I always forget to mention I’m speaking at a conference until sometime around the day before. To the extent some of you might want to know in advance (can’t imagine why), here’s where I’ll be speaking in the near future.
But first, I need your help getting one of those speaking gigs approved. Some really smart guys and I have applied to do a South by Southwest Interactive panel on brain science and psychological research as it applies to design and marketing (“neuromarketing”).
Check out the details here, and please vote for us so we get approved by the SXSW people. Thanks!
Okay, here’s my conference schedule:
October 1-3, 2009 Izeafest, Orlando, Florida – I’ll be talking about ways bloggers can build traffic at SeaWorld in Orlando. Darren Rowse was originally slotted for this talk, but he had to cancel due to travel conflicts. So they’ll have to settle for me.
October 15-17, 2009 BlogWorld & New Media Expo, Las Vegas, Nevada – BlogWorld has become an industry standard event, so just about everyone will be there. I’m doing a panel with Darren Rowse and Chris Brogan called “Internet Marketing for Smart People.” You can save on the fee if you sign up before September 14, and you can save an additional 20% by using this code when you register – COPYBLGRVIP.
November 5-6, 2009 Audience Conference, New York, New York – This one I’m really excited about, and I think it’s perfectly geared toward Copyblogger readers. Where else can you hear about audience engagement from people like me, Michael Arrington and Jason Calacanis, but also from digital poet Robert Bruce, alternative rock pioneer Mike Watt, and Dan Farber of CBS News (plus plenty more).
January 17-19, 2010 Affiliate Summit West, Las Vegas, Nevada – This will be my first ever keynote, which is pretty exciting. Even more exciting is that the other keynote presentation will be by Dr. Robert Cialdini, author of Influence: Science and Practice (1.5 million copies sold and one of only a few books every smart online marketer owns).
March 12-16, 2010 South by Southwest Interactive, Austin, Texas – For once I’m treating SXSW as more than Spring Break for the Internet. Check out our proposed panel and please vote for us (today is the last day!).
See you soon.
About the Author: Brian Clark is founder of Copyblogger and co-founder of DIY Themes, creator of the innovative Thesis Theme for WordPress. Get more from Brian on Twitter.
Reader Comments (17)
I will be at the Audience Conference look forward to meeting you.
Okay maybe I’m being daft but how do we find you to vote for you. The ‘Vote for Us’ brings up a massive list and I can’t find you on there.
What’s the best search words to use to find you?
He will be speaking at the DFW SEM September 16 at Richardson’s Renaissance Hotel. Go to http://www.dfwsem.org for details.
When are coming to London?
Perhaps I’m being a bit anal, but since this is a blog about good writing, I can’t let this pass without comment. “Me and some really smart guys…” should be “Some really smart guys and I…”
@Karen, when you click on the “check on the details here,” it brings you to a page that has a VOTE FOR US link at the top. Click on that and you’ll be prompted to either login or create an account.
Really hope the panel goes through, I’d love to hear it!
When will you visit New York??
But what if I don’t want to build traffic at Seaworld?
Sorry. Couldn’t resist.
Gail, I was trying to be laid back and conversational with this post. But even my wife hassled me about the me and I sentence, so I changed it. 😉
Brian – Looking forward to finally meeting you in person in Vegas (and interviewing you!). – Mike
Gail – you are being very anal. But I for one find grammar grannies very sexy. (even though if we’re being honest, an extra trailing dot in your correction would probably have been better form – and added a nice little bit of extra oomph to commemorate your catch)
But it’s the thought (and effort) that counts. Keep up the good work.
You’re like a bookstore Brian… Fully booked. lol 😀
you are being very anal
Just noticed that the Audience Event ticket sale has ended. I would have loved to attend. Hopefully you will share some highlights afterward. Unless of course you can pull a string for a faithful fan & reader. ; )
Dena, the ticket page for Audience was incorrect, there are still tickets available.
The Izeafest talk looks promising.
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