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    Do You Digg This Headline?

    Do You Digg This Headline?

    Reader Comments (41)

    1. Great post. I think that digg users in particular have problems writing good titles and descriptions. I’ve tried to submit stuff a few times only to find that it was already submitted with a bad title and description. So much for that article! If they are submitting something they surely want it to do well and having a good title and description is key to that.

      Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t have very good writing skills so it’s up to you to provide something good for them to copy and paste. You only get one chance on there so you better do what you can to make sure it’s a good one.

    2. Great post. I do have a question though, do you think the headline would have been as successful if it were simply “Stop Comment Spam Without Lifting a Finger”?

    3. Jason, typically I’ll always lead with “How to” if appropriate. You don’t fight what works, and “how to” works well.

    4. My mind is totally blown when I visit sites that are trying to attract traffic these days and the title is something like “SomeSite.com – Homepage” or even no title at all! Thing is, these pages still often make it high on del.icio.us, which is a place where page titles are even MORE important than Digg.

      I’m not worried though. If there are still a lot of people who suck at writing headlines, then that makes life easier for those of us who try, right?

    5. The headline or title of anything web-related is really important. Whether we’re talking about a blog post, an newsletter article, a podcast, or products or our free giveaways. Headlines are what entice people to stop long enough to read our copy.

    6. Very important post.

      Mastering writing headlines and opening lines is probably the most important copywriting skill you’ll ever learn.

      I wrote two in depth posts on this vital subject…

      Put simply my split testing shows that opening lines are becoming more and more important in getting your page visitors to read your content.

      Kindest regards,
      Andrew Cavanagh

    7. Good article! I was just reviewing the headline gospels of Eugene Schwartz and John Caples today… and this headline would almost certainly get their two thumbs!

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