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    A Three-Step Approach to Strategic Content Development

    A Three-Step Approach to Strategic Content Development

    Reader Comments (50)

    1. John Scott, my MacArthur Genius Award winning mentor, told me that he always studied jazz musicians in relation to making art… and living life. He said one thing they always insisted upon was to know where they had been, where they were , and where they were going. That’s how they kept the music moving, never stale. Applies here very well. Thanks Brian for always keeping the bar set high. This goes straight into my next actions file.
      All best,

    2. Bloggers are supposed to think strategically? Isn’t it better just to go “hey, see a lot of posts about twitter recently, have add my take” or “Lists seem to be all over on Digg–I’m on it.”

    3. Ditto, SWOT came to mind for me as well as I was reading through this but like any good film you watch twice the second time around reveals things that you just didn’t quite get on the first pass (I do not mean the typo in the first bullet item in section 1 either).

      Goal congruence I think was the message in section 2 – are our current strategies going to achieve our goals and if not what are we going to change to this or are we going to re-evaluate our goals?

      But I think the underlying message is to do your homework and a brainstorm or two, Know where you are and what your goals are, evaluate if you have the tools and skills to do the job and if not where are you going to get them from and perhaps the most poignant of all critically asses what you have done and what can you learn from it as a result.

      A lot to digest in such a short post but definately thought provoking stuff.

    4. I always envy forward thinkers who seem to magically know what’s coming. I think, “Wow… Why can’t I be brilliant like that?” I try to predict trends or think of the future, and I can’t.


      Because having the time to think has become a luxury, not a daily event. When thinking does occur, it focuses highly on the here and now, with the priority of attaining goals I’ve set for my business and for myself.

      In the past few months, after a family emergency, prolonged absences from work to care for the person, burning the candle at both ends to keep my siblings and family friends updated, scrambling to pay attention to my own family, meet my deadlines and continue to grow and build our business stronger… Well, let’s say I’ve learned a very good lesson.

      Never take the moment that you have time to think for granted. Like most things in the world today, you may have this opportunity now. Take it for granted, and you may find that tomorrow, you’re wondering if you’ll ever have the time to think again.

      All that to say thank you for this post. You’ve provided me with a clear resource for those times when I don’t have time to think – because there will be more.

      And no, cripes, I haven’t been drinking. 😉

    5. Thanks Brian for a great post.

      I think you’re right. Innovative content has attracted more new readers to my blog.
      It’s all about providing something unique or creating a Blue Ocean in your niche market.
      As a teacher, it’s all about constantly learning more in my niche market. Read! Read! Read!

    6. This post got my mind a-churning.

      I can see how the “Change-Nothing” analysis can really help to kick things in gear and create some engaging and spicy conversations.

      Looking forward, backward, and everywhere in-between can create quite a few titalating topics.


    7. As this article said, ideas are often recycled in the blogosphere. I believe the key is to tackle the topics in a new and unique way, just as this article implied… but it can be hard to differentiate yourself.

      I’ve found that this is much easier if I dream up my posts and write before I read other blogs. Your mind is naturally anchored to what you read, and your posts inevitably become similar to other people’s content if you read them first.

      Of course, you could always read what others write first and then go the other way, but I’ve found that writing before I read helps me stay fresh and original. This works for me because my content isn’t time sensitive or news-related.

    8. It’s sort of a paradoxical thing, isn’t it, that blogging has to have the balance of both contributing to already ongoing conversations and to add new information and conversations to the mix? I find that the most interesting blogs have a great balance of this.

      So there’s actually a value to being able to apply this innovation both in the approach to adding to ongoing conversations and in creating new things to talk about.

    9. I am always amazed at the way your blog makes me want to go back to my site and look over my recent postings. Then out come the surgical tools.


    10. I have just started up a new blog and whenever I do so, I feel like I need to re-analyze my writing strategy.

      This was a well-timed post on your end, Brian. Straight-forward and very applicable!

    11. Hi Bryan,

      Your article on Strategic Content Development gave me some ideas for creating a form that will help my coaching clients evaluate their current business position. What if you don’t change? What are you willing to change? What has changed around you?What will happen if you do change? And more. My job is to help my clients expand their expectations and create a new vision. Some of these questions will help them clarify their intentions. Thanks for the great insights

      Cara Lumen
      The Vision Distiller

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