What Could Happen if You Launch a Podcast in the Next 30 Days?

What Could Happen if You Launch a Podcast in the Next 30 Days?

Reader Comments (11)

  1. WOW!!! Well I’m fired up… You’re the real deal Jerod and I’m so glad I decided to take the course… Looking forward to the next 6 weeks, 18 months, and 5 yr time frames!

  2. Great article Jerod. I love the challenge and the future thinking of possibilities. I can vouch for the value of the Showrunner course. I couldn’t, no, let me say, I wouldn’t have started my podcast without the training and support of the community inside the Showrunner course. Keep up the funk.

    • Thank you Geoff! You’ve been such a great, valuable member of the course, and an inspiration for your determination and persistence to get your message out there.

  3. Nice way to bring perspective. I started my podcast recently, without hesitation. It’s been fun. I delivered relevant content to get it started and build momentum. Now, the content ideas are improving in quality and consistency. Let’s see how the end game plays out. 😉

  4. Thank you for your inspiring article on just getting on with the launch of a podcast! We’ve been planning our podcasts for the last 2 months, so action is the aim of the game here – we will be moving into action in the next few weeks. So exciting putting ideas together and wanting to share our message with the world – the internet certainly is a place where you can learn so much, so easily and for such a small investment! Cheers

  5. Hi Jerod,

    Very interested topic, few days ago it was a related post about this and I’m very excited about it. I am planning on jumping into the podcast world and all these heplful tips are going to make a huge impact to my cast. I would love to have my own radio show and help people at the same time, just thinking of it make me feel super excited.

    Learning in the process will be the real deal I don’t want to be an expert to do it because I will not do it, the classic excuse “I need more training before ….”. Facing some fears too, I don’t think I’m good to express myself live but with some training and experience I will defeat any obstacle.

    Do you think I would require some cool hardware to start with? Or I can do it with my poor microphone?

    Thanks for your content Jerod I truly appreciate 🙂


  6. Nice article.

    I also thinking about making some videos for my blog readers with some information, can you tell me about video is perfect or some podcasts?

    As I can record video and don’t know ABC of podcasting. Waiting for reply 🙂

    Thanks, Umer

  7. Thanks for this article. It’s a reinforcement of what I’ve known in my heart; I CAN do this!
    I’ll be launching my podcast in about 20 days, March 1 2016.
    Wish me luck 🙂

  8. Hi Jerod,

    Thank you for considering a problem that is being faced by a lot of people and converting it to step by step course. I would love to attend the course, But unfortunately I come from a part of the world where this is a huge sum. So maybe some other time but will definitely do join the course.


  9. I’ll echo a previous comment above in that ‘I’m fired up!’

    I’ve had several online businesses and still do, and I’ve NEVER podcasted.

    But that is going to change this year. I may do two different podcasts, in totally different niches.

    And…can’t wait to get started. Thanks for the good read!

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