Time for more quality links in the name of achieving good Link Karma, and a fun new game you can play from the comfort of your own home (details at the end of the post).
Here we go:
Jim Kukral and Dave Potokar have launched the newest “million” viral project, this one selling certificates claiming one of only a million Internet opportunities to be “really awesome” for a buck. It’s all done in a very fun, tongue and cheek manner that might just help it catch on, and the smart kids know to grab an upgraded page that allows for an outgoing link of your choice. Expect Andy Hagans to corner this market by next week.
Thinking Like a Blogger
Eric Mattson and Professor Nora Barnes of the University of Massachusetts (Author of Behind the Scenes in the Blogosphere) have recently started an academic research project to explore what makes blogging so unique. They’ve drafted a survey called “Thinking like a Blogger” to explore the dimensions of blogging that draw people to it, so feel free to add your two cents.
Product Blogging Series at Problogger
For the rare individual who does not read Darren Rowse’s Problogger, you might have missed the series of posts I did on product blogging while Darren took some time off.
- The Secret of Product Blogs That Sell
- Why This Blog Sells Tons of Ebooks (And How it Can Sell Even More)
- How to Sell Niche Products With Your Blog
- You Don’t Need a Product of Your Own to Have a Successful Product Blog
Danae Shell’s Knickers Blog
Another great product blog is produced by Copyblogger reader Danae Shell, and for those of you on the US side of the pond, “knickers” is referring to lingerie.
Go ahead, you know you want to click. And don’t worry, it’s not that risqué, but you can make your own call if you’re at work.
Sumo Urban Lounge Gear
Another Copyblogger reader sells these cool updated versions of the bean bag chair.
But where’s the blog, Andrew?
How to Use Craigslist to Increase Your Local Search Advertising
“Even though Craigslist doesn’t have the household brand name of eBay, it is a serious traffic source to consider. I myself have seen my ads placed in one city of Craigslist garner a traffic increase to my site of over 900%.”
If you have a product or service you’re selling, you’ll want to check out these Craigslist strategies.
10 Tips to Keep Visitors From a Digg, del.icio.us, Slashdot Traffic Boost
I’ve always said that traffic is not worth all that much unless it is meaningfully converted into subscribers or sales. This post from Jason Unger gives great suggestions on retaining visitors during traffic surges.
Jason, free headline tip: While it’s normally better to use simple words, in this case, “retain” would likely have worked better than “keep”. When quickly scanning the headline, what might the words “keep visitors from” register in the brain? Exclusion, which is the exact opposite connotation that you would want this headline to convey.
OK, here’s the fun part. First person in the comments to name the movie sequel that my post title makes reference to wins. The prize? The words “great job” appearing somewhere below that winning comment.
What… you were expecting a free iPod or something? Let’s be real.
Reader Comments (18)
Great point on the “keep” vs. “retain” headline. My first thought was “convert” but that didn’t seem straight forward enough.
BTW, movie sequel is Die Hard 2: Die Harder
Great job Jason! People, you’ve got to really be quick on your feet (or feed) to win the Link Karma “guess that movie reference” game.
I think I’m going to have to make these a bit tougher though.
I must admit I got lucky, since I got an email notification that you pingbacked to my blog post.
In any case, keep on keeping on.
Not fair! But I admit a great way to pull in visitors!
IMHO, too many links in that post there. I would bookmark the post and read it at leisure (read: on a weekend)
But then, that’s just an opinion.
Erm, you’ll see the words ‘Great post’ sometime later in the week from me, I guess. Or should I give them in advance here?
Yep, not fair. New rule — if you score a link in Link Karma, you’re not allowed to play the “guess that movie reference” game.
In that case, it’s from Die Hard 2: Die Harder
Now, prize me!
Uhhhh… OK, I meant for next time, but what the heck.
Great job, John!
Thanks for the link, Brian, you’re a star! We try to keep the risque to a bare minimum at Knickers as the focus is on lingerie information and shopping — my mom reads the site, so I can’t post anything too racy!
Can you tell I’ve been paying close attention to your headlines advice?
LOVE your stuff Brian!
Aw Shucks, Gosh, Golly Gee, Darn and all that stuff…
Missed again…
*snap fingers*
great links. i posted something a few days ago that has some other ideas on keeping visitors when they come from copyblogger, digg, etc…
Ahh, Noah… you’re not leaving anything for next time.
you are so cruel….my goal in life is to make it on your karma=)
One interesting note:
A friend and I created coolestmillion.com in May. We put it on the web, but we haven’t quite finished the design, so we haven’t fully publicized it yet. Our idea was simple: a one million person club, anyone can sign up for $1, we show the most recent people on the front page, we issue certificates of Coolness, and a few other features.
About a month later, AwesomeMillion.com has appeared with…some uncanny similarities to our site. (They did come up with the word “Awesome” on their own.)
I guess this is how competition works.
To the fellas over at AwesomeMillion.com – On the incomprehensible chance that your idea is actually as original as you claim it to be, congratulations. Either way, I wish you the best of luck.
: |
-Jeremy Chapman
Co-Founder, CoolestMillion.com
Hey Jeremy. Well, the web is a big place… I honestly had never heard of your site.
And I likely might never have heard of the Awesome site either if Jim hadn’t let me know about it.
There is something to be said for old-fashioned networking, I guess.
Good luck with Coolest Million.
Haha, wow, almost a year has passed since my whiny, immature comment a few up on this thread.
I can’t believe how differently I feel about it now. I think I was just frustrated at my own shortcomings in executing the coolestmillion site. Thank you for your response, Brian – you are so totally right. The internet is a huuuuge place, and I’ve developed an appreciation for that. I DO acknowledge the possibility that both sites are totally original, because it definitely is possible. I feel really bad for that last comment, but I guess it’s nice to see that I’ve grown a bit since then. I’ll get back to America in a couple months, and then maybe I’ll reawaken Coolest Million. Either way, the web is a big enough place for both sites to fill up and succeed.
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