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    10 Surefire Ways to Land More Customers

    10 Surefire Ways to Land More Customers

    Reader Comments (51)

    1. Hi David, this is a fun article.

      I think #2 is important because a lot of online marketers spend more time on #3. The temptation to keep connecting with people who understand where you are coming from, has many swimming around trying to sell to each other instead of finding and engaging new customers.

      I think that is behind part of the “launch fatigue” many have experienced in the last few weeks.

      I see it in myself and am tweaking my focus to spend less time in freelance writing forums and more time in the forums where non-writers hang out. I need people who don’t compete with me to buy my services.

      What if coaches spent a little less time wooing each others’ lists and more time developing joint ventures with other niches entirely?

      Hmm, I need to find a way to work that.



    2. To explain my last comment or question suggestion I mean that you can also
      1. Follow up for monthly resells? Depending on the niche.
      2. And get customers who refer new customers.
      Again great article

    3. Hey David,

      This is a great article! I like #3, when I started my online marketing business. I was following the best individuals and purchased their materials. Because of that I’m able to accomplish what I’m doing today. This is a powerful strategy!

      Chat with you later…

    4. Ah, yeah Darren … I agree that should be part of “Forget catch and release,” or perhaps “Use Good Bait” is a more appropriate place to include referrals. Nothing better than a personal referral from a happy customer.

    5. I think treating your customers with respect and providing excellent customer support goes a long way to actually bring in referred customers… as long as you’re providing high value.

    6. Some people throw their fish back – this must be people like Seth Godin who make 0 direct funds from their blog. I guess the fish empathize so much they come tell their buddies and then the Seth Godin fishing boat comes (unmanned by him) and swoops up all the fish. 🙂

    7. Ross, Seth sells a lot of books thanks to his blog, and commands a rumored $100,000 fee for keynote speeches.

      Sometimes you’ve got to look deeper at how a blog is “monetized.” Seth’s no dummy.

    8. David,
      With the rapid pace of change marketing can be intimidating to those on the outside. Great article on breaking what you do down into layman’s terms and making it digestable to the non marketer.

    9. 6 and 9 are the big kickers. Way too often, budding small business owners will spend all of their time and effort trying to make the new, beloved sale, when they have a huge batch of free customers that have already done business with them. Repeat customers are what makes a business successful.

      When you partner up with someone, all with the goal of helping each other succeed, then you can really leverage each other’s lists, gathering new customers for both of you that you would never have otherwise.

      I like the fishing analogy. It’s really what marketing and copywriting is all about.

      -Joshua Black
      The Underdog Millionaire

    10. David: I was just contemplating your mention of #5 on how I could offer folks my products so they have to buy sooner or later, when I received the Copyblogger notice revealing this post.

      You’ve hit the nail on the head with this post and the timing was perfect.

    11. Enjoyed this article very much. Great read.

      Often times I wonder if I’m fishing in the wrong pond. Many of the people I meet say they can not afford my web design prices, and I’m at least a grand cheaper than most of my competitors who do the same level of work. I’m still trying to figure out where to fish. The low level networking groups aren’t cutting it.

      I really need to dive in and make sure I’m using the right bait and fishing in the right pond.

    12. “… the right fishing location can be the difference between a successful fishing trip and going hungry”

      A very important point.

    13. Getting discouraged is my main problem. I just work and work and rarely see the light. But I will not give up.

    14. David,

      When all else fails, go back to the basics! When I get caught up in strategies that don’t pan out, it’s usually because I didn’t take the time to analyze my market and apply what I know about consumer metamorphosis.

      Even if you’re not a fishing enthusiast, this post is great. For those of us who’ve spent many frustrating days whipping the water, it’s especially meaningful.

      Thanks for the reminders.

      Steve Benedict

    15. Great practical advice. #5 really stands out to me, “making an offer that’s so great it’s practically unfair”. Obviously you mean a offer or a product that really helps your customer and gives a solution and not building a fake value by adding infinite “$ Value” claims in your 10 pages long sales letter.

    16. I completely agree with #2–When a lot of my clients come to me they are discouraged with new media as a sales tool. Without understanding where their target market lives and plays, they’ve been casting their nets randomly and then are disappointed with the results yielded. It’s like shark fishing in a lake.

    17. @Tammi- you’re right. If you’re able to craft a blue ocean strategy and essentially create a new market through innovation and collaboration you can demand a premium for your product/service. The trick is to constantly improve, keep your ear to the crowd and innovate or else you’ll have copycat competitors over time that come into the game and under cut you on price…Changing your offer to more of a commodity and less niche.

      @Jeff / @Josh- Absolutely agree about harvesting the power of current customers…Top of mind awareness through remarketing and customer engagement is very important to help facilitate this because people get so busy in their daily lives and may neglect to think of your brand when it matters.

      @Bill- I’m glad my post helped out when you needed it! good luck

      @Will- Knowing how and where to fish for big budget fish is very important. Marketing to a small budget client making a purchasing decision often on price is much different than reaching a customer who sees your value and is willing to pay for it. You may like this guest post on my blog: http://davidbrim.org/know-your-worth/

      @Steve glad you enjoyed it…I bet you’ll think of it next time you’re hitting the water. Hopefully the principles will bring you lots of fish and customers!

      @Michelle- good points. Love the analogy about not understanding your customers and marketing in the wrong location: “It’s like shark fishing in a lake.”

      @All- Glad you guys liked the post. Thanks for the retweets, stumbles and comments!

    18. I enjoyed the fishing analogy – gonna have to keep that one in my back pocket.

      However, unlike fishing, Spam should NOT be used as bait in the business world. 🙂


    19. Appreciated the mix of practical and emotional points in this post. Amongst a sea of great points, I’m with Katie today – #8 about not getting discouraged sets my sails at this particular moment in time.

    20. Thanks for the excellent article; really concise and to-the-point on the important aspects of customers and leads.

    21. “Some days the fish just aren’t biting.”

      “Keep going and don’t get discouraged. Tomorrow’s the day you’ll get the big one.”

      What an excellent motivation for Internet Marketers!

      This is so true. And to compare it with a beautiful hobby like fishing, is really smart.

      It makes so much sense, some days the fish just don’t bite.

      Many people online get discouraged TOO quickly, and quit. They have no patience whatsoever. They want to make money in the first week after starting!

      I mean would you expect that in any OFFline business?

    22. Great tips and I love the analogy. Especially forgetting catch and release. If you are getting repeat business from a client, it means less work in sales and marketing AND it means you are doing something right for that client.

    23. Good work David, we are starting a blog. I hope we will be as successful as you. You definetley have the knack. Any tips from you will be worthwhile. Best wishes Peter

    24. Hi guys,

      David thanks for sharing your tips. My favorite one is #9 “Partner up to get a bigger catch.” This is so true, because no matter how hard you try it’s not easy to run a business by yourself. Thanks for sharing.

      Kind regards,

    25. Once you’ve caught the fish, you have to work hard to keep it from flipping out of your hands.
      Great post. Very interesting indeed.

    26. Great post! This article let’s me know I’m on the right track. The one big fish you land, make sure you love them to death! In enough time, landing the smaller ones will be a breeze.

    27. Fantastic article David, I also loved the analogy with fishing. I’ll have to think of that when times are tough.

      @Karl & @Katie marketing can be frustrating especially when getting started. Remember the key is persistence, which I often remind myself of before bouncing back on course. 🙂

    28. ok all this info is great and I love the fishing thing as I am a fisher person.
      I would love to know though how do you find out where your customers hang out. Some examples of ways to find a great fishing whole would be a bit more in depth to all this information.
      I do try to ask customers where they found me but most will not reply.
      This would give us a much better use of #4 using good bait. If you don’t know where to throw your bait there really is no point.

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