This week on The Lede …
- The Ultimate Conversion Optimization Reading List
- The Tao of “No”
- Why We Share Content Online
- Agile Content Marketing: How to Grow an Audience that Grows Your Business
- The Perfect Marketing Strategy for Soap, Soda, and Startups
- The Marketer’s Guide to Google Plus
- Freedom Is Blogging In Your Underwear
Want to grab more useful links through the week? Follow @copyblogger on Twitter.
The Ultimate Conversion Optimization Reading List
Leave it to Mr. Eisenberg to provide a conversion resource that anyone in this business can benefit from. This is not merely a reading list, it’s a reading list compiled by a master of the craft that will provide you with a solid foundation in “the sciences and disciplines of web site optimization.”
Agile Content Marketing: How to Grow an Audience that Grows Your Business
If you’ve ever wondered what your content strategy has in common with the way stand-up comedians develop their acts, this one’s for you. Hint: it’s no joke.
The Tao of “No”
If you have a difficult time saying “no,” I suggest you say “yes” to the powerfully simple advice Ms. Heyward delivers in this article.
Why We Share Content Online
It’s possible to formulate reasonable conclusions as to why certain content gets spread around online through simple observation. In this article, Ms. Seiter commits to taking those conclusions even further … by naming them. Hint: it’s all about ourselves.
The Perfect Marketing Strategy for Soap, Soda, and Startups
Content marketing wasn’t invented yesterday. Try decades ago, before scrappy startups were publishing useful, relevant, entertaining content to the web — before there was a web. In his debut, Mr. Clark tells a fascinating story of a Depression-era company with a big marketing problem, and how they solved it.
The Marketer’s Guide to Google Plus
Don’t fear the hype. Google+ is (and will remain) an inevitable part of your content marketing strategy. Use this exceedingly useful post from Mr. Bulygo to setup, optimize, and benefit from a Google+ page for your product or service.
Freedom Is Blogging In Your Underwear
This is not a review (or even an endorsement) of Mr. MacLeod’s new book. I haven’t yet read it. It’s more an endorsement for much of what Mr. MacLeod has already done. You see, when I was struggling to figure out this online thing years ago, he was there for me, on his site, giving it all away. I’ve never met the man, but he’s still here, still delivering wisdom, strategy, and delight. So, if this “little love letter to the blogoshpere” is even half as good as what he’s done already, I’ll put my money down for it. If you make and publish content online, I think you should too.
Did you miss anything on Copyblogger this week?
- 5 Steps to Getting More Targeted Website Traffic with SEO Copywriting
- How Doctor Who Can Help You Craft a Timelessly Engaging Marketing Message
- The Most Effective (And Fun) Foundation for Your Business
- Four WordPress Themes for Building a Powerful Content Platform
- How to Discover Your Hidden Remarkable Benefit
About the Author: Robert Bruce is Copyblogger Media’s Chief Copywriter and Resident Recluse.
Reader Comments (8)
Great stuff, Robert.
I missed the Brian’s post on content marketing, so thanks for sharing that one. I am always looking to keep expanding my knowledge when it comes to content marketing so this was really fantastic stuff.
Have a great weekend, Robert.
Just bought Hugh MacLeod’s book. It’s a short, fun read and helps get you motivated to create.
As Hugh say’s “This is a book about freedom”. Enough said! Great book.
Robert, wonderful resources. That is the best guide I have seen regarding marketing you business on Google+. Thanks for the links.
Excellent post Robert!
Thanks for sharing!
Awesome post! Thanks very much for the links!
Robert, I love the headline for this post. Nice work.
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