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    Landing Page Makeover Clinic #16: Simplweb.com

    Landing Page Makeover Clinic #16: Simplweb.com

    Reader Comments (32)

    1. Thanks for the review Roberta!
      We’re hard at work implementing the ideas you have. One thing we want to make sure we can communicate effectively is that we have two different packages, basic Joomla websites and the more sophisticated, membership package.
      If anyone wants to see a sample of who is using Simplweb (apart from Brian), check out:

    2. Roberta,

      You put an incredible amount of effort into these makeovers. I appreciate it.
      Speaking of membership sites, I expect to see a Makeover Membership site from you soon! 🙂

    3. Hi Roberta,
      I love your insight! I like looking at websites through your eyes, and then using those lenses to critique new sites. These teach me which questions to ask…if that makes sense. Thanks!

    4. @Shane – thank you! I’ll add a makeover membership site to my list of things to do. (Great idea, btw 🙂

      @Brindey – that’s why I do these. So that folks can look at their work with a more critically constructive eye – and Heifer gets a few bucks, too. All good.

      @Barrie – looking forward to seeing your revision!

    5. As usual, Roberta, makes excellent points.

      Someone who has never built a website is going to feel a bit overwhelmed. When they land on the current page, which is heavy with text, it will increase this feeling. (I would be surprised if they don’t have a high bounce rate for this page.)

      Simplifying as much as possible will increase their conversion rate.

      This can be done by :
      Dropping the tagl ine beneath the logo.

      Change the headline from

      Simplweb Membership Sites


      “Create Your Own Membership Site”

      Make these 2 questions into bullet points and switch their order for clarity.

      Do you want to sell paid subscriptions to your website?
      Do you want to build an Online Community?

      -Build an Online Community
      -Offer subscriptions to your site

      Much of the current text can be presented on different pages after the user has digested the initial message of “Yes I can build my own website/community/newsletter using this software.”

    6. @Murray – you’re welcome to submit your page for a makeover here on Copyblogger if you’re not in a hurry and make a contribution to Heifer or you may contact me for a private consultation.

      @Keith – excellent points, thanks for sharing!

    7. Great analysis; thank you Roberta! I’ve been told many times by people who should know that an ironclad guarantee is the way to go. Yet I’ve held off for years. Not sure why; my services are very good. Maybe it’s time to bite the bullet. Best regards, P. 🙂

    8. Wow, a lot of excellent suggestions. Some of them were so simplistic. For instance I like the idea of an outstanding headline, you need to grab their attention and keep them interested long enough to make the sale. Why are they at your site? To make money – right?. So … show them what they need to do. Be straight forward.

    9. I think SimplWeb can make use of a configurator. The visitors may be too diverse. Rather than offering a separate path in the copy, a configurator allows faster and more accurate targeting.

    10. This is a very good primer on how to make a solid landing page. I gleaned a lot of useful info from this piece.

    11. Great post.

      I have one more point to add.

      If you’re going to go to all the trouble to get me on your site, don’t make it so damn easy for me to escape.

      Make links off your site open into a new window/tab.

      Take the example sites you list. They’re all beautiful websites with interesting content. I signed up for a couple of the “fly catchers” offered on those sites.

      But I get distracted.

      Real fast.

      After looking at those sites and getting a couple of clicks inside, I could forget all about you back there several clicks removed.

      Hitting the “Back” button more than once is just against my nature.

      Making your site stay in a window or tab helps me remember what I was looking for in the first place.

      When you get someone on your site – keep em there.

    12. That’s an interesting though Joe… I know some people look at it and say “stop trying to control my browser, if I want a new sindow I’ll ask for it”


    13. @Barrie – Yep, it can sometimes be annoying and not always appropriate. If I’m linking out to an affiliate offer that I hope will make me money, and I want my visitor to be in the best mood possible when they get there, I might stay in the same window.

      In your case, you just want them to see the great looking work you’ve done and come back to order from you. The best practice in this case would be to put a warning at the top of the section – “(links open in a new browser window)” – so nobody is surprised.

    14. This post led me to all of the tutorials that are available here at Copyblogger to create compelling landing pages. I´m in the process of rewriting the landing page for my ebook, “How to Be More Creative – A Handbook for Alchemists”, and I’ll be sure to read through these tutorials carefully for tips. Thank you for these!

    15. Good info thanks for sharing with us.Nice information, valuable and excellent, as share good stuff with good ideas and concepts, lots of great information and inspiration, both of which we all need, thanks for all the enthusiasm to offer such helpful information here…

    16. I agree with the point 4 that the visitor should be presented with the offer that is actually being sold. Instead of demos, use of videos is perfectly fine rather it gives grace and uniqueness to your site.

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