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    Try This to Find an Extra 30 Minutes to Write, Even on Your Busiest Days

    Try This to Find an Extra 30 Minutes to Write, Even on Your Busiest Days

    Reader Comments (11)

    1. Hi Stefanie,
      I often get delayed due to procrastination.
      I am not a professional writer, I am learning SEO and content marketing, that is the reason I have started writing from last month.
      Often due to lack of proper words or lack of energy I get delayed with my writing schedule.
      I am trying to improve my concentration to finish my writing on time. And I will follow your guide also to finish my work on time.

      Dipanjan Biswas

    2. Hello Stefanie!
      Really very interesting..
      Required writing works with or without the muse. Required writing works around the fear and through the judge. Required writing puts creativity in a pressure cooker which can and in the case of natures creativity does produce diamonds.

      Deadlines are life savers. Deadlines offer the structure that moves us toward our goal. Required writing and the Deadline we rebel against are the task masters we seem to require to get where we want to go — a page of words, a book — to have written.

      Problem. There is no required writing here. There are no deadlines. Like Mission Impossible you choose or choose not to enter into the “practice.” That practice begins simply, ” Write for fifteen minutes.” We either exercise our will and do it or we exercise our will and refuse to practice. Painfully simple.

      When we argue, it is ourselves we argue with. When we rebel, it is against what we believe to be our own best interest that we push against. The excuses we offer only further separates us from our desired goal.

      What my writing is and is going to be is up to me. Hold my hand if you will, but finally and eventuality it is mine to do.

      To write or not to write? I am alone with that question. I alone can produce the answer.

      So, there. That’s my fifteen minutes. Now I can go play.

      Thanks and regards
      Vishal Meena

    3. Dear Stefanie,

      Thanks for this one! I just recently had a hard time to make this differentiation too.

      Under great time pressure I tried to write an article. For two or three days I was just planning it in my head and outlined only 3 titles on my laptop.

      I know that planning and developing the idea is the core of writing, and it takes time and work. Even if this work is not countable by characters or by other measures. But for the 2-3 days when I was “just” thinking I often had to hush my thoughts whispering I was just procrastinating.


    4. Super post, Stefanie!

      I’ve always struggled with knocking out content in a timely manner, and to be honest I think it’s due to a lack of planning. I sort of just go into it blind. Going to give your suggestion a go of starting with brainstorming and then outlining the topics I wish to cover in the article. Wish me luck! Ha.

    5. Very insightful article. I’ve found that what works best for me is to separate writing and idea generation time. I use “dead time” – commuting, waiting in line, etc. – to brainstorm topic ideas and I keep them all in a scratch file.

      Before sitting down to write, I pick a topic from the list and write a quick bullet outline of the main points I want to hit. This approach takes away many of my key procrastinating excuses and allows me to stay focused and efficient.

    6. Great post. On the micro-procrastinating phenomenon, one thing I’ve found helpful is carving out smaller time slots for creative pursuits.

      If I’m setting aside four hours on a weekend to work on an article, chances are I’m not going to be working that entire time. But by compartmentalizing, I’m able to retain that creative energy and actually get more done.

      Also, the creative process has a lot of dissimilar steps; outlining is a different kind of creative energy than writing, or editing. Splitting these up, rather than doing them all within the same window, actually improves my writing overall.

    7. Great advice on avoiding micro-procrastination Stefanie.

      I am guilty of micro-procrastinating myself, but sometimes it helps to reset my brain so I can write unique content better.

      After 10 minutes it has the opposite effect, and my brain is in slacker mode.
      R.G. Ramsey

    8. Thanks for the great tips! I completely agree that waiting can be key to a successful writing process. I always make sure to write my content ahead of deadline so I have time to wait before editing it and making sure it’s as clear and error free as possible before sending it off for publication.

    9. Brilliant post! As I read through the content my mind kept going back to those many times when at the end of the day I wondered where the time went and why I did not manage to get much done in spite of spending almost all day at the computer. Now I have a name for it – micro procrastinating. More importantly, thanks to you, I now have a strategy on how to avoid it and get things done.

      Thank you for this very timely post.

    10. Hello Stefanie,
      That line about Micro-procrastination hit me, it hit me hard. For my conscience is shaken by the fact that I am doing the same mistake for the last 5 years or so, since I started writing professionally and under deadlines certainly.

      Now I have started to observe when my silly mind tricks me into taking those breaks that provide no added value to my life. I bet this happens with most of us but how frequently do we notice it and ponder upon what should be done as a remedy.

      As the saying goes “Every Second Counts” and we are talking in minutes here which can prove . We all waste so much of our time procrastinating, maybe even more than 30 minutes. So you probably know You are missing out on many priceless benefits in long run.

      Excellent point put up by Stefanie, Had to say a quick thanks to you for enlightening me. Appreciate your work.

      Thanks and Regards!

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