How smooth is your copy?
Is your writing powerful, seductive, and engaging? Can you move people to act, without having to give it a second thought?
Some people are like that. The naturals. They always know exactly what to say, and how to say it.
Lucky them.
The rest of us have to work at it. We have to study and figure it out, one hard-learned lesson at a time.
It’s just like dating and relationships — some people just “got it” straight out of the gate, and others needed more time to figure it out.
Here’s one for the non-naturals …
Some people are naturally smooth … and some aren’t
You know that guy (or gal) for whom it all seems to come so easily? They always know what to say and how and when.
I’m jealous of those people.
The rest of us mere mortals tend to flounder around a bit more before we find our groove. We have to work, and work hard, to figure things out. And it often takes a few tries.
That’s okay though, because we get better every time (practice makes perfect!), and every opportunity to try your “line” or your pitch is another opportunity to polish it.
But it can be a longer road, and it’s normal to feel a bit discouraged and start looking for shortcuts.
Enter the world of the pick-up artist
In the world of dating and relationships, the shortcuts are called “pick-up,” or the “art of seduction.”
There’s an entire body of literature dedicated to the subject, full of jargon like “compliance test,” “neg,” “bounce,” “DHV,” and plenty of others.
Do yourself the monumental favor of not looking them up.
These bits of jargon all refer to the ways and methods that can be used to manipulate someone into bed — for a one night stand.
The internet marketing world equivalent is promises of magical, instant, push-button profits through some loophole in Google or Facebook’s system that you should rush to exploit.
Never mind that the loopholes all close sooner or later — the real problem is that it’s the business equivalent of a one-night stand.
Do you want a bunch of one-night stands for customers?
I thought not.
True seduction isn’t about impulse buys or one-night stands
The opposite of pick-up artistry is the true seduction of Naked Marketing. This isn’t about one-night stands. Not by a long shot.
Naked Marketing is just the opposite — lining up all the right steps and factors to create a powerful attraction and desire that leads to a relationship that will last a long, long time.
We’re talking about the stuff of fairy tales and happy marriages, loyal customers and raving fans.
Something real that lasts forever, evolving over time.
And not morning-after regrets.
Start by being sexy
Just as with finding a mate, the first step in powerful Naked Marketing is to attract attention with a headline that is as sexy as you can make it.
Now, of course, there as many ways to be sexy as there are people to see you do it, so having a good idea of who you’re talking to and what they like is critical. Sexy doesn’t always mean “involving sex” — it just means whatever will be attractive to the person you’re trying to attract.
Remember that this is your first impression — the first exposure to you and your work for a brand new person, might eventually (if everything goes well) become a lifetime customer.
What that first impression should be is up to you and your customer. Maybe you’ll woo them with humor. Maybe you have something to teach them. Maybe you have a viewpoint they’ll be interested in, or an idea to share.
Example: Need more customers? Naked Marketing will find them, attract them, and lock them into profitable relationships for the long-term.
Whatever it is, it’s got to be something that will grab their attention on the very first try, and get them excited enough to listen for more. It also has to be something genuine — you can try to fake this, but you’ll fail.
Then create desire
Sexy headlines are just the beginning.
Once you’re past the initial attraction, you have to introduce real desire into the picture.
So how do you create that desire?
Not by just stripping down and asking for a sale, that’s for sure! (Unless maybe you’re Barney Stinson, that is …)
Across the board, there are a few things that make something desirable: it’s got to be interesting, it’s got to be attainable, and it’s got to be worth the trouble of getting it:
- Interesting means that that at a fundamental level, it will alleviate a pain that the person is experience, or create some kind of pleasure that they want but don’t currently have.
- Attainable means that if they like what they see enough to act on it, that action is actually within their means to take. The supermodels on the covers of magazines at the supermarket checkout might be awfully attractive, but that doesn’t mean they’re waiting for your call!
- Worth the trouble means that when all is said and done, the effort required to take that action is substantially less than the value of the outcome that they’re after.
Or on simple terms, it’s something that they want, and they can get it at an acceptable cost (in money, time, effort, etc.).
Example: The Naked Marketing Manifesto teaches marketing that really works in plain English, on small pages, and in large print. In other words, it’s a quick, easy read that just might change your life. Oh, and it’s a free download — no opt-in required.
The upshot for you is that whether you’re offering products, services, or anything in between, it’s got to be structured and packaged in a way that will be both interesting and attainable to your target customer.
If you do all of this and do it well, then they just might be thinking about getting naked, too.
Then make your move
So you’ve created intense desire with an offer that is interesting, attainable, and more than worth the trouble. So far so good, but you aren’t done yet!
Everything that you’ve done so far can be likened to a fantastic first date. You’ve gone out, gotten along, and the chemistry is just perfect. Then you reach the end of the evening, and you either lean in for that first kiss, or you chicken out and it all fizzles.
What’s the first kiss in a business relationship?
It could be an email opt-in, or it could be a purchase. It could be as simple as a social share, or as involved as jumping on the phone for a mentorship call.
The key is the commitment.
You work up the courage to ask for a commitment, and they make it. This is the call to action that every copywriter since the beginning of time has been telling you that you need. If you want somebody to do something, you’ve got to tell them exactly what you want, and how to do it.
Example: Click here to download my Naked Marketing Manifesto right now!
If you make an offer that they will truly desire, on terms they find acceptable, and ask them to make a commitment in so many words, then odds are that they’ll do exactly what you ask.
But that isn’t the end of the story — not if you’re looking for a serious relationship, that is …
There’s always a morning after!
It’s not enough to get someone to take an action — anyone can do that, and most people do. The last step in truly effective naked marketing is the morning after.
There’s nothing worse than waking up regretful, and you can make sure that your customers don’t experience buyer’s remorse by being mindful of the process you’re taking them through, and making sure they are as comfortable and happy with it as you are.
If you’ve done everything right, the morning after should be a wonderful time of celebration because your new customer is so ecstatic about their interaction with you — so much so that they can hardly wait for the next time.
And of course, that’s bound to be the case.
After all, you knew your customer well enough to get their attention with some genuine sexiness, and then created desire with an offer that is custom-tailored to make their heart beat faster. Then you asked for a commitment which they happily made, and you repeatedly exceeded their expectations and asked for a little bit more.
Sounds like true love to me.
So that’s it: Naked Marketing in a nutshell.
Now of course, there are more details. A whole manifesto full of them, in fact. And you can get it all for free — no opt-in required. Just tweet or share, and it’s yours.
Now over to you.
In this post, I used the metaphor of Naked Marketing to show you the steps that I follow in my marketing.
Does the metaphor work for you? Would you prefer another? Please leave a comment and let us know!
Reader Comments (36)
I picked up Danny’s ebook yesterday, and devoured it, cover to cover. I know I’ll be reading it over many more times as I get my marketing fine-tuned. Have also passed the link on to others.
I love this guy – his steps really are seductive attraction marketing at its best. Thanks, Danny!
Thank you so much for the kind words, Nicki, I really appreciate it!
I’d love for you to report back and let us know what you end up doing with the contents of the manifesto – would you share that with us?
I like it! I think some people are afraid to be sexy. They’re not comfortable expressing their authenticity for various reasons. When you’re starting a business, it’s beneficial to ‘toss out’ anything in your subconscious mind that’s helpful. You’re an adult — you can do what you want. Your business is yours to run no matter how you see fit. This includes marketing. I’ll use myself as an example. I had a boring, corporate looking writer website. That’s not who I am. In fact, I left the corporate world behind in 2004 to pursue graphic design. I’m a creative type and love everything from art to film making. My website, which is a part of my marketing strategy, needs to reflect my personality. Since I changed my website, I’ve had more interest from clients in the ‘communications’ industry, greeting card, and the arts & entertainment. Live and learn.
You’re absolutely right Amanda, personality needs to shine through. I checked out your website, and I really like the style – just a simple glance tells us so much about who you are and what you’re like to work with!
Danny, you really are everywhere, aren’t you? What a pleasant surprise!
I love the first date analogy. Excellent titles draw me in, but the articles have to be equally good or I’ll click away. I’m not saying it’s easy to draw readers’ attention and keep it every single time (in fact, I’d argue that it’s extremely hard), but we could all make a conscious effort to improve our “dating” skills!
I’m certainly everywhere when I’m launching something!
And you’re right, it is hard – that’s why we need these frameworks to help us get it right.
I enjoyed the “Naked Marketing Manifesto.”
Good stuff in there and I’m sure it’s going to help lots of people.
You know your stuff Danny and you do what you say you’re going to do…action speaks louder than words.
Good stuff,
Thanks, Jared, I appreciate it!
just finished reading this book and I can recommend it. It’s a breath of fresh air, and whether you’re new or old to marketing, we can all do with some reads like this
Matt (Turndog Millionaire)
Thanks, Matt, I really appreciate the kind words, and the share!
Hi Danny,
I love the metaphor! It strips down marketing to the bare essentials (there, I said it. All pun intended ; – ) I really connected with the “sexy” aspect of naked marketing. It reminded me of some sales techniques I adopted over some years designing high end AV systems for upscale New Yorkers that I’ve since applied to my writing to make it “sexier?” Here’s one:
Say you have a man and a woman renovating a Manhattan townhouse for many millions of dollars. Now they start thinking about the technology aspect of the project. You learn that he’s interested in the toys (the killer home theater, the big stereo, the sexy touch panels). She cringes at all of it, thinking only about all that unsightly, complicated equipment ruining her sleek, elegant new design.
So you forget about him for a moment. You focus on her and talk about things like lighting control and how you are going to eliminate that horrible bank of multiple light switches she sees on the plans all over her beautiful Venetian plaster walls and make them magically disappear into one simple, beautiful control switch. Presto! And how that one one very powerful, yet simple little switch is going to control her entire home with one button. Pure elegance! And sexy too!
And you top that off by telling her she won’t see one bit of his macho, beastly 9.2 THX Ultra surround sound theater with monster subwoofers. It’s all hidden away behind walls. Then you give your card and let them sleep on the idea. You don’t even have to talk to him. She’ll take care of everything when no one’s around.
It’s all about knowing your audience and giving great conversation before asking for the night cap. And everything you just told them is true! You can sleep at night without worrying about that uncomfortable morning after.
By the way, I just got your email invitation for the Naked Marketing Manifesto. Can’t wait to check it out!
Great post!
Hey Mark, this is a fantastic example – I really like the illustration of how sexy to one person isn’t sexy to another – you’re speaking to what matters most to each of the stakeholders, because you take the time to really understand what matters to them. Beautiful!
Thank you very much for sharing, and I look forward to hearing what you think of the manifesto!
Hey Danny,
I promise to give you feedback on the manifesto!
Thanks, Mark!
I think that these ‘natural’ talents are hard to find, especially in this age of digital clutter. I wonder if there’s an actual study showing a test on which exact words drive people to click on that buy button. Just curious, really. So, this is not a dating advice? I love the metaphor you have used here.. and those in business are still struggling with the art of seduction and creating desire where their target market is concerned. It makes me wonder if those who have successfully mastered this art turned out to have successful personal relationships as well.
Hey Shaleen, I think there’s definitely a correlation between success in business and personal relationships, because at the end of the day, we’re all people, regardless of the context that you’re in.
To answer your question, there’s tons of research into exactly what text will get people to click, but the trouble is that there’s a faulty assumption underlying it all, which is that there’s a single magic word that will always work. The truth is that it’s different for each and every audience, so you’ve got to take the time to really get to know yours and see what they’ll respond to best.
Hello Danny,
Downloaded the naked marketing manifesto eBook now by paying a tweet.
I really like the date analogy as well as the whole post. Thanks for sharing it. Now i’m going to read your manifesto…
Because after reading this post, I’m so excited to know what’s in Naked Marketing Manifesto.
Romy Singh
That’s awesome, Romy, I’m so glad to hear it! I’d love to hear what you think of the manifesto once you read through it!
Hi Danny,
Naked Marketing is maybe the best “short” explanation of how clever marketing works. And if someone doesn’t download it… Well, you just should download it
Great job, really.
But there was one thing I’ll disagree with, I’m sure you won’t mind
The part where you talk about when to sell features or benefits.
I’d put it like this, “Sell features when they automatically translate to benefits in your prospects’ mind.”
Maybe I misunderstood what you meant. But the calculator example is a case where the features translate to benefits, right? And that happens even if you don’t do it for them. Just as with a ruler; you want a ruler, because you need a straight line and you want to accomplish that with a ruler (as you said in our interview
), so you look for a ruler, not a straight line.
But what about a can of coke (one example in Naked Marketing)? I do believe you sell it with benefits, not features. Or would you sell it by telling the prospect, “It has 145% sugar, 0.5% natural substances, and it tastes a bit like oranges.”? No, you’d tell them, “You’ll feel refreshed and alive.” and you’d associate all the things they want with your coke, even if they have nothing to do with it. Or…?
Let me know what you think. Maybe this is (again) one of those things where we mean the same thing, but use different expressions
Hey Peter, thank you for the kind words, and the endorsement!
And of course I don’t mind disagreement – I like them! No, you didn’t misunderstand, and you’re bang on – we speak about features when your customer is looking for the features, because that’s the language they’re going to relate to best for understanding the benefits. Thank you for pointing that out, you’re absolutely right.
The coke is a bit different, though, because we’re mixing up brand and direct response marketing. When you’re advertising the Coca Cola brand, you talk about how it makes you feel refreshed and alive. When someone is at a supermarket getting a drink, though, they just care about the size and temperature of the can or bottle – that’s direct response, and at that point they want the features.
Does that make sense? What do you think? Do Brian or Sonia want to weigh in?
Okay, lets say you’re at the supermarket. You see two different bottles of cola: Coca Cola (which happens to be your favorite soft drink) and a new brand you’ve never heard of. The new brand’s bottle is slightly bigger than the Coca Cola bottle, it costs only half as much, and it’s cool unlike the Coca Cola bottle. Which one do you buy?
Sure, some people take the one that’s cool and cheaper, but I’m guessing most people buy the brand before the features (sure, the situation is different if you’re especially looking for a cool drink instead of a soft drink). Maybe I’m wrong. I’ll have to build a supermarket and A/B-test this. I’ll get back to you when I have the results…
Or do you disagree?
Hey Peter, I don’t disagree; I think we’re saying the same thing with different words.
At that point, they aren’t selling benefits; it’s just a can of Coke, versus a can of whatever. It’s the same thing as with selling features; they’ve gotten it to the point where people know what coke means, just like a tech expert knows what a 2 terabyte RAM system might be – the features translate directly to benefits in their minds.
Yup, that’s true; in a way Coke doesn’t even compete with its imitators. And yes, we’re talking about the same thing
Hi Danny,
Yes, the metaphor works for me. I also really like the way that you use Naked Marketing as the examples in the text. This makes your casual conversational tone even more powerful.
Best regards,
Cheeky biz toonist
Thanks, Robin, I’m glad to hear it! I’d love to hear what you think of the manifesto once you read through it, too!
@ Danny… Thank you for checking out my website! I’m happy with my website’s theme and found business cards to match it.
*I just realized I left out the word “not” the third sentence of my comment. Comment should read, “When you’re starting a business, it’s beneficial to ‘toss out’ anything in your subconscious mind that’s NOT helpful.” Oops!
I wonder if I could use my comment to show a potential client ‘raw’ typescript. Hmm….
Heh, I think that’s a great idea. Send them over!
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