a new tagline. And yes, I’d love some help!

      What I offer and who I’m trying to reach: I offer recipes and cooking ideas for people who A) work full-time schedules and B) want healthy, home-cooked, and interesting food (not just a burger on a bun!). My target audience is friends, family, and people who are interested in cooking, but have to put something together at the end of a workday, and who probably don’t have to try and cater to picky eaters.

      My blog is as much an excuse for me to take pictures of food as anything else – I’m a photographer without a regular photography gig who needs to stay in practice.

      I have no formal training as a cook or food writer – learned at Mom’s knee and through practice – but over the past several years, enough inheritable health problems have afflicted my family that I’ve had to make dietary changes to keep myself and my husband healthy long-term – and I’ve found that as much as I love reading other food blogs, cooking heart-healthy foods is not a priority for most other food bloggers. So there’s an opportunity there that I can fill, but I intend to do it in a way that supports “health at every size”, without harping on the OMG!!DEATHFATS!!

      I don’t have a tagline yet – my blog is still pretty new – but I’ve been working with something along the lines of “Good Food for Grown-Ups with Schedules”.


    157. Woohoo! Wow! I think this is a fantastic opportunity!

      My blog is: Imperfect Clarity (http://www.imperfectclarity.net/) .

      My “About” section states: I’m a fiction writer struggling for imperfect clarity: a continuing state of clearness of thought and style.

      I’m trying to reach other writers who have doubts and fears about writing and help them inspire themselves to do what it is that they want to do with their life.

      I don’t really /have/ a tagline.. 🙁

      Maybe “Working Towards a Clearness of Thought” ? Or something along those lines?

      Thank you–input would really, really be appreciated! 🙂

    158. 1. What you have to offer
      A full service entertainment company with the following capabilities: destination management & event planning (both corporate events and private parties, weddings, etc.) plus another “agency” component that deals with managing talent, booking talent, public relations & marketing for talent (and businesses), record label, music publishing

      2. The type of people you’re trying to reach: corporations that don’t have in-house event or meeting planning and need assistance with their trade shows; corporate event planners who need entertainment; event planners in general who need talent (everything from bands to motivational speakers); people planning destination weddings; talent brokers/bookers (everything from fair buyers to hotel/casino entertainment directors)

      3. Your current tagline if you’ve got one
      “We book the world” — only says a part of what we do and doesn’t encompass the whole picture. It is good for the component of the company Star Entertainment Worldwide.
      But we are looking to change our look of our website and our brand within the next few months and go with simply the name “STAR” and then have all of the various divisions of the company listed under that.

      Could use some guidance if possible.
      Thank you.

    159. What a great way to give back to your readers!

      1. I’m offering personal development strategies to help people who are struggling with life’s challenges.

      2. I’m trying to reach people who are looking for ways that they can put more meaning into their life.

      3. My current tagline is “Putting Meaning Into Your Existence”.

      The idea behind the website is that people are searching for meaning in their lives because they are tired of just existing. I’m hoping to provide motivation and inspiration, plus strategies so that they can help themselves.

      Thank you!


    160. Hi Brain and Copyblogger crew!

      Here’s double the trouble for you:

      1st Site: http://ianpaulmarshall.com

      1. what you have to offer

      I write to inspire people to lead inspirational lives and I’m releasing a book called Your Great Awakening: 22 Keys To Transform Your Life

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      People who are stuck and stressed out and are looking for the courage to unleash the dreams that sleep within their hearts

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      Helping You Become Inspirational!

      Site 2: http://intuitiveimpact.com

      1. what you have to offer

      Getting ready to launch around the holistic marketing concept. Offering advice/articles on marketing and customer service

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      The conscious business types and health practitioners.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      Have Fun Make Money Change The World

      Thank you so much for this opportunity.


    161. This is wonderful! I am excited about this! My company is a boutique wedding planning and design firm that offers modern, over the top yet unique concepts in design and planning for weddings. I am looking to reach educated, engaged couples (primarily females) looking for assistance with planning their destination wedding either in Coastal Georgia, Mexico or Jamaica. our current tagline is “Cocktails + Details: the essentials of a fabulous party”

    162. I run two book blogs.

      The first is on romance novels (loveromancepassion.com) and its tagline is: “Because books don’t fall asleep afterwards.” I get lots of comments about it. Readers love it.

      The other is a YA book blog (literatureyoungadultfiction.com) with a pirate theme because the reviewers are called YARRs (YA reader & reviewer). It’s tagline is: “Where reading is a treasure.” We do a lot of posts about buried treasure and encouraging kids to read. It’s okay, I’m happy with it. If there’s any inspiration though I’d be interested!

    163. @Rich, try something like “Make a Real Difference in the War Against Poverty.” Your customer doesn’t want to build relationships necessarily, she wants to end suffering, and she wants to know her contribution matters.

    164. Hey Brian (and everyone else), this is awesome! Thanks!

      My site is called No Meat Athlete, about vegetarian endurance running.

      Based on the advice you gave me in a Third Tribe call, I’m trying to reach people who are already runners/athletes, but not necessarily vegetarians.

      My current tagline is “Runs on Plants.” It doesn’t say anything that the blog title doesn’t, but it sure helps sell running shirts when it’s written on the back. For that reason, I’ve been reluctant to change it so far.

      I’d love to hear your suggestions, considering this last point. Thanks again!

    165. Hey all,

      What a wonderful gift. Thank you in advance for your help.

      My website is http://www.constructionblogger.com.

      I’ve been involved in the construction industry, specifically general contracting, for about 20 years. The site I’m developing is meant to provide useful information to contractors that will help them estimate, project manage, and construct better projects.

      My tagline is “Build a Better Project.”

      I look forward to any comments you might have and thank you again.

      Curt Donohue

    166. Thank you for making this available for free! I appreciate your input.

      My blog is called Jenny and Pearl, after my two grandmothers. I write about my faith (struggles with chronic illness), my family and highlight products from my two etsy shops. In one, I sell vintage treasures (linens, ephemera, etc.) and in the other I sell my handmade jewelry.

      My main tagline is “sharing faith, family and flea market finds”. I also incorporate the line “Remember…Coffee First”, a family phrase that we often use to remind us to slow down and take the time to visit. This was my first pick, but I thought people would think it’s a coffee blog.

      My audience is primarily Christian women 30-60, married and single.

      Thanks again! Can’t wait to hear your input

    167. We have an internet TV show about monsters trying to run a Transylvanian TV station that can reanimate dead TV shows. It’s called Transylvania Television.

      Our audience is 18-55, scifi and comedy fans, adults, not kids.

      Our current tagline is: The retro monster comedy series that’s really not for kids!

    168. I offer an article site where people can submit articles, I am looking for anyone who wants to publish articles, and my current tagline is “getting your articles out there”

      Thanks so much you guys, this is really great!

    169. So, looks like the last time we did this tagline clinic, Copyblogger was either a lot smaller, or taglines were way less hot topics than they are today. Whew!

      Here’s a few to start with:

      @John (editing for students): Helping you get the A – by making sure you didn’t leave it out.

      @Lynn – Bringing vintage to your life.

      @Lee – For a dress they’ll never forget.

      @Danielle – They didn’t get a second chance – but you can give them one.

      @Ken – Coaching to help you take the pressure off – and create results

      @Patrick – Show them your words really count.

    170. @Chris Miller: Everything You Need to Know about Your Applicants in 48 Hours or Less. (I was tempted to say, “Save Your Neck with a Background Check,” but something tells me HR people might not like that. Small businesses would love it, though.)

    171. This is so cool. Another lurker coming out! 🙂 Thanks so much!

      1. I offer a portable piece of exercise equipment called the Valslide. http://www.valslide.com – it’s being used by professional athletes and celebs so it’s got mass appeal

      2. I’m trying to reach both beginning and advanced exercisers… men & women ages 25-45 who generally want to look and feel better.

      3. Current tagline:

      Power. Strength. Results.

    172. What I offer: podcast transcription services for podcasters and bloggers
      Current tagline: Podcast transcription for your SUCCESS!
      Any suggestions, welcome!

    173. @Nabeel – The absolute newbie’s guide to building a website that sells

      @Marjorie – Live life. Be free. Be yourself.

      @Mary – Where perfection gets checked at the door.

      @Andrea – Healthy food in minutes – without the microwave.

    174. Hi Brian & co. Thank you for taking the time to help everyone. I’ve been developing in my head for some time now a personal travel blog, where I post my favorite addresses in a certain city, i.e. cafes, bookstores, bars, restaurants, boutiques, etc. and post travel photography with a streetstyle section inherent to the city about which I’m writing.

      I would be trying to reach fellow travelers, people who love exploring new cities and countries and finding the best places to go and things to do, people who love good food, shopping, fashion, adventure and want an insider’s voice on whichever place I happen to be writing about. Adults around 25 years old and up, perhaps.

      I do not currently have a tagline.

      Thank you again! I would be so appreciative of any guidance or direction you might have.

    175. This is awesome!

      what you have to offer – I’m a Certified Lacation Counselor and postpartum doula; I offer prenatal, postpartum, and breastfeeding assistance to families.
      the type of people you’re trying to reach – All sorts of families with new babies, along with anyone who might wish to purchase services on behalf of families.
      your current tagline if you’ve got one – “Nurturing your family”

    176. @Tory, you have a lot of great language there already. I like “Master Your Innate Creativity to Get Things Done.”

      If you think your customers are stuck in that “I don’t believe I’m creative” space, you might go with something like “Unlocking the Key to Creative Action.”

    177. 1. Web, Mobile and App Development and Design. Basically all avenues of Online Digital Distribution.
      2. Web savvy customers that have a specific goal for their web presence.
      3. No tagline… yet. 😀

    178. 1. I am a copywriter and video marketing consultant.

      2. Target audience is local and national small-medium sized businesses who need email marketing and website copy, as well as folks looking to create lead-gen through Facebook.

      3. Local Internet Marketing and Video Marketing Strategies
      (not very specific I know)

    179. I have to offer free hair secrets, custom made and redy to ship remy lace wigs and free manual with purchase that give step by step details on how to maintain lace wigs. To add to this I offer an eBook on the lace wig industry for lace wig makers. Lastly, I offer an Express Basic Lace Wig training where people can learn how to make lace wigs in as little as three hours.

      Current tagline : Want to look like you have a personal hairstylist 24/7

      Type of People I am trying to reach : People that like to wear wigs and hair pieces, people suffering from Alopecia and Cancer Treatments – People looking for a new look and that desire to look like a celebrity. Demographic: Mainly African American women ages 20 and up, but not limited to one race (we simply do not disciminate)

    180. Thanks so much for this.

      This weekend I’ll be renaming, rebranding and retargeting my design business in advance of a big marketing push, so your timing is perfect.

      Under the name Beamline I’ll be offering marketing materials – from websites to business cards – to small b2c service providers and solopreneurs. Think contractors, writers, other service businesses… In other words, entrepreneurs in my local area who DO need more clients and DO NOT sell products.

      The current tagline is Beamline: Accelerate your business.


    181. I offer: themed party supplies and party planning ideas at Partyelf.com

      My audience is parents looking to host a birthday party for their children.

      I have no current tagline.

    182. Hey everyone,

      1. My blog features news updates on the New York Yankees with my analysis. I’m trying to make it a place for Yankees fans to converse about their team in the comments.

      2. Trying to reach die-hard, talkative Yankees fans.

      3. My blog’s name is “lenNY’s Yankees” and its current tagline is “A Bronx Bombers Blog”

      Thanks so much for this! Looking forward to your feedback.

    183. Great! – this is just the help I need.

      [1] I am working on a feeder product that targets a segment of the WordPress market. It’s a software app that makes working with large page hierchies a breeze (and many other rich content editing features that put the WP Dashboard in the shade).

      [2] My target market is that segment of the WordPress user base who are using the platform for more than just blogging (i.e. medium-size and larger static websites).

      [3] The current tagline is “WordPress is for real websites too”.

    184. What I have to offer? A website where you can share and discover events and places other singles are attending in the future.

      Type of people you’re trying to reach? My perfect customer is Julie. The young professional who is desperate to find love, but is tired of the typical online dating websites. She’s also tired of going on dates with douche-bags who brings nothing to the table.

      Current tagline? Finding love is about being at the right place at the right time.

    185. Wild–I love it.

      1) I help companies use social responsibility to grow their business. I do this through blogs, interviews and consulting services.

      2) I’m trying to reach entrepreneurs leading small and mid-sized companies and who want guidance using social responsibility as a business strategy.

      3) The site name is Cause Capitalism. My current tagline is *Good* for profit

      Thanks for doing this.

    186. What I offer – Helping people create real food that is healthy for them by demystifying the craft of “Chef”.

      I am trying to reach people who think that cooking from scratch is too hard – the ones who think you need to be a food network star to create something

      My tagline is: Real food for your Life

    187. 1. what you have to offer

      I teach people how to live a life of freedom. And by that I mean the ability to do what you want, where you want, when you want, and with whoever you want. I want to inspire people to live their best lives.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      People who are sick of living a 9 to 5 lifestyle and want to live their dreams. Most of the people who read my site seem to be in the 18-40 age range, and gender is pretty even.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      My current tagline isn’t really a tagline: “Freedom, Health, Travel, Life”

      Perfect timing though as I’m getting read to redesign the site and need a new tagline. Been mulling it over for a long time.

      Others I like: “Life’s Kick In The Ass!” Somebody also once called my site “Self Help With An Edge” and I liked that as well.

      Thanks from a 3Ter! 🙂

    188. 1. I am a Franklin Method® & Pilates Instructor/Studio Owner.

      2. I’m trying to reach people who want to live longer in a happier, more balanced body & also movement instructors who wish to enhance their teaching skills.

      3. My current tagline is: Mindful movement for a balanced body.

    189. @Matt – Fuel that takes you places.

      @Liz – All the paper you could ever want – and then some 😉

      @Karen – Helping you win the challenge of finding meaning in your life.

      @zJayne –Giving new meaning to going green.

      @Stephanie – Bringing your horse back to nature.

    190. This is an offer I can’t refuse!

      I develop custom software add-ons and APIs for ShopSite shopping carts. I’m fooling with a new tag line but I’m not happy with it because some (but not all) prospects are familiar with its buzz words. (API because APIs are ShopSite features, e.g. ‘Order API’, ‘Shipping API’, etc. and XML because the prospect knows that they need XML output for a specific application.)

      The people I want to reach are ShopSite store users and people that will use ShopSite “if it can do XYZ”.

      The tag line I’m fooling with is “All the stuff you need from API to XML” (my brand is @stuff).

      Thank you!

    191. 1. We offer online and off line singing lessons online and also vocal training products.

      2. The type of people we are trying to reach are people that cant carry a tune, but would love to learn a new skill.

    192. HELP Please! I am starting a small business website, http://www.smallbizsamurai.com

      1. Small Business coaching (predominantly sales & marketing advice)
      2. B2B or Professional Service B2C Small Business owners in business less than 5 years, under 25 employees,
      3. “Dominate the Business Battlefield”

    193. Yowza! I’ll jump in. How do you guys sleep, you rock so much? ;^) Many thanks!

      1. Education, coaching and support on how to determine if you have the winter blues or (non-clinical) seasonal depression and manage it using light therapy, diet, exercise and other life and attitude hacks. I show people how to create their personal beat-the-blues plan.

      2. Health-conscious adults seeking alternative or complementary health care advice online. Mostly women ages 20-60.

      3. No tagline. Been wondering if the web name “Winter Blues Coach” said enough.

      Played with:
      -You don’t have to hate winter.
      -Winter doesn’t have to hurt.

      Thank you!

    194. This is great – what an opportunity! I’ve recently revised my tagline (with James’s help) and am undergoing a complete web site overhaul. I figure it doesn’t hurt to throw my tagline into the ring.

      Company name: Original Impulse
      sub brands: Juju Infusion; Curious Excursions

      I offer: one-one coaching, online workshops, ebooks and creativity excursions in Europe and the US.

      current tagline: Discover your juju and love life as a creative adventure

      My audience is women who:

      a) want to write a book or blog to further their professional goals – leave a legacy, make additional income and gain credibility and visibility; as well as beginning writers who need help getting going and staying on track

      b) want to break out of the box to live empowered creative lives.

      Thank you!

    195. For a new arm in my business I am currently starting.

      What I offer, Consulting, training, and social media management.

      Who i’m trying to reach. Small local businesses that want to engage their customers through social media but are either scared or don’t know how. I ease the barrier of entry and set them on course.

      I also help them learn how to improve customer conversation and engagement before, during, and after the sale.

      Current tagline: Relationships are the new ROI and Simple Social Media Strategies.

    196. 1. What I have to offer?

      Consciousness, self awareness, and a desire to serve others in their personal growth and development.

      2. What type of people am I trying to reach?

      Conscious hippie 2.0 types – people that are interested in transforming themselves and the world around them, and are willing to put in the work to do so.

      3. Your current tagline if you’ve got one…

      “Self Awareness to Save the World”


    197. Your help is absolutely appreciated.

      1. what you have to offer:
      – Reviews of products and services for parents and babies / toddlers. Main aim is to help parents make smart purchasing decisions.
      – Frequent Giveaways and discount codes to help parents save money.
      – Articles with parenting tips

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach: parents (90% mums) with young children

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one: Reviews & Tips for Smart Parents

    198. @Tom Meitner

      “B2B Copywriting That Lets You Stick to Business”

      Play with that idea… When I see your tagline, I don’t know anything about you. Is my plate full of something you can help with? I don’t know and might just hit the backbutton.


      “View Street Audio Tours – Look. Listen. Love.”

      @Lynn- Living Vintage

      If you’re going to stick with a discount model, then live it:

      “Live the Vintage Lifestyle for Less”

      @Cynthia Morris

      “Leave the Creative Legacy Only You Can”

    199. @Damian – Helping you travel safely – without getting lost in the insurance

      @Ryan – Audio guides for those who hate to wait for the tour.

      @Justin – You should call your site, “Who Needs Help?”, and use the tagline, “Training for DIY people who want to learn on their own.”

      @Mantic – Reminds me of a restaurant in Halifax called “His Father’s Mustache”, lol

      @David – Where the young learn to keep more money in their pocket

    200. What I have to offer: Health and Nutrition Coaching for individuals and groups, to help make lasting changes to diet and lifestyle
      Who I am trying to reach: Primarily working men and women who are stretched too thin and don’t think they have the time to prepare healthy food, and have no energy, are overweight or struggling with health issues.
      Currently have no tagline, so would love one!

    201. This is for an upcoming site I’m getting ready to launch this month.

      1. Knowledge of how to create awesome products (ebooks, videos, courses, etc) that stand out in a market, and how to do it cheaply.

      2. Bloggers that have are looking for tools, tutorials, education and guidance on how to put together a professional looking product that will wow their readers, no matter the audience.

      3. “Teaching you to make products that rock!”

      Cheers 🙂

    202. This is so cool!

      Business name is Marketing Habit. The idea behind that is to marketing consistently, and I help them automate a lot of that: lead gen, follow up, referrals, etc.

      I work with growing small businesses – already established, good at what they do, but they are hit and miss on the marketing.

      I specifically focus on updating remodeling websites so it becomes the hub of their marketing. Integrate smart but down to earth, lead generation tools, follow up (through highly automated email), social media integration – an overall system and I teach them how to use it and measure it. I like to think of myself as a marketing automation chick, diva or something along those lines but it always sounded cheesy.

      When I talk about what I do with prospects I love it when they get the idea and their eyes light up and say “I want that”.

      I’m currently redoing my whole website and offerings, so it would be great to get your feedback.

      Original tag: We make your business work harder than you do.

      Thanks to all of you!!

    203. This one will challenge you…

      The Story (+ Current Tagline):

      I’ve wrestled with my tagline for years and have a thick file folder of ideas that just didn’t cut it. I revisit the process regularly in hope of inspiration while continuing to use “Transform Yourself. Tranform Your Wealth”.

      I would be deeply impressed if you could break this impasse…

      Who I’m Trying To Reach:

      My ideal clients have been business owners and investors with a high value on freedom and a desire for greater financial success. Generally, they have already “been there-done that” with the usual crap, have some success (aren’t wannabes) and want something that actually works and can take them to the next level.

      What I Offer:

      I teach people how to build wealth. What makes me unique in this crowded space is my unusual blend of “brass-tacks” quantifiable, provable science (former hedge fund manager who spent 12 years developing computerized trading systems and statistically researching most investment methodologies) blended equally with the fuzzy world of personal growth (you are the reason you aren’t wealthy so personal transformation is key to lasting change). Additionally, I have walked the talk and actually gone from zero to wealth through personal transformation and investing (instead of marketing like most gurus). I’m a weird blend of science and intuition.

      My readers tell me I stand out because my writing is advanced personal finance and balances life issues with money issues for a total picture.

      However, with that said, the carrot that sells for coaching clients and ebook clients (money spenders vs. freebie seekers) is improved financial results and greater freedom. That is the benefit that sells; yet, how do I say it in a way that is uniquely me?

      I welcome your thoughts…

    204. 1. The site provides a service which helps families find a nanny.
      2. Families in search of a nanny.
      3. No tag line.


    205. Hi!

      1. what you have to offer
      – Costume jewelry (necklaces, earrings, rings, bracelets); accessories (hair clips, brooches); pre-owned clothing. Most of the jewelry and accessories are handmade.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      – Teen girls and young women.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      – Unique handmade goodies
      Fabulous finds

      Thank you!

    206. What a wonderful offer and what great timing for me. I have just built a retail website selling rosaries and am in need of a tag line. Would love any suggestions you guys can provide if you’re not already over loaded.

      1) Offering Catholic Rosaries. I have started with a small inventory of rosaries imported from Bethlehem that are hand crafted by local craftsmen. Will look to add more inventory over time and possibly import from Italy as well. Also will offer hand made rosaries by The Rosary Boutique. These will be unique, not available anywhere else because the beads and metals are all hand selected by me. I have one rosary that is launching with the site, but will add more over time and this will be my main focus for the site. https://www.therosaryboutique.com

      2) Targeting Catholics who are shopping for a rosary whether for a special occasion (gift for Baptism, etc.) or wanting to add a beautiful unique rosary to their collection.

      3) As I already mentioned, no tag line yet. I’ve been optimizing with the term “Beautiful Catholic Rosaries by Mail Order” but would like a tag line with more pizzazz.



    207. 1) What I offer: I teach serenity/insight meditation, Dharma and Tantric meditation, so people can awake in this lifetime. For the moment in Spanish, I’ll launch a bilingual blog soon.

      2) People I’m trying to reach: anyone interested in genuine spirituality (free of anaesthetic or sedating teachings, free of blind faith), that wants to dissolve negative patterns, confusion and understand the true sacred nature of reality.

      3) No tagline yet =/ Perhaps “Awake in this lifetime”

    208. 1) what you have to offer
      I’m a virtual assistant with a business called Mayday VA. I specialize in accounting and videography. I want to help take stress off people so they can have a better life / work balance. I have a sense of humor and am NOT one of those stuffy, pocket protector nerds.

      2) the type of people you’re trying to reach
      People who are light-hearted and looking for someone like-minded to help them out with all the work they have to get done. Smaller businesses or entrepreneurs, non-conformists, non-corporate types.

      3) your current tagline if you’ve got one
      “911 Assistance For Your Business”

      Thanks so much for doing this! It’s much appreciated!

    209. 1. I help English learners (ELLs) understand how language is acquired and help them identify/use the resources they need so they can become autonomous language learners. In addition, I offer one-on-one, Internet-based tutoring/coaching.

      2. My target is ELLs, mostly outside of the U.S. – who wish/need to improve their English for educational, professional, or personal reasons.

      3. I originally used “English as a second language for education, business, and life.” Shortened that a while back to “English as a second language … for life!”

    210. 1. what you have to offer
      Website Design and Development. Website from scratch or template customization.
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      Small to medium sized business, non-profit-organization and freelancer.
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      Khronos Design is your business presence online.

    211. This is a great offer, thanks!

      1. What I have to offer:

      My blog is called, “In the Moment: A Landscape Photography Blog.” I offer tips and advice about digital landscape photography, with a focus on making complicated topics easy to understand. Content includes video tutorials about Photoshop, and a popular bi-weekly critique of a reader’s photo.

      2. The type of people I’m trying to reach

      Serious amateur photographers who want to improve their landscape photographs. People who want advice/tips about photographing Yosemite National Park, my home territory.

      3. Current tag line

      I just started trying this one out: “Simple, clear advice about digital photography.”

    212. Thanks so much, you’re awesome!

      At Startup Coast:
      1. What we offer: a) insight, how-tos, tips, education on knowing your investors, Venture Capitalists, Angels before you begin to raise outside financing to launch your startup. b) how-tos to grow your business on a budget.

      2. Type of people we want to reach: a) startups seeking outside financing. b) small businesses, startups, and solo entrepreneurs that want to learn how to market and grow businesses on a budget.

      3. current tagline: “Your Direct connection for Investor and Business news.” Which really does not fit because we will not be matching founders with investors; only preparing them to make the best pitches possible after viewing their business from the investors’ perspective.

      Thanks again!
      Cynthia Trevino

    213. Hi, would love your help – currently do not have a by-line.

      Our website is an invitation only site which offers people interested in home exchange/house swapping the chance to join our home exchange website as GLOBAL COUNCIL members – they will be eligible to be one of the first 2000 founding members of our site (www.thetravellingprince.com) and can enter our competition to win US$5000. They can help to improve the world of home exchange by giving feedback and comments which we will use to further enhance our site.
      Thanks and looking forward to your comments!

    214. @Stephanie

      You had me at “Helping Your Horse Thrive”

      “Your” implied “domestication” – remember, no unnecessary words. Especially words like “domestication.”


      “Apple Gadget Reviews You Can Trust”


      Your positioning is clearly spelled out on your About Page, but ignored in your keyword phrase of a tagline. Boil your story down to a sentence… why are you different than John Chow?

      @Aimee Miller

      “Better Property Management, Less Hassle.”

      @Yoni Balkind

      “Turning Law Students Into Successful Lawyers”

      @Mike Magan

      “The Inside Scoop for Indoor Plant Professionals”

    215. 1. tech news blog, writing opinionated articles about some of the important news in the tech industry (mainly about technologies that create paradigm shifts, and why others are going to fail, etc)
      2. people looking to understand why something happened and what is next, related to some tech news
      3. What ‘s Next in Tech, Tech News that Matter

    216. 1. what you have to offer
      Easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions about how to start a WordPress blog from scratch with the intention of making money.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      True beginners without a lot of computer/internet knowledge; the ones for whom “Want to start a blog? You’ll need a domain and hosting then write 10 posts…” is too complicated. I actually show *how* to do those things via video tutorials using a real site I’m setting up.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      I got nothin’ good so far. 🙁

    217. What an offer!! Very cool.

      1. I write at Extra Income Daily with the goal of helping people to build multiple streams of income – side businesses, small businesses, online businesses, careers and entrepreneurship generally.

      2. Our intended audience is any who is looking to earn extra income.

      3. Our current tagline is “Teaching You How To Earn Extra Income”.

      Thank you very much.

    218. Love, love, love this!

      1. what you have to offer
      I am a parenting expert/author who writes about being domestically challenged (opposite of Martha Stewart and June Cleaver). I blog about parenting tips and hints in a been there, done that fashion.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      Parents who need help with family issues (organization, discipline, cooking, etc) and who aren’t domestic divas.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      Don’t really have one, but really, really need one. 🙂 My current is I’m not Martha Stewart and I’m ok with that. Two probs – it uses Stewarts name and it focuses on me instead of the moms I help.

    219. 1. what you have to offer
      – We recommend a wide range of music in as simple a format as currently possible so as to introduce people to good music easily without having to spend a significant amount of time looking. We update on a daily basis.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      – Age range initially of 14-30 who already have an interest in types of music out there, are open minded and who wish to learn more.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      – Until header change it was “Everyday one of our writers uploads their music of the week”. We do not currently have a tagline.

    220. Hello!

      I am an event planner and have secured a booth in a South Indian Wedding Show. The majority of my client base is corporate so my website/marketing is geared towards corporate. I would like to define a wedding area and am in need of a wedding tagline:

      1. what you have to offer

      Event/wedding planning services

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      South Asian bride/grooms family of couple etc.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      Making Your Vision a Reality! (perfect for corporate, but for weddings, I want to include 3 concepts, 1. reliability, 2. we make dreams come true, 3. we can work within any budget….

      it’s a lot to ask 🙂 thank you!

    221. 1.what you have to offer:

      coaching, practical tips, possibly some information products

      2.The type of people you’re trying to reach:

      Parents and caregivers of adults with disabilities but am thinking I could expand to include caregivers of the elderly.

      (There is a ton of help for school age children w/disabilities, but nothing for when children grow into adults. Many of the issues of the caregivers –sandwich generation–of seniors/elderly are the same as adults with disabilities.)

      3.Your current tagline if you’ve got one:
      Website: Climbing Every Mountain (I know cheesy)
      Tagline: A basecamp for parents and caregivers of adults with disabilities.

      Thanks, any help greatly appreciated.

    222. -what you have to offer *Real stories from a real mom. I write about everything that intrigues me!
      -the type of people you’re trying to reach *My audience is 99% female, ages 25-45.
      -your current tagline if you’ve got one *Just me…being me.

      Thank you!

    223. What I offer:
      copywriting resources: tips, coaching, editing, live class (coming soon)

      Who I’m trying to reach:
      the home-based entrepreneur with a lot of content to write (internet marketers, network marketers)

      My current tagline:
      web content writing resources for the internet entrepreneur

      I’ve changed my tagline several times. Have replaced “resources” with “coach” in the version above. At one time I referred to myself as a “content creation guide” and was afraid no one would know what that meant!

      Thanks for your help. Love this website. You guys are my heroes.


    224. Amazing offer! I hope I’m not late!

      1. My blog offers articles all related to blogging tips, tutorials based on web applications or social media that are related to blogging, wordpress how tos and up to date news including plugin reviews, and it also offers reviews on various websites and blogs worth checking out. I also publish social media news/updates and occasionally technology news if that has any impact on blogosphere.

      2. I’m trying to reach a global audience of newbies who have just stepped into blogging world and need help (suggestions or technical help like wordpress-related posts). My target audience is globally newbie blogger that needs help getting started or taking his blog to the next level.

      3. My current tagline sucks. Not feeling well to tell, but it’s: Technoloy tips, blogging tips, social media news and reviews.

      Please don’t tell me that the time is over. 🙁 i’m waiting for your response. Thanks in advance.

      (i was wondering when copyblogger will roll out a new theme leaving thesis behind.)

    225. This is awesome! I can’t wait to hear your advice!

      1. What I have to offer: Guitar lessons (online video lessons), resources, and inspiration for adult Beginner-Intermediate guitar players.

      2. Who I am trying to reach: Baby Boomers and older, finally making time to learn guitar after having wanted to for a long time.

      3. Current tagline: Getting Started With Guitar

    226. Hi,

      Thanks for doing this! Here’s the first one:

      1. What you have to offer

      Personal blog, lots of opinions on politics, sports, aviation and Latino related issues.

      2. The type of people you’re trying to reach

      Latinos and other people that are interested in hearing an opinion that is independent of political party affiliation.

      3. Your current tagline if you’ve got one

      “I’m not a soccer player, but I am plane nuts.”

    227. Adding a new component to my business.

      1) Attractive and affordable websites for coaches, therapists and other service professionals. Included is coaching for how to get your website visible – SEO, blogging, social media, etc – for new to Internet marketing audience.

      2) Coaches, therapists, chiropractors and other people centered service providers. Mostly women in the 40-60 age range uncertain about technology and internet marketing.

      3) “Effective websites for coaches and service professionals.”

    228. @Phil – Bringing you the widest range of tunes to rock out your world

      @Warren – Opening your horizons with language for life

      @Alana – Parenting tips for the domestically challenged

      @Sharon – That’s not bad at all, but punch up the benefits to your clients: “Saving your sanity with 911 assistance that gets the job done”

      @Cynthia – Helping you find the investment angels you need – even though you’re not connecting them, you’re still helping them find investors in some way.

      @Mary – Where disabilities are never a boundary

    229. Tagline 911 from Mexico

      1. what you have to offer: We offer personalized reservations for vacation rentals
and hotels/resorts in the Riviera Maya. We help educate people on vacation spots to help them make the best choices for their vacation.

      We have an extensive online travel guide on the coast.

      Our staff lives or has all lived here and are experienced on our region of Mexico.

      2. The type of people you’re trying to reach
 A35-64, college educated, middle-upper income. They read, like classic rock, rock & roll, country. Their favorite shows are NCIS, Criminal Minds, House, Discovery, National Geo.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one. “Travel Guide & Vacation Reservations for the Riviera Maya, México”

    230. 1. what you have to offer
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      Hi Brian and all,

      Thanks for the offer to help out.
      1. I have a site I am about to launch called http://www.workoutempire.com. I am offering fitness advice which comes from my experience of planning my diet, getting workouts anywhere I can, and sharing the results of my improved lifestyle (lost over 30 pounds on a busy traveling consultant schedule and workout almost everyday). I will have workouts, products I recommend and recipes and diets as well with videos on how to do some of these things.
      2. I am targeting busy professionals are traveling a lot or just work long hours probably like 16hrs a day, have no time, and are finding their midsections get bigger and their diet consists of fast food all the time all with feeling like crap not knowing that they probably feel a lot worse than they even know due to lack of diet and exercise.
      3. I had a tagline in progress, but right now it is:
      Kicking your ass into shape one day at a time.

    231. Thank you! I am so excited to hear what you think.

      We offer plastic card solutions to companies who need to identify employees or clients. Our solutions range from software to manage a loyalty/gift card program,to hardware and printing equipment to the manufactured custom printed card.

      We are targeting businesses in the client loyalty/membership and access control markets.

      We have recently moved away from our first tagline “putting the ‘smart’into card solutions” and progressed into “cutting edge technology.innovative design.superior customer value” but … It doesn’t feel right yet.

      What would you suggest to a little plastic card company in south africa? Thanks again

    232. @sharon

      I love “Mayday VA” but the 911 reference may be too unpleasant and perhaps suggests they’re helpless. How about:

      “Drowning in Business? I’m Your Lifeline”

      They have “good” problems, but they still need help to be happy. Win-win tagline.


      “Easily Learn English for a Better Life”

      @Cynthia Trevino

      “Your Insider’s Guide to the Startup Game”

      @Alana Morales

      “Practical Solutions for Stressed Parents”

    233. Sweet! Thank you guys:

      1. What you have to offer: Personal finance blog that talks about living without debt. My posts are mostly for people clueless or new to personal finance. I also don’t write like many personal finance bloggers — It’s more about me using personal experience to help readers come to grips with their own financial situations and make them better.

      2. The type of people you’re trying to reach — Anyone who seeking personal finance advice, but isn’t into talking about money and investing all the time. My audience is primarily all women, but I also write for people of color.

      3. Your current tagline if you’ve got one: Out of Debt, Now On to My Dreams!

    234. Hey Guys-thank you for this cool offer!

      My Offer:
      1)Counseling Services for those dealing with grief and loss and issues related to loving relationships.

      2) A regular blog where I write personal narratives about my own loss experiences with suggestions on other resources.

      3)Ebook -“The Forgotten Patient” for those who went through fertility treatments now living without children

      Who I am trying to reach:
      1) adult children who have lost a parent
      2) women/couples dealing with infertility
      3) couples looking for help in their relationships

      (Lame) Tagline:
      Helping people deal with loving, losing and living

      THANK YOU!

    235. 1. business coaching that integrates wellness coaching with marketing strategy
      2. creative women, healers and activists: people who want to make a living while making a difference
      3. navigating the ups and downs of creative entrepreneurship

      Thanks so much for this generous offer!

    236. As an aside, my company is called B2Cy Connection Solutions. It is base on the B2Cy (Business to Community) concept that I coined. The basis is how businesses are integrating with their community and working as a team as opposed to old school one way, push marketing.

    237. @Luke – Helping you carry a tune – even if you can’t sing. Simple, but I like this a lot.

      @Karol – How to leave 9 to 5 and live your own life

      @Lawton – For when you really want them to open that email

      @Yondel – Helping you turn heads, one strand at a time

    238. Wow, what a great opportunity. Here goes:

      1. what you have to offer
      I am a massage therapist with 25 years of technical and business experience in the corporate world.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      Massage therapists who are trying to get their business on the web or grow their income to a liveable wage.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      The tools you need to build the practice of your dreams.

    239. Ohhhh, this is GREAT! Thank YOU!! I am off to read your other articles!

      I offer:
      woodburned scenes of animals individually hand burned on maple switchplate covers (toggles, rockers, outlets of all configurations)

      Trying to reach: People who want to spruce up their home and value the handmade touch. Mainly outdoorsy people, sportsmen, nature lovers, etc

      Current tagline:
      I don’t have one….yet

    240. 1) We do adventure tours in Moab, Utah. Rafting and jet boat from flat water cruises to class V whitewater. 4×4 excursions into Arches and Canyonlands National Parks.

      2) All travelers from families with children to grandma and grandpa. Adrenaline junkies, too! Both international and domestic.

      3) Rafting the Colorado River and exploring Canyonlands since 1964.

      It is the same tag line since 1964 (I think) and I am trying to ‘modernize’ the site and the company so it doesn’t feel so benign and yet appeals to the adventurers, too.

      Thank you!

    241. I need much help!

      1. I am a romance writer with a heavy hand in the Paranormal elements. I like vamps, demons and anything dark. My romance is deep and soul touching.

      2. I’m trying to reach readers and other authors/writers.

      3. I do not have a tag line. My blog is labeled with a cheesy tag of: Writing with a demon heart.

      Please, if you have any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated.

    242. This is cool! I already get so many great tips from you guys.

      My website is: http://www.pulppoetry.com

      1. I offer edgy genre fiction that’s not afraid to bend the rules.

      2. I’m trying to reach people who are into speculative fiction and poetry.

      3. I’m currently using a couple:
      “Two fisted words”
      “If the pen is mightier than the sword, then poetry is war.”

    243. I will say it is nice to see so many people post, and that many are searching for a good tagline. I thought it was just me! Thanks for all the help in advance!

    244. I’ve been refreshing my screen anxiously awaiting your suggestions but it looks like my tagline got skipped over. Anything I can do to get included?


    245. Thanks a lot for this service! I am really curious about what you will come up with.

      1. What I offer: My company, Web Friendly, offers training and consulting services in Social Media Marketing. My services also go beyond the world of social media and help companies integrating all aspects of their marketing strategy so to improve customer trust and loyalty.
      2. My audience is small business owners as well as managers and executives working in bigger corporations. I am specifically targeting people in the area of Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
      3. We design, build and optimize integrated marketing programs that create strong connections between customers, both current and potential, and your business.

    246. 1.We offer natural, anti-aging skincare products.
      2. We are trying to reach both baby boomers and 30-40 somethings interested in preventing some of the signs of unhealthy, rapidly aging skin.
      3. Our brand is Booby Bluefoot Lifestyle Therapeutics, our tag on the homepage is “High-altitude skincare for any elevation”


    247. Ok, a tough one for ya…

      1. covers – 3D CAD, product design and technology

      2. to reach – engineers, designers, diy’ers, makers

      3. No tagline yet.

    248. Oh my gosh, any help with a tagline would be great (I’m going to read those articles!). My blog’s name is “Alicia’s Homemaking” and I currently don’t have a tagline.

      1. What I have to offer: Tips and stories on homemaking/being a stay-at-home-mom, including menu plans, recipes, and organization helps.
      2. Homemakers–primarily wives and mothers
      3. No current tagline! I want something about having a peaceful, sweet home where family AND others can find a haven. The text on my right hand sidebar says “Join me as I keep house, learn hospitality, love people, live frugally, live simply, and learn to walk with Jesus in the mundane and precious things. May our homes be sweet, safe places.”

      Any help would be appreciated!

    249. Please Please Please …Do Me! Do Me!
      1. offering financial education; how to’s for debt eradication and home management in general (organizing family life), budget etc.
      2. targeting Mom’s
      3. Family Life. Improved.
      Thank You!

    250. @Jon – Create your own passive income products that sell.

      @Todd – Reach the next level of financial freedom – when you think you’ve done them all.

      @Laurie – Get in the habit of… augh! Brain fail! But you can definitely play with that a bit and tie your tagline into the name. Make sure the habit you push is an alluring benefit, like landing sales or laughing at your bank account (in a good way, you know).

      @Elizabeth – Cards you can count on

      @Jan – Helping you keep the ink in your pen

      @Guitar Lisa – Easy guitar lessons for later-in-life learners

    251. Brian: thanks so much for your help. Excellent point about “Your” implying domestication.

      James: I like what you came up with “Bringing your horse back to nature” but think I will stick with “Helping Your Horse Thrive”.

      Brian & James: Thanks so much… you guys are awesome!

    252. What a sweet offer! I am merging two businesses so everything will be fresh and new

      1. I offer small business and marketing coaching

      2. women over 50 in service/heart centered businessess (or wish to start)

      3. I have been thinking of “Starting the business you love after fifty” But is it boring?

      thanks so much for this offer! Perfect timing for me!

    253. wow, I hope you can get to mine!
      1. homemade pies
      2. people who love good food, people who like to entertain
      3. I don’t have one!! 🙁
      help would be great!

    254. Thanks James and Brian… good point about the 911 implying not such good stuff… and I like the benefits as me being a lifeline. You guys are good!

    255. My blog focuses on my analysis of recent technology trends and products and how they affect our lives.

      I am trying to reach a sector of the technology industry that would be characterized as though leaders and entusiasts.

      Currently I have a very basic tagline: “A blog about technology and it’s impact on our daily lives.”


    256. first, thank you for this “sharing of knowledge and experience”
      1. I offer laughter, some reminiscing, a feeling of ‘i cannot believe i am 50 years old’ What in the hell do you say to someone who says “I had no idea you were 50.”
      I provide solace , a little southern love, a few hugs, some crazy stories that only a blonde in middle aged crisis would share…
      got the idea- Yesterday my post included a list of 84 things about me.
      2. I am reaching out primarily to women, or ladies, as we say in the south, who do not have children at home, are in 40-60 age range- although I do not require a birth certificate- someone like myself- offer a place to go and leave knowing she is NOT the only person who hates hearing leaf blowers or people say “where is he at.”
      3. savor the ride [this is the blog title]
      my tagline has never settled in the sand- Originally I had
      –the Journey means Everything
      [which is basically what i am saying-] but- i needed to get middle age woman- did some work, messing around on my Scribe 😉 found Midlife Crisis is big time search term
      so- I was thinking
      smiling through a midlife crisis

      presently – smiling through the middle years is on the blog

      side note- I almost took the blog down as i did not have a product,- and readers are not tripping over each other to get the comment box.

      Said to hell with it, i’m just going to keep writing- I am selling myself, my personality-
      –now you can understand the control I exercise on twitter–

    257. Hi, My name is Cindy! I have a decorating blog. I want to reach readers who enjoy creating fresh, beautiful spaces for their home. People who want to feel inspired everyday.
      I can offer decorating advice .

      I do not have any tagline yet!

    258. This is AWESOME! (And an amazing response you’ve gotten so far!)

      1. I’m a Virginia attorney who defends serious traffic charges (reckless driving, DUI, etc).

      2. Regular folks who get snagged by the police.

      3. None. See #1 – I’m a boring lawyer. 🙂


    259. Haven’t seen mine yet? Not sure if you guys are divvying these up or doing FIFO but posted mine at around 10:30 EST…do I need to repost? Thanks again!

    260. Great offer, Brian! Thanks to you and to whichever of your team responds…

      I offer multi media resources, tips, and online education for home business owners or those considering a work from home option.

      Small to midsized businesses run from a home environment.

      Tag line: QuickBytes for Busy Entrepreneurs.

    261. 1. what you have to offer
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      1) Criminal Record Removal (Expungements, record sealing, etc…)

      2) Convicted offenders, 25-45 male & female. Now want to get their records clean to get better jobs or to have a clean slate.

      3) Nope…

    262. @Annie – For parents who believe in being involved with their kids

      @Onibalusi – The entrepreneur blog where adults aren’t allowed (that’s assuming that by ‘young’ you meant teen)

      @Deanna – Blogs and buzz to help bring you results (How’s that for alliteration?)

      @Marcus – Helping you save your pennies and count your gold.

    263. I love you guys. Thanks ahead of time!

      I’m a writing consultant and writing coach, and my target market is coaches (both business and life).

      Name of business: Tame the Writing Monster

      Current tagline is “Helping coaches harness the power of writing to create successful coaching businesses.”

      Am thinking of a tweak along the lines of “Helping coaches harness the power of writing to gain clients, credibility, and confidence.”

      Note: I am NOT wanting to sell writing services — my deal is about helping people to fish instead of just handing them the fish.

      Thx again!

    264. Wow, this is great, thanks for all the inspiration!
      I am just today putting together my site for local business
      search marketing.
      My oh so boring tag line now is …
      your local search listings resource

    265. 1. offer: information to understand the actual, complete social responsibility of brands and companies and/or opportunity to voice your opinion/information about it.
      2. audience: people passionate enough about their values to contribute to the conversations that comprise this information.
      3 current: raise your voice for corporate responsibility (business name is SocialYell)

    266. Hi Brian.

      I hope I’m not too late. 😉

      1. We offer website design and seo services.
      2. We are trying to reach small to medium sized businesses who may not know they need our services
      3. Our current tagline is “Building websites that can be found”

      Thank you for providing this service.

    267. I would love some professional help! My blog is to share my tech materials and ideas with other tech teachers. I advertise it as my virtual classroom.

      Name: Ask a Tech Teacher

      Current tagline: Let the games begin

      I don’t get many questions (despite my name) so I think I’m doing something wrong.

      Thanks guys.

    268. I have a 20 yr old award winning catering company in the S.F Bay Area…need to jazz things up. I have no tag line at all.

    269. This is awesome. Here’s my stuff:
      1. I run a blog geared toward people trying to figure out how to live life with a robust faith in God. I offer relationship and culture thoughts as well as a free downloadable bible study.
      2. My audience is mostly women age 20-45.
      3. my tag line is “wrestling with God and loving it…most of the time.”

    270. @Annie – For parents who believe in being involved with their kids

      @Onibalusi – The entrepreneur blog where adults aren’t allowed (that’s assuming that by ‘young’ you meant teen)

      @Deanna – Blogs and buzz to help bring you results (How’s that for alliteration?)

      @Marcus – Helping you save your pennies – so you can count your gold.

      @Joe – Large enough to build your big dreams. (Don’t use that one, but I keep grinning at it. Couldn’t resist!)

      @Heather – Crafts you can create on dollar-store budgets

      @Kathleen – Helping you stay fierce and fit at 50

      @Randi – I actually like the second suggestion you wrote. “Customer Service Training: Because if you don’t take care of your clients… someone else will.” The problem is that you don’t have a clear ‘customer service’ oriented name, so you need to clarify that customer service training is what you do, if you use that tagline.

      @Heather – Got a second one for you: Health-saving tips for hectic lives

      @Karl – You nearly wrote your own tagline, there. “Meaningful marketing tactics that give you measurable results.”

    271. 1. Offer my real food journey, faith, inspiration, weight loss tips from my experience, frugal tips, organic and natural products, homemaking tips
      2. Christian Moms wanting to eat healthier, lose weight, live more natural, live green, use natural products, inspire, and share are who I want stopping by my site.
      3. Name: Traditional Simplicity
      Tagline: Nourishment for Your Mind, Body, & Soul

      I would love insight here. Thanks for this opportunity!

    272. Thank you for this incredible opportunity. I am a health and fitness brand- lots of media: on air, on web, in print – new book coming out and new DVD’s
      1. what you have to offer
      health and fitness inspiration, advice, products, representation, speaking opportunities
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      people who are interested in living better thru healthy choices in their diets, finding exercises that fits their lifestyle and happiness… kids, moms, teens, athletes, seniors, cougars, etc.
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one–

      my current tagline is “be healthy Be moved” and in the middle of my name in the logo I have all the small letter is green and the big letters in blue so that you can see the word DREAM in the middle of my name: anDREAMeatcalf altough in the logo they are small letters.. hope that makes sense.


      1. Offer: Information, advice and online style services for the professional woman.

      2. Market: Professional women from entrepreneurs to CEO’s to politicians; helping this market look and, consequently, feel their best for every endeavor in their busy lives; and particularly those that understand that we live in visual world these days, especially in terms of exposure via the new technologies such as YouTube, video conferencing, vlogging, etc. and that it is important to pay attention to how they “wear their message”.

      3. Current Tagline: “SHOW that you mean business”

      (Thought about: Fashion resources dedicated to the professional woman – BUT it sounds boring)

    274. Thanks, Brian. I’m inspired reading about what everyone’s up to and it’s great fun to see the taglines you’re generating. It’s like some crazy Hollywood squares game with the Copyblogger peeps dinging a bell and coming up with quick taglines.

      It’s also great procrastination fodder! Back to writing my novel, me!

      Thanks again!

    275. Responded with my tagline in other post but need to answer your questions.

      1. I’m The Book Doula, offering 25 years of experience as a published mainstream nonfiction author (10 books, 500,000 sales in 14 markets worldwide), strategic ideas generator (I offer my clients ideas they weren’t able to think of themselves to strengthen and enhance their books), marketer (created a six figure income consulting biz from one of my books–parlayed that into speaking etc), and motivator (I truly believe in the end result and that everyone has the potential to write not just a so-so book but a really good/great one. That’s what I facilitate with my experience and knowledge, time management guidance, and holding clients accountable).

      2. I will only work with aspiring authors who care about birthing great books, based on big ideas that are written to help solve a problem, add value, and change the world (and the people in them) for good. Not “I want to write a book to become a speaker/consultant/make a lot of money” people…not interested in them as clients, but those who dream big, want to learn how to become better storytellers and are on a mission with their book to make a difference in the world. My ideal clients want to achieve what I have achieved and recognize they can’t do this without me because they don’t know how–and that I do.

      3. Current tagline is: Taking writers to places of excellence they couldn’t reach alone.

      Much appreciate your thoughts. Thanks so much for this…a wonderful opportunity to tap into your genius, in the same way I hope clients see themselves tapping into mine.

    276. 1. what you have to offer
      A NEW APPROACH TO WEIGHT LOSS AND MOVEMENT… looking in the mirror to assess where you are at and re-aligning your thinking, body, diet and exercise to get you to feel and look your best in your own skin… a book in stores Dec 27 called Naked Fitness, an e-series program that follows and adds to the book, meal replacements, fitness products, and DVD’s

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      people who have failed at every diet
      people who want to move without pain
      people who need inspiration to start a healthier life
      people who feel good and want to feel better

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      don’t really have one… had some ideas
      get in align and lose more, feel better look good naked
      stripping away the excuses
      look in the mirror and love you body
      the bare essentials to your best body ever

    277. Awesome post! I’ve got to try to make the most of this!

      1. Offer: I will break up your relationship for you.

      2. Market: Busy professionals who have time to start things that they cannot finish.

      3. “I end so you can begin (again).”


    278. Thanks for your help on this!

      1. What I have to offer

      Life coaching that unpacks the baggage of overwhelming cultural pressure and expectations around success, shame, guilt, and other issues inherited from immigrant parents.

      2. They type of people I am trying to reach.

      Specifically 1.5 and 2nd generation Filipino women in the U.S. and Canada and other immigrants who can relate to parental expectations of success, the pressure to be superhuman perfect, negotiating culture and identity and the conflicts that arise from that.

      They are between the ages of 22-32 and educated.

      1.5 generation immigrants are those who were born in their native country and immigrated at a young age. Second generation immigrants are the children of immigrants born and raised in the adopted country their parents immigrated to.

      3. Your current tagline if you have one.

      Transition to wholeness (this was before I had peeled back all the layers of who my target audience is).

    279. @Andrea (from Naked Fitness), you might steal a headline I used early on when I started writing for Copyblogger, then add on a bit about your own approach — “Feel Great Naked: A Revolutionary Approach to A Better Body.” (I stole it from Cosmo magazine, as it happens.)

    280. Okay,

      My blog has nothing to do with SEO post or technology, making money etc. I blog has awesome and interesting posts full of Poetry, film and creative stream of conscious writing. Featuring indie and foreign films reviews, images from my favorite Fine Art, and Fine Art Photography image artist that I personally contact and have gotten permission to post samples of their work.

      I want to reach out to just about everyone, heck, even the world! I feel that I offer unique content from a different perspective. Thank you for this opportunity.

      Let me know if there is anything I can do to help, walk your dog, take out the trash…it would seem that you now have your hands full with all of the comments here!


      Thanks for the awesomeness!

    281. Thanks for this inventive idea. MMM? I am relatively new to blogging, and to your website. Very difficult to find time. Love your blog.
      I have no current tag line. I struggle with having some things I’ve thought of always have a sexual twist. This I do not want, at all!
      1. What you have to offer: Massage therapy. The best! Deep tissue predominately. Injury/Orthopedic massage. Private, independent clinic space. And on site chair/corporate massage. (At present I am on site at a location where I come once a month, for the employees of a large Biotech company) 20 years experience.

      2. The type of people you’re trying to reach: more companies, small or large. (banks, companies during their health fairs and monthly accounts, people with chronic pain, injury related, and current injuries. rehab work)

      3. Your current tagline if you’ve got one: None

      Thanks very much.

    282. This is just awesome. I have been waiting to decide on the tagline for my social media website for sometime now. I think now the time has come and lend me some hand gurus.

      1. what you have to offer – My site is all about social media news, tips and tricks related to new products launched everyday on facebook, twitter, android, apple etc.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach – Consumer who uses these latest products, websites and gadgets everyday

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one – Not using one very aggressively, but thinking of using “All things Buzzing on web”

    283. Wow, wonderful idea.

      -My Blog is all about Computer Tips, How – to’s and Tutorials

      – I am trying to reach technology enthusiasts, geeks and anyone who is interested in technology.

      -Curent tagline: awake the genius within you.

      I have used other meaningful taglines earlier but they become very long (almost a sentence). Hence I switched to this small tagline, although I know that the meaning is not 100% clear…..

      Please suggest and thank you in advance

    284. Thanks for your generosity! Here’s mine….

      What you have to offer:
      A free community/association dedicated to supporting the female triathlete

      The type of people you’re trying to reach:
      Female triathletes (and wannabees) who are interested in connecting with other female triathletes, get tips from experts on how to effectively train and race, ideas on how to stay healthy, keep a balanced lifestyle and learn the nuances of how to approach this sport from a female perspective.

      Your current tagline if you’ve got one: don’t have one

    285. Great Offer!

      I have got two blogs I want to set up

      First: to provide writing and marketing tips/resources. The target audience – new writers and those still contemplating (to write).
      Tagline – writing and marketing launch platform

      Second: To promote science by providing researcher’s experiences, showcasing people in science, providing resources such as funding and science news.
      Target audience: upcoming researchers and postgraduate students.
      Tagline: A researcher’s experiences and resources

      Thanks guys

    286. @Andrea Metcalf, I’m having a hard time getting what’s different about your approach. There are so many voices on fitness — what’s different about yours? Why should I go with your advice over the advice of someone I might see on Oprah or read in one of the fitness magazines?

    287. Wow, you guys continue to exceed expectations. Very cool of you all…

      1. What you have to offer

      We provide debt management programs for people. Debt management is the red-headed step child of the “debt relief” industry. Most people provide debt settlement services to people because they make more money selling it. However, debt settlement trashes your credit and is a very long, very difficult road with creditor threats, judgments, garnishments, etc. because people are trying to pay less than they rightfully owe. Debt management is where the interest rate is negotiated rather than the amount that somebody will pay. It does not hurt people’s credit score (seriously, myfico.com states it unequivocally), and it is a much “gentler” solution. Our processing company is A+ rated on the BBB, most debt settlement companies are rated D or F.
      (Sorry to go on so long).

      2. The type of people you’re trying to reach

      a. People that are struggling but still able to pay their bills on time, but are looking for help.

      b. Also…people that don’t really know this solution is out there, the people that have 700+ credit scores and think they can’t do anything or they will mess up their credit and life. These people are paying 15% – 20% – 25% interest due to the credit crunch and are throwing away tons of money!

      3. Your current tagline if you’ve got one

      This was really just a placeholder because I needed something on our header! “Got Debt? Get Solutions.” (Our company name is Solutions Financial).

      Thank you again!


    288. My soon-to-be-launched blog is called Autograph University.

      1. Offer: Educating autograph collectors on how they can get more satisfaction out of their hobby–meet more celebrities, build a higher quality collection–as well as field reports of my own experiences meeting celebrities and athletes.

      2. Audience: Autograph collectors

      3. Current tagline: Tips, insights and resources for autograph collectors.

      Thanks for the help!

    289. Holy crap there’s a lot of comments! This is great for you to offer this.

      Let me pile on:

      1- I’ve got a site that offers custom ecover graphics
      2- target is people marketing products (ebooks, books, audio, video, services, software, etc) on the internet who want a graphical representation of their product.
      3- “Custom ecover graphics from a cool guy in a cape.”


    290. I’m struggling with my current tagline. This is what I have:

      1. I offer technology solutions for small businesses, including network support, Microsoft support, web hosting and design
      2. Small business owners that are too small to have an IT department, but are outgrowing their current infrastructure. I want to stress that I have business experience and can talk to them as a business owner and not bury them with technical jargon.
      3. Tervo Systems meets the technology needs of small businesses in central Florida. Based on 15 years of networking and financial systems support, we pride ourselves in talking to you as a small-business owner, not a techie.

    291. Thank you so much for this generous gift of your Brilliances.

      What I have to offer:

      Training for individuals and organization who want to coach themselves to inner peace and outer success.

      The type of people I’m trying to reach:

      Spiritual seekers who are looking for ways to move into their Authentic Power in order to step out into the world to share their Unique Brilliances.

      Current tagline:

      Consciously Co-Creating with the Universe

      Thanks again for all your help!

    292. Hi Guys,

      Thanks for doing this. Sometimes you just need an unbiased eye to tell you if you’re doing it right.

      Name of Business: Peak Writing Services

      1. We do everything from Proposal Writing to Writing Web Copy.

      2. Trying to reach medium and large business owners/Marketing Managers/PR & Communications Managers.

      3. Current Tagline – “get it write the first time”

    293. Hi-

      Thanks for the chance to have the perfect tagline (I have seriously been struggling with this)!

      1. Through my blog, I share and promote art, literature, news, history and products that foster positive self-image and increased self-esteem in African-American girls (little ones & big ones).

      2. African-American moms AND the businesses, writers, artists that can serve them.

      3. Our girls matter!


    294. Sonia Simone
      I am on Oprah.com actually…. but what makes me different?
      experience almost 30 years in #’s of disciplines from pilates to cranial sacral therapy…
      Im a mom mutli tasker realistic
      fitness as a way of life… i don’t want to make you eat celery and drop wine out of your diet… I am real and understand people behavior but can still get them to lose
      weight and exercise…
      I have helped news anchors, jr soccer players, 95 yr old clients play golf, pro athletes and dogs get into shape
      i created Paws-ilates Engage your canine while working your waistline!

    295. This is a very neat idea!

      1.what you have to offer:

      I’m a flight attendant (on furlough). I blog about my travels, life at home and my adventures in general.

      2.The type of people you’re trying to reach:

      I’m trying to reach those interested in an adventure blog. People who love to travel or who just have a passion for life.

      3.Your current tagline if you’ve got one:

      Right now my tagline is: You only life once and this is how I’m doing it

      Very interested to see what suggestions you have. Let me know if you need more information. Thanks!

    296. @Tiffany (Gracious Pantry), tell me more about what “clean eating” does for folks. What does it entail? How does it benefit me to eat “clean”?

    297. 1. what you have to offer-I’ve created a blog to discuss what I learn in my crossover between IT/technology and using it for social media
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach-other It personnel or marketing people who need to build a bridge between social media and the technology you can use to drive it
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one-“Musings on technology and social media”

    298. 1. Covenant Eyes provides Accountability and Filtering software for people who are addicted to/struggling with porn and for families who want to protect their kids from such things. (Accountability, for the record, means that an accountability partner gets a weekly report of all the sites the user visits – the goal is conversation, not condemnation). As part of our efforts we provide a blog, Breaking Free, that helps people develop these accountability relationships and talks about all sorts of subjects related to porn in culture, its effects on relationships, etc.

      2. Our primary audience for the blog are people interested in the subject of porn and issues related to maintaining purity and integrity online.

      3. The current tagline is “The journey towards purity in a sex-saturated Internet.”

    299. @Andrea, ah, ok, I didn’t realize that Naked Fitness & Andrea Metcalf were the same Andrea. 🙂

      Since you expanded it a bit, another good one for you would be “Feel Great Naked: Health and Fitness for the Real World” Anything that stresses “you can actually do this without a personality/life transplant” is great for fitness.

    300. Thanks for the awesome offer!
      1. what you have to offer
      I offer financial and investment advice from a Christian perspective. I help individuals increase profits without sacrificing their principles.
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      Christians who want to take a faith-based approach with their money

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      America’s trusted source for faith-based investment advice…

      I know it needs work;)

    301. 1. what you have to offer-
      Using my experience with my team of transcription contractors and several years as an HR manager, I created a homestudy course on how to manage virtual teams. Everything from starting with creating the infrastructure to make business growth less painful to firing nonproductive contractors.
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      Women who are already solo-entrepreuners and looking for a way to grow beyond 24/7 tied to their desk.
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      Virtual Team Success Kit- How do you Lead Your Business to Success?

      You guys rock as always!

    302. what you have to offer: Healthy recipes, natural health tips, research about health-related topics
      the type of people you’re trying to reach: People interested in getting started on a whole foods diet.
      your current tagline if you’ve got one: Your resource for a healthier, happier home.


    303. This is great! I’m throwing in for a new site/business/brand that is currently under development.

      1. what you have to offer

      Fitness programs, advice and motivation that are couples-based and aimed at getting awesome results while working around tight schedules. Delivered via both a blog and a podcast where other experts will be interviewed as well.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      Busy, married couples. More specifically, parents who are living a hectic family life and putting their own health needs last. And, our programs are designed so that the couple can workout *together* if they desire.

      We want to show them why their own fitness is vital not only for their personal quality of life but for the good of their marriage and children. And then we will give them the programs they need to make it happen!

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      Tentatively, it is:
      Fit. Together. For Life.


    304. @Krista, the tag line you have now is pretty good, or an alternative would be “The Wine Guide with Soul” or “Wine Advice and Reviews with Soul”

    305. Would love some external opinion. My website offers free information on all matters relating to starting a business; specifically “hand made” or craft businesses and artist-entreprenuers; my target audience is local to Cape Town, South Africa. My current tag line is “Creativity in Business” but I feel it is too generic.
      Any suggestions?

    306. Hi Everybody, thank you for this opportunity.

      I am a retirement planner.

      I help people understand why they’re not getting the results they want, why traditional financial planning is hurting them, and how I can help them build a great retirement plan with safe, modern, state-of-the-art strategies.

      My market is folks from about age 50 to 75 who are tired of losing money, are seeing which way the wind is blowing, and are losing faith that they’ll ever have the retirement they’d hoped for.

      My current tag line is:

      “No empty promises… just strategies that work”

      I’m thinking of calling the site:

      A Smarter Retirement Plan (or something like that)

      Thank you for any help you can offer.


    307. Hello,

      I offer a collection services, I collect the AR for businesses from my home office. my business is AK Collections.

    308. Hello Copyblogger Friends,

      We help tag our own clients all the time, but damn if we can’t seem to come up with our own. Any insight would be most appreciated!

      Our site: http://www.TransformNation.com

      *Brian’s questions*

      We Offer: “Revolutionize your work and your life by finding your voice, taking a stand, and building a personal platform that draws your perfect niche audience.”

      Its impact: As each individual learns to liberate their own message, package their intellectual value, and draw a crowd, they begin to transform the lives of those people they reach.

      Who we work with: Healing and Helping Service Professionals, Expertise Professionals, solopreneurs, people who feel stuck in the work they’re doing, and want more from their lives.

      Our current placeholder “tag” is currently in our masthead at http://www.transformnation.com

      OR — another attempt in response to what James Chartrand wrote: “Just to help people out, here was my formula for Rock-Solid Taglines from my post: Pick an adjective that encompasses your business image, take the summary of your benefits and tack that to your mission. What do you get?”
      Our Adjectives: transformative, aspirational, meaningful — practical, real, simple, natural — strategic, strong, effective.

      Our Summary of Benefits: make a real living as a solo business owner doing something deeply meaningful to you and transformative for your audience.

      Help people achieve “work freedom” (freedom from the constraints of limited time, limited passion, limited reach/traction) through:
      – liberating their message – giving them permission to embrace their expertise and take a stand.
      – embracing their creative purpose – make a living creating value that feels connected to deeper sense of purpose and meaning.
      – packaging their value – learn how to create content and package ideas so that they will connect with their audience.

      Our process: Take a stand. Draw a crowd. Add value. Make a living.

      Thank you all!

    309. @Sherice, how about just “Shockingly good copy and web design.” I don’t think there’s a problem with shockingly good — let’s face it, most design and copy . . . aren’t. 🙂

    310. My blog is named after my two grandmothers, my inspiration.

      1. I have two etsy shops, selling vintage finds and my handmade jewelry. My blog is focused on faith and family with some marketing of these two stores.

      2. My audience is primarily Christian women 30-60

      3. My tag line is “sharing faith, family and flea market finds”

      Thanks soooo much. I value your input!

    311. This is amazing!

      Offer: I am an interior designer, blogger, mom, and wife sharing tips and finds for modern living, along with offering a blogging community for bloggers to share their tips and finds.

      Reach: People of any age looking to live a happy and modern life.

      Tagline: Splendid. Modern. Life.

    312. Hi! Wow this is so cool!

      1) I am a photographer specializing in weddings and lifestyle portraiture.

      2) My target market is a) 21-30 year old engaged female college graduates and b) 26-40 year old married female college graduates (family portraits)

      3) My current tagline is “Infinity Images – Where life and art converge.

    313. Brilliant (and generous!) idea.

      I’m in the middle of redeveloping my site (SearchEngineMarketing.com) and marketing collateral for my SEO Consulting practice.

      I specialize in working with large publishers that need ongoing help integrating SEO into their daily web publishing practices, regardless of whether their dev team is in-house or outsourced to a vendor.

      Current Tagline:
      Bring The World To Your Website

    314. @Carol Hess, I happen to like the tag line you have (the tweaked version better than the original), it’s very clear and it shows exactly who you help and how.

    315. Hello,

      I’m also starting a new blog next week called annoying dad.
      It’s for single dads, divorced dads, dads raising kids with a wife, also single moms and any mom interested in joining us.

      I’m going to talk about my experiences of raising two kids for over 11 years by myself. Their mother passed away when my daughter was 4 months old.
      Would love your help in a tag line
      Thank you.

    316. what you have to offer
      Name of org is CTAP…which stands for California Technology Assistance Project. We are a state funded non-profit and provide Education Technology Professional development & services to K-12 educators.

      the type of people you’re trying to reach
      k-12 Educators

      your current tagline if you’ve got one
      Need your expertise.

    317. This is great–thanks so much:

      I have a new site in development: The Conscious Copywriter (any comments on the name would also be greatly appreciated0

      1. Web copywriting that increases sales.
      2. Socially conscious/green/ethical businesses
      3. Don’t have a current tagline, but playing with ideas:
      -ethical copywriting for ethical businesses
      -copywriting for businesses who care about people and the planet and want to make a profit

      Thanks so much!

    318. You are too kind!

      I will take you up on our offer … If it’s free it’s for me!

      Now then, on to business …

      1. “what:” Proven practices for work and life and some of the best wisdom of the ages and modern day sages.
      2. “who:” Smart people with a passion who want to kick arse and take names in work and life — Underdogs who want to change their lot in life and need the know-how to change their game.
      3. “tagline:” “Stand on the Shoulders of Giants” … Insight and Action for Work and Life.

      I’ve tested multiple tag lines. One of my mentors says I should be using my differentiator — “Exponential results for the Underdog.” (but I think that should be one of my books)

      I think the real key is “why” I do what I do — I do it because I can. I share what I know and I like to make others great — or go from good to great and get results they didn’t know was possible. I get science, systems, and state of the art on their side (I draw from project management, positive pyschology, software engineering, sports psychology, and books, people, and quotes.)

      In terms of differentiation, I lead distributed teams around the world and drive projects cradle to grave. My super skill at Microsoft is “getting results” and I regualarly coach people, teams, and leaders on how to make the most of what they’ve got — while achieving work life balance.

      Another distinction is that I focus on “the art of patterns and practices” — which are proven strategies and tactics — applied research tested in the field — as well as framing and naming the space.

      One more distinction might be that I have some of the best selling authors as guest posters who are thought leaders in their space.

    319. Thanks for the great articles and the tagline clinic offer. Here are the details:

      1. We offer informative articles and ebooks on working with real estate notes
      2. Our primary audience is cash flow brokers looking for note buyers, investors, and cash flow notes.
      3. Our website is http://noteinvestor.com/ and we use the tagline “Buy-Sell-Learn”



    320. Hi Everyone,

      Thanks in advance, and have a wonderful weekend!

      1. What do we offer?
      ** – CherryLoop offers Figure Skating Apparel, Equipment, and Accessories online. We also offer Free Shipping in US on all products.
      2. What type of people are we trying to reach?
      ** – CherryLoop is trying to reach…drum roll please…people who buy figure skating apparel, equipment, and accessories. Here are some demographics:
      75% female
      70% between ages of 35-64
      42% have household incomes of $75k or more
      90% own a personal computer

      3. Our current tagline:
      CherryLoop – Your Online Figure Skating Store

      We have also trade marked: “Icy Haute”

      Thanks again,


    321. BTW — beautiful way to provide “micro-advice” — if small is the new big, micro-advice is the new expertise … right-sized, relevant, and actionable.

    322. 1. What you have to offer

      I offer positive, motivational, inspirational tips and interviews, reviews on living a joyful life.

      2. The type of people you’re trying to reach

      I am trying to reach a broad base group of people; especially those who enjoy uplifting, creative and helpful information and insights. My blog is not age specific.

      3. Your current tag line if you’ve got one

      My current tagline is “Motivate. Elevate. Laugh. Live Positively.”

      I could use some help as I’d like something punchy and succinct.
      Thank you Brian and team! Much appreciated. I will submit my other blog shortly.

    323. @Tom, @Walter, @Danielle, @Bryan @Nutmeg, @John, @Dana, @Karen, @David, @Justin
      @David – Would love to give you something, but what’s different about your site compared to all others in your niche? Without knowing that differentiation and what people come to you for, in a very specific way, I’m coming up empty.

      @Sherice – I like this, plenty of theme to play with. “Bring volts to your business and a hum to your sales.”

      @Heidi – A wedding on a dime, without wasting time.

      @Jennifer – Feels good, fits right. Or, Get the grip you need for the sexy look you love.

      @Ciall – The main question here is, “why would they find your life interesting?” I’m not saying it’s not; I’m saying what, specifically, do they get out of reading your site? Your tagline’s hiding in there.

      @Andrew – That’s not bad, actually: “We put the focus on you.” Or, “Because you need more than just a webcam”. Depends on what level of target market, really, as that wouldn’t work unless your market is moving FROM a webcam to something better.

      @Rich – There’s something in my head rattling around about “one drop, one letter, one cure”… I’ll muddle on this one.

      @Jason – How to spend – and save! – in the real world.

      @Damian – We’ve got your journey covered.

      @Daniduc – I’d stay really clear and simple with this. “Accomodations, bookings and guide resources to the Netherlands.”

      @Georgina – Surviving single, supporting together.

      @Socrates – Would love to help you, but the jargon threw me into overload. What exactly is the site about?

    324. @DH – “Learn how to live debt-free for life” or “Debt free and loving life”

      @Kristina Moore – “Smart. Brazen. All Business.”

      ND – “Before you open a new door in your romantic life, bolt the old door right.”

    325. This is GREAT. Thanks and ANY insight would be helpful

      1. what I have to offer

      1:1 and group coaching, info products later this year. I also do a lot of speaking & some workshops, teleclasses.

      Will write a book (self-published unless some guru or agent comes to me first!).

      2. the type of people I’m trying to reach

      Women who are fed up with dieting (but want to lose weight…or *think* they do), want to feel good in their skin/body, and get rid of the guilt and shame of eating ‘bad’ foods (or overeating, or being overweight). In a sense, emotional eaters…but most often they don’t know or realize they are emotional eaters.

      But they just want a healthy relationship with food & with their body.

      The women who come to me most often have yo-yo dieted for YEARS. And they get to a point where they (finally!) realize diets don’t work, but know there’s got to be a different way.

      There is a different way, which I teach them and support them with.

      That’s when the weight starts coming off, and they get to a healthy weight (as opposed to being thin). And they can finally eat ALL foods, be ‘normal’ around food, and get rid of all that diet stuff and low-fat junk.

      3. My current tagline

      Change Your Relationship with Food, Change Your Life

    326. Yay!! I love you guys, thank you SOOO much for doing this!! I really need help on 2 taglines please 😀

      1st website:

      Coach Tia is about empowering & inspiring people to find & follow their passions & do everything they *really* want (which is usually not what they think they want).

      What you have to offer:
      – inspiration to keep you going when you are stuck
      – strategies to help people decide what they want & how to get it (career, life, travel, goals)
      – a life of freedom and empowerment, earning a living by doing what you LOVE!
      – courage to follow your dreams, practical tools to deal with fear, overwhelm etc
      – less stress, more joy, passion, happiness when you find what you love and do it

      The type of people you’re trying to reach:
      People who 1) have so many passions they can’t decide what they want to do 2) love travel and adventure 3) want to live life on their own terms no matter what anyone else thinks 4) want inspiration & courage to do the above 5) probably in their 20’s – 30’s, maybe early 40’s

      Your current tagline if you’ve got one:
      Used to be Coach T.I.A – Take Inspired Action! (site is coachTIA.com) & is too restrictive now.

      Really leaning towards:
      ‎”Your Life, Your Way: You CAN have your all”

      Other thoughts:
      “Coach T.I.A – Travel, Inspiration & Adventure” Live the life you want!

      Not sure whether to play with the T.I.A or let it go. Thanks for your insights!


      2nd website:

      What you have to offer:
      Social media resource website, a collation of the best resources I’ve found online: from learning how to use social media to marketing yr biz thru SM. Videos / articles / interviews / blog posts / courses to help those new to social media get started on the right foot + help those who are using it, get really effective with their efforts.

      The idea is to be very intentional and strategic wt social media & demystify it. The last thing people need is yet another social media site so I want to make this the one stop shop for my people.

      The type of people you’re trying to reach: coaches & service entrepreneurs, either new to social media or want to take it to the next level (yeah I realise that’s two different markets) who want to use social media to grow their online presence, cred, attract clients

      Your current tagline if you’ve got one:
      “thesocialmediahub.com”is a brand new site, so none.
      Some ideas:
      “Getting Present with your Online Presence”
      “Intentional social media for fast business growth”
      “Intregating intentional living with Social media”
      “The One Stop Social Media Shop”

      Whew. Thanks again, SO SO appreciative! xo Tia

    327. 1. What you have to offer

      I offer positive kismet, light seeking commentaries on people, place and events that impact our lives.

      2. The type of people you’re trying to reach

      Again, I am trying to reach people who want to build a positive life and enjoy inspiring, uplifting, creative and helpful information/insights. My blog is not age specific.

      3. Your current tag line if you’ve got one

      My current tagline is “Explore the power of a positive attitude.”

      I could use some advice on this one too…
      Again, Thank you Brian and team! Your help is appreciated.

    328. Brand new blog — empty empty empty as yet!
      1. Will offer:
      a. Fitness & weight loss advice (and products)
      b. Literacy advice to parents, grandparents, teachers
      c. Help for beginning bloggers and network marketers
      (maybe too much diversity for one site ??)

      2. Type of people:
      a. over 55’s particularly for fitness and weight mgmt
      b. parents, grandparents, teachers
      c. newbies to online affiliate marketing and blogging

      3. Current tag: “Propelling you from Optimism to Success”

    329. Wow – what a cool idea 🙂 OK, here goes:

      1 – We offer advice on how to make work a better place to be. Why? Because we believe a company can’t promise great service to its customers before and until it has created a sense of engagement and purpose for the staff.

      2 – People people, communications people, HR people, Business Leaders. Anyone with a passion for great service.

      3 – Great Service from Great Engagement

      Once again – great idea and thanks to you in advance.

    330. Thank you for the help!!

      what you have to offer
      * SEO Articles – Specializing in homeowner’s insurance

      the type of people you’re trying to reach
      *Insurance companies and SEO companies that outsource content

      —- However, I can write on a variety of topics.

      your current tagline if you’ve got one

      My website tagline is “Writing Effective Insurance & SEO Content”.

      My business card states:
      SEO Content for Serious Businesses


    331. I’m designing a Web site for an artist who makes gourd art (sculptural as in vessels and functional as in mirrors and purses, and mostly in a Native American style) and decorative eggs with little tableaus inside them. The name of her business and web site is Soaring Spirit Studio. She really needs a good tag. Thanks so much!

    332. This is an amazing idea, guys! I love it.

      I am a media/marketing consultant and public speaker.
      Company name: etc. – ElizabethThomasCreative, LLC

      My current tagline is a line under my logo:
      Communication Strategy and Design

      I am trying to reach small business owners in West Kentucky and West Tennessee, as well as university department heads and deans, college of journalism management in need of faculty development seminar/workshop speakers.

      I really need something descriptive as well as catchy. Any ideas?

      Thanks so much!


    333. We have assisted foreign companies for over 40 years in establishing successful business operations in Mexico. Our colleagues are experienced in nearly every phase of Mexican business.

      One of my people suggested, “Mexico is Not the United States . . . we can probably help you.”

    334. Thank you for this great offer!

      I have four novels with exotic destinations as their settings–Passenger to Paradise series.
      Of course, I want to reach readers.
      The books are mystery/suspense/romance.
      I have a logo but no tagline.

    335. You guys are amazing – did expect such a response?

      After watching the give and take, I’m beginning to think that whoever got mine is having trouble. I was trying to be succinct but maybe I didn’t give enough info. about what makes my story unique.

      I copied the original information below but here’s a little more help: As a an artist, author and businesswoman, I’ve owned multiple successful businesses as well as being a licensed CPA. I am able to draw on my experience, judgment and professionalism to help other creative folks be successful.

      There – maybe that will help 🙂

      I’m working on a soon to launch site (YourCreativeBlog.com) and could use some help.

      1 Offering: Information, support, community and consulting for creative folks in the arts and crafts industry to get their online blog based business going as well as optimize it’s return and profit. Products offered will range from reports and e-books to personal consulting.

      2 Market: Creative women who have or are ready to launch an online blog based business and want guidance and information.

      3. Current tagline: “Your alliance for online creative business success”

    336. @James Chartrand – Thanks!!

      Here’s another one for you 🙂

      1. what you have to offer

      HomeschoolingForFree.com directs people to free learning resources online. My USP is that it’s clean, highly organized and very easy to navigate (which seems to be not the norm with a lot of popular homeschooling sites).

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      Homeschoolers, but also just about anyone with kids! I don’t want “homeschooling” to be off-putting for those who think it’s slightly weird. 😉 Really, *anyone* can find a whole lotta cool stuff to learn from the sites I include.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      I was thinking about something along the lines of… “Don’t let the name fool you, this is for anyone who loves to learn!”

    337. 1. What you have to offer:
      Information, tools, and products to teach newbies how to trade

      2. The type of people you’re trying to reach:
      Younger people interested in learning how to trade.

      3. Your current tagline if you’ve got one:
      Website: http://PowerfulStockTips.com/blog
      Tagline: “Online Stock Trading Advice for Beginners” (sounds lame, but it’s keyword dense…any subset of that sentence is a keyphrase I’m looking to target)

    338. Wow, thank you so much for this! It is much appreciated.

      1. The purpose of my blog, Peaces of Earth, is to inspire others to live a healthy, happy, and thriving life. I hope to show people that they are in control of their actions and are soley responsible to make the choice to be the best version of themselves. I write about cultivating a positive body image, developing a healthy relationship with food, following your heart and dreaming big. In large part I’m a food blog, so I also include lots of wholesome, plant-based recipes.
      2. I’m targeting mostly women who are feeling larthargic and bogged down by their unhealthy lifestyle/thought patterns and are ready to make a change.
      3. I don’t have one, but have toyed with “Nourishing Mind, Body, and Soul.” I feel like it’s been done before and doesn’t necessarily portray what I’m trying to get across.

      Thank you again!!!

    339. 1. What you have to offer

      I am still working on ILE and Membership site, trying to build a following in the mean time. Currently I offer content directed toward helping people with change, motivation, and mastery (ala Daniel Pink & Self-Determination Theory), and “brain” stuff.

      2. The type of people you’re trying to reach

      Trying to reach 1) baby boomers; 2) and others concerned about aging; and 3) not ready to throw in the towel.;

      3. Your current tag line if you’ve got one
      Baby Boomer Generation…Guide to Successful Aging

      (Boring, I know)

    340. @Steve, @Evergreen, @Bruce, @AL, @Christina, @Andree, @Darin – Would love to give you something, but what’s different about your site compared to all others in your niche? Without knowing that differentiation and what people come to you for, in a very specific way, I’m coming up empty.

      @Theresa – Painting lessons that bring life into your home.

      @Miltownkid – Tips for playing the ultimate game of life

      @Laura –Naked Montreal: The city that’s wild with sizzle. Wooo… 😉

      @Tribal Gal – Hmm… there’s a lot of diversity here and no real target market – the lion owner and the terrier owner don’t have much in common, I’d say. How about, “Connecting people and animals so they speak the same language”? Hmm…

      @Steven – Playing games. Bridging worlds. (If it wasn’t already taken, “Where do you want to go today?” would’ve been good.)

      @Jonathan – Because everyone needs someone to look up to.

      @CJ – I wouldn’t play with that one; it’s pretty solid (and good on you!)

      @Jurgen – Winner. How to write powerful and unique scripts that sell. Cut the rest.

      @Cristian – Colored lenses to catch their eye – and change yours.

    341. Hi!

      1. We have an acoustic guitar lessons website to teach beginners.
      2. Target market is mostly men above 30.
      3. the art of rhythm guitar

    342. @ James Chartrand

      Sorry for the Jargon James, let us see if the second take will make it easier for I’d love to get your input.

      Basically, I have a site and a blog: http://www.SingularitySymposium.com is the site and the respective blog is http://www.SingularityWeblog.com

      Both of them are infopreneurial i.e. they provide information about the technological singularity and are aimed at anyone who is interested into what may happen to humanity after the birth of Artificial Intelligence (It is that moment which is called the singularity because our ability to model the future falls apart and we stop being the smartest entities on the planet at the top of evolution… think Therminator, AI, I,Robot etc)

      Another great way to get the idea is to watch this 2 min trailer here http://www.singularitysymposium.com/singularity-documentaries-transcendent-man.html

      It is for this reason that my current tagline is: “Will technology replace biology?” and the one on the site is “A conversation about the impact of technology, exponential growth and artificial intelligence.”

      Hope that helps but don’t hesitate to ask for more info.

    343. This is awesome. I can not tell you how much I have struggle with this.

      1. what you have to offer

      I’m a holistic health and wellness coaching specializing in helping women change their negative relationships with food and their bodies. I write about the non-diet approach (intuitive eating, mindful eating), and holistic health and wellness. Basically, snippets of what they would receive in my coaching sessions.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      Women who are at the end of their rope with yo-yo dieting and are ready, or almost ready, to make long lasting changes with food – and life – through a mind, body and spirit approach. Ultimately, I am trying to reach women who want my coaching services.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      My blog name is Honoring Health and my current tagline is:
      Changing Your Relationship With Food

    344. 1. what you have to offer
      Coaching to therapists who want to market online

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      Psychotherapists and other helper types,primarily women aged 30-50

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      “Smart business strategies for helping professionals”
      “Where making money and making a difference come together”

    345. My website offers a monthly, digital subscription to a fiction magazine.

      I’m trying to reach tech-savvy fiction lovers.

      My current tagline is eFiction, the premier internet fiction magazine.

    346. @James Chartrand Thanks!

      I played around with stuff like that before. For example “Life’s a game. Pwn it.” Although I think I like your version better.

      Tips for playing the ultimate game… Life.

      Is the above an upgrade or a downgrade? (Feedback from anyone welcome. 🙂 )

    347. Thanks so much! I think I will take the two suggestions and see what tweaking I can do -I want it to sound fun too. 🙂

      Parenting Tips for the Domestically Challenged
      Practical Solutions for Stressed Parents

      There was one you came up with earlier about checking perfection at the door – may try to integrate something like this. I like the implication here.

      Thanks again – this was a very generous offer!

    348. WHOA! How generous of you guys. Thank you.
      Here is the info on my very recently started site/blog.
      1. offer: yoga – information, resources, reviews, a community, a place to share and be part of a family – all is to be personal of nature, rather than sterile and generic.

      2. for: students of yoga, beginners and teachers alike (even yoga teachers consider themselves as students of yoga), a more specific demographic target market is women 30-55.

      3. current tag line: “The student in me welcomes the student in you to the path of yoga today, tomorrow and always.”

      Thanks again.

    349. Thanks, James! And thanks to all of you for offering your time and insights!

      I’ve done a similar thing for fiction writing blogs giving feedback on pitches and broke their record for comments, so I know how much work this is…just wanted to let you guys know you are appreciated!

    350. I blog about learning to cook, simple recipes, cooking tips and my own cooking adventures/disasters.

      I hope to reach anyone who likes to cook (whether they are good at it or not), people who want/need to learn how to cook and people interested in leading a healthy lifestyle.

      Current tagline: Alison Sherwood shares her struggles and triumphs while learning to cook


    351. Thanks so much for doing this! Your Karma bank must be so full.

      “Great Food for Real Life”

      Clean, simple, straightforward….

      Since my blog is named “Lavender & Lemons”, how does
      “Great Food in a Sweet-and-Sour Life” sound? Sort of loses the “real life” note, but ties the blog name in a little bit.

    352. 1. what you have to offer – I have an article submission site (just launched) where I hope to get good exposure for authors of those articles so that they can increase their own exposure (traffic)
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach – marketers mostly
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one “getting your articles out there”. (Lame, I know).

    353. I need a tagline for my blog, Career Green Light.

      1. I offer: advice on career development.

      2. I’m trying to reach: professionals in the entertainment business (music, TV, film) who are mid-career, feeling stuck, and want more freedom, power, and money.

      3. current tagline – “Creative Career Development For Entertainment Industry Professionals”

      Thanks for any help!

    354. (I think mine was skipped due to moderation or something–not finding anything, so I thought I’d restate 🙂 )

      My blog is: Imperfect Clarity.

      My “About” section states: I’m a fiction writer struggling for imperfect clarity: a continuing state of clearness of thought and style.

      I’m trying to reach other writers who have doubts and fears about writing and help them inspire themselves to do what it is that they want to do with their life.

      I don’t really /have/ a tagline.. 🙁

      Maybe “Working Towards a Clearness of Thought” ? Or something along those lines?

      Thank you–input would really, really be appreciated! 🙂

      Seriously, you guys are awesome!

    355. Thank you very much!
      I like the second one better 🙂
      Maybe we can go with “What do you want to do today?”.

    356. This is really great. I have actually been batting some ideas back and forth with another blogger lately, as I try to narrow my focus and messaging.

      1. what you have to offer
      Menus, recipes, and cooking tips for creating gourmet food at home in a flash…That’s actually my old tagline, and it really encompasses what is on the website, but it missed my angle.

      Essentially, my hook is that most people know they need to eat better and should be making their own food, but they don’t. The #1 reason people don’t cook at home is the time. But eating out also has a social factor and at lot of “30 Minute Meal” types miss that social aspect. So I show people how to have their friends over dinner and that it can be quicker, easier, and more delicious than going out.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      I’m really targeting single people, male or female, who work full-time and have an active social life and an interest in eating well
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      Challenge yourself to entertain at home. Menus, recipes + cooking tips to inspire you.

      Thank you so much for your feedback!

    357. My company, Wild World Adventures, offers hunting trips world-wide. Target market is usually a male big game hunter between 30 and 70 years of age. Current tag lines are:
      “Hunting the Whole Wild World!” and “Hunting the Americas, Africa, Asia, South Pacific and Europe…the Whole Wild World!”

      I won’t make any jokes about you writing me a “killer” tag line!

    358. 1. what you have to offer:
      I am an actor and I offer insightful, spirited and nuanced portrayals of characters in film, tv and stage projects
      www . louiseflory . com

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach:
      writers, casting directors, producers, artistic directors, etc. (the creators and facilitators of my industry’s products)

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one:
      I do not have one…. hence my current joy in regard to this offering!

    359. We offer pre-printed aluminum bar code labels for asset tracking applications. People buy our products when they need a durable label to track any sort of asset like a piece of military equipment or a laptop computer. We also provide services like label design and data management to support the needs of the label buyer.

      We are trying to reach various people how have the responsibility of implementing a project which requires asset tagging (IT, Engineering, Accounting, Warehouse Manager…)

      Our name is Camcode

      Short Tag Line is “Durable Bar Code Solutions”

      Longer Description Below: Camcode delivers Durable Bar Code Solutions the ensure “life of the asset” label performance at an affordable price. From asset tags to UID labels, you’ll experience fewer errors, greater efficiency and easy compliance with Camcode.

      Thanks for your suggestions…

    360. Cool! I hope you can help me think of something better than what I’ve got so far.

      1. We create fun videos for people interested in Korea. You can be either moving there or want to get back in touch with your roots.

      2. We’re mostly targeting non-Koreans who want to prepare for their sojourns or vacations to Korea, but we have a significant Korean audience as well.

      3. The fun and quirky “I love Korea and so should you!” video blog!

    361. 1. What you have to offer

      Video Tutorials for Busy Professionals

      We created this site to be a resource for you to REFRESH skills you already know: in IT, Personal Development, Communication, Health

      …because over time, and without reinforcement, we tend to forget nearly all of what we have seen, heard and learnt.

      2. The type of people you are trying to reach

      Busy Professionals, all ages, all genders

      3. Your current tag line, if you have got one

      “Skills Refresher Video Tutorials. For the Busy Professional who wants to stay ahead of the game.”

    362. The Gumbles are a family of six whimsical child friendly characters that sweeten children’s days by transforming ordinary toy gumball machines into vivid colorful works of art, that is both meant to store candy, gumball, or other small treats and also brighten any room. Currently my target market is children ages 4-12.

      Thank you

    363. Very exciting offer! As a rookie, I’m thrilled.

      what you have to offer: A forum for those interested in education with emphasis on international exchange programs, primarily at the high school level. I’m sharing my research and experience and asking for readers to share theirs.

      the type of people you’re trying to reach: Teachers, administrators, counselors, host parents, exchange students, potential hosts or students, education experts, and anyone else interested in global understanding.

      your current tagline if you’ve got one: The blog is Mother of 35: Lessons in Global Understanding….so, I guess the Lessons part is the tag line. Right??

      Many thanks!!!

    364. This is my other site: 42mediasolutions.com

      1. what you have to offer

      Guerilla videos and audio products

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      Local, small business owners and politicians that want to use video for their promotions but don’t want to learn how to do it all themselves.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      The answer to all your multimedia needs

    365. @Shane –Test your skills, crush writer’s block, and get a break – all in ten words.

      @CJ – Thanks, I appreciate the nod!

      @Sylvie – Skin care for kids. Clean conscious for moms.

      @Chris –Know who you’re hiring.

      @Angela – Stompin’ Tom… hehehe “Canada’s Capital: Beauty, captured.”

      @Travel – Because one great place to go is all you really need.

      @Tina – Event planning that takes your stress away

      @Bill – The theme that gives you all the goods – and helps bring the sales.

      @Linda – Helping you face life full on without fear – and feel great about it!

      @Krista – Wines you’ll love and tips you’ll toast!

      @Sue – Because they need care – and so do you.

      @Gabrielle – Helping you take your pen from one field to another.

      @John – Making sense of your data so you can make dollars for your company.

      @Melissa – Give them the shirt off our back.

      @L Gerring – I’d use the stronger/clearer, “Car accessories that rev up your road”.

      @Kim – Your source for lush garden perennials that tolerate drought. Boring, but clear.

    366. 1. what you have to offer – Marketing/personal branding advice for fitness models
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach – fitness & health professionals. i.e. models/trainers/diet coaches/nutritionists
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one – don’t have one yet

    367. what you have to offer: advice and inspiration in all parts of life (career/love/live/loss). i just want to help people through my own experiences and those close to me.

      the type of people you’re trying to reach: anyone who has ever felt alone in something they’re going through.

    368. Thanks for giving me a chance to comment.

      We are developers of BlackBerry apps. Our customers can purchase and download our apps from our store.

      Our current tagline for our online store is :

      “BlackBerry Apps with Purpose
      We design, build, and support them”

      Regards, Steven

    369. Thanks in advance!

      I offer listings (paid ads) on company information pages in a direct sales directory.

      I’m trying to reach direct sales consultants interested in recruiting team members online.

      My current tag line is
      Generate Leads with a Direct Sales Directory Listing

    370. Thanks for the comment:

      1. Those who are struggling with or new to the web and who have turned to the Web to grow their small business in a crappy economy.

      Thanks again

    371. I may get flamed to death here for saying this but I have a big question mark over my head after reading through this incredible thread. A good percentage of the suggested tags seem wordy. Boiling a USP down to a few words is a big task… a big responsibility. Startups and micro businesses especially are more at risk than bigger firms if they implement something “eh” thinking it’s magically delicious.
      So am I offering to do a v2 on all the ones above? Hell no. I’m not nearly that generous. I’m just saying. Even free advice should be killer.
      (Ok, let the flaming begin…)

    372. The Gumbles are a family of six whimsical child friendly characters that sweeten children’s days by transforming ordinary toy gumball machines into vivid colorful works of art, that is both meant to store candy, gumball, or other small treats and also brighten any room. Currently my target market is children ages 4-12.
      In the near future I will have a blog and website. I want my message to convey that the gumball machines look soo sweet that they will make your mouth water like the candy or gumball that is inside them or something like that


    373. 1. what you have to offer
      – I teach people how to make their ideas happen through step-by-step tactics to get them thinking, planning, acting, adjusting.

      I help them rescue their ideas from disappearing and dying.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      – People tired of the status quo and ready to make a change, but wavering. NOT people who want to quit a bad habit, but instead people who have compelling plans or ideas but are sitting on them.


      I just wanted to say that all of you at Copyblogger are the BEST when it comes to walking your talk. Talk about generous. Talk about giving value.

      And whoever said it — that you go above and beyond — is so right. And that’s why I recommend you to everyone who will listen.

      Thanks for what you do every day and what you’re doing right now.

    375. 1) what you have to offer
      • information about my community from 3 different perspectives: 1) as a realtor; 2) as a ski patroller at the local ski resort; and, 3) as a local resident who made a lifestyle change by moving here from the largest city in the Northeast

      2) the type of people you’re trying to reach
      • people who [may] want to buy a home in this area
      • people who want to make a lifestyle change by moving to this area

      3) your current tagline if you’ve got one
      • I don’t have one.

    376. Wow – I would love some tagline advice! I am about to launch Art of Cooking Without a Recipe. I teach people how to cook fast, healthy, delicious meals without ever looking at a recipe. I will have a book and video series for sale tentatively titled This is Not a Cookbook: How to Master Your Kitchen Without Ever Using a Recipe that takes people through a program to get them comfortable in the kitchen and mixing and experimenting with different flavors to make cooking fun and keep them doing it. On my blog I will not only talk about how to cook (techniques, mixing flavors, finding inspriration, etc) but also the morality of cooking, how cooking draws families together, healthy cooking and frugal cooking.

      Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    377. @Michal – Prestige never looked so good.

      @Lori – Bringing their lab to your office – instantly

      @Shannon – Whimsical décor ideas and DIY projects for your home (stick with simple on this one)

      @Avil – Shadow the wise, emulate the success

      @Paula – For desserts that won’t put you on a diet

      @Mike – The only landscaping resource that does the heavy lifting for you

      @Donna – Video editing that makes you look and sound like a pro

      @David – Marketing services that take small businesses from mini to mountains. (Hmmm, maybe not, but it has more personality than your suggestions!)

      @John – Know who they are. Find out what they look at. See where they go. Or, a very simple “Web tracking to look over their shoulder and see what they’re doing.”

      @Adam – For when the domain name you want is taken.

      @Nick – Rubber solutions that let you bounce back to success

    378. Hi Brian & Co

      Have you any energy left for another tag line?!!! If so, here’s some info about my business:

      1. What you have to offer:
      Luxury, hand made shower caps including bespoke and personalised caps.

      2. The type of people you’re trying to reach:
      i) Female consumers, predominantly UK and USA, range from 25 yrs to 70 yrs with the majority fitting into the 50-60 year category.
      ii) Trade customers in the UK, particularly department stores, bath and gift shops.

      3. Your current tag line if you’ve got one:
      I have the words “Pamper” and “Luxury” as part of my logo but no tag line as such as I’ve struggled to capture the idea of showering in style whilst keeping the tag line as broad as possible (I am expanding into toiletry bags). The reason I started this business was to change people’s perception of shower caps which were seen as an embarrassing thing to wear rather than something that should enhance your beauty regime.

      Many thanks to you all for your generous offer.


    379. My blog is Fiscal Fizzle. It’s a personal finance blog with posts targeted around “challenging” traditional concepts of money, status quo, etc.

      1. What I have to offer: Points of view you won’t find anywhere else.
      2. Type of people trying to reach: Free thinkers, rebels, people looking for a new perspective on things.
      3. What I have now: The current logo is a chili pepper, and the current tagline is “Spicy Thoughts on Personal Finance.”


    380. I’m working on launching a new website that will be the go-to place for all the best in refashioning for children online. It will be called WeeFashionistas.com. It will highlight style & thrift for the wee crowd; less from a crafty angle and more from a fashion angle while also including tutorials.

      My audience will be hip mom’s who sew–specifically those who are interested in refashioning clothing for their children for fashion’s sake, creativity’s sake, frugality’s sake, or green living’s sake.

      I would love some help with a perfect tagline.

    381. @ Hashim – if you can get more specific about what career development means, your tag will be stronger. No big rewrite needed.

      @Steven Kader – do you develop apps within a certain niche or topic? what makes your app development unique?

      @Kari – Where writers can go to find their own ‘a-ha’ moment

    382. Thanks very much in advance for the advice!

      We offer: An integrated, web-based student information system to K-12 school districts worldwide. The software manages administration and learning.
      We are trying to reach: Technology directors and managers
      Our current tagline: exceptional software. extraordinary service.

    383. @Shawn – Software that sets you free.

      @Monette – Because creative craftwork shouldn’t stay stuck in a room. (Appeals to their sense of getting it from out of their home to online) Or, Bringing your crafts from a room to the world.

      @Tory – Find your purpose. Connect your creativity. Reach success.

      @Ian – Unstress your life, inspire your mind, unleash your dreams.

      @Terrica – Because no one said weddings had to be traditional.

    384. Thank you, so much for offering this.

      I offer life and business success strategies through ebooks, workshops and 1:1 consulting for work at home moms with service based businesses. My tagline was “You Can Do Both.”

    385. That’s funny, I thought I was being pretty specific. maybe I was just specifying my audience. 🙂

      Me? I offer quirky humorous images. I specialize in getting genuine interactions, moments of eye contact between subjects. I roll on the ground, climb on the furniture and dance with your guests. You’ll never know I am there, except when I am right in your face.

      I market myself as a wedding photojournalism and tend to shoot non-traditional venues, mostly outdoors. I am a trained photojournalist (as opposed to those who call themselves photojournalist and yet have never worked at a newspaper.

      My market (again so you don’t have to scroll): Creative individuals who value photography, Fun, high energy, non-stressed, non-controlling, trusting, happy, generous people.

      Also: rich hippie types, outdoorsy , although not exclusively. 🙂

    386. Man, you guys are great. Always enjoy your posts. And thanks for the offer. Here you go

      1. what you have to offer – information on the brain and general psychology, complex material communicated simply (I hope!) with take home applications every time
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach – parents (mostly mums) typically 25-55, who would like to understand themselves, family and coworkers a bit better through understanding the brain. Secondary audience for HR and students.
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one – brains and psychology made easy for work, home and school

    387. How awesome! Mind if i take you up on the free offer?

      just about to write a info brochure for the small catholic high school in Tallahassee, Florida where my children attend. Still too small (founded in 2001), having a hard time with identity and attracting students. we feel like missionaries for catholic schools in the bible belt!

      1. what you have to offer: opportunity for students to grow in a small learning environment, uniforms, safe campus, college prep curriculum, all sports, drama, honors, AP etc. A+ academics, graduates that attend Duke, the Naval Academy, Catholic University, University of Dallas, Tufts, FLorida schools (over 1.1 million in scholarships annually)

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach: families that care about their kids high school education, non-catholics and catholics

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one – no!

      any thought would be so greatly appreciated! thank you!

    388. 1. what you have to offer
      Website Design and Internet Marketing Services
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      Small and Medium Sized Businesses
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      E-nabling your business online

      Let’s see what you come up with…thanks!

    389. This is wonderful! Found this in a retweet by the way.

      1. what you have to offer

      I’m a jewelry artist who designs and creates jewelry out of vintage, salvaged, and new jewelry parts as well as found objects.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      My market are women, any age, who love to wear jewelry, whose style is bohemian and free-spirited, or those who use their accessories to create an image.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      “Fly free!” and also “Don’t get caged in, fly free!”

      Love to hear your suggestions! Thank you!


    390. Thanks for doing this!

      1. simple, actionable healthy/fitness tips
      2. for busy women – women in 30s – 40s who are moms, professionals, spouses with a lot on their plate and not much time for themselves
      3. Current tagline:
      Think. Breathe. Move.
      Simple Advice For A Healthy & Happy Life.

    391. My head hurts from reading through all these, I may have a lot of rethinking here —

      1. What you have to offer

      I am still working on ILE and Membership site, trying to build a following in the mean time. Currently I offer content directed toward helping people with change, motivation, and mastery (ala Daniel Pink & Self-Determination Theory), and “brain” stuff.

      2. The type of people you’re trying to reach

      Trying to reach 1) baby boomers; 2) and others concerned about aging; and 3) not ready to throw in the towel.;

      3. Your current tag line if you’ve got one
      Baby Boomer Generation…Guide to Successful Aging

      (Boring, I know)

    392. My comment was held for moderation so I think it got skipped. Here is my original comment.


      This is awesome. I can not tell you how much I have struggle with this.

      1. what you have to offer

      I’m a holistic health and wellness coaching specializing in helping women change their negative relationships with food and their bodies. I write about the non-diet approach (intuitive eating, mindful eating), and holistic health and wellness. Basically, snippets of what they would receive in my coaching sessions.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      Women who are at the end of their rope with yo-yo dieting and are ready, or almost ready, to make long lasting changes with food – and life – through a mind, body and spirit approach. Ultimately, I am trying to reach women who want my coaching services.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      My blog name is Honoring Health and my current tagline is:
      Changing Your Relationship With Food

    393. GET OUT OF HERE! Coolest thing ever:) My business is The Savvy Women’s Business Solution:

      1. what you have to offer-social media consulting, online social media coaching and social media packages
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach-mom entrepreneurs
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one-Providing social media strategies and virtual assistance for busy mom entrepreneurs and women in business. (i’m losing the virtual assistance piece)

    394. @James, to your note about differentiating myself (daniellespedale.com), I’ve recently adopted a niche: lifestyle industry marketing. I evaluate strategy and identify opportunities for improving sales and marketing materials, including websites.

      I’ve attached a link to my latest spin at expressing this on my FB business page.

    395. @James (men with pens) … Not sure if you were referring to my post (@Dana), but since I didn’t see anyone else with that name I’ll reply to your question about what makes my site different from the others in the photo industry… 🙂

      There are TONS of sites with advice and education on posing, lighting, Photoshop, the actual sales process, etc. The majority of these sites are operated by photographers who right about what has worked for them in their geographic area with their clients. There are less than a handful of sites that provide unbiased info and resources from trained marketing professionals. I’ve partnered with other marketing pros to create and deliver real, understandable and implementable info, tools and resources so that photographers can focus (pardon the pun) on spending their time behind the lens and with their customers, instead of trying to decode the ins- and outs of how to craft an email campaign (just one example).

      Hope that helps clarify! Thanks so much for all the hard work you guys are putting in for us today!

    396. I wanted to add – my previous tagline was “A Simple Life, in a Traditional Way” and I have thought “God inspired traditional, simple living.” I want to connect living a natural, organic life, homemaking, etc. with what the bible states – why I’m doing it.

      I am enjoying reading all your ideas for everyone. Great stuff! Thanks for doing this.

    397. @Alison – “Keep the dew off your do” – or “So Pretty, You’ll Want to Wear Yours Everywhere”

      @Carrie – For hip moms who sew, the easy way to refashion your child’s wardrobe

    398. I’m not making a tagline request…just letting y’all know how awesome you are.

      A bunch of my peeps are on their way over to soak up your generosity and get a killer tagline!

      THANK YOU! 😀

    399. I think I got missed in the heavy traffic so will post again. Thank you for this great offer!

      1. I have four novels with exotic destinations as their settings–Passenger to Paradise series.
      2. I want to reach readers especially mystery/suspense/romance.
      3. I have a logo but no tagline. My blog name is Notes Along the Way.


    400. Oh boy do I need help here …

      1. I offer a fitness blog. I am working towards monetization with online/skype coaching and an ebook coming down the road. I write about all aspects of fitness including nutrition, gadget, and humor (cuz trust me sometimes this stuff is pretty darned funny)

      2. I’m trying to reach anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle. Yes, it really is that broad of an audience. Yes I know I’m supposed to do a niche, but I’m not. I want to keep it open-ended on purpose. I will tell you via Alexa my current readership is women who are college educated in their mid20s to mid 40s with children.

      3. Current tagline is “Everything for a Healthy Body”

      Let ‘er rip! Thanks in advance for any help. 🙂


    401. Is Hashim on the CopyBlogger team? Just curious because I didn’t see that…and it might be confusing.

      Thanks for the info though.

    402. @james chartrand: thank you so much for your help. I love matching letters (alliteration????). ‘Rev up your Road’ makes me smile!!!

      It’s been a fun afternoon reading the posts and replies. Incredibly interesting.

      L. Gerring

    403. Ok, I’m happy to participate.

      I work with small business owners and entrepreneurs who want to build their online presence and grow their sales. I’m not working with the Internet Marketing crowds but rather people who have businesses for which they are already passionate.

    404. Whoohoo! Awesome offer!!
      Ok here we go:

      1. What I offer: Insights, Inspiration & Solution to Young Entrepreneurs through a blog.
      2. What kinda people: Young / aspiring / passionate entrepreneurs.
      3. 64 Notes – Young Entrepreneur’s Jots (as in notes)


    405. Okay…
      1. I host videos at http://linkyourvideo.com
      2. Videos will play on Facebook walls & pages
      3. They link where you want them to, so like an affiliate link, if clicked on

      Tag line now… “Link Your Video”

      Ready to be blown away! Thanks!


    406. @ Anne

      Nope, I’m a reader. I’m just hoping that sharing my ideas will lead me to a better tagline myself!

      I hope it doesn’t stop the Copyblogger team from giving ideas in the clinic!

    407. G’ Day from Down Under,
      Firstly, thanks for your most generous offer. Here goes….

      My business focus is helping managers to improve the onjob performance of their staff without training courses.

      My target market is managers in small-medium business.i moved my business from offline to online two years ago.

      A couple of months ago I started a blog, managingemployeeperformance.com I chose this name as an interim measure so that I at least put my blog “out there.”

      My views about HR and people management are decidedly unconventional e.g.
      The purpose of staff selection is to get a job done not to choose a person
      when staff perform poorly it’s usually because they wont rather than they can’t
      except for people who don’t know and can’t do, training . of itself, will rarely improve performance
      employees, not managers, are best placed to measure their own work performance
      The team not the individual is the basic human unit in the workplace
      it’s quite unnecessary for people to “get on well” in order to work effectively………..etc., etc., etc….to quote from “The King and I”

      I’m about to change the name of my blog to “The Staff Management Heretic” Do you think I still need a Ries and Trouty tagline? The best that I can think of is something like “managing people for fun and profit” but I know I should do better.

      I’d really value your advice
      Make sure you have fun



    408. 1. I offer relationship education products and services, primarily to Baby Boomers, that support efforts to increase intimacy in love relationships.

      2. Men and women; 45-65; internationally; English speaking; who are interested in building/strengthening the intimacy in their long-term love relationships.

      3. “Living is an Art . . . Conquer YOUR Canvas!”

    409. No website yet… We have designed and have a prototype of a new eco-friendly air conditioning system for cars and trucks of all sizes. We are still working on final product name. Target customers are – auto manufacturers, companies and/or municipalities (police squads, trucking companies, etc.), and consumers. Benefits of the system include: almost same gas mileage with A/C on as when it’s off; won’t reduce horsepower; cuts pollution with less fuel consumption and reduced emissions.

    410. This is completely brilliant and super relevant to me as I’ve been struggling to come up with a new tagline for my blog, AnywhereMan.com. Here’s my info:

      1 – what you have to offer

      I write/videoblog about having a career that allows me to work “anywhere” I want. I’ve done both telework arrangements and freelancing. I’ve freelanced for the past two years as a web developer. I share tips on productivity, cool apps, reviews, the business side of freelancing, and finding “anywhere” jobs. It almost becomes a documentary at times.

      2 – the type of people you’re trying to reach

      Fellow freelancers, people that work from home or are interested in doing that, and mainly just people that are interested in having a location-independent career and lifestyle.

      3 – your current tagline if you’ve got one

      Freelancing in real life.

      THANK YOU!!

    411. Hey @James, you and the rest of the crew are wonderful. Thank you for your time and energy.

      I am so doing something like this when my site is ready. I’m just not sure about the 465 comments -and counting!

      Thank you.

    412. Can I take a Mulligan please?

      I think I got you hung up on the cultural aspects of my audience, rather than their knowledge level, which is more important.

      Site: Wine Bounce http://winebounce.com
      What I Offer: Wine education and reviews in an unpretentious, non-intimidating way.

      Target: Wine novices,age 25-49, educated professionals, who may be intimidated by traditional wine education or are reluctant to ask questions in a store or restaurant for fear of being embarrassed.

      Current tagline: Wine reviews with funk.

    413. Hi! This is such a cool concept! Our travel blog, Traveling Well, does not have a tag line currently. It’s found here http://www.collettevacations.travel.

      Basically we offer travel tips, destination information, insider info from the most experienced tour operator in the US, Collette Vacations (91 years of service), things like packing tips and info on how to prepare for a trip and stay healthy and active before, after and on tour – it’s about travel, wellness and the travel business (but more about the travel & wellness aspect).

      We reach travel agents and travel consumers/enthusiasts.

      Thank you!

    414. Not sure when this offer expires but…

      1. Software for recruitment consultants
      2. Mid sized recruitment agencies
      3. “Designed for recruiters by recruiters” or the slightly more bland “recruitment software specialists” depending on the place and my mood!



    415. I already left a comment… no response yet : ( ‘cept for someone who aluded to me having a photog business… but that is not what i described…I described CTAP…I know you are swamped – do what you can

    416. This is fun and fun to read!

      1. what you have to offer – a funky cool line of jewlery that let’s the buyer choose what they want to express.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach – tweens/teens and twenty-somethings.

      3. your current tagline: What do YOU dare to wear?

    417. Roberta,

      We develop apps that almost anyone with a BlackBerry could use. They are designed to do one thing and one thing only which makes them easy to use and hopefully indispensable.

      Current top sellers are :

      One Touch Flashlight – which turns your BlackBerry into a handy flashlight.

      ASAP – lets you ignore a call and with one click send a custom text message back to the caller that you saw the call but will get back to them later.

      Thanks, Steven

    418. Wow, holy comments! I’d like to repost mine, in case it got lost in the crowd:

      I’ve been developing in my head for some time now a personal travel blog, where I post my favorite addresses in a certain city, i.e. cafes, bookstores, bars, restaurants, boutiques, etc. and post travel photography with a streetstyle section inherent to the city about which I’m writing.
      I would be trying to reach fellow travelers, people who love exploring new cities and countries and finding the best places to go and things to do, people who love good food, shopping, fashion, adventure and want an insider’s voice on whichever place I happen to be writing about. Adults around 25 years old and up, perhaps.
      I do not currently have a tagline.

      Thank you again! You guys are amazing for doing this. Very grateful for any guidance or direction you might have.

    419. Great post! No wonder it’s generated so many comments.

      I’ve been struggling with my tagline for quite some time. I have a blog where I write about marketing for small business owners who hate marketing. I’m specifically trying to reach solo entrepreneurs who have to serve as their own one-person marketing team.

      I’ve brainstormed about a million tag lines — Suck-free marketing, dread-free marketing, mending the marketing mindset (ie getting rid of negative ideas about marketing and making it fun) but none have really nailed it. Right now I’m using “Marketing help for the rest of us,” but I’m still not sure if that’s right.

      Have any suggestions for me?

    420. I guess I didn’t give enough info before.

      I have dealt with chronic pain for years and I am also dealing with the challenges of raising a son with Asperger’s and a husband with ADD. I offer encouragement to others dealing with challenges and lessons I have learned from 27 years of parenting.

      My blog is Jenny and Pearl, named after my two grandmothers – strong women of faith.

      I have two etsy stores that I also promote through my blog, selling vintage treasures and handmade jewelry.

      My target audience is primarily Christian women 30-40 years old.

      My tag line is “sharing faith, family and flea market finds”

      I appreciate any input you could provide. Thanks!

    421. @Dana – Good info, and there’s your tagline, right in your comment! “Spend less time marketing and more time behind the lens – where you belong.”

      @Danielle – Also right in your comment, your tagline! “Strategic copywriting for improved marketing materials – and sales!”

      @Christie – Healthy eating habits with your body in mind

      @Mike – No worries, my head hurts too 😉 “How to age successfully when you’re a Baby Boomer”

      @Serenamom – Where smaller size means reaching bigger goals

      @Brendon – Applicable, take-home psychology for better brains at school, work or home!

      @Andree – The energized wedding photographer who gets right in there with your guests to snap the smiles ! (Too long, but a good start)

      @Carrie – Fashion in small sizes for savvy moms with small budgets

      @Wojo – Flipping the coin on your personal finances

      @Alison – The luxury shower cap that lets you strut your stuff – and stay dry!

    422. Thank you so much for doing this!

      The new direction of my website/blog is going to be women’s empowerment through movement. The main form of movement I will be addressing is Dance. I am on my way to becoming a facilitator of a http://dancingfreedom.com

      1. what I have to offer – What I have to offer is my personal experience with how movement/dance is impacting my life (on a self love, love of the body, confidence, growth, and empowerment level) and how that relates to the world.

      I am also going to offer my website/blog as a place to come and find out about many different classes and forms of dance and movement available in different areas of the world.

      I want to travel and take many classes, creating a global network of dancers, students, teachers all committed to empowerment through dance.

      2. the type of people I’m trying to reach- WOMEN who need encouragement to do movement. Women who are interested in a Global movement community/network.

      3. My current tagline – “Writing for Women, Writing for Freedom, Writing for Fun”. ( I want it to be more clear that this is about women’s empowerment and dance).

      Thank you SO MUCH for all you do!!!

    423. I think I lost in the crowd and I wasn’t to clear so I thought I would give it another shot…
      My offer: local search marketing solutions
      My target: small business owners who’s eyes glaze over at the mention of anything technical
      My tagline: Your local search marketing solution (ZZzzzz)

    424. Hi there,

      RE: my post above

      I was just wondering if I stumped everyone on my request lol 🙂

      If any of your creative minds has a suggestion I would really welcome it.

      Thank you,


    425. I like it! thank you so much! my compliments to you and all your hard work today- hope you can enjoy a cocktail or two tonight- and no thinking allowed!

      John Paul II Catholic High School: where smaller size means reaching bigger goals!

    426. 1. what you have to offer:
      retail/bath product – magnetic towel i.d. tags so you know whose towel is whose and encourage re-using towels (save money, conserve water/energy) and don’t spread germs and diseases by sharing towels unknowingly.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach:
      parents, couples, roomates

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one: I vary between…
      “Tag a Towel…For busy bathrooms”
      “Tag a Towel…Be Clean, Be Green”
      or straightforward…
      “Tag a Towel, so you know whose towel is whose in busy bathrooms”

      HELP! 🙂 This product is in the development stage so this is perfect timing! Thank you! Sarah

    427. 1. what you have to offer

      I offer a fully customizable search experience for apartment hunters in Texas. Plus, if you write our name down on our least we pay up to $2500 cash!

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      Anyone looking for apartments in Texas.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      Apartment hunting is hard. We make it easy.

    428. Hehe, I’m on it and here’s a tough one:

      I’m offering a movie blog (seriously, it cannot get any more generic than that) with reviews of anything and everything possible. Often it’s not about movies that are hot at the moment and when I review them I mostly have a different opinion than everybody else (Avatar, anyone?).

      With those kinds of reviews I want to reach movie watchers and movie lovers of any kind.

      My current tagline stems from the facts stated above: “movie blogging outside the frame”

    429. What a great idea!

      1. I offer my book Surviving The Unemployment Roller Coaster: From Stress to Success as well as strategies for a more effective job search and tips for how to thrive, not just survive unemployment

      2. my target is unemployed, underemployed, discouraged folks who have given up the job search, HR directors of companies that have cut staff, outplacement companies, and others working with job seekers

      3. my current tag line is Let Your Best Self Shine

    430. Hey, thank you guys so much for all the value you bring to the community. I love 3T so much and I am only beginning to scatch the surface of what is possible.

      My fiance and I have a road travel blog.
      Our vision for what it will become has been kind of up in the air, no time like today to bring it down to earth. Thanks again you guys.

      1. What we have to offer ~
      Experiences, Interviews and How tos of Traveling as lifestyle, spiritual growth, and creativity. Emphasizing on not waiting for the perfect time or amount of money to venture out.

      2. The type of people we’re trying to reach ~
      People who feel a calling to travel and experience the world through open hearts and minds.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one ~
      Adventures of Sailing the Open Road

    431. Not seeing mine, but then, my eyes ain’t what they used to be. I’ll repost, although I hate to overburden you guys – this is awesome of you!

      Part of my tagline dilemma is that I am using a couple words with a negative connotation (skip the scams). I knew that when I bought the domain but went ahead with it anyway, but still sometimes wonder whether that was the way to go.

      1. what you have to offer

      My blog at skipthescams.com is about affiliate marketing for beginners – tips, tutorials, case studies…very basic stuff

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      I focus on “extreme” beginners who want to make money online but may have fallen for scams in the past or are simply overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      “Skip the scams, get the skills” was originally meant to be my tagline, but since my domain is “skipthescams.com” I’m using that as the site name and “affiliate marketing instruction for beginners” as the tagline. See? I’m all screwed up.

      Any input is welcome! And thanks! 🙂

    432. My tagline is: Are you a busy profession woman at midlife,
      who may have had many success, but lost yourself along the way. I will inspire you to reinvent your dreams, recreate your life, and come home to your true self’
      I would love suggestions.

    433. Hey Brian – Thanks for this generous offer.

      What you have to offer:

      Digital Advisory Board

      Direct connections with one or a team of niche expert advisors in the digital sector for short phone or email consultations. Most consultants or experts worth talking to want $5K retainer, which often isn’t possible for small businesses to do, nor is it wise if you don’t know the expert yet.

      30-minute to 1-hour phone engagements allow businesses to get headed in the right direction, ask questions with very minimal risk, with pre-vetted experts, for a lot less than a large engagement; or an entire team of advisors can be engaged as a sounding board for say a venture capital firm considering investing in a startup.

      the type of people you’re trying to reach:

      – Small to medium business owners who may have questions about general digital marketing strategy for their business or even specific questions they need an answer to or an opinion on quickly.

      – Marketing Directors, CMOs and CEOs who are new to their position and want to just be able to pick up the phone and get an unbiased, direct opinion from one or more experts with ten or more years of experience in their niche. Or maybe they just need a problem solved. Now, in the case of SEO, that problem is obviously NOT going to be solved in 30-60 minutes by phone. The goal is to help folks get headed in the right direction if they are off track or have no experience in hiring vendors, vetting vendors or who wish to learn more about specific areas related to creating and promoting a business online.

      – Venture Capital Firms or Angel Investors who need experts to give them sound advice on the right questions to be asking

      your current tagline if you’ve got one: None

    434. Seems like others have reposted so I will jump in and do the same…don’t want to miss out on your great taglines.
      I offer- full service catering
      we target – brides
      we have 20 yrs of experience and have won many awards. I am expanding to a blog and want a catch tagline…help!

    435. 1. Wedding photographer who captures real moments and creative portraits.
      2. Engaged couples and those who may be engaged in the future.
      3. Creating meaningful images for people in love.

    436. I would love to hear your suggestions for my tagline.

      I am an interior designer who helps people create eco-friendly interiors that are uniquely tailored to fit their lifestyle and who they are. My clients are typically busy, affluent couples who are working on their second/vacation home. They may be building a new home, remodeling or just furnishing an existing one.

      My current tagline is “Luxury Eco-friendly Interiors that Reflect Your Personality and Lifestyle”

    437. Sorry, but I had to post again. My comment got lost in the crowd. Thank you very much for your help.

      1. what you have to offer
      Website Design and Development. Website from scratch or template customization.
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      Small to medium sized business, non-profit-organization and freelancer.
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      Khronos Design is your business presence online.

    438. What I have to offer: Experience in website design, blogging, WordPress; background as a professional organizer

      The type of people I’m trying to reach: Professional Organizers

      My current tagline: Virtual Partner to Your Organizing Business

    439. I think I have been skipped. So …

      I have got two blogs I want to set up

      First: to provide writing and marketing tips/resources. The target audience – new writers and those still contemplating (to write).
      Tagline – writing and marketing launch platform

      Second: To promote science by providing researcher’s experiences, showcasing people in science, providing resources such as funding and science news.
      Target audience: upcoming researchers and postgraduate students.
      Tagline: A researcher’s experiences and resources

      Thanks guys

    440. I am reposting from several hours ago…I don’t want to miss out on all this personalized talent…You guys (and gals) are GREAT!

      I offer:
      woodburned scenes of animals individually hand burned on maple switchplate covers (toggles, rockers, outlets of all configurations)

      Trying to reach: People who want to spruce up their home and value the handmade touch. Mainly outdoorsy people, sportsmen, wildlife and nature lovers, etc

      Current tagline:
      I don’t have one….yet

    441. what you have to offer: consulting/mentoring

      the type of people you’re trying to reach: medium size corporations ($200million)

      your current tagline if you’ve got one: Architecting your ideas for revenue growth

    442. 1. what you have to offer

      The best online timer on the net if I do say so myself. (http://ticktocktimer.com)

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      Anyone looking for an online timer for whatever reason possible. Though, the emphasis of my site is using the timer to help with productivity and doing things that may not be pleasant.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      ‘Let’s Tick Tock this’ — But as a secondary tagline, or descriptor I guess, it also says on my site: ‘Online timer to help you get things done!’

      Any advice here will be well received. Thanks.

    443. Brilliant opportunity guys, thanks!

      1.what you have to offer:

      Hars. Some snorts. Blogged after 30 years of way-too-serious PR and journalism.

      2.The type of people you’re trying to reach:

      Educated, news-aware readers ages 40-70, who are bummed by it all and need to laugh.

      3.Your current tagline if you’ve got one:

      Topical humor and satire that is NOT by Dave Barry, but may be suitable for smart, attractive people who like Dave and to Har. Even snort…

    444. 1. what you have to offer
      coalition rewards program for small businesses – like a regular rewards program but you can earn/redeem at any of the participating small businesses

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      people buying stuff for kids and who like to shop at indie and handcrafted businesses

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      don’t have one yet. the company name is Free Tree Kids.

    445. 1. what you have to offer
      – we offer an online service marketplace where people can come and find local help such as moving labor (loading and unloading help), landscaping, janitorial, and general day labor. we’re predominant in the moving labor category. customers can compare prices between companies in their area, read reviews from actual previous customers of those companies, and book them online. we handle the transaction and guarantee satisfaction.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      -anyone who is moving or needs general help in any of those other categories. probably someone who is on a more conservative budget who’s looking for alternatives to expensive full service moving companies, service providers, etc., but doesn’t want to risk hiring someone off the street.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      – “Find local help. Cheap.”


    446. 1. what you have to offer–

      In depth analysis of current music artists, rising stars, industry trends, and latest news from a more mature perspective.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach

      A more mature audience that listens to hip-hop music. The every day professionals that grew up with the genre but are not fans of some of the more younger version of music currently present.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one

      Expanding the game, not changing the game!

    447. Thanks for this great giveaway! I was just working on my tagline this morning.

      1)What I offer: healing techniques that create personal growth while relieving tension & stress, improving posture breathing & endurance, optimizing the function of the mind-body, and creating a greater sense of connection with self and others.

      2) Type of people I’m trying to reach – individuals, families, and business with a desire to live healthier, more fulfilling, and more meaningful lives who have the financial means to pursue that desire.

      3) Current tagline: I have been using “Live Well”, this morning I was working with “Enhancing Personal Wellbeing, Creating Global Transformation.”


    448. Wow, 515 Comments and counting. Here’s my info:

      1) Short genre fiction for free and soon, some at a nominal cost.
      2) Readers for the above.
      3) “Tales from the imagination of Chuck Heintzelman”

    449. Wow. There is some truly great stuff here, and comments posted from folks who are very generous with their time and expertize.

      My post has not yet received comments. Would love to hear some suggestions, although I can glean ideas from what I have read here.

      Thanks everyone!

    450. I have a website offering advice for competitive dancers, a forum to discuss dance topics, post new dance videos and am working on creating a library of how-to videos for dancers.
      I am targeting competitive dancers ages 9-18 and their parents.
      My current tagline is ‘for whatever dance you love’

    451. p.s. I forgot to tell you how much I’m enjoying your blog. I’m learning so much and really appreciate all the great advice. I’m very new to blogging and have much to learn!
      ~Mary @ whateverdance.com

    452. This is awesome! Looks like I’m late to the party (and the queue is already around the block), but maybe you can help with this:

      I’m writing a book called “Man the Lifeboats!” about finding the courage to leave your awful corporate job to start your own business.

      My current subtitle/tagline is: How to Chart Your Own Course When Your Career is Sinking

      Any ideas on how to improve it?

    453. I blog about my experiences with gluten-free and dairy-free cooking – what works, what doesn’t work, making adaptations from recipes that have gluten, sharing great recipes. My current tagline is ‘Vegetarian, gluten-free and dairy-free cooking experiments’.

    454. 1. As a registered dietitian and mom, I provide research-based nutrition and feeding advice. My posts and resources cover the three essential components for raising healthy eaters including what to feed (nutrition), how to feed and how parents can be a positive role model. I help simply this information for busy parents.

      2. Trying to reach parents of young children, mostly moms.

      3. Where Parents Go for Credible Nutrition Advice

    455. 1) introspective and emotionally charged instrumental mood music in a hiphop context.

      2) philosophers, truth seekers, the spiritually inclined, the sad, broken hearted, anyone who seeks for something more than what current pop music has to offer.

      3) soundtracks for training monks and anguished ninjas. shhh…just listen.

    456. My head hurts from reading through all these, I may have a lot of rethinking here —

      1. What you have to offer

      I am still working on ILE and Membership site, trying to build a following in the mean time. Currently I offer content directed toward helping people with change, motivation, and mastery (ala Daniel Pink & Self-Determination Theory), and “brain” stuff.

      2. The type of people you’re trying to reach

      Trying to reach 1) baby boomers; 2) and others concerned about aging; and 3) not ready to throw in the towel.;

      3. Your current tag line if you’ve got one
      Baby Boomer Generation…Guide to Successful Aging

      (Boring, I know)

      I want to post my other blog as well – AngerFlex.com – will do it in another comment.

    457. Wonderful offer…Thanks! Revamping our website.

      1. Chiropractic, health consulting, acupuncture, decompression, vitamin supplements.
      2. Families, health conscious women – 30’s -50’s, will treat all ages.
      3. Closest to a tag that we have but have not used. “Your maximum health our number one goal”.

    458. Thank you for the tag. Aren’t you tired yet??? Amazing job!! Can I buy you a coffee? Am not so sure the new tag has quite the bite/spunk I was aiming for, but getting closer…. Thank you again. Great idea for a blog post, by the way. Enjoy your weekend.:)

    459. How are y’all doing, CopyBloggers?
      I just can’t stay away!

      This is the most internet fun (for us!) anyone could ask for!
      Hope you’re enjoying it as much as well all are.

      (and I’ll understand if mine’s just too scattered to nail with a tag. I’m casting a broad net…)

    460. Hey guys this is a great idea!

      1. I own WDW Central, a blog about Walt Disney World in Orlando. I offer fun articles, news, planning guides and more all about the Resort.

      2. The blog is mostly geared towards Disney fans, however the pages (planning info, etc.) are geared for fans and newcomers as well.

      3. I have a tagline but it hardly gets used: “Welcome to the magic.” That and on the about page I have: “WDW Central is a celebration of one of Walt Disney’s greatest accomplishments – Walt Disney World”.

    461. Here is the other blog. I am closer on this one to having a course ready to go.

      1. What I am offering;
      A unique flexible approach to anger mastery. Tips, advice, coaching and ideas for learning to live a values oriented lifestyle. Approach is mindfulness based, and IS NOT Anger Management.

      2. Who’s my audience?
      Primary audience – entrepreneurs, business owners, solopreneurs who need help with managing behavior that repels customers, suppliers, and employees.

      Secondary Audience – All who struggle with anger and hostility and have tried traditional anger management and failed.

      3: Anger Mastery – A Mindful Alternative to Anger Management

    462. what you have to offer
      – I am starting a business where I will come in and host video game parties for kids. The idea is to take some of the responsibility off of the parents to entertain kids during a party, so I will provide a complete gaming setup to run a little tournament right int heir home. The name of the company is called Gamester. I will use social media, website, and blog to stay connected with customers to provide the latest information about my company as well as changes in the game industry. I feel this will allow me to try to provide value to customers and try to get them to be repeat customers.

      the type of people you’re trying to reach
      – Kids between the ages of 8-15 and their parents

      your current tagline if you’ve got one
      – don’t have one yet

    463. Interesting bait.

      My blog has this tag line: “Education & Tech provides education news, expert advice, reference articles, and web 2.0 tools for educators, administrators, parents and educators”

      What do you think?

    464. hey- what about this**
      TAG you’re IT

      it took the verbose blogger blonde +++ words to explain the topic, while it should have taken only 50.

      –i couldn’t count- too embarrassed- think my request went out with the Texas Toast.

    465. Thanks so much for offering this service!

      1. WHAT:
      – effective and relatively fast emotional relief
      – resolution of past traumas (both little t and big T trauma)
      – pain and symptom relief by addressing underlying emotional factors or addressing physical factors using Trager bodywork
      (use a variety of body-centered and bodymind approaches)

      2. WHO:
      – primarily women ages 30-70 (most clients are 40-65)
      – are stressed out, on overwhelm, anxious, guilty, angry or distressed due to a variety of causes – grief/loss, cancer or other serious diagnosis/prognosis, relationship issues, physical pain, financial/family worries
      – have boundary issues (e.g., pleasing others instead of themselves, difficulty saying “no” to others)
      – have pain or symptoms, esp where there is no further medical relief available

      3. TAGLINE: Lighten Up Your Life

      (Note that I’ve recently re-written my Home page, but have not yet updated the rest of my website.)

    466. Fascinating reading all the suggestions, people’s businesses and creativity. I posted today, EST 1:20 pm. No suggestions for me as of yet, or that I could find in all the posts.

      I imagine a room of all the Copybloggers having huge fun brainstorming out loud with one another.

      If I’ve not been thorough enough for generating ideas, let me know.


    467. Boy- you guys are going to be busy today, judging by all the comments. Thanks very much for your offer!

      1. I have 10+ years of experience in real estate to offer, I’m easy to get along with, and I’m a real advocate for buyers and sellers.

      2. I’m trying to reach an audience of new or repeat buyers in Chevy Chase, Betehsda and DC.

      3. My tagline is: The Scoop on Real Estate in Bethesda, Chevy Chase and DC

    468. I’m adding a new website that will be ParentsAsAdvocates.net

      What I do: Teach parents how to advocate for their special needs children in schools, at the drs, at the psych’s – teach them what they need to know and how to ask the right questions when meeting with the school; how to approach the school so there is a partnership rather than the school just telling parents what’s best; what papers to keep; what the child and parents are entitled to,etc.
      Audience: Parents of special education students
      Tag Line: I will teach you the secret language of IEP’s so you can get your child’s special education needs met.

      Thanks so much.

    469. Cool! – Thanks 🙂
      We offer Video Birth Announcements! Just send us the photos, we do up a slideshow and post it on a webpage for you to send the link to family & friends. Offer DVD’s & movie files too.

      We are trying to reach primarily pregnant women. But also new parents, & friends and grandparents.

      Video Birth Announcements is pretty much our tagline. It used to be Specializing in video editing and production for today’s modern families.


    470. 1. what you have to offer: Equine Assisted Learning. Using horses to develop stronger teams, better leaders and more empowered people.
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach: courageous individuals and businesses who want to change for the better
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one: Learning and Growth through interaction with horses.
      THANK YOU for this offer! You rock!

    471. I offer – A solid knowledge of dentistry.

      Trying to reach – People who care about their oral health, want to improve it and have questions about their teeth, dentist, and oral health in general.

      Current tagline – “Answering Your Questions About Oral Health & Dentistry”

    472. Hi, Thanks for offering this! What an amazing opportunity!!! Thanks Heather A for passing the info along 🙂

      1.) I offer a Certified Organic Teething Lovie that is appropriate for ages newborn to three. “Drool Monkey” is a safe, organic solution for baby: no toxic dyes, no chemical flame retardants, and no synthetic fabrics. And it’s versatile: a cloth teether, doll, rattle, burp cloth, and blankie all in one loveable monkey.

      2.) I am targeting the Eco-Mom who wants only the purest, highest quality lovie for her baby.

      3.) I don’t really have a tag line now. I will be launching in October. One option was; Organic, Versatile, Loveable.

      Thank you!! Can’t wait to hear your suggestions!

    473. This is very timely, as I am working on a new venture!

      1 – I offer craft classes at people’s homes like home craft parties.

      2 – People who don’t feel they can be “crafty”, or are not confident in their creativity.

      3 – My current Tagline (ok this is a new venture so this is one of my first thoughts) Bringing out the crafter in YOU! (You-Niquely Created being the name of the company)

      Thank you very much for your help.

    474. Thank you so much for this opportunity… !
      I work with moms of tweens (kids ages 8-12) to support them in navigating the wacky world of motherhood and to be the best moms they can be as their kids grow into the teenage years.

      I am not too happy with my existing tag line because I feel it doesn’t say much about what I do..

      “The Art of Effective Parenting”…. what do you guys think?

      Thanking you in advance!

      Sandra Huber
      The Soulful Parent

    475. @Laura –Affiliate marketing strategies that let you sell ethically with a clear conscience

      @Elizabeth – How to survive – and thrive! – when you don’t have a job.

      @Azstrel – For the experience of adventure and the reward of an open spirit

      @Mike – Apartment hunting made easy is a pretty good one right there, actually.

      @Julie – Actually, it’s more like all of us falling off our chairs in exhaustion after doing hundreds today – this tagline stuff is fun indeed, but it’s a lot of mental work!

    476. CopyBlogger you R-O-C-K! Thank you for doing this.

      I offer:
      Consulting for Entrepreneurs & Online Brands
      PR Strategy
      Certified Life & Business Coaching
      Wealth & Worth Advising

      My Clients:
      Business Owners
      Personal Brands

      My Current Tag Line:
      Be Your Own Hero

      For the record I love my tag line because I’m all about empowering people and helping them discover their own power & abilities within. But as I write this out – I’m painfully aware that my tag line is not doing what you say it needs to – to be effective. I feel like Bill the Cat from Bloom County: ACK!

      Thank you in advance for your suggestions!

    477. Hi, don’t know if I got lost or if I’m just a lost cause :o)

      Just in case I got lost in the shuffle, I’ll post it again. Thank you for any insight you can give me.

      I am a retirement planner.

      I help people understand why they’re not getting the results they want, why traditional financial planning is hurting them, and how I can help them build a great retirement plan with safe, modern, state-of-the-art strategies.

      My market is folks from about age 50 to 75 who are tired of losing money, are seeing which way the wind is blowing, and are wondering if they’ll have enough money to have the retirement they’d hoped for.

      My current tag line is:

      “No empty promises… just strategies that work”

      I’m thinking of calling the site:

      A Smarter Retirement Plan (or something like that)

      Thank you for any help you can offer.


    478. @Marcie – Your Real Estate Advocate in Bethesda, Chevy Chase and DC
      @Kathy – One ride could change your life
      @Kam – Organic teething lovies soothe moms and babies alike
      @Tom – YOUR TOWN’s “Dental Answer Man” for Healthy Mouths and Bright Smiles
      @Sherry – IEP Training for Moms Who Won’t Take No for an Answer
      @Sharon – sometimes simpler the better. I’d add an adjective to Video Birth Announcement – affordable,elegant, funny, sweet – whatever you think is important to you audience

    479. Looks like mine may have gotten lost in all the great entries here. I’m learning a lot just watching. Here is mine again:

      1. what you have to offer
      I am a massage therapist with a history of 25 years of technical and business experience in the corporate world. I do web design and consulting with health care providers trying to get their businesses on the web.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      Massage therapists who are trying to get their business on the web or grow their income to a liveable wage. Most are not tech savvy.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      The tools you need to build the practice of your dreams. (totally lame)

    480. 1.) I’d like to convert my current website from being a blog I never update to a resume/bio/portfolio for my freelance writing services. (And maybe a blog too if I can find the dicipline to update it.)

      2.) My usual clients are DIYers who are great with visuals, but need help expressing exactly what they mean with text.

      3.) Something Texty – Words for your project that engage and excite.

    481. Hello . At theskykid.com our current tagline is :

      “Features articles,previews,reviews of coming of age books,coming of age movies, short films, music and movies with a focus on adolescent development.”

      It pretty much describes what we have on the site and we are after audience that is interested in cinema, music and art in general.

    482. Not sure if I got lost in the shuffle and I truly appreciate your attention to everyone today. I’ve learned a ton just from this thread alone!

      Here’s my info again:

      1. simple, actionable healthy/fitness tips
      2. for busy women – women in 30s – 40s who are moms, professionals, spouses with a lot on their plate and not much time for themselves
      3. Current tagline:
      Think. Breathe. Move.
      Simple Advice For A Healthy & Happy Life.

    483. @Kathy – I applaud you. As an equestrian myself, I know up close and personal the personal and business benefits of horses. So for you: Saddling you up for courageous leadership, better teamwork and empowered business growth.

      @Sharon – Let them all know the news while you have a snooze 🙂

      @Sherry – Helping you navigate societal barriers for your special needs children

      @Monica – Free your mind and free your life

      @Ton – Sadly, if it can’t be read, grasped and understood in about three seconds, it needs rework

      @Streko – Right here! *waves* Red Bull right here, man!

      @Kevin – Providing Parents with Tournament Video Game Parties for Kids (keep it simple on this one)

      @Matt – All Walt Disney, all for you.

    484. Thank you, Roberta.

      I know James says not to use negative words in a tagline, like “no” and “not,” ect. But I thought if fit the mood of those who’d already had it up to here with broken hopes and promises. I’m glad you thought so, too.

      I think your tweek is great (that’s why your the pro). I’ll definitely use it.

      Thanks again,


    485. 1) I’m a direct response copywriter and virtual event specialist.

      2) My target market is the nonprofit/fundraising niche.

      3) Current tagline: The heart of a donor; the mind of a marketer.

      Appreciate your comments!

    486. @Sarah – that’s one of my personal favorites today. I couldn’t resist.
      @Mike – Master Your Anger through Mindfulness and Win
      @Matt – Get Your Ears on, Mouseketeers – The Magic Awaits.

    487. All of you are doing yeoman’s duty on this! I’m re-posting as I may have gotten lost in the shuffle. My business name is Wild World Adventures and the new website should be up next week.

      1. I offer hunting trips on a world-wide basis

      2. Target audience is usually a male hunter between the ages of 30 and 70

      3. Current tag lines: “Hunting the Whole Wild World” and “Hunting the Americas, Africa, Asia, South Pacific and Europe…the Whole Wild World!”

      MANY THANKS!!!

    488. So much for not reposting! Reposting from this morning…

      1. what you have to offer: Rottweilers Ate My Laptop is my personal blog. My usual topics are my Rottweilers and occasionally my other pets, dog training, and technology and gadgets.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach: Anyone that shares my interests.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one: Rottweilers. Computers. World domination. Not necessarily in that order.

      I appreciate the time, effort and sharing of knowledge that the Copyblogger team has put into this tagline clinic post.

    489. **It looks like my blog got skipped earlier, so this is a repost***

      This is really great. I have actually been batting some ideas back and forth with another blogger lately, as I try to narrow my focus and messaging.

      30 Minute Dinner Party

      1. what you have to offer
      Menus, recipes, and cooking tips for creating gourmet food at home in a flash…That’s actually my old tagline, and it really encompasses what is on the website, but it missed my angle.

      Essentially, my hook is that most people know they need to eat better and should be making their own food, but they don’t. The #1 reason people don’t cook at home is the time. But eating out also has a social factor and at lot of “30 Minute Meal” types miss that social aspect. So I show people how to have their friends over dinner and that it can be quicker, easier, and more delicious than going out.

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      I’m really targeting single people, male or female, who work full-time and have an active social life and an interest in eating well

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      Challenge yourself to entertain at home. Menus, recipes + cooking tips to inspire you.

      Thank you so much for your feedback!

    490. I’m such a huge Copyblogger fan, how could I pass up advice from the masters?

      Here are the answers to your content questions:

      1. I offer online marketing help for bloggers with an entrepreneur streak.

      2. My goal is to reach entrepreneurs who want to start or have already formed online communities.

      3. My current tag line is “Online Guerrilla Marketing for Entrepreneurs”.

    491. GET OUT OF HERE! Coolest thing ever:) My business is The Savvy Women’s Business Solution:

      1. what you have to offer-social media consulting, online social media coaching and social media packages
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach-mom entrepreneurs
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one-Providing social media strategies and virtual assistance for busy mom entrepreneurs and women in business. (i’m losing the virtual assistance piece)

    492. 1) what you have to offer: indulgent bath/body products made from natural, organic & fair trade ingredients

      2) the type of people you’re trying to reach: women 25 – 45 who are eco-conscious and/or interested in our philanthropic initiative, Behind the Curtain (supporting survivors of domestic violence, rape and sexual assault)

      3) your current tagline if you’ve got one: Indulge Your Body

    493. 1. Offer:

      We are a charity that raises money to buy new computers for financially challenged kids, who are then mentored by police officers (Kids, Cops & Computers is the program name) http://www.kidscopscomputers.org

      2.Trying to reach:

      Both corporate and individuals donors

      3. Current tagline:

      We don’t. Use charity name right now (Merry Go Round Children’s Foundation) which we are trying to downplay as not descriptive of what we do

    494. @Joe – works just fine.
      @Gabi – Easy, Elegant Dinner Parties at Home. All Pleasure. No Pain.
      @Kathi – #$%^$% My Rottweilers would type if they had thumbs
      @Jim – Hunting the Wild World Beyond Your Shores. Beasts Beware.
      @Ann – Love your body better. Move it.

    495. Hi all – it is late on a Friday, but thought I’d toss this out there just in case!

      My original post shows above at 1:23 pm. I tried to be very thorough to make it easier to work your magic, but I realize it might have been too much to wade through, or it got lost in the midst of all the wonderful responses.

      If you prefer thorough but it got lost, see my post at 1:23 above. If you wanted more succinct, I’ll do my best below:

      1. What you have to offer

      We provide debt management programs for people. Debt management (aka credit counseling) negotiates only interest rates instead of trying to get the lender to accept less than they are owed (debt settlement) Much gentler, much less drama, no harrassing phone calls or lawsuits, and no credit score impact.

      2. The type of people you’re trying to reach

      a. People that are struggling but still able to pay their bills on time, but are looking for help.

      b. Also…people that don’t really know this solution is out there, because they have great credit and don’t want to mess it up.

      3. Your current tagline if you’ve got one

      “Got Debt? Get Solutions.” (Our company name is Solutions Financial).

      Thank you all for all you do!


    496. Wow, yall have done some incredible work today! Looks like no luck yet for The Rosary Boutique. If yall wrap up any tomorrow, please add mine to the list (see 11:47am).



    497. Mine got missed earlier, so reposting:

      I offer: themed party supplies and party planning ideas at Partyelf.com

      My audience is parents looking to host a birthday party for their children.

      I have no current tagline.

    498. We sell wedding dresses, bridesmaid, mother & flower girl dresses plus all the accessories you need for your wedding. In addition, we rent tuxedos as well.

      Our main customer is the bride, she is the anchor of the wedding party.

      We aren’t currently using a tag line. Our home page currently has a testimonial that states “This is what the experience is supposed to feel like.”

      In the past we have used: “Experience the perfect fit” & “Uncompromising Style. Uncommon Service.”

      I’ve always been unsure about tag lines & their effectiveness…could be we just haven’t come up with the right one.

      Would love some help or advice here!
      Thank you,

    499. I posted at 12:24 but I was overlooked. I would surely love the help…

      1. I offer weekly money advice, deals, life stories, parenting advice, recipes, coupons
      2. Parents. Non-parents. Really, everyone.
      3. Raising kids and having fun doing it.

    500. Sweet @Hashim!
      …and I think I’ll separate it out from the literacy part, which would be mostly for parents — perhaps from the pov of a grammy who is also a Reading Specialist!

    501. 1. what you have to offer: I provide people with powerful, effective strategies to prevent and eliminate neck and back pain. I am also an expert in bodywork to eliminate joint and muscle restrictions to improve posture, and use therapeutic Pilates to reinforce the changes. I also teach people how to eliminate the pain themselves instead of relying on drugs or chiropractors.
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach: People with neck and/or back pain. People who want to change their posture. People who want to be proactive with their health. People who want to age gracefully and be active in their 70’s and beyond. People who would like to be in charge of their healthcare.
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one: “Providing People With Powerful, Effective Strategies To Eliminate and Prevent Neck and Back Pain.”

    502. Thanks in advance for any input:

      1. We help leaders build cultures where people and profits flourish. We do this through building transparency which eliminates silos, avoidance, drama and dysfunction.

      2. Our target is leaders in companies with revenues between $10 million and $500 million. 3. No tagline now

    503. 1. What you have to offer: Professional Face Painters in Maryland – Fast, Clean, Reliable

      2. The type of people you’re trying to reach – Local businesses who need entertainment at their summer picnics, seasonal parties etc. Basically we want to be found by the regular employee who gets roped into playing the “event planner” twice a year.

      3. Your current tagline if you’ve got one: “We make you look good!”

      Thanks so much!

    504. 1.) Advice on couponing, saving money, cooking, and making life simpler and richer

      2.) College/university students

      3.) Just your not-so-typical couponing grad student, looking to save a few bucks here and there.

    505. Wow, there are sooo many comments already! I hope mine doesn’t get lost and buried… 🙂

      I just want some feedback on mine – I think I have the main point laid out pretty well, but maybe it could be more concise? Would love some feedback on how to make it even better. Thank you for offering this!

      1. I offer how-to’s and resources for those living in Japan, primarily without any Japanese language ability, but also offer a lot of unique resources for those who have lived in Japan for awhile.

      2. Trying to reach anyone and everyone living in Japan or moving to Japan.

      3. Current tagline: Unique how-to’s and resources for anyone new to Japan, moving to Japan and experienced expats currently residing.

    506. Hey guys,
      What an awesome offer, I think I may have to join the queue!

      1. We offer advice for parents to help their high-school aged children learn how to study and kick ass at school. We have a free weekly newsletter for the parents and a web-based video programme to teach the students themselves how to study.

      2. Our website is specifically for parents with high-school aged kids in New Zealand – who want their children to have all the help they can get.

      3. “Helping Young People Conquer School”

      Thanks in advance for any help!
      Keep up the awesome work

    507. TeamConnect Realty lives, works and plays in Dr Phillips’ real estate market. Our tag line is “Your Link to Real Estate” we are trying to reach sellers in the Dr Phillips community an area of Orlando, Florida.

    508. Great idea.

      1. what you have to offer- I help students who are looking at applying to BS/MD programs. These are very competitive programs for high school students who are applying to college and medical school at the same time.
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach- I am generally contacted by the parents of high school students seeking to attend one of these programs. Most of these parents are very well educated.
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one- I have been thinking about this and what I have so far is “Professional help to find and apply to BS/MD programs. ”

      Thanks for any input.

    509. love to have help with a tag line –
      I offer streamlined, gimmick-free ‘get healthy’ 6 month programs which include a consult with our MD, a dietary consult and eating program designed with our dietician, once a week visits to our ‘gym’ which is unique with only Bio Density and Power Plate equipment/every visit takes less than 30 min and is one on one with a cert. trainer, and regular phone support with a our Life Coach.
      My ideal client is a busy small business owner, or a larger company interested in employee wellness programs.
      We have no tag line.

    510. What I offer: tips on all aspects of presenting: developing content, designing slides, overcoming nervousness and connecting with your audience.

      Type of people: people who have to present as part of their jobs – business and subject-matter experts. Beginner to intermediate level. I particularly want to help people who are nervous about presenting.

      Current tagline: ‘Help with your next presentation”

    511. My post from earlier may have been missed as well, so I am reposting. Thanks for your generous help with this.

      1. What I have to offer

      I offer life coaching for 1.5 and 2nd generation immigrants so they can do what they love without the guilt, shame, pressure, and expectations inherited from immigrant parents holding them down.

      2. The type of people I am trying to reach.

      Specifically 1.5 and 2nd generation Filipino women in the U.S. and Canada and other immigrants who can relate to parental expectations of success, the pressure to be superhuman perfect, negotiating culture and identity and the conflicts that arise from that.

      They are women between the ages of 22-32.

      1.5 generation immigrants are those who were born in their native country and immigrated at a young age. Second generation immigrants are the children of immigrants born and raised in the adopted country their parents immigrated to.

      3. Your current tagline if you have one.

      Transition to wholeness (this was before I had peeled back all the layers of who my target audience is).

    512. This is awesome! So much feedback and so many great ideas from the comments above!

      Name of Site: TheMadtoLive.com

      1. what you have to offer:
      My blog is about finding and doing what it is we are meant to do. It’s about creating the best version of ourselves on a holistic level, not allowing our dreams to just be dreams, and more or less, on on how to enjoy the craziness of life.
      (General – lifestyle design, self-improvement)

      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      Twenty-Somethings with big ideas and big dreams whom need a little push, may not know all the resources available, and are determined to design their lives themselves. Much of my target audience would also be interested in a location-independent lifestyle, unconventional living, entrepreneurship, and general self-improvement.

      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      Life on the Wild Side | Also known as following your dreams.

      Thank you so much for your help! This is so wonderful.

    513. There are so many of these, I either missed something or got missed. I know it’s late and you guys are great. You gave me a great idea for my anger blog, but This Old Brain got missed. Thought I would post it again before you all close up shop (which I sure wouldn’t blame you for doing, you must all be exhausted)
      1. What you have to offer

      I am still working on ILE and Membership site, trying to build a following in the mean time. Currently I offer content directed toward helping people with change, motivation, and mastery (ala Daniel Pink & Self-Determination Theory), and “brain” stuff.

      2. The type of people you’re trying to reach

      Trying to reach 1) baby boomers; 2) and others concerned about aging; and 3) not ready to throw in the towel.;

      3. Your current tag line if you’ve got one
      Baby Boomer Generation…Guide to Successful Aging

    514. Aloha and Mahalo nui loa for doing this!!!!!
      1. what you have to offer
      I run groups and do private sessions teaching people with eating disorders or food issues how to eat mindfully (online and IRL)
      2. the type of people you’re trying to reach
      Those with eating disorders or food issues, both men and women
      3. your current tagline if you’ve got one
      Nourishing by Heart
      A Nutritional Journey… Body, Mind and Heart
      Again Many Thanks!

    515. Thank you! This is fun…

      My services: I specialize in helping women let go of limiting beliefs and live with more freedom peace and joy!
      (I am a psychologist and coach who uses many alternative techniques).

      I serve mostly women …but men and children are welcome too!

      Right now my tagline is: Live Your Magnificence!

    516. I am forming a new consultancy and would love to hear your thoughts.

      1. Offer: a b-school professor setting up an independent consultancy focused on communication and leadership. The academic and research background, along with the university affiliation, are key differentiators. I am extremely experienced with executive education.

      2. Trying to reach business decision makers in Asia who have the budget and authority to hire me for either commissioned research, communication training, or leadership development programs and keynote talks. These folks often have a bias for status, so the educational pedigree does frequently matter to them.

      3. This is a newly registered consultancy, so no tag line yet. The full company name is Ntelligent Research & Consulting

    517. 1) TweetBook. A great, simple Twitter and Facebook app for iPad that cuts out all the crap you don’t need and looks like a book.
      2) Folks who would be buying an iPad
      3) “Twitter & Facebook Beautifully Bound Together on iPad”

      Thanks! Excited to hear what you guys devise. 🙂

    518. Bellalulubaby offers a line of baby blankets made of super soft and funky fabrics. They are to be the “it”blankets for all little ones out there.

      Our target market are all new moms buying for their babies, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends that want to give that special gift. The blankie that babies will love.

      For a tagline I have used.
      where childhood memories are born.

      Any help would be appreciated.

    519. 1.what you have to offer:

      books on how to produce plain language communication and how to convert an organization to a plain language communicator

      2.The type of people you’re trying to reach:

      people who write for the public in their work

      3.Your current tagline if you’ve got one:
      My newest book is Plain Language in Plain English

    520. By the sheer magnitude of comments I can tell this is must for all of us who are in blogging world. I could use some suggestions, I have tech gizmo blog for personal and business use, and my tag is business gadgets for you, need to jazz it up. Any tips is surely much appreciated. Thanks.

    521. Now that Copyblogger has threaded comments, the next time we do one of these clinics, it should be a bit easier to keep track of everything. So if we didn’t get to you this time, look forward to another tagline clinic soon.

      In the meantime, James Chartrand knocked out a few more to wrap this particular clinic up. Here they are, posted on James’ behalf:

      @Cheryl – The tagline you have is great. Just tweak it a bit, and you have a winner: “How to communicate in plain English to get your important message across.”

      @Paula – How about, “The super-soft snugglie babies love.”

      @Gina – Mindful thinking for healthier eating habits that soothe the soul

      @Mike – Sorry for not getting to your second tagline, but we had to share the love as evenly as possible! 🙂

      @Lauren – Where big ideas and even bigger dreams become a daily passion

      @Lydia – How to live your life without letting your family down

      @Olivia – Teaching you how to stand in the spotlight without shaking from nerves

      @Chris – Hmmm… the problem here is that you’re creating a tagline and focus on for someone who isn’t your target market. The parents aren’t your target market – the actual students are. They’re the ones that need to buy into what you offer and get excited about it. Yes, you have to appeal to their parents, but they’re a secondary market and only a facilitator to reaching your true market.

      @Ashley – How to live in Japan without losing your chopsticks 🙂 (I really like that. Do it!)

      @M – Snip and save for spending success

      @Michelle – Unique face painting for the look that lets little smiles shine

      @Teri – Helping you conquer the crick in your back – or, a simple Powerful neck and back pain prevention strategies to help you feel great.

      @Jill – You may need to narrow down what you’re providing to people, as the net you’re casting is wide, which makes coming up with a tagline for ‘everything’ and ‘everyone’ tough!

      @Rachel – Where the experience of being beautiful fits you just right

      @Scott – Debt solutions that give you the room you need to breathe.

      @Clayton – Helping you connect your kids

      @Alyssa – Give your body the care it really deserves

      @Rebecca – I’d go simple here: Social media solutions for busy mompreneurs

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