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    3 Resources to Help You Mobilize Your Natural Writing Ability

    3 Resources to Help You Mobilize Your Natural Writing Ability

    Reader Comments (14)

    1. Thank you Stefanie. I have just read the first one by Jerod Morris. Stunned by what he says regarding adverbs, so I will read more on the subject. I will check out the other two links soon.

      • People have mixed opinions about adverbs. I like using them, but Jerod makes a great point. It’s important to understand that they can weaken your writing in some cases. Having that awareness is helpful.

    2. This is an amazing resource. Starting with the productive aspect, most writers don’t measure their writing and its impact.

      I read the article to become a better writer and it is a semi-reflection on me and semi-path opener to me. I have got work to do. Elimination adverbs, adding small improvements and simply writing (not blogging) opens up doors for becoming better.

      Thanks for this resource, I read the web writer anatomy and I am glad I have enormous improvement areas.

      I do have basic understanding of SEO and usability however I lack understanding and time to spend on social media. I am experimenting on twitter as of now. It is cool to see these elements in a web writer.

      Copywriting- is something I am practicing and learning from Copyblogger, Ramit Sethi’ blog and few others. Seeing is half learning for me.

      Story telling is little weak of mine, it is getting better day-in and day-out.
      This anatomy can be used as a roadmap to become an excellent web writer. PURE GEM.

      Shorter sentences are better. The worksheets are awesome. Some of them were new to me. Writing in fewer than 100 words. Incredible article.

      The idea is to learn, work and re-learn. Being a web writer is a challenging thing. To be frank, everything you want to achieve should be little challenging. It indicates you are growing.

      Growth is the fundamental option for us. We should mark the check box. We have the right to evolve, take notes and work to become better.

      From writing rants to writing poems to thought provoking articles, the journey have been amazing for me. Learning never stops.

      Stefanie loved your write up…Stay awesome!!!

    3. This was very inspiring!
      All 3 articles were awesome. Perhaps the first one helped me the most today. Sometimes I do need more time to get a project done. It happens when I run out of ideas and inspiration. I was glad to discover that I write, not blog. I do my research, take notes, sketch a plan to outline my general idea and then start writing. I do the editing later. If I edit as I write, I risk of losing my thoughts.
      I believe that a proven way to improve your writing as well as expand your horizons is by exploring famous writers. Thankfully, there are plenty of great modern writers we can learn so much useful practices and techniques. Stephen King’s On Writing is the writer’s Bible for me. Another author I also find awesome is Daniel Coyle. His work The Talent Code is insightful and worth reading over and over again.

    4. These were some great tools to use as a writer. The nice thing about them is that they can work for content writers and other freelance writers as well. Thank you for sharing them!

    5. Hey Stefanie, How are you today?

      This is a very valuable post that I think many people can relate too. I have been blogging for only a matter of months now and sometimes I get very unproductive, damn facebook haha.

      We all need to find ways to be more productive and find more time for the things we need to do and there is some great information in this post to help with that! As, usual here at copyblogger, an excellent article but excellent writers!

      Have a great day!

      Shaun! 🙂

    6. Hi Stefanie,

      Thanks fo putting this together. There is a ton of advice about online writting it is hard to cut trough all the noise.

      I especially appreciate short sentences tips.

      It makes all the difference between easy to read posts and unusable wall of texts.

      You can see by my comment that I need a lot of help wit this :).


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