I still remember the first time I asked Brian Clark if I could write for Copyblogger.
I had been an enthusiastic Teaching Sells student and Copyblogger rabid fangirl reader, as I was getting my freelancing business off the ground and preparing to leave my corporate job.
I was so nervous and intimidated that I gulped a glass of wine. (Since I’m not much of a drinker, this resulted in my being slightly but decidedly drunk.)
The wine bolstered me enough to send Brian Clark a DM on Twitter asking if maybe, some time, kind of sort of, if he was desperate or something, I might be able to write a post for him.
His reply was along the lines of, “Sure, what do you think of writing for us every week?”
And so it began.
After some time, I became a partner in Teaching Sells. Then a founding partner of the new company, Copyblogger Media, that was created when Brian’s various projects came together into one powerhouse new entity.
We built an amazing community, the Third Tribe, then evolved that community into Authority, and most recently brought it together with the Digital Commerce Academy, evolving and growing as our audience did.
We had the great fortune to bring in Brian Gardner and his groundbreaking StudioPress framework as a division of the new company.
We built the Rainmaker Platform, which I still use and love over at Remarkable Communication.
We held three kick-ass live events.
I’ve written 594 posts (including this one) and recorded 147 podcast episodes. I can’t even tell you how many educational sessions I’ve led for our private communities — that number has been lost amid multiple platform migrations and improvements. My best guess is around 300. Could be more.
It’s been a hell of a ride.
And now, it’s time to let someone else have a turn.
When Darrell Vesterfelt initially approached me (and two other founding partners, Sean Jackson and Tony Clark) asking if I’d be interested in letting my share of Copyblogger Media go, my initial response was:
Are you kidding me?
(Er, there may have been an additional swear word in there.)
I had been living and breathing Copyblogger ever since I wrote that first post. It was my professional identity. In many ways, it represented the bulk of my “life’s work” … at least the part of my life that’s been spent on content marketing.
But Darrell is nothing if not pleasantly persistent, and I began to think about it.
After we sold our StudioPress division to WP Engine, I had begun to turn back to my freelancing roots.
But although my workload was lighter, my mental involvement with Copyblogger remained all-encompassing.
My weeks were structured around our content and our audience. I thought about our projects constantly. All of my work patterns put Copyblogger first. And I was neglecting my individual identity and projects over at Remarkable Communication.
I scheduled a call with Darrell, and he and I talked about how I could give up my formal ownership share without ghosting on the Copyblogger community.
I could have my cake, and eat it, too.
And I decided to take another leap.
So, this post is to announce that I am moving to my next professional phase, leaving my partnership share in Copyblogger in excellent hands.
Why I think Darrell is a great fit
Darrell Vesterfelt is an old and dear friend of our partner Brian Gardner, so there was an immediate level of trust.
The more I talked with him, the more impressed I became with his energy level and his commitment to take Copyblogger to the next stage of its evolution.
Copyblogger has helped launch countless content-driven individuals and businesses, and pioneered so many practices and strategies that are now commonplace.
Brian Clark committed blog heresy by daring to talk about commerce and copywriting in the context of the then-sacred cow of blogging.
With Tony Clark, he launched one of the first courses based on the needs and relationships of a blog audience.
We’ve led and partnered with breakthrough pioneers in WordPress.
We built a revolutionary content marketing platform.
And our live events were nothing short of epic.
(I have been to many wonderful events. But I’ve never been to one I loved as much as I loved ours.)
We’ve always evolved and adapted, based on you and what you care about the most.
And I think Darrell’s vision, energy, passions, and commitment to the audience will be perfect to discover — working closely with Brian Clark and Brian Gardner — what happens next.
Where I’m headed
Well, first I’m going to Norway for a couple of weeks.
When I get back, I have two projects that I’m excited to pour focus and passion into.
The first is one-on-one client work. I’ve had an absolute blast creating conversion-focused content (with a heaping side of business consulting) for a small handful of clients. I want to keep building fun, creative, and incredibly effective business-builders for my clients. (You can learn more about working with me one-on-one here.)
The other is my writing workshop. I started holding them last year, and they have been a delight to work on, helping marketing writers and bloggers polish their creative sides so they can produce exceptionally excellent work. (And here’s where you can learn about the workshop.)
I’m also hoping to create a course or two in partnership with Copyblogger — so if you have an idea for a program you’ve always wished we would do, let us know in the comments!
I couldn’t end this post without thanking Brian Clark for countless hours of conversations, strategy sessions, mutual support, and challenging one another to always bring our best game.
Or without thanking our hero Stefanie Flaxman, who has been the editorial rock who keeps the blog strong and healthy, so our many crazy projects have a stable foundation.
Hats off as well to Brian Gardner, one of the most honorable people I’ve ever done business with.
To Sean Jackson and Tony Clark, and the magnificent Goonies, for weaving their unique gifts together to make Copyblogger what it is today.
(I’m trying to stay disciplined and hold back from mentioning even more individual names. There have been so many talented, smart, and hard-working folks who were instrumental to the Copyblogger story.)
And finally to Darrell, for taking us into the next generation.
As the only person left at Copyblogger who still likes comments, I’m going to leave them open for this one. (I’m serious about letting us know what kinds of courses or other education you’d be interested in as we go forward.)
And I would love to connect with you over on LinkedIn, as I make that into a key outpost for the Remarkable projects.
You’ll also keep seeing content from me here on Copyblogger. I’m kind of addicted to the incredible audience we have, and I’d be crazy to walk away from that.
OK, OK, before I start sniffling, I’m going to leave it at that.
I love you all, and thanks for the incredible decade. Let’s make the next one even better. See you soon!
Reader Comments (56)
Congrats, Sonia. You were my very first online marketing teacher in your class at Remarkable Communication and then in Third Tribe. I’m so grateful for that. Looking forward to seeing what you do.
Thanks, Debbie! It’s been a fascinating journey, and it’s still ongoing.
Wait, what’s happening?
Just kidding. Thanks for everything Sonia, but I just want to reiterate that we’ll still see you around here. You’re not getting away that easily.
Hey Sonia,
We’ve never formally interacted, but I feel like I’ve known you for years thanks to your writing. Best wishes on your new journey!
Thank you, Kevin!
Wishing you the best as you take the leap into new adventures!
Hoping we can get some high-quality time in the coming months, Miss G!
Oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wowwww! I LOVE this energy and i particularly love the TIMING of it. See you once you’re back from Norway and I’m back from Mongolia?
Yes ma’am!
What a great story and ride – rock on Sonia!
Thanks, John! It’s been an adventure, and I’m interested to see what’s around the corner.
Sonia, Thank you for all that you’ve shared here over the years. Your brains, savvy, and wit on this platform — and by email! — have been a great addition to my work life. You sold me on the certification program, and a few others and they’ve really lifted the quality of my work. I can’t wait to see what’s next for you. You rock.
That’s awesome, thank you Greg!
It’s an amazing feeling when you read and experience your teacher’s work and get motivated. Thanks a lot for giving me this feeling.
Thanks, Shahed!
Wishing you all the very best Sonia for your future endeavours. I was a regular follower your articles on Copyblogger. I don’t thing I will miss your writings in future also.
Thanks. Good Luck. God Bless you and yours.
Congratulations!!! What an amazing body of work over the years, and so many new beginnings around the corner! Adventure awaits in so many ways. Couldn’t be more grateful that you’re kicking off this new phase with us at Slow Business Adventure in Norway. See you soon!
So glad to see you soon in Norway!
Wherever you go you will rock! It’s not a goodbye is a see you soon. On the course suggestions, by my own experience and after see a lot of people wondering and struggling about:”What Kind Of Niche to pick”, I think a kind of test or something like that will be helpful in the way of a training or course to assist the Community to find or almost find what they are looking for, if this already exists, sorry for the non new idea, jajaja. See you soon, Sonia!
Thanks for that suggestion, Whalberto!
Oh congrats Sonia!! You are fabulous and I know your next adventure will be wonderful. Thank you for being such an amazing mentor to me and a huge factor in my success through the Remarkables and beyond.
What a long, strange trip it’s been
Wow. That’s so exciting and sad at the same time. Copyblogger won’t be the same without you, but I’m sure you will make a massive success of your next venture. I’m going over to LinkedIn right now to hunt you down and I will check out your one-on-one coaching. I have been a rabid fan girl of you and Brian for some time. Thank you for your guidance and inspiration. I look forward to more of it in different guises.
Aw, thanks!
Super excited to see your next chapter Sonia!
Me too, Kristen! (Miss you, btw.)
You are the voice of Copyblogger for me. It will be an interesting adjustment period for everyone! Enjoy Norway and I look forward to seeing what you come up with next!
no human being on this earth has influenced my marketing career more than you.
I’m deeply grateful for your work.
It’s been such a delight having you along on the journey all this time, Hashim.
I wonder what we’ll do next?
Wishing you all the best in your new journey Sonia, and for your future endeavors.
Hi Sonia, I’ve never been to your classes, but I’ve read many of your engaging blog posts. It’s my first time to comment here because I want to let you know I’ve learned a lot from you. Enjoy Norway and hope you’ll succeed in your future projects.
I have learned so much from you! You’re so inspiring and I find myself always going back to listen to your old podcasts when I’m feeling out of it. Thank you for all the help and insights you have given me.
So glad if I can be of use, Nadine. <3
Sonia, great to read the “Cliff Notes” version your awesome ride and the grand adventure that lies ahead! I look forward to staying connected in the FB groups we’re part of.
Hats off to you Sonia and many thanks for all your wisdom, generosity and exceptional writing. I have admired you from afar. Excited to see what you do next.
Sounds like an exciting time coming up! Good luck with all your new adventures Sonia!
Good luck, Sonia! I’ve learned much from what you’ve created and shared over the years. Whatever success I achieve, a portion is owed to you. I look forward to your future posts.
Sonia–Wishing you the best as you start on this next phase of your life. I’m here cheering you on from NYC. If I can be of help, please feel free to reach out. Happy marketing, Heidi – Heidi Cohen, Actionable Marketing Guide
Sonia – I remember listening to you on Teaching Sells – seems like a million years ago – you’re “like an institution” — and I mean that in the very best way. Wishing you enjoy all the success you’ll inevitably have!
Thanks so much, Amy!
I’ve had “What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been” stuck in my head for weeks
Like I see others have said, you’ve been the voice of Copyblogger & Authority for me, so while I’ll miss you, I wish you all the best in your new adventures! Thank you for all you’ve done! I’ll hop over to LinkedIn and see about connecting there
It’s been a real pleasure following along with you and Copyblogger Sonia.
I also enjoyed the content marketing MOOC that you sponsored. I audited the course and found it informative.
Now, I need to find some work.
Blessings and happy skies.
Wow! This is bittersweet. Your writing was one of the reasons why I initially became a Copyblogger subscriber several years ago. Thank you for all that you’ve done for the community. I am looking forward to your next adventure.
So kind, thanks Daniella.
Wow, from a silent reader and fan! Thank you for explaining, all the best to you and all involved for this next chapter, and I will be connecting with you on LI right after this post.
Courses, hmmmm…the current courses focus on helping working copywriters be better at what they do. What I would love to see is a Medium/blogging course that includes a heaping tablespoon of figuring out your niche and finding your voice.
In fact, a ‘finding your voice’ course, with an active community to help the process along, might be helpful for many, many beginning or restarting writers, including me!
Thank you, Terri!
I’ve been thinking that a blogging course would make sense. (Ya think?)
Figuring out your niche is a recurring question for sure.
I won’t stop but thanking you for all. I can’t forget your pink hair ^_^
I’ve been reading you since 2013 and all your posts have changed my professional life in an incredible way.
I’m writing from Cameroon, Central Africa.
I just wish you good and success.
This is just SO BITTERSWEET ^_^
Thanks, Paul!
Onward and upward, life is always a journey.
Dear Sonia,
I want to drop by and say thank you for everything you’ve taught me over the years (all the way back to Teaching Sells). My professional life would not have been the same without your mentorship, encouragement and support.
It’s time for the next step in your journey. I wish you the best of luck!
If you can move it an inch, you can move it a mile…
Keep going,
Olle from Sweden
I am happy for Sonia, but my daily workout will not be the same. Her podcasts became more inspiring than listening to music at the gym. She has given me an incredible amount of knowledge to use in my business. I am sure the best is yet to come.
I’ve been following you on Copyblogger for what feels like forever (even if its only been since 2009).
Your advice and experience has proven invaluable for me and countless others and I’m just glad that that won’t come to a complete stop here or on Remarkable Communications.
Thank you Sonia for all you’ve done and will continue to do. I’m probably not the only reader who feels a deep level of gratitude for all you’ve contributed through posts and podcasts to help grow and sustain our businesses.
Good for you, Sonia! I wish you all the best. I’ve really enjoyed your posts over the years and look forward to following (stalking!) your future ventures!
That’s amazing Sonia!
It’s always been great working with you do thank you and wishing you all the luck in the world!
(Also, selfish plug for anything B2B-related in a course.)
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