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    Freelance Writers Share the Surprising Keys to Their Successful Careers

    Freelance Writers Share the Surprising Keys to Their Successful Careers

    Reader Comments (26)

    1. Pamela, This was helpful and led me a little closer to making a decision about what I want to do (write for income). Now, I think it’s just a matter of time and following the steps laid out. For the first time, today, I see professional writing as a possible and even probable reality for me. Thank you.

      • That’s so great to hear, Kathryn!

        I’m glad these three writers provided some inspiration: it’s always cool to hear real-life stories from those who’ve gone before us.

    2. It’s probably a good thing I can comment by typing but not by audio, or else you’d hear too many shouts of “amen!” from this corner. I edit content rather than creating it, but the journey from part-time scraping by to a viable business is much the same. And the quest to grow this thing never ends, but I still say it’s worth it.

      • “Amen” back atchya, Michael!

        I’m so happy to be able to bring these stories to our readers. Nothing like a dose of reality to inspire you to keep at it. 🙂

    3. I love reading the insights shared by the featured writers in this post. I’m always intrigued by how many different perspectives you can get with one simple question. And yes, it was super cool to be one of the featured writers in the post. 🙂 Thanks so much!

    4. As a long-time freelance writer, I’m familiar with the struggles writers go through daily to keep creating new and fresh content. The certified content marketer training sounds interesting and I will definitely check it out.

    5. Thank you so much for this article. I love seeing sucess stories from different writers – this encourages me to not give up on freelancing. Thanks again!

    6. Thanks to Pamela for including me in this article. And thanks for all of the terrific comments. I’m still a little amazed when people want to know my writing habits. But then I realize how much I learned from Terri and Mark’s comments. Writing must be a little like golf – one of those activities you never fully perfect – always looking for a new or better way of doing it.

    7. Can I share my experience too? I have been working as a freelance writer for over a decade now and I love my job, although it involves many challenges. I generally write about IT, my favourite topic is mobile app development. I do not have a blog, but I contribute to a lot of well-known website like Techcrunch and Mashable
      . Let’s go straight to the questions. What is my favourite type of client? I love to work for app developers. They are always very smart, funny and intelligent. The last team I worked for even helped me to design an app as a present for my fiancee. That was really nice.
      What writing habit has helped me the most? I practice automatic writing – it really helps me when I face a writer’s block.
      And the tips I will give to aspiring content marketers is to write. Write on any topic you see, take non-paid jobs, learn new things, read and read and read. Never stop improving!

    8. I’m not sure how you “vet” people but I’ve reached out to one of the featured professionals and didn’t get so much as an auto-responder e-mail saying “thanks for being in touch, I’ll be back to you soon.” Nothing. Nada. Not a very good first impression for someone looking for a copywriter

      • Sorry to hear that, Randy. Sometimes messages get caught in spam filters: I hope you’ll give it another try.

        We do check in with our Certified Content Marketers to confirm they’re still taking clients and we move them to a “Limited Availability” section if they aren’t.

    9. Great info.. as a writer you would like to think you are finding the right clients. I recently had to fire one as the work was not coming equal to what I was being paid (in this case nothing).. I have since learned the hard fact of never writing for free unless it is for me. Look forward to following your great content.

    10. Awesome article, Pamela. Thanks for sharing this; and to Lily too.

      How possible is it for anyone in Africa partake in the Certified Content Marketer course?

      • You can certainly participate: the course is all online so as long as you have internet access, you can follow along with the lessons.

        If you haven’t done so yet, please add your name to the interest list at the end of the post and we’ll let you know when the course opens up.

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