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    The Tao of Online Marketing

    The Tao of Online Marketing

    Reader Comments (43)

    1. So true and powerful, like usual — especially the “Wue Wei” part. I find the most popular articles I’ve written are the ones that said what everyone was wanting to say. The “fist pump” factor seems to be the easiest emotion for me to tap into.

    2. Just this morning I shared with an associate how a social media marketing strategy must rely on the long-term benefits of building relationships instead of the short-term gain on making a sale. You said it very well-and added a new age spin that appeals to many progressive thinkers. Thanks for telling this story in a new way!

    3. Damn fine post, my friend. I’ll not only Tweet it, I’ll promote it, because it’s what others say about you that really counts…or is it?

    4. Wonderful Brian.

      I can’t stand self promotion. Not necessarily when others do it, but it makes me uncomfortable nearly every time when my own promotion is pouring from my mouth. I don’t like asking for things or tooting my own horn.

      When I first started out, I did care about what I considered authentic and felt as though if I worked hard enough, I would slowly gather the audience that fit. Well, it didn’t really work that way. Now with several sites, I’ve found that each audience is indeed unique with their own set of expectations. Catering to those expectations is what gets readers not only returning, but responding as well.

      Wu Wei.

    5. Ha, I love when Brian goes all countercultural on us.

      This is really good. Rest assured I’ll steal it in six months and forget to credit you.

    6. Nice article, but the market swings so quickly and so decisively, the lead time to deliver anything these days becomes so contracted… deliver the best you can when required. Waiting for the perfect moment or market conditions may never arise.


    7. Brian-

      Well done! For many of us, we have to get out there and ‘do it’ learning along the way… hoping our mistakes aren’t too costly. You provide some useful, actionable suggestions here, thanks!

    8. The part on humility is an important reminder for both the born salesman and his/her more modest colleague.

    9. Dear Brian

      Last night, i kid you not, i was reading from the Lao Tzu (aka Tao Te Ching). I was compelled to pull it out and read a couple paragraphs for a friend. Today, i choose this one for you:

      “The way is for ever nameless.
      Though the uncarved block is small
      No one in the world dare claim its allegiance.
      Should lords and princes be able to hold fast to it
      The myriad creatures will submit of their own accord,
      Heaven and earth will unite and sweet dew will fall,
      And the people will be equitable, though no one so decrees.
      Only when it is cut are there names.
      As soon as there are names
      One ought to know that it is time to stop.
      Knowing when to stop one can be free from danger.
      The way is to the world as the River and the Sea are to rivulets and streams.”

      I think your post is remarkable in that it touches on some of the fundamental principles of existence in order to convey a few simple truths about effective marketing, and the power of being in tune with your audience or market. It seems the key message here, as also conveyed in the passage above, is that the synchronicity with your goals and the needs of your market is something that cannot be feigned or even 100% defined. Rather, it is something you innately understand due to your involvement, passion and commitment to your path.

      Although certain principles of marketing remain consistent and effective, i believe that is due to the fundamental laws of human nature they evoke and convey. The more we can understand those forces in ourselves, and the more we can stay true to that in ourselves, the more effective we will be as human beings in alignment with our “purpose” and the resonance of that in the world by way of service, product, offering, blog, etc..

    10. Brian, I think this is one of your best articles yet – succinct yet it really covers it. Everybody thinks online marketing (or marketing in general) just involves setting up a bunch of crap online and watching the money roll in, but besides effort you need to be sincere and genuine! I don’t know why so many people miss that part of it. Again, great article – reminds me why I follow this site!

    11. I have been receiving your daily postings for several weeks, and am impressed with your consistent insight and information.

      My wife and I work hard to develop long term relationships with clients as well as stronger market position. In just a few weeks, I have found myself using your tools and suggestions.

      Thank you – Tom

    12. Ah, so — such sound advice.

      You seem aware that many of us readers are at odds with creating genuine content that not only reflects our inner genius but also commands market attention. I guess that’s why we keep listening to you.

    13. I agree totally with your post when it comes to conventional marketing. My exception comes when you are attempting to communicate a truth. Cognitive dissonance takes over and “blanks” out your messages. It takes extreme creativity to capture attention and then you have to combat decades of preconditioning. Try and ask anyone, “Who discovered America?”. They sure as hell won’t appreciate any facts that indicate it was discovered and settled in 983 A.D.

    14. Had to laugh when I read the part, “Do that, and let the other guy take the bullet for you”. Tao? Not so much. Funny? Yes, but would have been funnier if it happened to be under the compassion heading!

      Great post. Particularly agree with, “Becoming harmonious with your market makes the salesperson disappear”.

    15. sigh
      A timely reminder that it’s not about me. No wonder my clients have frustrated me so much lately! More compassion and humility required.

      Thanks Brian. Just the kick up the bum I needed today.

    16. A fantastic spin on what is a topic getting so much airplay right now.

      Social media + marketing = MEkerting

      This is inspiring me write a whole post – the Tao of Mekerting! It fits perfectly with the reminder to companies that it is about wu wei, the harmony of being, of stopping to try to push the mine-mine-mine of traditional marketing to the you-us-we of MEkerting.

    17. Great post. I think it’s given everyone an insight into their writing and it’s posts like these that make you reevaluate what and how you write. Thanks.

    18. Brilliant. I never thought of using Taoism in Online Marketing. Everything seems to be in line with what true marketing is about. We should never forget that Marketing is Outside-in approach, and hence Wu Wei is very applicable in this sense. Tell a story that they want to hear and not the story you want to tell them.
      That’s Marketing!

    19. Great post, don’t forget persistence.It is to know and listen to your readers that make you succeed, not on how many traffic per day you have which is still in doubt.

    20. Brian-san, domo arigato.

      Thank you for your thoughtful input.

      There is no difference between Tao’s world and that of marketing!

      Tao should work anywhere.

      We Wei (“mu i” in Japanese) works by Hsuan Pi (“gen pi” in Japanese / Roughly translated “Dark Depth Female” in English).

      Thanks a lot.


    21. I will admit I am not familiar with Tao-ism, but I did enjoy what you wrote. I like the idea of telling your audience (future customers) what they want to hear vs. what you want to say. I think this is a skill that can be honed if you take YOU out of the picture and be open to the what the other person is saying and the other subtle cues and innuendos. I too like the idea of modesty and moderation. I think both qualities can make a person likable and more trustworthy. When I met my husband he was humble as humble pie … and I bought what he was selling. 😉


    22. The Tao that can be blogged is not the true Tao.

      Brian you kill me. I can never tell when you’re trying to be funny, but that line made me laugh out loud at work. I’ve read the Tao Te Ching a bunch of times and that first line is seared into my memory. To see you relate it to blogging in such a blunt way that probably flew over a lot of people’s heads is gold.

      Keep up the good work.

    23. “Some people view selling stuff online as an exercise in “us against them.” The best salespeople, however, genuinely make people feel that we’re all in this together.”

      another post on this site says “attack the enemy”

      there’s lots of great stuff on here, but the contradicting viewpoints make my head spin…

    24. Patrick, the harmony I speak of is between you and those most likely to be your customers… not the entire world. If you try to please everyone, you please no one.

      So, “all in this together” means you and your market, not others. Truly harmonious marketing must be exclusionary of outsiders by definition.

      So, don’t view your prospects as the enemy you’re trying to beat. Share the same enemy with your prospects.

      Also, keep in mind that the “enemy” isn’t always a specific person or company. It can be cellulite, or procrastination, or bureaucracy.

      “Attack the enemy” simply means you have empathy with your market. You feel their pain and oppose the same things.

      See… not so contradicting after all. 🙂

    25. On the contrary, I love being sold to. It is the seller’s belief in their product that makes me buy it. Yes, it has to fit my needs, but I don’t want people trying to find out what my needs are. I want them to sell me the benefits of their product. If they can do that successfully, I’ll see if it fits my needs. Stop trying to get all my data, and focus on making your product the best it can be.

    26. “Some people view selling stuff online as an exercise in “us against them.” The best salespeople, however, genuinely make people feel that we’re all in this together.

      This is so true. Well Done!

    27. I’m a little late in the game of reading this article, but I found it very spot on even in the present. It’s too bad even though you wrote this almost a year ago, there are still bloggers who still haven’t quite followed the message. Thanks for writing this.

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