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    Screwed Up Your Blog? Here’s What to Do

    Screwed Up Your Blog? Here’s What to Do

    Reader Comments (300)

    1. Struggling with traffic and not sure if I’m casting my net too wide. I don’t want to focus my posts on one topic because so many different things captivate me!

      You are amazing, this is an incredible gesture!

    2. Wow! An offer that is hard to refuse.

      My biggest problem is that my writing is inconsistent (very deep, complex posts or very conversational, practical ones). My traffic levels are steady but I need to grow them. I also want it to be the one-stop showcase of my professional side and it is falling short right now. I have a feeling they are intertwined and I do hope I can get a phone consultation with you.

      Thanks. Crazy good offer. 🙂

    3. I’d love to have more blog viewers but don’t know how to get there without revising my content to appeal to the mainstream PR/marketing reader.

    4. Wow! Well, here goes:

      My biggest frustration with blogging right now is it’s time to “grow up”, so to speak. I want to start moving into monetizing what I do. That means writing books (already started), upgrading the site, even changing the look and feel with a new theme more apt to money-making.

      But I have no idea where to start. The possibilities are so endless, it’s leading to a feedback loop of epic proportions! What I really need is a workable plan, I think.

    5. I originally started with two web sites for different purposes and two blogs but I want to simplify what I am doing and focus more on one personal growth through travel blog. I found your piece here from twitter and you are talking about my immediate question. Should I delete my old blogs if I start a new one? I’d appreciate your help.

    6. My biggest frustration is having 10 minutes to even write a blog post. Can Copyblogger help fine tune my blog and recommend a good tranquilizer for my three children?

    7. I would say that my biggest frustration as a new blogger is all the stuff I have to think about. Post frequency, length, promotion, guest posting, responding to comments, building and maintaining a following, on and on. I’ve decided that what’s most important is churning out great content on a regular basis, and all the rest will take care of itself. Right? How can I possibly know all the stuff I’m supposed to know right off the bat? How do I shorten the learning curve?

    8. I started blogging as a personal outlet and really didn’t care who read my blog. Now I would like to make it a more professional blog dealing with the services I am trying to sell: public relations, writing and editing. I’m not sure of the direction to go.

    9. One of my clients asked me yesterday … “how’s the blog thing working out for you? Are you getting any new customers?” I embarassingly said no but I’m building my brand as a local marketing expert. Truthfully, I don’t even know if my blog is doing that. I don’t see comments from readers. I’m getting page loads according to statcounter but I’m wondering if I am really making a difference.

    10. My biggest problem is deciding what the focus of my blog should be (aside from having the time to write my posts…seems that I launched at a particularly busy juncture in my life). Should I focus on one topic? Move my photos to a photoblog? Post about marketing, philsophy, photography, music, etc. in one blog? I guess the question is how should I present myself on my eponymous blog?

    11. I think my main problems are tech related, and because I’m too technically lame to resolve them, Google doesn’t know who I am, most of the time. I’ve been blogging at this site for two years and now have some contributing posters. We enjoy it, but it also seems sort of pointless if no one can find us so I’m thinking of bagging the whole thing. If you can help, I’ll send you a terribly delicious home cooked treat 🙂

    12. I am in the same boat as StretchyDollar. My degree is in something that I would love to blog about yet so many have already done it before me. Should I bite the bullet and just post it or find ways to create more unique content?

      I also struggle with motivation. As you will see, my posting has been rather erratic over the last 10 months and I cannot find that one thing that motivates me to post content every day.

      Thanks for doing this! Sounds like a great thing!

    13. It’s far easier for me to update any number of social media accounts than it is for me to update my blog. What I’d love is for my blog to incorporate postings and conversations from social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Delicious, and Flickr) while leaving breathing space for original, longer-form posts (which I’ve neglected far too long) to increase traffic and improve Google juice.

    14. I’d like to generate more leads. I’ve tried to use the blog to establish authority in how to hire a writer, but it’s getting no traffic (heard that one before?).
      Would I be better off investing all the blogging time and ideas in writing how-to articles for directories?
      Also, I can see that this is all a Zen-thing: the more you look as though you’re trying to get attention, the less attention you’re going to get. Once you figure that out…then what?

    15. I have trouble creating discussion through comments or any other medium frankly. I run a music educators blog and would love to communicate more openly with my audience to be able to share ideas.

    16. The first thing I want to say is that you rock! I can’t believe that you are doing this.

      I’ve fairly new to blogging, and I’m trying to figure out what I’d doing and where I should focus. I’ve been using the blog to document the building of a website, but I want to change it around. Should I start over?

      Thanks a ton!

    17. My issue is a push/pull between, well, push and pull. Personally I don’t like subscribing because I like to feel in total control over letting the Universe show me what to pay attention to, rather than shift the responsibility to automation. Yet I know how thin people’s attention is stretched so I want them to be able to get what they want how they want.

      The same thing goes for the selling of my art I suppose. Brian’s suggestion is really good, but it’s a strategy from outside. It’s not me. It wouldn’t feel authentic coming from me as I’m too transparent. I’m more about stories, mine and others. But then back to the scarcity of attention.

      I guess the issue is that my blog started as both a personal journal and as a way to connect with my audience. I like when it does both, but that’s about as much opposed to selling my art as possible.

      I might do exactly the opposite of what you’d suggest, but I would certainly appreciate another’s opinion. As I told Brian, I’ll keep asking why I’m not successful (and yes I have defined that for myself) until I am.


    18. Just started my blog a few weeks ago, but I’d love your advice on anything that could be more effective at first glance — length of posts, titles, etc. Working with Thesis theme. Thanks Jon!

    19. Everyone who visits my blog tells me that I have great content, and they visit my site repeatedly. However, I still can’t seem to get enough visitors. I have about 2000 people signed up for my blog updates, and it’s hit a plateau. I just can’t seem to break past the 2000 mark.

    20. What a generous offer! I’d be thrilled to be a recipient of your expertise and experience.

      My biggest frustration is connecting with people in a way that creates a desire for potentially life-changing info they don’t realize they need.

      Thanks for making this incredible opportunity available, Jon.

    21. What a generous offer, Jon! I am a portrait artist, but I want to attract portrait painting BUYERS, not other painters. So, I guess my biggest blog-prob is focus and content. So far my blog has been a this-is-what-I’m-painting-now thing. Some painters have said they appreciate the technique tips, but other than a few readers (mostly friends and family) I don’t know if anyone is out there. So, that’s another pressing blog-prob: finding the eyeballs. Thanks for any help you can provide, Jon!

    22. My big frustration? My blog is mature, but represents a “me” that doesn’t really exist any more. I started it when I was “cat herding” for Microsoft and developing content for big shows. Now I’m out of the Borg and working on my own, and it really doesn’t represent what I’m up to now.

      But I’m hesitant to just junk it all and start over.

    23. My biggest issue is the time it takes for me to put a blog post together. I feel I have to think about so many different things, and I’m generally in a hurry to post because I’ve procrastinated! I have about 3 different ‘themes’ for my posts, and I try to rotate those also.

      Awesome offer, Thank you so much!

    24. My biggest frustration is the struggle between writing the type of content that I want to write (the kind that contributes to learning), and the type that will pull in more traffic (restaurant reviews).

    25. Frustration…turning blogging success into dollars. Traffic is growing, blog is becoming a leader in the industry and gaining the attention of all the top manufacturers…but monitization is lacking…


    26. Jon, my biggest frustration is lack of a community. I used to be better at stimulating discussion but I became frustrated at the lack of participation and slacked on the “community focus” and now I’m not sure where to start to build it back up again.

      Thanks for taking the time to help us out!

    27. This sounds awesome. My biggest problem is getting traffic, considering I’m just starting out. Traffic is just trickling in. The little bit of feedback I get has been good, but still no traffic. I do know my design needs work too.

    28. Trevy,

      As an ex-blogger with traffic problems, I’d recommend moving over to SBI (Site Build It!) like I did.

      I ‘did as I was told’ by following its action guide and building nicely-written keyword- (and Google-) friendly content, and who’d have thunk it… up to 500 visitors yesterday! So something is working (and it’s more likely SBI than my having any expertise, believe me…).

      Great offer Jon by the way, really ‘paying it back’ in style. Bravo!


    29. Just getting started – actually have charted out a strawman for an editorial calendar and strategy. Getting hung up on setting up the graphics/header. Wanting to set this up so when I consult clients, I can show provide proof that it can be done professionally without lots of $$ for external design & maintenance support. P.S. Thesis is an extraordinary tool, great job.

    30. Getting my blog out there so people read it/getting people “in here” so they read my stuff, love what I have to say, sign up for my free product and end up on my mailing list. Need help with evaluating content, calls to action, links, key words etc… I’m new to all of this and NEED HELP. Would totally appreciate an op to talk with you for 1/2 hr. (lifecoachparadise.com/blog)

    31. Hello Jon,
      Tomorrow will be my 70th post since launching my blog just over 2 months ago.
      I’d love to find my balance between conversational and instructional .
      I love to write but I am not sure if what I write is what people love to read.
      Many Thanks for making this offer.

    32. Focus…and trying to find a way to make the topic interesting. I feel like everything has been said already. My blog posts are like my schedule – scattered. It’s too apparent when I’m off on a big project. I need consistency in posting, and probably to scale down the number of topics I’m attempting to write about.

      If you are handing out tranquilizers to Melissa kiddos, sign me up for some as well! And thanks for this amazing offer!

    33. WOW! I’m not going to hesitate on your very generous offer…My biggest frustration with my blog is that I don’t attract enough subscribers. I have been posting for about 1-1/2 years and I target a niche market. In part the problem is that I don’t take time to visit other blogs with similar target markets. Funny, just writing this brings clarity to the issue. Maybe you will have other suggestions too.

    34. Well, my blog ‘works’ but it can be better — and (as the first within the niche) others are looking for guidance on how to make their blogs effective. So our conversation would make a good blog entry (and create more publicity for you!)

    35. I’ve lost the plot! My inspiration has dried up and it shows in the writing. The lack of ideas and loss of determination has resulted in me abandoning the blog.

      As I write I cannot say I feel tempted to correct my malaise. Being rid of the albatross around my neck is liberating but…..

      Will I always wonder if only I kept at it would I turn the corner and reap the benefits of increased readership?

    36. At the behest of a do-it-yourself SEO house (they give advice to the masses, nothing personalized), I started a blog at the corporate site. Knowing next to nothing, we have it up and running, it looks similar to the rest of the corporate site, but that’s about it.

      We do not have a strategy. We have four contributors who have agreed to write 2-3 times a month. Very much the blind stumbling around the blind, with very limited leadership (oops, that’s supposed to be me). We’re so new at this, a kick in the shorts would be very appreciated.

    37. Just starting a new blog after 5 months of no blogging. My frustration? Avoiding any of the biggest mistakes up front.
      If I make you list of calls, great! If not, thanks for making this available to your readers.

    38. Wow Jon, I would love a one-on-one consultation with you! I’m new to blogging and my blog is hosted on blogger.com (getphysicalnow.blogspot.com). It’s more of a personal/training/mystuff blog but would like to tie more into my fitness education business.
      Questions – can I track traffice, links, bookmarking, other metrics using blogger .com or do I need something more sophisticated?

    39. Hey Jon,

      My biggest frustration is that I can’t focus on what I should blog about. I have only three blog posts, although I’ve been working on my WordPress website since December.

      My last blog post goes into detail about my inability to find a focus.

      My blog shouldn’t take you long to look at.

      Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing this.


    40. Wow Jon, I would love a one-on-one consultation with you! I’m new to blogging and my blog is hosted on blogger.com (getphysicalnow.blogspot.com). It’s more of a personal/training/mystuff blog but would like to tie more into my fitness education business.
      Questions – can I track traffic, links, bookmarking, other metrics using blogger .com or do I need something more sophisticated?

    41. I recently changed from posting new content once a week to posting new content twice a week, which I think is a good plan. My biggest frustration is finding the time (and the inspiration) to update my blog.

    42. I work for a nonprofit but haven’t found the right way to transition from the more formal newsletter type stories on our website newsfeed to a more informal blog.

    43. You are awesome for doing this.

      My blog is only a couple of months old, and I feel like I have good content. My biggest struggle right now is attracting new readers (in a fairly crowded niche) and engaging them.

    44. My biggest frustration with blogging has been getting to what I’ve heard called “Game Over.” Game over is simply where you decide in you head that this is what you want to do to feed your family. It’s being able to answer the question “What do you do?” with “I’m a writer and a blogger”.

      I’m accepting this more and more everyday. I’ve had a decent amount of early success, but know I have a long way to go before I can blog for food, rent, lights, etc… My struggle now is fully committing to this “game over” theory and as a result to start treating blogging/writing as a business.

      I’ve also been fortunate to been offered to contribute to a couple other blogs for compensation. While not great money, it would allow me to expand my writing skills and potentially development more freelance opportunities down the road.

      This is great, however, now I have to decide whether to take these opportunities or whether to concentrate all my time on my own blog ManVsDebt.com.

      If you can shed some light on some of these struggles, I’d love to talk!

    45. I’m trying to launch and struggling to come up with a name, USP and positioning for my blog.

      Slightly outside of the scope of what’s mentioned above but would still love to chat.


    46. I’m bubbling over with millions of ideas, but I don’t dare to start a blog again, because first, my manners are somewhat, hm, misunderstandable. Albeit I always said, I am a character in a series of childrens books that are prepared long-term.. But there is so incredibly much I watch and would love to comment on NOW….but then…the whole structure is so COMPLEX. Oh, may you one day be my copy-mentor!!! Because you want it.

    47. Jon. Wow. This is amazing what you are offering. Thank you.

      I would love more commenters, of course. Aside from that, page view stats have remained fairly consistent.

      But I feel as if my niche isn’t well-defined. And my content is all over the marketing landscape. I am staying away from some topics (Twitter, for example), which I have some experience with, because I fear that some of my readers don’t tweet and wouldn’t find my opinions/tips useful. On the other hand, my one recent on Twitter got lots of page views and more comments than usual.

      I guess what I’m saying is that I need more of a focus. And advice you can give me will be most appreciated. Thanks again for what you are doing.

    48. Jon,
      What a generous, wonderful offer!

      My blog is actually a whole website for parents, with several books worth of parenting info including an advice column. While parents can register on the site for my weekly teleseminar or coaching, and can upgrade their questions to get them answered faster for a small fee, everything else on the website is free. That includes a weekly radio show podcast, the advice column, and a daily inspiration email.

      My biggest challenge is helping more parents to discover the website.

      My second challenge is making a living from the site (coaching, teleseminars, ebooks, public speaking invitations) so that I can keep doing this work.

      My third challenge is that I am so busy with my advice letters, radio show, etc — all the interaction with parents that I love, including the writing — that I find it daunting to figure out the technical fixes that could help me build traffic. But I don’t yet have the budget to hire the technical folks.

      I would love any advice you can give me!


    49. My biggest problem is I’m a writer, not a designer or tech savvy, and can’t figure out bookmarking, where to find my subscriber list, and a bunch of other stuff there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do. But 30 minutes with you sounds like a great investment. A colleague referred me to your blog and it’s the one I read regularly!

    50. My partners and I just started blogging a few months ago. I think we’ve written some pretty insightful blogs and have a lot of great ideas. My biggest frustration, by far, is distribution. My target audience are CEO’s of internet businesses, I’m just not sure how to reach them. We don’t write blogs for the masses or the consumers.

      Your help would be greatly, greatly appreciated.


    51. My biggest frustration is knowing if my sales copy is compelling or not on my various product websites and whether my conversion rate is considered “good” or not. Traffic would be nice too, but I think it’s pretty good for a one-year old site (27K+ visitors, 50K+ pageviews per month). Can’t quit my day job yet, though, so I’d love any insight from a pro.

      And pricing my products & services is also difficult. Too low and you look “cheap”, but too high must turn people off especially in this economy. Tough balance.

      Crazy offer but way cool if I could “win”. 😀

    52. What an unbelievable offer! The content is always stellar here at copyblogger. I’m subscribed and appreciate all the advice.
      I’m a greeny–going on 5 months now. I’m making mistakes I don’t even know are mistakes yet. I started out for fun and realized this could be a business.
      I need to know the next step and I’m sure you’ll have ideas on what that is.
      Thanks again!

    53. I’ve been tasked with getting a blog started for our company. The trouble is I have no idea where to start. I write copy and PR and feel comfortable with SEO for the most part, but I need some general direction. Content is going to be industry related.


    54. My biggest blogging problems tend to relate to finding the time to post regularly… though before that it’s coming up with good ideas to begin with!

      Picking catchy titles are equally as difficult for me, too. I know I need to come up with a regular blogging schedule and set aside the time to just sit and write – I’d be happy with one post a week, but lately it’s been more like one post a month (or one post every 2-3 months, LOL).

      When I do sit to write, I can easily take 8-10 hours over several days write a decent post (much of that is staring aimlessly at the screen… which is part of the problem, too!)

      Any coaching would be much appreciated, as I know I could use the help. This is an amazing offer you’re giving away!

    55. Jonathan,
      We’ve got a great, two year old school blog with student and faculty contributors. Creative, well put together, good traffic (though it has taken a slight dip this year), but I’m having a hard time getting people to leave comments. Perhaps the content is not authentic enough? The strength in a blog, I think, is measured in engagement. I’d love to see more on ours.

    56. Like the others above, your offer is very gracious!! Thank you in advance.

      My problem is that I’m struggling to turn my readers/subscribers into clients. As an attorney, I’ve attempted to provide quality information to my readers with the goal of bringing in more clients, i.e. converting readers into clients. I’m not sure if my market is misdirected, if the information is either too banal or too complicated, or if I’ve just missed the point of the advice posted here.

      Any help or feedback would be terrific.

      Thanks again!!

    57. Thanks for the offer. My biggest frustration is driving traffic. We have good content, but not enough eyeballs. We are considering narrowing our niche/reach to start ups and dreamers with ideas, but who need help in getting somewhere. If we do that, what do I do with my more sophisticated visitors, do I sacrifice some people to reach a bigger long term goal? Do I create couple different blogs and segment the content?


    58. Hi Jon,

      I’d love some advice but looks like you’ll have a long list of people to get through!

      Main frustrations: getting subscribers, figuring out social bookmarking sites and producing good quality content in a short amount of time.

      Advice by email would be great too if the phone proves tricky.

      Many thanks,


    59. Am struggling to make a user friendly navigation. Should i go to the older posts and make the changes (which sounds scary anyway) or start from where i am. Also you can suggest some mistake unnoticed by me.

      This one is on blogger (blogspot). Also was thinking of shifting

      Stories of Shirdi Sai Baba to wordpress and getting Thesis theme for the same and work on it. Can that be done?

    60. I am here > “I tried and failed, tried again and failed again, and now aspiring to mediocre success with my next attempt.” I’ve blogged for others with success and cannot get into my own gig. Time is a critical factor but not the only barrier. Biggest frustration? Wanting to offer something fresh that doesn’t sound like every other communication blog, offered in short, concise bloggets. Looking forward to speeding past mediocre to compelling.

    61. Man you are smart – you are going to have writing topics out the wazoo!

      Okay, my frustration…figuring out the best use of space on my blog. Do I go “websiteish” or stay true to the blogging format? What should be on the main page? Utilizing the space that I have is very important to me…especially because first impressions are so crucial!

    62. I am just starting out (literally…only up a week!) and I want to get more traffic to my site and get people to comment (so far none). Also seems like people come and look at the home page, but don’t dig much deeper. Not sure if I’m overwhelming them with info? I would like to do my blog right from the start, rather than have to un-screw up any screw ups. I’m not sure if I qualify for your offer, but any advice you could give would be great. Thanks!

    63. Hi Jon,

      There are two main obstacles

      1. Design. I have one blog using Cutline and another using a magazine style theme. For my new blog that I want to be my main business one I am torn between the two styles (clean and simple vs. bells and whistles). I do know I’m going to use the top level domain as the blog address. (progress!)

      2. Monetization. Should I develop the new blog for a couple of months first before putting any monetization. Or should I start out straight away with Adsense and tracking to find out who my buying audience are?

      I guess it boils down to knowing where I am going with this 12 months down the road.

      Thanks for your time.


      P.S. I am happy for the call to be recorded/used as a case study (provided you edit out all the “Ahhh”s and “Duh! Stupid me”s).

    64. I currently combine my blog as my main website for my music studio – should probably separate them. Also working on authoring a book so I know my blog is an important component in marketing myself as an author. Get a lot of encouraging comments on content but need to figure out how to really make it work better: traffic, subscribers, promotion, etc.

    65. Probably too late with this, but my biggest frustration is. this: To care or not to care? I love getting traffic/comments, but it seems like the really successful bloggers do an enormous amount of networking and pour a tremendous amount of time/work into their blogs. I don’t have that kind of time, NOR the inclination. Kind of thought that a simple focus on content would be enough, but when I took a break from my networking efforts I saw a HUGE drop in traffic.

      Is there any way to be successful at blogging WITHOUT giving up all your spare time to maintain stats?

    66. Giving back – nice gesture! Great way to do some research too.

      Here goes: My blog, Clarity Rules, is something I think is very important, and worth spreading the word about. I don’t do it for money, I do it out of a feeling that it’s right. With so much information to get across to each other, it’s a crime to make amateurish mistakes in being clear.

      My challenge is this: As a part-time blogger, I would really like to enable the blog for more user-generated content. There are some amazingly clever people out there who could contribute a lot to each other, and I would like Clarity Rules to be one of the principle hubs. I would like it to become a very inter-connected tribe, and a link to others.

      A chat sounds great. Pick me! Pick me!!

    67. Pretty sure I’m too late for your generous offer (I think giving back is important too, and have tried to do just that for years)–still, your help would be much appreciated. My blog-blog, above, has been around a long time; my newish gallery sales blog has problems, and I KNOW I need help there! It’s here, if you have time… http://cathyjohnsonart.blogspot.com/

      Best, and grateful for your offer in any case!

    68. I am taking you up on your offer of personal time with me on my blog. I just can’t seem to get any traffic. My blog represents my passion for photography, the concepts, the techniques and the do’s and don’ts.
      Please help me..

    69. My frustration is I am new at all of this. I want to talk to people about art and life and how the two fit together but keep reading lots of advice and not knowing which to follow. I just want to try to raise my profile and generate interest in my art and art in general.

    70. My frustration is that I can’t seem to figure out what interests people consistently, so of course I have very little direction. I would love a consultation, thanks for doing this.

    71. I really appreciate your words of wisdom on blogging. It is a fascinating subject and according to your articles you are right in the middle of it. I definitely would like to talk to you about my blog. Keep writing!

    72. Thanks for this post–truly helpful. BIGGEST FRUSTRATION RIGHT NOW is Transitioning from blogger to self-hosted and concerned about loosing subscribers.

    73. Wow, so cool.

      I have gotten a TON out of knowing and talking with Jon, and if there are still any slots, I can 100% recommend taking him up on this offer.

    74. Hi there! we run a very popular twitter blog (hitting 200 RTs and 100’s of comments regularly). My biggest issues right now are 2 things – 1) How do we slowly diversify out of this niche?, 2) We started off with a very basic styling, how do we slowly go about a launching a new style?

    75. Hi – I am interested in inspiring midlifers to throw out cultural perceptions of aging and to get involved in saving our living planet. I also have expertise in healthcare and can write articles on how to be an empowered healthcare consumer. I am in the middle of revising my web site. It will now become Adventures in Midlife and Extraordinary Life Design is going away. My brand is to view life as an adventure. I would love to have you give me 30 minutes of your wisdom. Thanks for the offer.

    76. Wow, what a kind and generous offer! I guess my greatest frustrations are traffic and comments. I’d also love an objective opinion on the blog overall.

      Thank you!

    77. Thanks, Jon. This is good, solid advice on fixing what’s not working by looking at the big picture….and having a goal. Thanks for reminding us to stop nitpicking every little phrase and get back to basics. Sometimes we can’t hear this enough. And the free offer is always a nice perk!

    78. Hi Jon,

      Just by these comments alone, you’ll be overflowing with post ideas for the next 20 years 🙂

      My biggest obstacle is getting noticed, getting recognized and going from someone who writes a blog to someone who writes a blog you MUST READ.

      I’m not sure if what I’m writing about is over people’s heads, under them or just right. I try to write a mix of posts for people of different skill levels because as a designer, I get clients who are like many of the commenters here – they’ve either got a week-old blog and are thinking “now what?” or they’ve had it for years and are thinking “is this it?”

      How can I increase my blog’s popularity and reach?

    79. Lots and lots of content during the past year but little traffic. I need to rethink my style and approach. Appreciate the offer. It’s amazing. Thank you from Canada.

    80. My biggest frustration is how to differentiate myself from 60 million other blogs and get thousands of readers, thousands of advertisers, and thousands of product buyers. Maybe I need to change my focus and product from green awareness and action plans to porn?

    81. I spend so much time on my content that it leaves me little time for the marketing aspect. I have to find a way to locate parents and teachers who will really appreciate it. I know they’re out there, but many of them are not familiar with the “blog thing” yet.

      I also need to find ways to monetize the blog without turning people off by showing too many ads, but don’t know where to start. If I were to accept advertising, I would only be willing to work with an extremely reputable organization.

      I would really appreciate any feedback you could give me. Thank you so much for taking time out to do this!

    82. Of all the commentary, I want it all!

      I have too many problems and opportunities. I’d really want to know your responses to all of the interviews.

      If I were to select one, I’d want to have a template for my blog(s) – and, I know that there are many available. My eyes cross, viewing so many options. (I am also a total klutz, so even the Thesis WordPress template worries me.)

      Thank you for the opportunity to counsel.

    83. While I don’t exactly fit the description you’re referring to, I’d still appreciate some advice. My blog is new and not screwed up (yet) but getting some feedback on it would be appreciated!

    84. My biggest frustration is attracting my target audience. I am trying to use social media to promote my blog but I’m concerned that I may come off as too spammy. How do I attract readers that are actually interested in my content and build a community around my brand?

    85. My biggest challenge comes in two parts: 1) improving a blog that was horribly managed over the past 2-3 years for a 40- year-old company that currently has over 4,000 SKUs and a large, loyal customer base; and 2) attracting readers from a demographic that is very well defined yet hard to reach through social media (older). It’d also be nice to grow readership simply to maintain my humble existence. The purpose of our blog isn’t necessarily sales, but building value and branding…so I think.

    86. What’s bugging me the most about my blog/site? I suck at marketing. More accurately, I’m too shy. Plain and simple.

      I’m kicking myself for not having found this site earlier. You know I’ll be browsing through back-posts….


    87. Hi Jon,

      What a way to give back to the community! I’m excited to see what comes of this.

      My biggest frustration has been focus. I want to monetize my site and drive traffic, but at the same time I don’t want every post to be a desperate plea for attention. There are so many options, ideas, and ways to go…that often times it seems overwhelming.

      Good luck to all.

    88. Wow, Thanks for the generous offer! I’m all over it!
      My biggest concern is that my blog is confusing. I get great feedback about it and reasonable traffic, although I’d like more. I’m not growing my list as much as I’d like and I’m not converting visitors to clients. Would love some help with that!

    89. Hello – what a generous offer, you definitely have a new follower…

      Anyway, my biggest problem is “figuring out where the line is…” By that I mean that we are trying to figure out how broad or specific to get in our blog, which is in the debt area. We don’t do debt negotiation/consolidation/settlement, etc., and focus on just a small part of getting out of debt (the “debt snowball”).

      I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’ve heard this and I’m probably wrong, but there isn’t a ton of stuff you can write about the debt snowball – sure, I can stay busy for a few weeks or months and will once we get our demo application finished and start blogging again and actually start promoting the site.

      But, I don’t think I can write a ton consistently in that part of it, which would mean writing about other debt/money/finance issues, and there might just be one or two other people out there that do that! (I did this with our very first test blog posts, which I made a series out of. It was so general that it is just “me too” stuff and didn’t mention anything about the debt snowball).

      Sorry to babble so much, but that is the issue I struggle with every day…


      Scott Harvey

    90. My biggest problem is ‘I’. The posts I have written are mostly about me or my troubles. I come across many interesting things as a (software engineer- turned) copy intern, but penning them down with no ‘I’ is proving to be a big headache. I haven’t posted since January for the same reason.

      You wouldn’t want to consider me for the sheer ineptitude of ; still, I will consider this comment as a first step towards correcting my digital part- accepting the existence of the problem.

      Thanks a lot for the offer!

    91. I believe my blog is professional and delivers good content – and is more focused than ever. However, I’m not getting much traffic. Does that mean I “don’t get it?”

    92. My biggest frustration is getting the conversation going. On my old marketing blog I got decent traffic and they stayed awhile, but didn’t comment. Don’t want to have the same thing happen on my new blog. Both are business blogs and perhaps a bit too businessy? I need advice on how to be more engaging — my friends say I sound “too corporate.” Yikes.

    93. Needle in a haystack? Pea under the mattress? Please find me…stick around…subscribe, I’m for real & I do good things for people’s souls & spirits. I give good content for my niche audience & people love it word-of-mouth, but how can I get more people to come visit me on my blog? I read copyblogger all the time, and I do listen & learn & apply, but…
      Thank you so much for your kind & generous offer!

    94. Thanks for the giveaway!

      I’ve been blogging for a while in a most hap-hazard fashion. And yes, I did mean to hyphenize that word. I would love to ‘drive’ traffic to my blog but have no clue if I currently have any at all or how to check my stats; I don’t get comments, which is probably a clue.. I doubt it helps that the blog itself has kind of ‘wandered’ from one topic to another, and that I don’t post regularly.

      I’m ready to change my amateur gameplay and write content that is less about me and more about what I have learned from my work and switch to sharing techniques, methods and other discoveries. Monetizing is not the issue… at least, not yet. Do I change title? Rip the old blog & start another? Or just post to say, ‘its changing, folks’ & veer off on my new path… so many choices; so clueless.

      Whether I am picked for this or not, I will stay tuned.

    95. Thank you for your offer.
      My blog is about art, specifically sculpture. I enjoy the writing, never lack for ideas, but am wondering if this is really a micro niche. People say they like sculpture in the same way they like walks on the beach- ie they never go IN the water… I’d love to get a fresh outside perspective as I’m obviously in the water, swimming.

    96. What a wonderful idea! Thanks for the chance to speak with a blogging bigwig! LOL

      My biggest frustration is that my blog takes a while to load if you are on dialup. I know statically there are still a ton of people with slow internet connections so do I worry about people with slow connection speed? How much do I consider this? If I start removing things…what things as I find value in the items on the landing page? I have had maybe two people comment to me on the slow loading of my page (which doesn’t load slow for me). HELP!


      P.S. Simplicity is a virtue…that I don’t possess! LOL

    97. This is a great post…I’ve been thinking about changing or refining topics lately and I plan on using this advice to do so.

      My #1 problem is feeling comfortable with defining my topic and keep that audience engaged with comments.

    98. Your generosity is appreciated. I will be mindful to follow your example.

      My weblog evolved as a response to constant requests for career advice. Our readership, according to google analytics is fairly consistent 500-800 readers, and they average over 2 minutes on the site.

      However, my distribution through PHP list created spamcomplaints. I’ve had great difficulty getting folks to “subscribe” or “comment,” but am constantly told that “they love my blog and read it often.” They just don’t comment.

      I’d like to become more mainstream and less regional, but am not confident that I will be interesting to those who don’t know me. – I’m a little fish in an even smaller pond. Also not sure how “go regional.” Would appreciate your opinion. of what I’m doing. Many thanks, Eliza

    99. First, thank you so much for your time and willingness to contribute. With only 30 phone conversations, the odds are against me. But what the heck, the odds of a successful start up are commensurate.

      We’ve started our real estate blog for over a year now. Quite honestly, when you look at our blog I feel ashamed of how much progress we’ve made so far. We truly desire to be the best place to go for Seattle Real Estate information, education, and that sort of thing.

      To date we’ve made progress, but fallen far short of our goals. I believe content plays a huge role, but with the effectiveness of it thus far I doubt whether (me) spending more time on blogging right now is the best use of time. The opportunity cost is high especially when the alternative is closing deals and prospecting.

      Check out the site, I would love to get your expert opinion.

    100. Hey Jon,

      I recently started a travel/tourism blog for the LA area, as a way to promote another website I’m working on along the same theme. The trouble I’m having is connecting with other bloggers, knowing who’s out there, and knowing how to approach people in forming blogging relationships.

      Thanks for the great advice,

    101. I have recently started my site, and by biggest problem is branding and finding my niche. Traffic comes in waves, but I am having a really hard time find a good way to market my site since I have made it fairly broad. Great post, and I would love to get any thoughts you may have.


    102. Holy moley! How can I resist?

      I am a fantasy/sf novelist. I’d like to draw in more genre readers rather than only other writers. My blog started out as a warehouse of sorts that provided intel to other writers, but now that my first book is out, I’d like to reach out to readers and potential fans.

      And comments! I’d love to learn how to get people to comment more. They seem to prefer to email me over commenting publicly.


    103. I had a blog, was thoroughly frustrated, and so redesigned my site to be more of a “stand alone” site. Now, I’m moving back to blogging with a companion subscription site. My main problem? I like encouraging women. I’m a poetic, wordy writer; copywriting is hard for me. I wasn’t a very successful blogger. Now, I recognize the need to sell to my list and build demand for my products: products that have value. The question is: how can I use my blog to serve both ends: to sincerely help women with sugar addiction, emotional eating, and body image while also selling to my list and building demand for my products and subscription site?

    104. Jackpot!

      Where can I find, never mind target, the everyday folks that are most likely to reap value from (and as a result, subscribe to) our blog?

      How do we attract “folks-without-blogs-to-promote,” who just stop by to enjoy our content without ulterior motives? Thus far, only other bloggers leave comments. I’m not complaining. I sincerely appreciate the genuine support from the blogging community.

      But I’m just looking for more everyday folks.

      Love the blog!
      Love the gesture!
      Love it!

    105. thanks for the generous offer! it seems like you’ve hit a nerve with all the responses. I’m a new blogger (couple of months), and have alot to learn. How to get more traffic, do I stick to the main subject (keeping pets healthy) or wander off-topic, writing interesting copy…HELP!

    106. Even though I’m an SEO copywriter and do some guest blogging on a PA tourism site, I have a hard time blogging for myself, outside of what I do for clients. I do some other freelance writing on the side and want to turn my personal blog into a sort of portfolio/space just for me, but I’m constantly running into roadblocks. When I want to write, I don’t know what I want to write about and when I know what I want to write about, I don’t even know where to start. Factor in my desire to get better at editing and organizing my writings and you’ve got a very frustrated blogger. *explode*

      I feel like my personal blog has little to no direction right now, but at the same time, I like how I mix in reviews and rantings with recipes and motivational posts. Any sort of help or feedback is MUCH appreciated.

      Thanks so much for making Copyblogger so awesome! I use it frequently as a resource and respect it greatly for it’s ability to tread along the blogging/copywriting boundary with grace.

      Thank you!

    107. Who’s going to be the 1st commentor here to compile an excel spreadsheet of everyone’s name, url, and issue to make it easier on Jon, and send it to him to demonstrate that they know the principles taught in Partnering Profits, and thus get on his personal radar screen?

      Tick, tock. 😉

    108. I think my biggest frustration is style and navigation.

      Is there some better way to define the content I have on now, or what. I think i have a solid site, just am curious about where i can push it now.

    109. My biggest frustration seems to be with my readers. They rarely comment and respond with silence when I ask what they want. My traffic is growing very slowly — which I accept because my topic isn’t one that people lose sleep over — but I lost about a third of my RSS subscribers when I accepted a paid ad, even though affiliate links are all over my sidebars. And then I had to get rid of the advertiser and refund their money due to other issues. I’m passionate about my topic and enjoy it, but I’d like a little more validation after nearly a year of blogging – especially some of the monetary kind.

    110. Thanks for the offer! My challenge is simple (though I probably have several…): finding good, creative topics to blog on while managing the pounding day-to-day workload.

      Keen to hear how (and what time of day) to devleop good, interesting ideas to blog on, and then how to craft them without large time investments, so can post regularly.

      Thanks, Mark

    111. Good trick and it worked with me 🙂
      My concern at the moment . Where to place the ads to earn something but not to disturb my message

    112. Hi there, great blog post and amazing offer. Thank you.

      I would like to figure out how to drive more traffic to my blog posts and I am working on a product. How much of my blog posts should reflect the content on my upcoming ebook?


      Iyabo Asani

    113. Hi

      I lost my Job in January. Started Crunched!, a satirical blog about the credit crunch in London. It was a very minor hit with 50 readers at its peak.

      Some positives came out of it. I’ve been complimented by two professional writers. My friends also appreciated my blog for a while but the novelty has now worn off.

      I’m no longer Crunched job wise, and I’ve run out of steam.

      No one is reading my blog apart from my sister and a spam bot!

      I need a fresh start. I want to keep the humour and the marketing bits. I’m thinking of writing a blog about the tide of emotions one experiences while launching a small web based biz bit

      I would like you to help me please. Thanks for your generous offer

      PS. I’m also sick of the way it looks.

    114. I’m obviously late to the party here, I’ve passed out in an armchair and somebody drew a mustache on my face with a sharpie. So although I’d love a phone consultation and certainly believe I could use it, I’d like to just say that what you’re doing is super cool and really generous. Right on!

    115. Hi Jon, thanks for the great Blog. I do enjoy reading it. Also, thanks for the first two chapters of your Partnering Profits eBook. I’ll have to pass on your offer though. You see, this is my biggest problem – sorting through all the well meaning folks like yourself who seem like they should be able to help me to find the one who really can help me develop an online business. It seems everyone who has had some measure of success has some kind of membership plan going. If you really could help me why not work with me in exchange for a lifetime residual on my earnings? If you can really help me, you’ll make money. Imagine! What if you helped 1000 bloggers into profit and were earning a residual on all of them. Teaching and mentoring are noble pursuits. Many, many people are successful in their professions but lack the ability to pass on their knowledge. If you would like to discuss a results oriented relationship please let me know.

    116. What a thoughtful thing to do. Generosity always has a ripple effect –for yourself and for those who hear of it–it is simply put–inspiring.

      My blog is new (3 months). I want to make it a blistering success. Defined by (1)number of readers, (2)comments from readers that help me realize I am making a difference, (3)contributing to the success of others, artists and art/life appreciators with helpful ideas and stories that encourage belief in ones own unique purpose and abilities. I would love feedback from (1) an experienced eye, (2) and objective eye, (3) and one with an eye to the future. The blog is one aspect of what I am building towards and it is my desire to make it excellent in every way that I can.
      Screwed Up. (1) Type of blog I don’t want to have. (2) Person I would have to be to pass up on such a generous offer….!

    117. There is a good blog hiding in there! I have a lot to say about becoming “fluent” as an entrepreneur to help those changing from being employees or freelancers. But I am all over the place. I’m using the blog to write a book.

      I switched to Thesis and am a little lost with all the power it gives.

      I could use help narrowing my topic and coming up with tags and categories to organize it better.

      And even if you don’t pick me — you gave me an opportunity to define my blog problems. So thank you for that!!

    118. My frustration comes from the fact that some of my topics/headlines seem to be “winners” and some just bomb!
      I’ve used google key words from time to time and other times I’ve commented on topical information.

      I have one post, “Are you a muffin top trying to be a six pack”: (http://fitoverfourty.wordpress.com/2008/06/04/are-you-a-muffin-top-pretending-to-be-a-six-pack/) that has averaged about 20 hits per day since last June. There are others that initially get good results, but then they are never view again.
      What am I doing wrong? I wish I knew.

    119. Been blogging since 2002, the Abundance Blog up since 2004. Goals: Offer great content and increase followers. They increase but only a few a week. Don’t get comments, tried your advice many times. My content is all over the place. Please choose me. Please, please, please.

    120. Just moving to wordpress thesis from typepad and setting up web pages as well as the blog page.
      I could really do with an educated experienced eye telling me what to twiddle for a cohesive look and sound as it still isn’t hanging together really well yet I don’t think.
      Copy is work in progress.

      WHAT a fantastic offer…you lovely lovely man.
      Please say I’m not too late.

    121. Started the 31 Days to Building Better Systems blog about 10 days ago. On day 8. Have editorial calendar but having trouble — writing long — need help with setting up an outline and writing to that. I have ADD and outline is much more difficult. Need help with setting up a system for delivering this. Want to do more of these in the future. Please choose me.

    122. Starting new blog. Goal 1st of June. Setting up design now. Need suggestions on layout/design and content. Working on editorial / publishing calendar now with themes. Need suggestions, ideas, feedback. I think I know what I need yet I know I’m limited to my own thinking. Need fresh ideas and thoughts and sounding board.

      Please choose me. Please, please, please.

    123. I think I have something that may be worth taking more seriously and bringing to the next level. I’m unsure if I’m delusional or should trust my instincts. I need someone to be blunt about my potential (or lack thereof).

      Thanks for the generosity.

    124. I’m not really sure we are using our Blog feature correctly. We put up some items, but can’t get customers to interact with it. Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.

    125. I am not to thrilled about the design of my sight. And I can’t seem to make my visitors stick, I get a good number of hits from carnivals and such but Then I seem to be back to where I started.

    126. My biggest frustration is getting traffic and comments, understanding how best to get back links and writing more content. I can come up with topics but it’s like pulling teeth to write on each topic. I know I can write but I’m not sure why I make it so hard. Oh yea and reading traffic stats is very overwhelming to me. I just don’t get it but then again it took me over a year to finally grasp the concept of SEO and keywords ha ha.

    127. I’m struggling with marketing the blog and upping the readership. I took over management of this blog for a mentor of mine and want to make it explode — the core ideas of the blog and the entrepreneurial movement are awesome, and have changed my life, and I want to expand the influence of these ideas.

    128. Building footprint in the greenspace is something of a challenge, alot of people want my attention and time, and i am thinking even with 4 bloggers working for us, that attracting more talented writers that can also incorporate visual presentation is the key. Lots of people THINK they can write, and Think they can select photoart, and messup the uploads.

      I have a virtual magazine which is yet a step more in visual presentation in that its designed to fill the screen of a widescreen user. http://www.ctngreen.com/mag

      same problem. finding talent that writes nonverbose, concise and has visual aptitude. Are they out there? how do i attract talent and marketers that prefer the design levels we use?

    129. I am struggling with knowing who I am as a blogger. I know I have something of value to say but I second guess myself about what that might be and then I spend too much time worrying about what it looks like.
      I got all excited about a new brand I created and I know I’m on the right track with it. I just do not know how to consistently write in a way that is authentically me and get other people excited about it.
      I so need help. You rock! I love that you’re doing this.

    130. Wow, what a flood of responses you have already!

      I’ll make this quick, then. My editorial team and I write a “behind the scenes” blog for a newsmagazine for radiology professionals. Our biggest problem, in my opinion, is connecting with our readers. I am never sure what kind of tone to use. After writing newsy articles that are very objective, we tend to play it safer when we write in our blogs. I’d like to find grittier topics that grab attention but still allow us to be credible sources of information.

      Thanks for doing this.

    131. Thanks for this amazing offer Jonathan! My biggest issue with my blog is getting people to comment. I get a few comments here and there, but other than that, there’s not much interaction on my blog. I’d really like there to be more, because I feel like I will be able to serve my readers better if I have a better understanding of what their issues are and what help they require to get their writing done.

      Another issue I have it my traffic. Although it’s pretty steady (about 100+ visits a day), it’s not as high as I’d like it to be. I’ve tried a few different things (and I’ve had some lovely readers take it upon themselves to retweet my posts as well as post links to my blog in writing forums and on social bookmarking sites), but nothing seems to get me more than a day or so of higher traffic before it goes back to “normal.”

      What can I do to improve this situation?


    132. What a fantastic thing to offer! I hope you’ll consider summarizing the results of your consultations for us, if some of your consultees do not object to having their blog page or method critiqued. Like,…”check out this blog, here is what I recommended to the author…” I bet you run into the same issues frequently and you could leverage that 15 hours of advice geometrically for all the other folks who learn better from examples/case studies. I hope you will consider it.

    133. My biggest frustration after 1.5 years of blogging is that my growth has stagnated. It seems like the harder I work, the more I just stay in the same place… in fact, while my subscriber numbers have shown slow growth, my page views have started to decrease.

      I’d love to get some input on how to get my blog out of the rut it is in.

      Thanks for your support!

    134. Our blog caters to vegetable gardeners. Our frustrations center around wanting to become a resource that people want to visit instead of a place they happen to come across because of a Google search.

      There isn’t a lot of hot news about gardening to bring people in — people generally read about gardening to learn how to do something. We want to provide that gardening information and “how-to” advice to our audience and at the same time stand out from the thousands of other resources on the same subject.

      How can we engage our readers and make them want to return again and again? How can we establish some authority and get our name out there? Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you!

    135. Have been stalling in starting a blog, which I really, really, need to do for all the reasons you state above…..don’t know what content to include, don’t know how to format, basically clueless – would love your help!

    136. Bet you never expected this many comments! Anyway, here goes. I have an art portfolio website and two blogs. One blog has a following mostly of artists.
      In the newer one I’m trying to reach current and potential customers. I’m floundering. Buy it now buttons are crass, plus I cannot exhibit the piece in brick and mortar, if there is a button. There is only one to sell. Do art collectors even seek out blogs? Do the follow them? What would they want to read about? How do I attract a customer base?
      p.s. Do you offer a paid half hour with you? Or help by email?
      Thank you.

    137. Thanks, Jon! You brave soul, you. I serve home owners, home builders, and owner builders. The goal with my blog is to improve relationships between builders and their clients through education. Few are coming. No one is commenting. This is a perfect time for help as I’m in the process of upgrading the blog for one, and secondly, I’m going to be launching a video blog.

      Driving targeted traffic, and income are the big issues. HUGE actually. Sustaining the business during this change is important but, I’m looking to build a brand for the long haul. I look forward to your help!

      Thank you.

    138. I’m kind of struggling with just getting started. I have so many ideas for blog posts, but I feel like I want to get my design right first. I really need some help with my design, and want to implement a few things, but I don’t really want to pay someone to do it for me. I just don’t feel the blog itself is ready for primetime. Thanks.

    139. Thanks for the offer of help!

      FYI About ten years ago I started a website–www.coachjerry.com–a website for parents and coaches of kids who participate in youth sports.

      The site attracted a fair audience but never really took off. I was not website savy at the time (nor am I much “savior” today) so my son acted as webmaster and created the format and updates while I provided the content.

      My problem is to translate the web site into a blog.

      I hoped to start that process by striking out on my own using WordPress and an introductory article. But that is as far as I have gotten.

      I have no clue how to do what I want to do–which is to translate the elements of the website to a blog containing the archived articles/letters and responses from the original site as well as frequent new commentary.

      I have a real passion for my topic but sure could use some guidance in creating the new blog.

      Thanks for reading–I look forward to your assistance.

      Coach Jerry

    140. whoops, i hit publish early. Anyway, i started a killer blog about a year ago and i’m getting ready to repurpose, redesign and repackage it and blow it up for round two. Would love your advice. Also getting ready to start another totally different one. Let’s talk! Cheers and thanks

    141. People say my content is cute and informative, but I have very few repeat readers. Most of the google hits on my blog don’t wait long enough for the page to actually open and I feel all my hardwork is going stale

    142. Hey, this is nice, and brilliant. Good idea! My biggest frustration with my blog is that I think I’m writing good content but very few people are reading it. That can’t be good. Don’t know what I need to fix about the blog, or where I need to just figure out how to network.

    143. You rock! 🙂

      One of my blogs has what I think is a neat and unique concept that I haven’t seen anyone else doing- actually following a single person on her dating adventures and coaching her, so everyone can learn from her successes and failures!

      But I admit, I haven’t a clue what I am doing or how to drive traffic!!! So, it sits there- with little attention.

      I know I am here to help fill the world with loving soulmate relationships that last, but I need some help to reach the people I am meant to serve!

      Dr. Jenn

    144. Hi Jonathan! I’m doing something pretty adventurous with my blog but I can sense some problems. My blog is about Art & Illusion: imagination and magic characters oriented towards art, illustration, character design, etc.

      I have a blog experiment going on called Creature Workshop where my readers vote and collaborate by giving ideas about the new characters and it includes giveaways. It’s been running for 2 weeks, although my blog is 2 years old. I’m doing this in order to know my real audience better, connect with them directly and also make decisions on my future projects & products.

      The problem I can sense so far is that I’m having a hard time reaching my real target audience and keep their interest in the project. I’d love to hear what you have to say about it.

    145. I don’t know how to attract readership more than just my friends — and the cycle of too few readers and not enough honest conversation doesn’t help me post much more than rants. I know that I should read and comment on other blogs in my field, but I’m not sure how to find blogs that are similar (maybe my niche is too focused?) or that have the scope I want for back-and-forth communication (basically, posting on a blog that’s thoughtful but small enough to have someone actually see my comment and respond). Am I asking too much?

    146. The blog associated with Fantastic Toe is (supposed to be) one of the main ways I generate traffic to the site. The problem is, it’s not particularly effective: I get about the same number of visitors every day; I have a high bounce rate; there are tons of shoe blogs already. I’ve experimented with many different content strategies, but nothing has busted me out of the rut I’m in. So, your help would be greatly appreciated!

    147. Thanks for the excellent post and the great offer. I’ll try and keep it short.

      I write a blog about home improvement product and tools, with no lack of good topics to write about. Because the tools/products all “do something,” video seems to be the way to tell the best review. At the same time, I really like to write, I didn’t really set out to be a vlogger and making videos – even short ones – takes a lot of time. In the end, I just don’t get to post as often as I’d like.

      Can you help me see this from a different perspective?

      Many thanks, Tony

    148. Jon, Shane makes a good point! Rather than send you a spreadsheet that would be out of date within minutes, here’s a query the CopyBlogger crew can run against the WordPress database with phpAdmin to give you the list.

      select comment_author, comment_author_email, comment_author_url, comment_content from wp_comments where comment_post_ID = X and comment_approved = 1

      Replace X with the ID of this post.

      There are many different ways you could filter all the comments to help you choose the ones you’d like to work with. Here are a few scenarios to consider and the sql clause you could add to the query for each to get the described results:

      -Only people that included their blog name
      and comment_author_url != “”

      -Only people that included their email address
      and comment_author_email != “”

      -People that personally addressed Jon
      and comment_content like ‘%Jon%’

      -People that said Thanks or Thank You
      and comment_content like ‘%Thank%’

      -The first 30 to respond
      order by comment_date_gmt asc limit 30

      Of course it’s just coincidence that my comment matches all of these criteria…

    149. I would love to have advice about where I should put my energy. I grew three blogs successfully, but ended up closing two. My current blog is doing fine, but it can and should be better.

      My passion is helping others start blogs and build their brands and I offer tutorials to that end. I’ve spent a large portion of my time helping others build their blogs into successful brands, but am stagnating on my own blog. I have many ideas, but I’m overwhelmed by them all and have trouble just knowing where to start.

    150. My issue is that I don’t know who I am. I mean, in real life, I know who I am. But as a blogger? I’m just not sure. Yes, I’m a mom, so I realize that makes me a mommy blogger. But I don’t want to talk about JUST being a mom. I also work full-time in PR. I also scrapbook. And my faith is important to me. And I like to watch TV. And read books. And eat.

      So – there’s just a lot of things that I do and like that seem to be blog topics. But I’m not sure I’m doing myself any favors by writing a little bit on each of these topics.

      I have read over and over that a personal blog should be about whatever a person is passionate about. I get it. But I just haven’t been able to put it into practice yet.

      Help? (And thank you for this kind offer!)

    151. My problem is I don’t want to use sex to sell reading my blog or use outrage or the ridiculous. I’m an old lady (not really but probably by blog reader standards) with lots of good advice, great ideas, lots of biz experience (corporate, entrepreneurial, small biz). My blog has a very small following, my college kids say they love it and I can tell because I actually hear them talking about my blog content, reading blogs I recommend, etc. So… I need help figuring out whether it’s worth trying to expand my readership or just write for pleasure and a legacy for my kids. I’m a great fan of Thesis. I’d be honored to have 30 minutes with you. Nancy
      Dr. Nancy: what I tell my kids about… education, family, marriage, money, work, and other life stuff…

    152. I must say your offer is most generous. I think one problem is that my blog traffic has plateaued.

      I can get people excited about new product trends but I really want them excited about my abilities as a designer. I want to write blogs that do a better job of selling my abilities and personal branding…ya know, bring me customers.

      I hope to be talking to you on the phone very soon!

    153. What an amazing offer, perhaps the response to your article should teach us all something about our own blogs – give your readers what they want and they will respond!

      Our blog has been running for almost five years. We had quick success and for a long time were the only real estate blog in our area. Today we have an excellent following, tons of trafic and get a lot of our business directly from our blog. However, I feel like we’ve hit a plateau… everything needs to be a bit better – the design, the tools, the writing. I don’t think the look of our blog reflects the quality of the content, or the services we offer offline. We are a very small company (4 Realtors) with a big online presence but I fear it is starting to wane as others have caught up to us. Any advice you can offer us would be greatly appreciated.

      PS – We are so looking forward to hearing Sonia speak at the Inman News Bloggers Connect conference in August!

    154. Attempting to fix a few items and BAM! Things got all screwed up. Before I move forward I need to get the side bar fixed on the blog. And then…the need for traffic and conversions (sounds like a broken record, right?). I just need a little direction, should I turn right or turn left? or do
      I need a whole new map (direction)? Thanks for your comments!

    155. I started my blog after I finished school to keep myself writing. I now want to freelance full-time. I want to move my blog to wordpress.org, gain new readers, and start getting more clients. I’m just not sure how to do any of this. I’m also having a hard time figuring out who is reading my blog. I need to know my audience better.

    156. Hi, I have a blog on wordpress its http://www.caregiverrelief.wordpress.com And its been going for almost a year. But I can’t seem to get more than 20 visitors in any given day. I tried what I could, even offered free stuff, but I can’t get a loyal steady stream of readers. I know part of it is my posting inconsistantcy. But I have been frequent with my posts, in spurts, but never saw a jump in readership.

      I wonder how people can find me. I use the keywords that I think are germain, but not luck. By the way, my blog is for babyboomers, specifically caregivers who are taking care of a family member with Alzheimers. so I use keywords: alzheimers, caregivers, caregiving, stress, etc. NO LUCK.
      I also tried changing my blog to wordpress.org, but that was WAY too hard and complecated.
      I think I am missing something easy and obvious, but have no idea what that might be. I’ve hoping some generous spirit like you would come by and give the secret ingrediants.

      Any help or advice, you could help me with would be great.
      thanks, Donahue Vanderhider, MSG (gerontologist not chinese food additive).

    157. I could benefit from a good copywriting conversation about how to invite visitors to become readers, persuade readers to participate in the community, and convince the community to support and promote the blog.

    158. Wow, you sure got a lot of comments on this blog. Maybe I could try offering a 30 minute free consultation on my blog too…. Somehow I feel that wouldn’t work as well.

      My biggest problem is a combination of getting inspired and then taking the time to post the blogs. I have a ton of ideas but implementing them is tough. I’m trying to provide an interesting knowledge based blog/website both for my local community (Colorado mountain town, Durango) and for real estate (my business). Ultimately, I want to figure out how to get the blog out there, get subscribers, get people to comment and make it more of a success (like yours). And I want it to look better, struggling with the formatting…

      Any help would be highly appreciated. I guess I would understand if you don’t get to me, I’m way down the line here, but please, pick me! I can use all the help I can get.

      Claudia Williams
      Blue Ribbon Properties
      Durango, Colorado

    159. Jon- as I was reading this post, I felt that horrible warm flush of recognition that you were talking about me. I took the advice of consultants who made a pretty site but had no sense of connecting it to the marketing component. And then I tried to tweak and tweak it myself as I realized they had led me down a path to more complexity/less clarity than I needed to present myself as a speaker and writer. People say my site looks great but is daunting, so they put it aside to review in depth later. I doubt that later ever comes as my traffic stays stable unless I have a big media hit which happens only once in a blue moon.

      As I traveled my path, I have come to suspect that I should in fact start over, turn all my blogs into one, redo the keywords/seo, and use the stickiest blog name, Heartfeldt for the consolidated blog. My product is me. So I don’t want to use any tacky gimmicks, but I want to let my personality show through more.

      I have many questions. But now as I am embarking on a new book project seems like a good time to bite the bullet on the website. I would dearly love to have the benefit of your advice.

      Thanks for all the great material you share here. I actually read these missives whereas I delete most other such advice e-mails.


    160. Took a while to get to the bottom of the comment list?

      I’m finding it difficult to work out a line between using the blog as news for my business and writing marketing articles to help attract new business. Also trying to target none tech audience (what’s RSS?) is also a challenge.


    161. I suppose the biggest frustration is that my blog is a personal diary; to transition to a subject matter expertise in one of my areas is frightening and seems like hard work to “keep up with the Joneses”.

    162. Jonathan, great post. Even without a consultation, I’m grateful to Copyblogger. My blog may not be perfect but it’s a helluva lot better than it would be without you guys. Keep up the great work.

    163. My website provides free Photoshop brushes for download. My focus is providing high quality, original brush designs that are useful to the Creative Community and unique. My problem is fairly basic. I don’t know how to generate more traffic. I would love some advice on this front. Thank you for your generous offer.

    164. Oops, forgot to add my frustration(s). (Rule #1: Read the direction! LOL)

      My blog has only been around for a month. It’s definitely a niche blog so the amount of traffic may not ever be great compared to many others. But I’d like to know how to maximize it for those who are interested in the topic. Interestingly enough, it’s not my core audience (or who I think the core audience is) that makes up my biggest traffic. It’s Twitter! So how do I attract more of that core audience?

      Again, thanks for the great posts. Sorry to take up the extra slot in the comments. 🙂

    165. Hi. I am an architect see my blog as an excuse to keep on learning and to keep on writing. I am frustrated with my profession as I think architecture is too much about celebrity and too little about empathy. I try to write about ways that could change that.

      But this is not my only frustration. This is my fourth blog (two of my old ones are still on line here and here). I started off writing semi intellectual dead boring posts to be taken seriously. Until I discovered Copyblogger. Now I am rewriting all my posts. Until I read this one.

      To be honest, I don’t have a clue. I guess my main problem is a lack of focus. Ideally I would use my blog to communicate my ideas and to inspire possible clients. Much like Copyblogger I guess. But to date, very little came out of it.

    166. That’s a really great offer Jon.

      I have only been blogging for a month now and my biggest frustration is that I don’t seem to be stimulating any conversation out of my posts. I am not sure if that is because of topics, my writing or just not getting the right readership.

    167. Sterling effort, Jonathan. Your headline, intro para, hook, offer and generosity all got me in. And many others, I see.

      Blessed are the copywriters, for they shall see blog. I’m a copywriter. I faffed around on Orble for three years with little result. Then I parntered with MYOB in a small business blog. They do the back end, I do the writing. It’s a match made in heaven that’s proving enjoyable and popular.

      Thanks fo a really great post! P. 🙂

    168. Great offer, couldn’t help but pass it up.

      I feel I have a great blog concept and am offering a community/content that is above par with others in my niche yet struggle to find readership.

      I also have yet to find any ideas for non-sleazy advertising (or other revenue streams).

    169. I don’t yet have a blog, but have almost completed a total redesign of my website to Web 2.0, and shall soon have one.

      I’m passionate about my “work”, and feel the need to extend my influence beyond Australia. (One of my colleagues tells me my firm, Indigenous Landscape Design Australia, is more of a cause than a business.)

    170. Wow, Jonathan, what a fantastic offer! Thank you! If you even make it this far down the list , I would LOVE a consultation. My biggest frustration regarding my new baby blog is that I’m not sure how to gain readership and build a community around it. My topic (perfectionism and how to overcome it) is so broad in reach that I could go lots of different ways with it, but I know that the best way to build community is to go deep rather than broad. How do I do that, exactly?

      Thanks again, on behalf of everyone who you help through this kind offer of yours!

    171. What a great and generous thing you’re doing. I think my biggest frustration is that I seem to have hit a plateau and I can’t get past it. My readership is steady and welcome and I’d like to double or triple it by the end of the year without alienating my core audience. Help!

    172. I’ve been blogging for about 9 months and my growth seems to have slowed. I also am trying to find a way for my blog to stick out from the other frugal blogs out there. Thanks for the offer of help!

    173. Yowza! Hate to be late to this party. And my biggest problem is knowing how my blog fits with my ezine and my web site content (it’s been growing since 1996) to really serve people who visit the site.

    174. Jon, my blogs are going GREAT. The problem is in the plural: blogs. My main blog is 4.5 years old and is doing well (TypePad blog). Then last year I decided to start sending my 6-year-old newsletter (10K subscribers) through a feed on my website (WordPress). I now wish that they were one. The content is similar and there is no reason that they should be separate.

      My question: Is it possible to gracefully combine two blogs without losing readership? Which blog wins out and why? Or are there benefits to keeping them separate?

      I hope you can help. Thanks for your consideration.

    175. Is “frustration” a cuss word? It should be! My frustration is two-fold…one you describe in this post about not getting hung up on design and concentrate on content. The other is having relative content that doesn’t sound desperate or like some personal life journal.

      I’m an eLearning developer and freelance graphics designer/cartoonist. I am passionate about the instruction of design and I believe I have a lot to offer in everything from elearning usability, interface design, and just basic graphic tips for beginners. Should I post every day, once a week, twice a week? Should my blog design showcase my development skills (I know XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, and others) or should I save all that stuff for a separate portfolio site? My blog today is the basic default blue theme. I understand the code and have thought about just taking it apart and tweaking it, but the more I read and learn the more frustrated I get about SEO, plugins, widgets, etc. What theme template should I start with and then how to organize my content in such a way that encompasses the title of the blog: LearnNuggets ?

      Okay, gonna go scream into a pillow now and cuss!

      Thanks for listening 🙂

    176. I noticed other artists left a comment with my frustrations. How can I get beyond attracting other artists. And content, I want to get beyond posting what I”m doing. I’ve starting linking back to articles, and reviewing films/documentaries about art/artists, but I’m still getting artists. I just started trying to actively work on my blog about a month ago.

    177. Hi Jon,
      First, thanks for all your help so far. This site has been a real aid to me in my transition from randomly blogging to my daily posting schedule now.

      My issues seem to be similar to a lot of other bloggers out there. I currently have a steady stream of traffic that visit my pop culture commentary site, but I want them to become more engaged. My commentors tend to be the same repeat audience, which is not a bad thing, but I am looking for new blood, if not for just traffic spikes, but to learn what my readers would like to hear about.

      Also, ad revenue and the look of the site overall is something I question at least on a weekly basis. I would love an experts opinion on this.

      Thanks so much for the help!

    178. Hi,
      This is a reeeeally great offer and I love that you’re taking the time to help people out. I’m going to toss my name in the ring as well.

      Right now I feel lost in the sea of “mommy bloggers”. I’m not very technically gifted when it comes to blog or graphic design, so I’m not certain what to do with my blog design to make it stand out in the crowd, but I’m VERY willing to learn and teach myself.

      I have a great deal of passion for parenting, obviously; it’s a full time job that I can’t just turn away from, and there’s so much to write about. Not just my daughter’s milestones, but the changes in me and my marriage, and the interactions we have with the world; still, I find myself running out of ideas as to what to write because I worry too much that everything’s already been said by other people.

      I’m a big believer in karma, so even if you don’t end up selecting my blog, I hope the others who you help out are linked so that we can swing by their little internet homes to offer encouragement and support.


    179. My biggest issue is finding programmers to implement the back end designs and features which peeps want, which I cannot get out of the box.

      My clients want pretty and customized sites, for $1K to $5K. I can’t hire someone to create something from scratch, so I use commercial themes. But modifying them to suit my clients is causing me to lose time, money and other clients waiting for me to finish a gig.

      How to discuss the fact that content and other features are more important than a pretty site with exactly the layout they want?

      I excel in web design, user nav, user experience, but not PHP and CSS. I give, in emails and in person, so many tips to peeps how to bring in traffic, get better search engine results, better conversion, that peeps are coming to me to create their blogs/sites.

      I waste MORE TIME finding and figuring out and fine-tuning themes and extensions than anything else. It’s nuts.

      I work in both Joomla and WordPress. I started a registered Joomla User Group, and in person and online, to seek out programmers.

      So my biggest issue is OFF-LOADING the programming aspect so I can focus on content, relevant community building, etc. I am such a wiz at that, but I am stuck in the muck of back-end programming.

      Most who create sites don’t even incorporate SEO techniques, cos it’s time consuming and yes, some of it involves some tech skills. That’s a number one component of ANY site, no matter which s/w you use.

      But as an artist, writer, marketing wiz, I am stuck trying to find a line of code in any number of scripts to change the text from black to red. Driving me nuts.

      How to build a team so I can delegate some tasks? I have more clients than I can handle. And NO, I cannot offload them because they specifically want my expertise. Sorry if that sounds egotistical, but it’s a PERSONAL as well as professional alliance. Due to my accomplishments and understanding of so much which they find confusing, they want me leading their team.

      I’m exhausted, but inspired. What to do?

    180. Aloha JON, and Big Thanks for this opportunity!
      My “Hawaii Blog” is a daily walk through the REAL, the affordible, and often the HEART of what these islands are all about!

      Originally I just wanted to promote my little novel, “Aloha Where You Like Go?” which is having a sweet little life, gathering some fans, circulating through our state library system. (Available on Amazon, five stars 😉

      The community around my blog has been a revelation! Cool talented folks. They’ve truly become friends.

      I can imagine lots of opportunity to market affordible Hawaiiana and beach stuff – but I’m stuck at 31 unique visitors a day – though I notice they DO visit multiple postings.
      I’m a lifelong writer finally hitting my stride. Please help me to paddle my canoe to the next atol! Warmly, Cloudia

    181. Correction: My site recieve between 31 and 50 visitors daily. I publish 7 days a week, excepting a recent week of dealing with a family death (metnioned in the blog). Thanks for letting me correct the (tiny) numbers!

    182. Wow, number 165!! My biggest frustration is that – despite the fact that I receive regular emails from readers who “love my blog”, my readership base is only at 109 after 10 months. I truly believe my content is good and that people relate to me, I just can’t seem to win on the SEO/marketing side of things.

      I know I haven’t put enough effort in to build relationships with other bloggers, and comment on other blogs, but sometimes I feel like there’s so many things I just ‘have’ to be doing when it comes to blogging success that I really don’t know how to get started.

      The writing comes naturally but everything else is straight uphill. Help!

    183. Having a clear, coherent and compelling focus.
      I like the individual posts. They have a loose connection with each other. But, not a powerful unifying theme or direction.

    184. Thanks for this opportunity. I hope it is not simply going to the first 20-30 who commented.

      My frustration is simply that I’m not building an audience quickly. I have only a handful of subscriptions. I’m garnering about 1300 visits per month by about 800 visitors and I’ve stalled out there.

      What can I do to add life to the blog and get more people looking?

      Thanks for your consideration.

    185. My blog is fairly new (Jan ’09). While my readership is growing, I’m having a hard time getting a decent number of comments on my posts. I could use some help figuring out where I could improve.


    186. My website looks so Blah! I feel like I have good content for it, but I had to leave Blogger because the design templates sucked so bad. Now I feel like I don’t have the time or expertise to get my new domain up to snuff. I want to figure out how to make revenue off a blog, I’ve tried in the past and had false starts. I’d love a critique.

    187. Hi Jon

      Thank you for your generosity. My blog is just over a year old and steadily and slowly increasing in subscribers, comments, links and page views. But my traffic from google is still low. To begin with I thought it’s the google sandbox – but as nothing changes, I’m starting to wonder if there’s something wrong with my SEO set-up. Would love your advice. Olivia

    188. I’m super excited and nervous at the same time. My blog
      is set to debut in June. I will be using the Thesis Theme.
      With your wealth of knowledge and experience I would be so
      appreciative to consult with you about my plans before I go live.
      What steps do you recommend for a successful launch?

    189. I so envy those who can sit and write a great blog post in a short time. It seems to take me forever. I’m trying hard to post regularly but I seem to fall off the wagon often. How do you truly capture the attention of an audience? Does anyone really care what I say? I know that I feel better after writing a post and I know consistency is important. So how do I get there? I think this is why I like Copyblogger because everything is so straight forward and easy to understand. Like having a conversation with a friend and it just clicks.

      BTW, what a great way to collect ideas for future posts. In the long run, we will all learn from this I’m sure. Kudos

    190. Hey Jon,
      Very generous offer! Brand New to blogging, in a very niche market. Not sure where to continuously get fresh topic ideas. How do I work with guest authors? Should I add video posts?
      Thanks for your time and consideration,
      Jon (no H too!)

    191. Wow! What a generous offer, Thank you. I’m a month or so into my new blog dedicated to helping small business with their marketing – don’t worry I’m in it for the long haul 😉

      At this moment (this may sound strange) I’m not unduly concerned about traffic – I know that if I’m going along the right lines, I can work on that!

      All I want to know is… am I on the right tracks to making an engaging blog?

      My humble thanks in advance, O’ Copy Lord.

      Cheers, Richard.

    192. Well if see is 165, I guess that makes me 166. Hmm, what does that tell me in numerology… Never mind onto the the topic.

      I would say my biggest challenge would be getting traffic. I put out good content I feel and I am really open to suggestions on that and when I do get people to read the posts it seems the feedback is good., just not enough people reading.

      Also could be the ones who do read are being polite 🙂 None the less I would say it is traffic, then from there is the content good? I am open to suggestions as I love the process and I am learning everyday!

      I do appreciate the offer you have, where to share you knowledge. Thank you for the opportunity.

      Make it great,

    193. Great article, thank you!

      My biggest frustration currently is lack of traffic & comments. Most of my blog readers are through me updating my list that there is a new post (about 450 on the list with a 20% open rate). However, I almost never receive a comment and outside traffic is almost non-existent.

    194. My biggest problem with my quazi blog is the social marketing aspect. I have all the accounts for the various social networking sites but I can’t seem to get it out there.

      I get a good minute per user stats, so I am hooking reader. I also get a really good return rate. So I think this reflects the interest and acceptable quality of my content.

      Though some might claim a flagrant disregard of grammar is closer to my problem.

      Any advice is appreciated. Thanks for doing this.

    195. I’m trying to appeal to two different audiences (potential photography clients AND potential photography students) As soon as I started writing posts about “How To” do something in photography, my readership really increased. I struggle however with continuing to increase my readership as well as generate comments. People rarely comment.

      I’m also making an effort to try and be more personal. Sometimes I think my photo posts of photography sessions are boring, and I’m trying to spice it up.

      I basically just need help 🙂

      I’d love any advice! I always love what I read on this blog! Thanks so much!

    196. Looking at all these comments, I see you now have 5 years of pro bono work to do haha, but I will cross my fingers that you will have time for this one too.

      My frustration is …well first off we don’t have an official blog yet, just using the blogging feature inside our kickapps community platform. My frustration is with the design of our soon to be official blog page. I’m worried its too busy, we are biting off more than we can chew with all the new features and gadgets and gizmos we want to offer in the sidebars. Can’t we just focus on having a good blog first? And how can I impart this to my colleagues without sounding like a debbie downer?

      Ok and then there is part two, as a contributing blog writer, how do I sound authentic while still adding in the plugs for the company?

      Thanks for your time.

    197. My biggest problem is that people don’t seem to care unless it’s a pissed-off rant. (Then again, that’s kind of my USP.) I also try to take a unique take on things and don’t want to be just another person writing “Top 5 Blah-Blah-Blah” or “10 Ways to Yada-yada-yada” … really, there’s enough of that out there. I wish I were more prolific but I’d rather write quality stuff and not be so “regular” than write a bunch of meaningless filler crap.

    198. My biggest problem – how to get people to comment when they visit. I got more comments from fewer visitors when I was on blogger. I have lots more visitors and pageviews now, but fewer comments.

    199. I’m glad to see this post exactly on the 1st Birthday of my Blog. So, just for this coincidence you have to choose me to discuss. 🙂

      Anyway, I’ve grown my blog to a very decent level and got around 10K+ subscribers and 100K+ pageviews/month.

      My frustration at this stage is not knowing how to take the blog to the next level. Most of the advice I see around are targeted towards newbies. I need a mentor who can help me to take my blog to next level.

    200. I’ve just been playing around with my blog, posting things that interest me, then posting the link on Twitter or Facebook. I know, I know, totally unfocused, no plan, no research.
      So what’s a writer to do when he knows how to market, doesn’t really want to, but wants people to read his words???

    201. I’m struggling with how to take readership to a whole new level. I have a good core group of readers, but it’s holding tight. I also am doing so much writing (just launched http://www.getbacktoworkfaster.com & working on 3rd book) that I’m having a hard time posting quality content these days.
      Should I be adding a lots of guest bloggers? I’m looking forward to your insights.

    202. Ok, I will bite.

      My concern is whether I should break out the 6 or 7 categories of fraud I write about into separate blogs as they may attract different readers.

      Frankly, I am not even sure I know how to tackle this question.

    203. It’s great to see that so many people are happy to ask for help (meaning that most of us miss out though).
      I know I’m not putting in as much effort as I could be on my blog but I’m completely miffed why other bloggers that do the same sort of stuff as me can post a piece about buying a bunny and get 30 comments. It’s like they don’t even have to try at all.

      It’s just not at all what I’d love it to be. I’m not sure if it’s my writing or my topic or both.

    204. I am not going to burden you with my blogging woes, or even solicit for assistance. I just want to compliment you on the offer, what an excellent opportunity for a select few. With the overwhelming responses, you just may be sorry that you put this offer out there.

      much respect though, peace.

    205. I’m writing a blog in polish right now, with some success, but I’d like to go international. My biggest frustration is that I don’t know how to promote a blog in english. I read a couple of blogs about marketing, but they just seem to take many things as granted, while I need questions answered on some basic things.

    206. I’m at a crossroads with my blog, it’s sort of a mish mash right now. Traffic on some posts is great, outstanding even, and others don’t get the traffic, but I think there is an audience for them.

      And I’ve no idea how to monetize it, which might be a necessity if I continue having posts go viral.

      What a generous offer, I’m finding that just writing this comment is getting the wheels in my head turning. Thanks and good luck to everyone who commented, I’m so excited for the people who get picked!

    207. Jon: Very generous offer. Its exciting to think that I might get lucky and get a call from you.

      I have a web site that looks good, but is broken from an SEO POV. I hired someone to build it for me and its done in a way that’s difficult to alter. I started a WP blog that is working out very well although I’m not in love with the theme – but that’s easy to change. I’m thinking of starting over with my web site and building it on a WP platform. I’m wondering if I should keep the two separate or join them. I know having a blog on your web site is good for SEO, but I’m wondering if there is an advantage to keeping them separate. The web site URL is much older than the blog URL, if that makes any difference.

    208. Excellent Jonathan. you got it all. fortunately, my blog is still new and i have the chances to rework; even most of your advice are timely for me.

    209. I started blogging this year but haven’t been able to find the right niche. I feel like the content is not focused enough and I’ve been trying to put up solid content. Am I too broad on my topic or am I all over the place? Is there something wrong with my writing style? I’d like to get this opportunity to speak with you, thanks.

    210. I have many problems regarding building traffic and advertising revenue as compared to make money online area, for personal finance and investing, there are little good affiliate programs to place on 125 ads at sidebar.

      But I prefer this topic as it still go much lesser competition than make money online and what everyone should know about. In addition to some interests also.

      Other than advertising, is there any other ways that can better monetizing for free content model as in blogs.

      In addition, I am still unsure of what are the ways to differentiate my blog from the competition.

      The bounce rate for visitors to my website is also quite high.

    211. Hi. Sorry if this comment appears twice. It appears the previous one has caught by the spam filter.

      I am an architect and see my blog as an excuse to keep on learning and to keep on writing. I am frustrated with my profession as I think it is too much about celebrity and too little about empathy. I try to write about ways that could change that.

      But this is not my only frustration. This is my fourth blog. I started off writing semi intellectual dead boring posts to be taken seriously. Until I discovered Copyblogger. Now I am rewriting all my posts. Until I read this one.

      To be honest, I don’t have a clue. I guess my main problem is a lack of focus. Ideally I would use my blog to communicate my ideas and to inspire possible clients. Much like Copyblogger I guess. But to date, very little came out of it.

    212. Hi, I could certainly do with some help. I have a 7 week old blog that helps artists to sell their art. Here are my current problems:
      1. I have far too many subscribers
      2. I’m getting way too many visitors each day
      3. There are too many comments being posted at the Blog
      4. I am getting far too much publicity
      5. I’ve had WAY TOO MUCH TO DRINK!

    213. Wow, that’s very generous of you. I’ve just started a serious blog, and it’s so young I wouldn’t know what to bother you with. So while I start my blogging, I’m focusing on reading as much as I can about the theory behind it so I can get a further understanding of the do’s and don’ts. I’ll need to downward spiral before I ask for help I guess, hahaha.

    214. Do me, do me!

      I feel like I’m doing good, short, creative posts with great titles (thanks to Copyblogger). I’m visiting other blogs and leaving meaningful, thoughtful comments. I’m tweeting my most creative posts.

      But still, nobody besides other fledgling bloggers is commenting consistently on my blog. They’re only commenting because they want me to read *their* blog!

      And my bounce rate is about 65%.

      What am I doing wrong?

    215. Hello Jonathan,

      You are the awesome 🙂

      In a nutshell I would like your assistance me with the following key areas:

      How to increase profit through ads?
      How to gain more traffic?
      How to engage more visitors to comment and participate?

      More power to you. Have a great day ahead.

      Chef Matthew

    216. Hi, I would really appreciate some help. I keep plugging away but I’m not really sure where I’m going wrong. I think the content is strong but I struggle to get any reasonable numbers.


    217. What a great offer, thanks. Here are my blogs:


      I’m new to this. I’m studying freelance journalism and I live in Australia so not sure if we’d be able to talk, but any comments on my last blog would be good! I started the blogging thing for practice. The design and layout are all handled by the paper’s online ed

      My frustration is actually getting the thing off the ground, knowing what to write about (since it’s a Jewish newspaper, it should have a Jewish theme). Then I get disheartened when i get so few comments and they are all solicited and happen to be fam and friends! I want to expand my writing beyond blogging and make it a paying career but dont know if I’ve got what it takes cos its so hard to get feedback.

    218. I am a copywriter who started writing a blog in September 2007. I have tried to build an audience by posting relevant and regular content about my central theme – marketing and new media. I write three to four posts per week.

      The problem I have is that my blog traffic continues to be minimal at best (10-20 visitors per day). I post comments on other blogs. My content is well written and topical. I attract occasional comments from readers. I think I’m doing many things well, but I just can’t seem to get my blog to the next level.

      My ultimate goal is to monetize my blog, but without a steady stream of readers this is not a realistic goal.

      Any help would be appreciated.

    219. Wow that is an amazing offer.

      Somehow I think it would take more than 30 minutes to fix my blogs :o)

      I’m currently working on my eCourse and sales funnel so that readers will take that next step towards becoming a client. At least that’s the plan.

      Pat Bloomfield
      PatB Wedding Photography Suffolk

    220. they say you get what you pay for, so what does that say about free advice? 🙂

      i would love your insight! my blog is personal, intimate, informal. completely the opposite of copyblogger. but that does not mean it could not get more traffic.

      thanks for the opportunity! in south africa blogging is really only starting to grow.

      if an international call is difficult, an email or 2 would also be very much appreciated!

    221. Hi Jonathan,

      Thanks of the great insight. The biggest problem i have with my blog is getting hits and page views. I feel that i have interesting and diverse content within the theme of my blog, but i cant seem to drive the traffic like i need to.

      I try posting my posts on various bookmarking sites like digg, etc. but i still never really manage over 150 hits per day. Can you tell me what i’m doing wrong?

    222. You probably don’t want to talk to me. I don’t blog……YET. I want to blog. I am a little afraid to start to blog. I have tried to learn from people like you what I need to do to blog. Geez Louise, it’s a vast and scary landscape out there. I am passionate. I (of course) feel I have a lot to say……about a lot of subjects. I am intelligent and funny some times. You have made an amazing offer.


    223. Thanks so much for your offer. I am driving some traffic to my blog but no one is leaving comments. I’ve worked on it hard to make it the best I can make it. Your post really opened my eyes to look outside my own ability. My goal is to have my blog engage working moms in conversation. So far this is not happening.
      Thanks for your time!

    224. Hmm… Comment #249… That’s at least 2.5 weeks of calling people, presuming you do absolutely nothing else during the week. More like six months, if you do 10 a week and even that’s more than I could manage.

      Would it be possible to post “scrubbed” responses on a web page so we could get the before-and-after, presuming the commenters agree?

      In six months, I’ll probably have different questions altogether; today, I would like to have an opinion about the way I’ve structured the site’s content between blog posts and articles.

      Will be paying attention to what you say about how this works out.


    225. Hi Jonathan. Thanks for this great offer.

      My biggest frustration right now is finding the time to write great posts that will get people to leave comments and bring them back for more. I want to write posts that are informative, will connect with the read and draw them in.

      I’ve changed the look of my blog and got the Thesis theme to build on a stronger foundation. The redesign is going to ongoing for a little while, but I still need to write posts. It’s hard creating a schedule I can commit to.

      So, I guess I would need help with connection & time.

      Thanks again for the opportunity!

    226. Way to keep things real.

      My blog started three years ago to facilitate research for my Master’s thesis. Three years ago, the club talking about pr on blogs was small, but now there is a ridiculous number of conversations. I am preparing to make a big life change and move from Dallas to Boston. I will be going from a corporate job to on my own and my blog will be website to draw in business. I need a major overhaul without looking like a sell-out!

    227. Hi Jonathan,

      Let me start by saying that this is certainly a generous offer. Having just found this invitation out I may be a little late but I thought it still worth the effort so here goes.

      My husband and I started this site as a means of working together. We really like as well as love each other and wanted to have a chance to spend time together doing something we both enjoy. He loves to research and I love to write. So we thought why not try to build a website in order to make a living.

      We have our first site up and running but as many newbies to the business face we haven’t had our first sale yet. We are trying to be patient and learn from our “mistakes” and we both know that we have made quite a few.

      Probably the biggest problem is that we didn’t truly start a “niche” site. We have targeted women but I think our site is too broad, especially for first-timers. That I am sure is my fault because I have so many interests it was hard to narrow down on one particular subject.

      We get some traffic, but not a lot and there in lies another problem. What are we doing wrong that traffic is not consistent or great in number? AARGH! So many questions, run through our heads that I could list pages and pages of them.

      What to do now? We are facing a quandary about what to do next. Any help that you suggest would be greatly appreciated. I realize that I am probably too late for the offer but I thought it was worth a shot. Nothing ventured, nothing gained right?

      Any way I got to vent a little and own up to my newbie trials and tribulations. Thanks again for the offer, I am sure it will help and inspire those you choose.

      Heading off now to bookmark your site and read through more advice. I have found many things useful already.


    228. Greetings Jonathan,

      Learning how to do blogging correctly, to get results for the effort, to write clever and helpful assertions is my goal.

      Your offer attracts me because you tried, failed, tried, failed, tried and succeeded.

      The statistic evaluation seems easy.

      Getting readers, or writing what readers care about with words that matter to them is what I want to learn.

      So, your offer piques my interest, and I am eager to hear your suggestions.



    229. I was on a roll the first month, cranking out blog posts. Then I had to start “working” to make some money, which meant the blog got put on the back burner and ideas stopped flowing. Now what? How do I go about creating a realistic publishing calendar and find ideas that keep me, let alone my readers, interested?

    230. My biggest frustration is the mosts which receive the most hits and comments are always ones that stir the pot. I don’t want to have to stir the pot every post and yet people won’t comment/read/subscribe if I don’t. Not sure how to get over that hump.

    231. I loved your invitation of a free consultation and would like to take advanage of it, if there is still room. I am new to blogging and hope to avoid missteps. Thanks!

    232. Thank you for your kind offer! I just started my blog about two weeks ago. I would appreciate any comments you can make regarding what I need to do to get more hosts, traffic, hits and comments on my blog. Any ideas will be grately appreciated.

    233. Jonathan

      You have a real challenge deciding which entries merit your response.

      In reading the responses to your generous offer, I see several basic/common concerns.

      If I might make a suggestion–you compile entries with common concerns into separate categories. (eg: combining multiple blogs, website vs blog, creating more traffic, etc.)

      Then from the most “popular” categories you pick a specific entry to address over the phone. If you made the phone discussion public on your site you could, in effect, help everyone that had that issue.

      I would expect that with your 20-30 phone calls you could deal with a majority the issue categories.

      Thanks and Good Luck

      Coach Jerry

    234. Omg you have over 250 comments! How will you pick who to talk to? Pick me, pick me please :D!

      My challenge is writing consistently – I get inspired and write a good post and then, nothing for a couple of weeks.

      I would love to write more often, more good quality stuff, build a community of engaged readers who comment, contribute and make my Blog a cool place to hang out.

      My blog went from 20 mill to 776,000 on Alexa in the last 1.5 months and I am getting more traffic but I want to play BIG now and really UP everything about it.

      I know I need to change some widgets, design etc and would appreciate an outside opinion.

      Thanks Jon, I REALLY want your insights! Tia

    235. First, thank you for your generous offer.

      I certainly recognize myself in your article, no matter whether it’s our website or blog, I continually want to micro manage the content. I’ll read an article about SEO, copywriting, or blogging and immediately want to implement those suggestions.

      Our blog has been up and running for a couple of months, but we don’t have many followers just yet and that’s probably due to the content. We are using Twitter on a limited basis, but do recognize we need to get the word out to the rest on other social media platforms.

      The main purpose for our blog is to help drive traffic to our ecommerce site http://unitedbmweonline.com. We have many ideas of what we could be writing about, but it I really want to make sure our content and it’s format becomes addictive to readers and they start to follow our blog and ultimately subscribe to our email product announcements and special offers (yet to be implemented)

      A review of our site and a phone call will be very much appreciated.

      Best Regards,


    236. Hi, Jon —
      Very generous of you to take a look at our blogs.

      I’m past the point of no return on my blog, meaning I’ve put so much time, energy and sweat into it that I’m no way in heck quitting at this point.

      The problem is I still couldn’t tell you in one sentence what exactly I’m blogging about: it’s part writing, part editing, part commentary, part blogging, part social media, part publishing.

      What’s the whole? I know I’m onto something great, but what?…

      Thanks. Surely you must be selective with who you choose, so I hope my number gets called.

    237. I suppose my biggest challenge is making use of social bookmarking. I’ve had a post stumbld a couple times and the traffic spikes are significant. I’d love an in depth approach to using that tool to reach a wider audience.

      Thanks Jon.

    238. Golly, John – how are you gonna pick only 20-30 from this huge list? (Asks commenter number 263+ plaintively…)

      Your opener really got me. I’m in the middle of a redesign for aesthetic, navigational and control issues (blogspot to self-hosted). I would very much love to NOT screw this up.

      My main struggle right now is how to transition my blog into a more static WordPress powered website with pillar content articles. I want my website to be a place where family archivists can get reliable information and encouragement about how to take care of the treasures in their care. And I want that information to be easy to find and navigate… archives based on category and not calendar date, etc. I still want to give away lots of information for free (blog-style) and I can use all my existing pillar articles on the new site.

      But should I still have a blog on the site? What would go there that wouldn’t be a pillar article? Would it just be announcements? Isn’t Twitter or a Facebook page better for that?

      Ack! HELP!

      -Sally J.

    239. @Sally – you can import your existing Blogger blog to WordPress very easily. I even did it! Here’s a link to how to in the WordPress codex: http://codex.wordpress.org/Importing_Content Once in WordPress you can categorize each post with a tag that makes it easily search-able and archiv-able! WordPress also makes it easy to run a blog as a Content Mangement system so there is no need to choose between blog and site or even if your site should have a blog. As for the fine line between pillar content and post, I always thought that non-pillar posts could be announcements or, even better, lead-ins to your killer pillar content. Think of it as a way to drive that one visitor Brian talks about here: https://copyblogger.com/how-to-create-cornerstone-content-that-google-loves/

      @Coach Tia, @Sid, @Clesha, etc – I had the same problem you do with consistently writing content. I solved it by following a 2 fold approach 1) only blogging for my sites that give me an ROI – ex. my web design blog converts zero visitors into paying customers but my bodybuilding blog drives conversions to my supplemet store. Once I identified that one activity gave me a real, direct ROI it was a lot easier to write content. 2) I followed the advice nonconformist-Chris-G’s blogging advice from 279 days http://chrisguillebeau.com/3×5/overnight-success/ and wrote content for 6 months in advance and put it on autopilot. If you wanted to get a jumpstart on it, I’m sure there’s thousands of copywriters here who would love to guest post or contract articles on your site.

      @MichelleMinch – Take it from someone who has designed WordPress themes in the past, just buy the Thesis theme didthemes.com (of which Brian co-founded), it solves a host of problems and SEO is one of them.

      Jon, any ideas on how a moonlighting web designer could ramp up his site to get a few conversions now and then would be very much appreciated. I’m not trying to become the next Pearson, but I’d like to blog-to-earn enough to take the Partnering Profits and Teaching Sells classes! In any case I am hoping you will update us all on how you were able to leverage the data collected here for your next or current project! It would make a great case study.

    240. I’m not that far off track as I’ve only been blogging for a month or so. Here’s my pitch: Not a lot to fix, willing listener and you get much of the credit for fix.

      WrongQuestion.com is a good concept that needs a bit more “pop” as it searches for its true audience.


    241. There are hundreds of people here who are frustrated. We all have a lot of energy that is being misdirected. What if there were an entrepreneur who figured out how to harness all this energy? What if this entrepreneur started a company that selected a niche and selected a group of inexperienced bloggers to write for that niche while they do all the behind the scenes tasks? What if this entrepreneur trained new bloggers like companies train employees – one task at a time? What if this entrepreneur handed off management of the blog when she has trained the now well trained bloggers to manage it? Everyone would win! The entrepreneur would have a lifetime income form numerous successful blogs, and hundreds of hard working people would get their start in professional blogging. Of course, entry requirements should be in place. At least, the applicant should own a blog and have a demonstrated history of regular posts. I wonder if this entrepreneur will ever appear? There is a chiefless tribe just waiting for a chief to appear. Don’t tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.George S. Patton

    242. I think my biggest challenge is traffic and targeted traffic. Sure, if I comment on 50 different blogs a day, I may get a decent amount of traffic, but of course, since it not targeted, it wont last long.

    243. This is a wonderful “give back”. Thanks for the opportunity to share our frustrations.

      I started my blog just about a year ago to initiate a bit of online exposure for myself and my writing. My audience is usually limited to a group of faithful followers, with rare exceptions. I’m not an expert on writing techniques so rather than offer a lot of advice I tend to mix writing articles with personal ones for a “homey” approach. I don’t know what my readers think but often as not the result strikes me as “blah” and it isn’t drawing a lot of visitors or feedback.

      I’d like to freshen the look of the site to coincide with my one year anniversary online but I’m not sure what other changes to make. Should my entries focus more on just one topic? I wonder at the value of adding assorted widgets, site gimmicks, “what I’m reading” stats, etc. My current links are predictably what every other writer uses. Nothing makes my site stand out. Help!

    244. Biggest challenge is to get people to participate and comment. People tell me everyday that they LOVE and value our blog….and that the value and learnings are there and extremely valuable…but I would love for people to interact and comment more online so we can learn more from them grow our “success community”.

      How can I raise the bar and become even more valuable? I would totally appreciate your thoughts on this as I do want to start monetizing our offering this year.

      Thanks in advance for your help.

    245. Hi there,

      Good analysis, Very good information. I guess there are a lot of things that I will need to look out for. Thanks for your share.

      Eddie Gear

    246. My biggest frustration is that I’m not sure if I’m blogging correctly or if that matters so much in my arena, is it the nature of the topic, etc.
      I’ve studied a lot of the posts here and have changed my headlines to some degree and have made a commitment to attract more visitors. I just don’t want to get off on the wrong path.
      I’ve had some success by utilizing other platforms, CL, Trulia, FB, Twitter, etc but I’d like to build it bigger, get a larger readership and do more business.

    247. Jonathan,

      I think this is a great post, especially if you follow up with everyone. Since there’s no updates retracting your offer, I’d love to get some personal advice on our blog’s redirection. I’ve been planning it for awhile now, and while I think it’s a good strategy, getting a final opinion before restarting would be just what I need!

    248. My business is purely local– I don’t make money from my online presence. I blog to set my website apart, so that people will choose to come to my office and use my services. I’ve been slowly changing the focus of my posts from general health to specifically Chinese medicine and trying to make them more personal. But I have no idea if that will actually help to grow my business.

    249. Thanks for the great advice.

      My biggest issue… hmmm.. Have tried upgrading to Thesis 1.5 but every time I try it screws up my layout. (mainly header and columns; left column flush left, right column flush right).

      Need a dev environment.

    250. Jon,

      For my blog, it was a real eye-opener when I realized that some of the posts I was doing were getting completely ignored, while others were hitting a real nerve. There are some in-between (I have one type that gets a lot of hits, but it’s clear many of them are looking for something else), but for the most part it helped me to re-focus.

      I was also surprised to find that I needed to give my blog room to breath. Posting every day was not only difficult from my perspective, but was seriously cutting down on the hits any individual post got — whenever I put up one of the posts that weren’t working, nobody was going to be poking around to look for the ones that were.

    251. I am not even hoping to get that 30 minutes because you would be 100 years old by the time you get to me. But if you do, one quick question (for future reference): How do you help people figuring who they are? (just notice that some of the problems people experience is their own identity as a blogger)

    252. I agree, how could you possibly give all these people 30 minutes? Great and generous offer though.

      Maybe you could do a post on my frustration, which is how to be unique and really add something of value to people. Something that others don’t give them. My niche is personal growth for home business owners. I feel like I don’t say anything that 1000 other self improvement bloggers don’t say. But, I do feel like I’M different and unique in many ways. But how do I convey that so people read me instead of someone else??

      Some of the really popular blogs I read that are read by thousands of people don’t seem any better than some I read that are only read by a few. If content isn’t the difference maker, what is?


    253. I’ve had my site up for almost a couple of years now. All my content comes from interviews, but it’s tough to get them. I don’t know how to put together some good pillar articles with the knowledge I currently have on my subject. The experts seem reluctant to share top-notch info. Also, I get hardly any traffic from search engines.

    254. My biggest frustration is coming up with content that draws readers to it, rather than some of the same old stuff they are used to reading in my niche.

    255. I was up to 10,000 readers a month, but it’s been slowly dipping. I’m around 8,000 now. I need to get it back up and beyond so I can make a serious go of helping people improve their working life.

      I know you can’t help all these people and I know I’m late to the party, but it felt good to vent.

    256. Wow, I have no idea how you’re going to get to all these requests, but if you do, my biggest beef right now is that all these [awesome] blogging resources are generally geared towards people with a blog that already has some consistent traffic.

      From what I can tell, there aren’t many blogs or posts devoted to teaching people how to build up a blog following. People say say “write good content and they will come” all they want, but I’m certain there’s more to it. I have strong ties in social media and I can get big traffic bursts, but I convert very few people since they’re only on the page to see some content designed specifically for them. I’m hoping to figure out what I can do to start building a community.

    257. Jonathan,

      What a generous offer! And a predictably great set of responses. With only 20-30 helping slots and over a hundred responses, I’m not holding my breath on being in the lucky number.

      On the other hand, the comments here have a lot of detail on different problems and they could be a resource for you for future article ideas, so I’m going to toss in mine:

      I’m rebooting my blog. It was a little all over the place (culture, civil rights, writing, TV). Now I’m focusing on the convergence of entertainment, new media, and technology to help artists (writers, actors, singers, songwriters) use technology and new media, and to help new media and tech people (tech bloggers, subject matter experts who are blogging or vlogging or podcasting) use the principles of good entertainment to make their new media more entertaining and more relevant.

      My questions about such a rebooting are:
      • how to decide on a new domain or keeping the old one when altering a blog’s focus?
      • what to do when the highest traffic blog posts from the old version of the blog are only slightly related to the new focus? (semi-off topic)
      • how to handle video & audio? (on self hosted server, through YouTube, Vimeo with or without search-ability to hold in more traffic)
      • how to tag and index video to make it more search engine friendly?

      Thanks for the great site, I always enjoy stopping by here. Now that I’m rebooting my blog, I’ll be working through many of your article ideas more often.

    258. I find myself in a very unique situation right now, but lack the skills to market my ‘unique-ness’. I am immersing myself in marketing tutorials right now, and have given up sleeping for the foreseeable future. I would dearly love the opportunity to converse with a knowledgeable source to enhance and promote my blog.
      Thanks for the chance to rub elbows with greatness!

    259. Wow. A very timely post, and generous offer.

      I’m having two problems with my blog right now that are probably related. I started the blog over a year, and posted infrequently in the beginning. Now that I’m posting everyday or more, I find that my posts aren’t being indexed.

      A contributing problem is the fact that I don’t have backlinks. I am in a fairly popular blog niche, but most of the other blogs that are similar to mine are magazine-style with many contributors, so it’s hard to start conversations with comments.

      I get very little blog traffic (more to static pages), and whenever there’s a dip I think I’d be better off re-directing the site to a new URL. And, yes, like your post suggested, we’re on our third design:)

    260. Just reading this blog has given me some useful ideas on how I can generate more comments and traffic to my public speaking blog. I’d like to thank everybody for their comments. Rgds Vince

    261. I’m probably too late to get your help, but it’s worth a shot! I recently inherited my company’s blog, and I’m stuck between having to have an institutionally-approved message and also wanting to have an original and interesting voice in an artform that’s all-too-often considered stuffy. Any help would be appreciated.

    262. Fantastic post. I actually stumbled upon your blog today via another blog. Since you have proven so generous with your time, if you make it to me and the problem of knowing how to get started, develop, and polish up my blog/idea, in the same spirit of generosity, I’ll give you back 15 minutes! See, you’re contagious!

    263. I know this has been mentioned in the countless comments that were submitted to this post (nice job Jonathan), but great all around post. So many different aspects of what makes a great blog post are in this post… information, perspective, advice, an offer, concise communication.

      Nice to see someone reaching out to give while getting something back in return. Hopefully the consults have been productive for both parties.

      (Mentoring is such a great recommendation here — if you can’t afford to pay for this help try shameless flattery, she/he may just be willing to spend time with you regardless.)

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