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    A Simple Story About the Power of Publishing Content on the Open Web

    A Simple Story About the Power of Publishing Content on the Open Web

    Reader Comments (38)

    1. Josh
      Congratulations on your book.
      I always think that if someone can cut the mustard, has the right sense of direction and the right connections, writes great stuff and keeps working hard at it then success is their destiny not merely a long shot.
      And too true, you really need that support from those that have been there, such as Brian and Sonia.

    2. It has been so cool to watch Josh’s story evolve, and doubly so to see how much success his book is seeing. Thanks for letting us run this update, Josh. 🙂

      • Thank you Sonia, and thank you to everyone reading this. I’m heading out for the first stop on the book tour in about ten minutes, so I don’t know when I’ll be able to check back in, but if any of you have questions, please email through the blog, or find me on Twitter and/or Facebook. Good luck to us all!

    3. Hi Josh,

      You have made into reality what every bloggers dream about – to write a best selling book someday. Congratulations. Your story is inspiring!

    4. ““Why not me?” Then put your head down, go to work, and keep marching forward.”
      I think we could all use that motto in our lives. There’s that motto about the harder you work the luckier you seem to get and I think it’s true. You have to be willing to keep plugging away and recognize opportunity when it comes your way.

    5. An inspirational thank you note. Congratulations on your success and much more to come! (Make sure you journal on all the new places, people and emotions you experience on your first book tour – would love to hear about it!)

    6. I bet you do have some groupies who are hiding in the stacks at your library, whispering and giggling (quietly) when you walk by, trying intently to get a glimpse of the book you’re carrying.

      This is a beautiful story you’ve told us about you and your book. How cool is it that a strong man-writer-librarian gets a nice long review in the New Yorker?

      Go, you- terrific, fantastic, admirable, inspiring job.

    7. What a great story, Josh. And big congrats on your success!

      It’s always the coolest thing in the world to see one more example get added to the heap of the seemingly impossible or highly improbable become a reality. It becomes a beacon for others to navigate by when all the usual fears and doubts creep in when we’re trying to accomplish that thing we really want to do.

      My own thank you to Brian & Sonia doesn’t look as grand (at the moment) as your success story. But I’m no less thankful to them for the awesome opportunity they gave me to write for Copyblogger and the many cool opportunities that have come about since.

      Really inspiring!

    8. Congratulations on your success, Josh. 🙂 You have a great story and thank you sincerely for being willing to share it with the rest of us. Have a great time on your book tour.

    9. This is amazing, Josh. I’m so happy for you and appreciate the story you shared. Every career is built on a bunch of blocks — hard work, fortune, perseverance, and yes, the help of good people. God bless and enjoy the tour!

    10. So awesome to hear about your book doing well Josh! Thank you for sharing.

      Maybe someday you’ll post some more details about the journey here?

    11. Way to go; good for you! I love how the Internet levels the playing field. If any of us have something interesting to say, there is a chance for us to be heard thanks to social media and content sharing. Bravo, I say, bravo!

    12. YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Huge inspiration to so many people. May you have great happiness and success in your life! : )

    13. Congrats on your book. In all my new ventures I try to keep my eyes down and work hard. Someday one of my idea will stick but working hard is the most important piece of the puzzle. Looks like you did things the right way!

    14. I’m about 1/3 of the way through the book, was able to read a nice chunk on my flight, and I’m loving it. A great story, told with style.

    15. Hi Josh,

      I have Tourettes too- I am going to get your book and read it. I am very curious to know how weightlifting helped, although I don’t intend to try it out myself;-)

      Thank goodness for understanding parents and teachers!

    16. Thanks for sharing, Josh. Nice bit of inspiration on Friday morning. Could you share a couple of your most useful learnings from testing?

    17. I love that you also work in one of the most beautiful libraries in the country. My family recently traveled around the country for a year, and we were amazed by the SLC library!


    18. I really think that more people would have more self belief about what they could achieve in book publishing if they just started out with something simple. I have only just published my very first book called “33 ways to make money online” and I did it through Createspace.

      Even though it is such a small book, and such a relatively simple book to create (it took me up to 10 hours a day for a week, but then maybe I am a slow writer!) it still counts as a stepping stone to writing the bigger books that I would like to one day publish that might just be regarded by many others as a true success.

      I would certainly recommend that anyone doubting there own skills start off small with a more basic project that does not feel outside their reach, and then just maybe one or two of use might achieve your fantastic result, at least to a certain degree anyway.

      By the way, I hope everyone continues to feel as inspired by this post a day or so after reading it, because no matter how motivated people feel when they first read this, when it really counts is when you are actually facing that blank notepad file awaiting your words!

    19. Josh,

      I really loved watching the video in this post and the fact that the heroes are your family and friends. Such a touching note with a whole lot of truth attached.

      Loved it.


    20. I just published my second book, “At the Crossing of Justice and Mercy.” My father’s death in 2010, my own age, “late 40s, and my resolve to leave a legacy for my 8-year-old daughter were all motivating factors in my blogging and writing journey. It’s very easy when we put our minds to it. That’s not to say there’s not a lot of work. I’ll continue to write for years to come. http://www.danerickson.net

    21. I have been following your work for some time. I have found your journey to be amazing. You are a good writer and it has been great to read your work.

      Slow and steady wins the race. And it is great that you found kindred spirits to help you reach your goal. A little nudge and a push and you are on your way. Congratulations for your commercial success too.

      Librarian: I am glad you have found your calling in life. Most people struggle to find what they are looking for, but you have found your ideal profession.
      That itself can be inspiring to a lot of people. Have a good one.

    22. Hi Josh, It’s nice to have a book published regardless if people are banging your door down for an autograph or not. I think it brings a sense of credibility in the niche you are in and gives your readers a glimpse into the fact that you really know what your talking about. Can’t hurt your resume either.

      Thanks for sharing!

      Elaine :))

    23. Josh, Just wanted to say thanks on building such a great fanbase here. Your write ups have given me the ability to more easily pick stuff apart so I can make things work better together.

      Take care and best wishes

      Your NEW fan

      Beth :))))

    24. Josh, you mailed it my friend. I have been stopping by reading and I finally wanted to make a comment to let you know how imressed I am with your writing style. You make complex topics easy to understand. The mark of a good writer.

      Thank you, Denny

    25. A simple story and good content always get more traffic on your website. I love book reading and writing new simple story content and publishing on new web.

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